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04 Oct 2022

American Cultural Aspects for Business

Course material - 11 pages - Modern history

America has been created from the East to the West. The West is a concept in history, for an American it is often associated with the idea of frontier. In the 19th century St-Louis (Missouri) was considered as the gate way to the West, when people went to the West they went directly to...

10 Jun 2023

Places and forms of power

Essay - 1 pages - Political science

In this notion we talk about the violence of some people and guns with laws which guns gone and the NRA. First, we can say that the 5th Amendment authorized keeping guns. All are beginning on 1776 July 4th with the Independence Day from UK, then there is the Constitution on 1789 and to...

09 Jan 2009

Faithless: Attack on God-Loving people who attack each other

Thesis - 7 pages - Journalism

A 2006 Gallup poll found 92 percent of Americans surveyed could be classified as those who believe in God, 4 percent are not sure, while only 3 percent are convinced that God does not exist (Newport, 2006b). The wide consensus, however, stops there. Gallup polling further revealed that 40...

23 Apr 2023

Cheating at school

Essay - 3 pages - Educational studies

If there is a phenomenon that is growing more and more in the school field, it is, of course, the phenomenon of cheating. Indeed, cheating is a widespread and ancient practice in teaching and learning environments. What is cheating? What are the causes of this practice and the motivations of...

12 Jun 2024

In the European Union, how can the current generation gap be bridged?

Essay - 4 pages - European union

The generation gap is not exclusive to our time. In fact, this phenomenon has been documented in literature since antiquity. In each generation, an arbitrary label is given to each side, but the deepest essence of the gap remains the same: economic, social, and political divergence of points of...

15 Jan 2009

The integration of immigrant people

Essay - 4 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Canada is the second multicultural country in the world after Australia. According to Statistics Canada (2001), 18.4% of the total population in Canada was born outside the country (Caidi, N., & Allard, D. 2005). Many cultures are therefore in contact under the roof of the Canadian nationality....

10 May 2021

The changing place of women in sport

Essay - 1 pages - Sociology & social sciences

The status of women in sport has always been debated. Often sidelined, they are also discriminated, which annoys sportswomen and offers little hope for future generations. Forty years after Billie Jean King's famous ‘Battle of the Sexes', an article published in 2015 for the online...

08 Oct 2015

Cognitive Development Perspectives of Jean Piaget and Lev Vygotsky

Essay - 5 pages - Psychology

Teacher preparation with regard to teaching students is a very sensitive issue and there is need to consider the cognitive development perspectives of Jean Piaget and Lev Vygotsky. These two theorists provide different perspectives about young children's learning patterns, but they both...

29 Oct 2024

Audra McDonald: A Trailblazer in American Musical Theatre

Biography - 4 pages - Music and dance

Audra McDonald's illustrious career in American musical theatre has solidified her status as a beacon of talent and creativity among BIPOC artists. Her beautiful voice, which reveals a breathtaking vocal spectrum and true mastery of emotions, was awarded the unthinkable six Tony Awards for...

16 Dec 2024

Long-Term Implications for Women's Health and Privacy Now That Roe V. Wade Has Been Overturned

Essay - 2 pages - Constitutional law

The Supreme Court of the United States overturned Roe v Wade on the twenty-fourth of June 2022, revoking the basic rights to privacy and legal and safe abortion care. The majority of the medical and mental practitioners were disappointed by the court's decision as the judge's ruling was...

04 Mar 2021

The evolution of communist China from 1921

Essay - 2 pages - Modern history

China has always been a vast and powerful empire, but when the 20th century opens, this country is only a shadow of itself. The first half of the 20th century placed China under foreign domination and civil wars, leading to growing discontent among the population which configured the country for...

23 Oct 2024

Cervical Cell Carcinoma

Case study - 5 pages - Medical studies

Lasting HPV (Human Papillomavirus) are known to cause more than 99% of all cervical cancers. Approximately 500,000 new cases of cervical cancer and 250,000 deaths due to cervical cancer are recorded every year worldwide. Majority of the cases (80%) are reported in developing countries. Women from...

29 Oct 2024

Do the Right Thing - Spike Lee (1989) - Examining Race Relations in American Culture

Artwork commentary - 3 pages - Sociology & social sciences

As the sizzling heat of Brooklyn summer sets in, Lee's 1989 hit film, "Do the Right Thing," approaches simmering disputes and clashes of culture that arrived and were boiling. Floating in the background, it becomes a formidable formula that helps to see the race relationships of the late 80s...

15 Sep 2023

Introduction to British Civilization

Course material - 9 pages - Modern history

In this lecture, we'll be looking at some of the key dates in the history of the UK and looking at recent events that have illustrated the fragility of British nationhood and identity and the very real possibility of the UK as we know it today no longer existing in its present state.

09 Dec 2024

Why should high school graduates take a gap year?

Essay - 3 pages - Educational studies

The gap year is a year where students don't just learn about the world but actively shape their place within it. « A gap year is a wonderful opportunity for young people to take a year to follow a passion before attending college, » said Avis Hinkson, dean of Barnard College in...

28 Sep 2016

Genocide and mass killings in the 20th century

Essay - 6 pages - Modern history

In August of 1939, Adolf Hitler addressed his commanders with the words, "Thus for the time being I have sent to the East only my 'Death's Head Units' with the orders to kill without pity or mercy all men, women, and children of Polish race or language. Only in such a way will we win...

22 Apr 2024

The place of youth in American cinema

Dissertation - 1 pages - Film studies

The idea here is to present youth as a generation, between the ages of 17 and 28, with a certain margin of freedom. Indeed, young people are those who don't work, or who have just started working, and who don't necessarily have enough income or a place in society. As a...

29 Sep 2010

Advertissement Analysis 'Dark Dog '

Case study - 1 pages - Management

This document is based on the 2007 advertising campaign for ‘Dark Dog', a Guarana-based energy drink . The campaign was designed to boost product sales on ac-count of dynamic positioning. In its promotion, the brand chooses a funny picture with a young man as the main character. The...

03 Mar 2011

Hermes and the development of the product "the Amazon "

Case study - 10 pages - Services marketing

The problem posed here is: how did the Amazon evolve and promote product development to increase sales? To address this problem, we'll explore: - the opportunities and threats to the environment, strengths and weaknesses of Amazon, the targets chosen and positioning, and the adaptation of the...

19 Nov 2010

The Cause of Samuel Death in Grace Paley's "Samuel"

Book review - 2 pages - Literature

The death of the young boy in Grace Paley's “Samuel” was caused by irresponsible behavior, not by the repetitive interference of the passengers in the games of young people. The brave men in the train did not convey a message of absolute disapproval towards the...

21 Nov 2014

Early Adulthood Life

Case study - 6 pages - Educational studies

Early adulthood focus brings one to the realm of reality by revealing the day-to-day responsibilities and burden befalling members in this category of their personal life. In practice, every individual yearns for the betterment of the present situation in which one is raised. For instance, many...

15 Jan 2009

The impact of television advertisement on children

Essay - 4 pages - Social, moral & civic education

The average child is exposed to more than 40,000 television commercials a year. My focus is devoted primarily to the examination of television advertising for three reasons. Firstly, marketers who seek children for commercial purposes rely primarily on television because it is the easiest and...

07 Jul 2009

Prevention, treatment and punishment of youth gangs

Thesis - 10 pages - Social, moral & civic education

The prevalence of youth gangs is steadily increasing in the United States, with increased gang involvement and violence creating serious implications for both the adolescent population and communities as a whole. An article entitled “Childhood Risk Factors for Adolescent Gang...

09 Nov 2007

Bowerman and the Men of Oregon

Essay - 5 pages - Sports

A coach by the name of Bill Bowerman sets out to change the lives of many young college students through their abilities in track and field. Bowerman, a famous coach from the University of Oregon not only coaches Olympians but prepares them for the real world after college. He is also the...

20 Feb 2009

Re-entry programs for juveniles: Suggestions for improving rehabilitative efforts and including juveniles in the community

Essay - 15 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Children who have spent time committed in juvenile facilities need assistance with returning to their communities. In collaboration with various educational institutions and other non-profit organizations, the Massachusetts Department of Youth Services, has created a number of community re-entry...

23 Mar 2009

Discussing and analyzing Restorative Justice: Victims' rights and the future

Thesis - 6 pages - Other law subjects

Restorative justice has become mainstream following the establishment of youth offender panels last year under the Youth Justice and Criminal Evidence Act 1999. It is no longer just another possible option available in some places at various points in the criminal justice process. However, there...

18 Aug 2014

Substance abuse in the media

Case study - 4 pages - Journalism

Differing from the traditional advertising, the depictions from the media regarding the legal drugs do not invite any criticism since they are regarded to be positive and not as an advert. The outcome portrays mixed messages to young people about these substances, significantly...

27 Apr 2009

Resist drug abuse

Thesis - 9 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Resist Drug: it is learned that often, young people and adolescents are introduced to drugs by friends or people they admire. In adolescence, the influence of peers is very strong. Thus, for "being in the loop" to be "cool", they commit acts that they would not have committed...

28 Jun 2010

The golden rules for an internship

Course material - 3 pages - Human resources

Through electing to do so or mandatorily, a company is obliged to accommodate young people to enable them to complete their theoretical training. The intern is not an employee. To avoid confusion, the employer must ensure that the cooperation of the student is not reclassified as a...

04 Jan 2011

Critical analysis: Apple's publicity for iPod and iTunes

Case study - 4 pages - Business strategy

The iPod has the capability to store a large amount of music files that it can play with an excellent sound quality (in MP3 format). It satisfies people's demand for downloading music over the Internet and transferring to a product type "player" so that they can listen to it anywhere...