The Riddle of the Zoot: Malcolm Little and Black Cultural Politics during World War II, Robin Davis Gibran Kelley
Book review - 3 pages - Modern history
Robin Davis Gibran Kelley (born in 1962) is a professor of American Studies & Ethnicity at the University of Southern California. In his essay 'The Riddle of the Zoot-Malcolm Little and Black Cultural Politics during World War II', he analyzed how Malcolm's youth as a...
The US-Soviet conflicts in World War II
Essay - 1 pages - Modern history
There were many conflicts between the U.S. and the USSR during World War II as the alliance between the two countries was held together only by their common desire to defeat Germany and Japan, not by any common ideology. A new conflict arose from the question of security. At the...
America and the First World War
Thesis - 3 pages - Modern history
The First World War was a tragedy that America entered under false pretenses and exited with lasting wounds. America's involvement was encouraged by those who had the least to lose from the war: industrialists, politicians, and journalists. Their efforts were crucial in...
World war I: Timeline
Time lines - 20 pages - Modern history
World War I, also known as the First World War, the Great War, the War of the Nations and the War to End All Wars, was a world conflict lasting from 1914 C.E. to 1919 C.E. Germany, Austria-Hungary and Turkey, called the Central Powers...
Japanese Canadians, the Second World War and Canada's mistreatment of these ethnic minorities
Thesis - 5 pages - Political science
Following the bombing, by Japan, of the American naval base at Pearl Harbor on 7 December 1941, the life of Japanese, both immigrants and Canadian nationals in Canada, drastically changed. Well documented are the horrific, slave-like conditions many Japanese immigrants were forced to endure in...
What to call the genocides of the Second World War and why?
Essay - 8 pages - Modern history
Historians are not always trustful guides when we have to reconstitute past. Those words, of Lucy DAWIDOWICZ -an American historian who wrote quite a lot of books about the historiography of genocides- directly aimed at criticizing historians of genocides, who treated the murder by...
Being a Jew after World War II: What it means to be Jewish in America today
Essay - 7 pages - Sociology & social sciences
Judaism as an identity has become a different concept than Judaism as a religion. Skepticism has formed as a result of advances in science and industrialization, and religion has changed. Judaism is unique in its definition of what makes one Jewish: rather than being based on belief and practice,...
In what specific senses might nationalism be considered one of the causes of the First World War?
Thesis - 5 pages - Modern history
Since the beginning of the XIX° century, Europe had known a series of crises, due to serious issues which were causing mounting friction amongst the Powers. Nonetheless, at the beginning of 1914 Europe seemed to be at peace, and the international relations between European countries seemed less...
What were the major impacts of World War One on British society?
Thesis - 6 pages - Modern history
One could argue that World War One did not have a huge impact on British society compared to the Second World War. However, the conflict was soon called the Great War' in Britain, and it was the first time that the whole society was involved in the...
Churchill & Roosevelt during the Second World War: The Special Relationship
Essay - 9 pages - International relations
The 7 December 1941, Japan attacked the American fleet in Pearl Harbor. From then on, the war is no more only European but officially global. The next day, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, president of the United States, declared war on Japan. With the coming into play of the American...
Responses to World War I in European culture: "A very long engagement"
Thesis - 7 pages - International relations
War and love could be said to be polar opposites. However, in the film A Very Long Engagement (2004) by French director Jean-Pierre Jeunet, the two intertwine, as the main character, Mathilde, a young woman with polio, begins a search for her lost love, a French soldier who was sent...
Bulgarian, Romanian and Hungarian involvement in the Second World War
Thesis - 5 pages - Modern history
The Second World War is commonly misconstrued as an ongoing altercation perpetrated by the singular vision of a power-hungry maniac. Yet to assign accountability to Hitler himself is to ignore the conspiratorial actions of the Nazi's minor allies, whose participation in the...
Iconic aircraft's of World War II
Thesis - 4 pages - Modern history
We live in an age where flying at the speed of sound in jet-powered aircraft's is a very ordinary thing. It's a rush, an experience but still very common. But we must not forget how we got here or the machines and people that laid the foundations for today's fighter aircraft's. One of the...
The Red Maestro: Leopold Trepper and the Communist European Spy Network of World War II
Essay - 11 pages - Modern history
There was obviously a good amount of rhyme and reason to the Nazi Abwehr's technical jargon. Each codename had its own justification, and worked fairly well on a metaphorical level. From calling forgers cobblers (due to the amount of overlap between shoemaking tools and forging...
Impact of World War I on the American home front
Essay - 8 pages - Modern history
The First World War (WWI), the Great War that ended all wars initiated by the Allied and Associated Powers based on the opposition to the Central Powers of Austria-Hungry, Bulgaria, Germany, and the Ottoman Empire was the most destructive and by the most costly to the...
How did the first world war affect the status of women?
Essay - 10 pages - Modern history
The First World War is one of the first conflicts, which called for the participation, and mobilization of all people, fighters as much as non-fighters. So, at the announcement of the war, men and women are going to answer present. The society and the economy of every country...
Why did communism become established in Eastern Europe after the Second World War? - published: 15/01/2009
Essay - 7 pages - Modern history
On the 25th of April 1945, shortly before the official end of the Second World War, American and Soviet soldiers meet at the Elbe river. But to reach the Elbe river, the Russian troops had to come all the way across Europe, and so across Eastern Europe. By the end of the same year,...
Rosie the Riveter: Teaching High School Students about Women in World War II
Essay - 4 pages - Modern history
As men enlisted in the armed services, and the need for more ships, and guns, and war supplies grew, the government focused on the recruitment of women to fill those jobs left open by men. The War Production Coordinating Committee commissioned artist, J. Howard Miller to create one...
How imperial Asian activity contributed to the causes of the First World War
Essay - 7 pages - Modern history
Imperialism is the policy of expanding national territory and influence. Throughout the nineteenth century Europe immersed itself in an embroiled colonial race that caused rivalries and friendships that were forever altering with every move. Central and eastern Asia was an area of particular...
Does the origins of the Cold War lie in the politics of the Second World War?
Essay - 4 pages - International relations
Although the first half of the twentieth century had been more hectic because of the frequent battles of the opposing powers in the two world wars, the second half of the century, the decades of the Cold War can be characterised as more tense because of the lack of direct...
What occurred in the United States during the Second World War
Essay - 3 pages - Modern history
Research on the effects of World War II demonstrates that there few areas of society that were not, in some way, impacted by the event. Although many Americans remained on the home front there were numerous social, political and economic sacrifices that citizens made in order to...
Innocence Lost: The Soldier Poets of World War I
Essay - 3 pages - Literature
Before the Great War, "it had been almost fifty years since any major European power had attacked any similar country" (Childs 40). England did not remember what war was really like; the people knew nothing except for the romantic notion of war. They believed that to fight...
Media in Germany after World War Two
Essay - 3 pages - Modern history
The development of media in the Western Germany during the period of the Allied Occupation (1945-1949) and in the first decade of the Federal Republic (1949-1959) The media is present all around the world. The media tries to express facts, entertainment, opinion, and other information. In...
Global Wine Wars: New World, Old Challenges
Case study - 5 pages - Economy general
In order to know if wine is a global or local industry we will assign a score between 1 and 5. (1 means that the assumption is not very accurate and 5 meaning that the assumption is totally accurate.) Globalization factors : The consumption of wine is now worldwide Production...
Software business models for AUTOSAR automotive world standard (rapport de stage, 2006)
Essay - 12 pages - Computer science
AUTOSAR (AUTomotive Open Standard ARchitecture) is a promising initiative that aims at establishing open standards for automotive E/E architecture. AUTOSAR compliant basic software ensures independency of the application software from the underlying hardware and allows modularity as well as...
A critical evaluation of the World Bank's policy towards developing nations
Thesis - 3 pages - International relations
The World Bank was first established during World War II at Bretton Woods, New Hampshire. The emphasis in the early stages of the World Banks development was during the time of post war rebuilding. The first loan provided by the World Bank was to France...
Progressing Toward the End of Spirit: Hegel on World History
Essay - 2 pages - Philosophy
Although Hegel's concept of spirit can sound like a purely metaphysical concept, more simply it is the ultimate force of our wills. Hegel believes that the wills of individuals, (which are inherently free wills,) that make up a nation are a kind of collective consciousness, which has an ultimate...
Jane Eyre - Charlotte Brontë (1847) ; The Handmaid's Tale - Margaret Atwood (1985) ; Kissing the War Goodbye - Victor Jorgensen (1945) - How have British and American artists dealt with feminism in relationships through time?
Text commentary - 3 pages - Art history
We will study this through three documents. The first document is the novel "Jane Eyre", written by Charlotte Brontë and published in 1847 in London. It is a coming-of-age novel: indeed, we follow the story of Jane, a young orphan girl who lives with her aunt, Mrs. Reed, and her cousins, John,...
English civilization file on war correspondence
Text commentary - 7 pages - Culture, religion & civilization
Ernest "Ernie" Taylor Pyle lived most of his first 19 years on a farm near Dana, Indiana. He was born on 3 August 1900, the only son of William and Mary Taylor Peale, who were considered simple farmers, ardent Methodists and Prohibitionists. Around 1917, the United States entered the First...
What was the Most Important War in American History?
Essay - 1 pages - Linguistics & languages
In my opinion, the Second World War was the most important in American history. However, the Americans only entered the conflict in December 1941 following the Japanese aggression on its ground at Pearl Harbor on the 7th.