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Theme : Women

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29 Sep 2010

Abortion: Women's Rights

Essay - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Picture this situation in a grandmother's old tale. Her story reflects perfectly one of the main problems of illegal abortion. Way back in 1920, when she was 16, her friend was pregnant as a result of incest. Incest refers to having sexual relations between persons who are so closely related that...

30 Jul 2010

The modern day exploitation of women

Thesis - 2 pages - Social, moral & civic education

It is clear to see that the images portrayed of women in the media have changed the values of society as a whole, it has changed the way men see women and the way that women see each other and ultimately themselves. Should the entertainment industry be allowed to use the...

24 Mar 2010

Is multiculturalism bad for women?

Thesis - 2 pages - Social, moral & civic education

For a long time, minorities have been expected to get totally assimilated to the dominant culture. Persistent differences and accusation of oppression or cultural imperialism lead the Western countries to seek new ways of cohabitation. Nonetheless, clashes occur between liberal values and...

11 Mar 2010

Women's voices, women's power

Thesis - 2 pages - Journalism

Women's Voices, Women's Power provides insight into the life of Logoli women of Western Kenya. In the book, Abwunza clarifies the lifestyle of the tribe and its traditions, the role women play, and the intricacies of gender relations. Logoli women belong to a...

14 Jul 2010

Famous women poets: Emily Dickinson

Thesis - 4 pages - Literature

As a byproduct of the sheer amount of Emily Dickinson poetry that has been recovered, readers have been given a unique slant into the progression of her innermost, clandestine perspectives. Over time topics have been revisited, and perspectives rewritten by her lush poems, brimmed with new...

11 Mar 2010

Of mice and women

Thesis - 2 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Ancient China is often lauded as one of the longest lasting influences on modern civilization. Through the ages, China remained a stable driving force in the gradual culmination of our modern world. It would take thousands of years before the last Chinese dynasty would be destroyed. Clearly...

04 Aug 2010

Let your doll be your guide: Women as an appendage for moral structure

Book review - 3 pages - Film studies

In the male dominated industry of Heist films, women are often portrayed as a nuisance or hindrance to the goal of the heist. Heist films create a binary between work and leisure which is demonstrated by the criminals' relationships with the women in their lives. In the film Heat,...

30 Mar 2010

Men and women: A comparison

Thesis - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education

The lack of equality between spouses does not foster romantic love but rather deterioration of a relationship. Modern relationships are based on the formation of romantic love which dictates three requirements including equality between man and woman. Marriages where inequality is built into...

09 Aug 2010

Changing the roles of women as seen through art

Thesis - 2 pages - Journalism

Mary Stevenson Cassatt was a unique woman in many respects. Her family's wealth allowed her to travel extensively during her childhood and eventually move to France to pursue painting with prominent French painter Edgar Degas. More extraordinary than that however, is that she was just one of...

02 Jun 2010

The nature and the role of women in Shakespeare's Macbeth

Thesis - 6 pages - Literature

William Shakespeare's Macbeth is among the few of Shakespeare's plays where a female character plays a catalytic role. The female characters in this play are Lady Macbeth, Lady Macduff, the Three Witches, and Hecate. Lady Macbeth and her husband, Macbeth are the chief protagonists of the play....

24 Aug 2010

Women in Cherokee society

Thesis - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education

The Cherokee are people who are rich in cultural identity and history. Their nation flourished in North America long before the European ancestors chose to settle here. Originally residents of the American southeast region, the Cherokee tribes resided throughout Georgia, North and South...

23 Aug 2010

Site visit report: Genesis women's shelter

Thesis - 2 pages - Educational studies

This paper will present the cognitive behavioral therapy and interpersonal therapy programs at the Genesis Women's Shelter, and specifically programs at the Austin Street Centre; Board representation includes First Presbyterian Church of Dallas and Episcopal Diocese of Dallas. This paper...

29 Sep 2010

The image of women in painting

Essay - 5 pages - Arts and art history

In order to study the image of women in painting as reflecting changes in political and social context, I have chosen three works of art by three different artists, from three different periods. I will study these paintings in their historical context as a mirror of the evolutions of...

15 Jan 2009

How did the first world war affect the status of women?

Essay - 10 pages - Modern history

The First World War is one of the first conflicts, which called for the participation, and mobilization of all people, fighters as much as non-fighters. So, at the announcement of the war, men and women are going to answer present. The society and the economy of every country are going to...

15 Jan 2009

New opportunities for women in France: The case of Ségolène Royal

Essay - 8 pages - Human resources

Throughout the history of France, it seems that women have always appeared to be inferior to men, at least since the settling process in the Gallic period. The dominant religion, Catholicism, has intensified this state of mind as it considers God as superior to men, and men that are...

15 Jan 2009

Women face greater challenges than men in their attempts to climb to the top of the corporate ladder

Essay - 6 pages - Human resources

Women m?ke up close to ? h?lf p?rt of the U.K. workforce, ?nd this proportion is likely to grow. Working women ?re ? diverse group (e.g., White women, minorities, women with children, immigrants, older workers) with widely v?rying needs, v?lues, experiences, ?nd...

17 May 2009

Do studies of the social ordering of space show that the exclusion from public spaces is always a problem for women?

Thesis - 4 pages - Sociology & social sciences

It has been unanimously agreed, since Foucault, that power is not an intermittent and isolated force. Rather, the concept manifests itself daily as a continuous network of power struggles exerting on any individual regardless of his status in society, “from the great strategy of geo-politics...

15 Jan 2009

Women and media

Essay - 3 pages - Journalism

As women worldwide fight for that equal chance in the newsroom or boardroom, others are building their own media to make their voices heard. Critical questions are being raised: Will women's equal participation change the nature of journalism? Is women's news...

16 Jan 2009

Marketing to women

Essay - 9 pages - Services marketing

A few weeks ago, the French brand Celio launched a very original concept aimed at women. Celio is a men apparel brand, but 50% of their customers are women who want to buy clothes as a present. In more and more Celio shops, women can find “The Shoppenboys”. The...

13 Jan 2009

In every mind, women have more chances to suffer from mental illness. Hence, discuss the notion of normativity within the issue of mental health care

Essay - 6 pages - Psychology

In all societies, women have always been perceived as, physically but also mentally weaker than men. For a very long period, and even today in some parts of the world, women have not been considered as rational as men, but were rather seen as a “permanently subversive force...

05 Feb 2009

Understanding the 'Different Voice': Toward a theoretical framework of moral reasoning in women

Book review - 11 pages - Psychology

Professor Carol Gilligan originally published her book, In a Different Voice: Psychological Theory and Women's Development, in 1982. The popularity of the book caused the book to go through numerous printings and its reissuing in 1993 by Harvard University Press. Known as the “little...

13 Jan 2009

How does globalization affect women?

Essay - 10 pages - Social, moral & civic education

While women are obviously a diverse group, compared to men they are overwhelmingly disadvantaged economically. This is shown starkly with redundancy in U.N. data. The question here, however, is whether globalization improves women's situation or makes them worse. The answer, of...

15 May 2009

The evolution of Chinese and French women since the nineteenth century: Differences and similarities

Thesis - 17 pages - Sociology & social sciences

In the two last Centuries, French women and Chinese ones have realized, little by little, their emancipation. What are the matrixes which have participated to the positive evolution of the condition of the Chinese and French women? Under which form has it taken place, and at which...

12 Jan 2009

Cleopatra: Shakespeare's analysis of women's alienation

Essay - 3 pages - Literature

According to Yves Bonnefoy Shakespeare wanted to do with Antony and Cleopatra more than a political analysis of Rome. Indeed, Shakespeare analysed in this play the place of women in the Roman society, in order to make a comparison with their role in his own society. At the beginning of the...

15 Jan 2009

Saqiyuk - Stories from the lives of three Inuit Women by Nancy Wachowich

Essay - 5 pages - Literature

Saqiyuq is a collection of stories from the lives of three Inuit women: Apphia, Rhoda and Sandra. It consists of biographies and accounts from these three generations. This book enables the reader to see the great evolution of the Inuit lifestyle during the twentieth century. The author,...

23 May 2009

Differences in communication between men and women

Thesis - 4 pages - Economy general

“Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus” touts the cover of an American bestseller. The instant success of this book (over 14 million copies sold) hints at a polarized population eager to bridge the gender gap. Yet some readers feel that it is writing such as these that...

03 Sep 2009

A research on women's health in relevance to their rights and freedom

Thesis - 4 pages - Journalism

In the span of our lives we have seen national crisis come and go: The Vietnam War in the 60's, the drug epidemic of the 70's, and the AIDS crisis in the 80's. Most of these conflicts were managed by government control with plans and policy making they slowly settled. Today, in light of recent...

27 Oct 2009

"Mother, do you think she's good enough?" Women in 'The Wall'

Thesis - 4 pages - Film studies

The representation of women in media, from music to movies, has been a source of controversy and debate for as long as anyone can remember, and Rock n' Roll, whether it's Chuck Berry or Rob Thomas, has been no different. But for this paper, the virtuoso rock band Pink Floyd, specifically...

29 Jul 2009

Women for ballots: Exploring female under-representation in politics

Thesis - 5 pages - Political science

In spite of the tremendous political advances made by women in the Western world, clear evidence demonstrates that their participation in politics does not equal that represented by men. While women make up a little over half of the total population of Canada (51.04%), they are in...

03 Jul 2009

Wallace's wild world of women

Thesis - 3 pages - Journalism

I'm Wallace Kirkman. There's really nothing too wrong with me. Granted, I am scarred for life from my Mother committing suicide when I was six years old. But that only messed me up a little. I mean, coming home from school in the second grade to your mother half naked in a pool of blood is bad,...