Afghan women under the Taliban
Thesis - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Living in the United States it is often easy to take for granted many of the liberties that we hold so dear and which were gotten so long ago. However, when thinking about equality, we must remember that great strides have been made to accommodate different people, but at often times people...
Effect of Motivation on Exercise Adherence among Obese Women
Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies
Women exercise for a variety of reasons that may range from enjoyment to the maintenance of good physical well-being. Many women blame the weather, lack of time, lack of energy and lack of motivation. Some of these sources are external and we may not have much control over. But most...
Discrimination against women
Essay - 2 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Discrimination may be defined as the treatment or consideration of, or making a distinction in favor or against a person or thing based on the group, class, or category to which that person or thing belongs rather than on individual merit. (Landrine and Klonoff) It is not limited to...
Adopting the Surname after Marriage: Let Women Make Their Own Choices
Case study - 5 pages - Social, moral & civic education
The issue of changing names is a century old tradition. According to Sarah Rainey, this tradition has existed for many years. In many cultures, women were considered responsibilities of men (Rainey, 2013). For example, a woman surname was a sure indication of the man who owned' her....
Women on the Edge of Time: A Literary Analysis
Book review - 2 pages - Literature
Women on the Edge of Time can be referred as a feminist utopia though it presents the reader with the literary choice to question the society capabilities of embracing utopia. After a thorough analysis, the individual reader realizes the role of the human race in changing the future of the...
The media and its effect on women's body image
Essay - 3 pages - Psychology
Every form of popular media presents a sociocultural standard for feminine beauty. No single outlet is without conviction in this instance. The female audience is contaminated with the portrayal of the ideal body. Often, the standards presented are not physically achievable by the...
Quicksand, Identity and Women's Experience
Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies
The thesis explores how issues related to class, race, and gender intersect to help shape Crane's struggle towards attaining autonomy and social stability in the 20th century (French and Allyson 457). It shows how class, race, and gender connect by paralleling the plight of Quicksand as a...
Are African Women Portrayed Negatively in Films?
Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies
When the Nigerian film industry, famously referred to as Nollywood burst into the world of film-making in the early 1990s, Africans and indeed the entire black world applauded and cheered at an industry that was not only homegrown but also one that was ready to finally show the world that Africa...
Secret Life of Bees- for women in matters of love and self-liberation by Sue Monk Kidd's
Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies
Described by critics as a must have guide for women in matters of love and self-liberation, Sue Monk Kidd's novel The Secret Lives Of Bees, tells the narrative of a motherless fourteen year old girl Lily Owens, desperately yearning for love, yet trapped by her father's cruelty....
To what extent do you think it is possible for women to be both politically engaged feminists?
Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies
Women are known to multitask perfectly and to handle more than one chore has never been a problem. However, as much as women want equality with men in all areas including the political field, they are not supposed to forget about what entails to be female. There comes a time that...
Philosophical Ethics: Equality Between Human Beings (women and men) and Animal
Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies
Domestic animals such as horses, cats and dogs are common in most households of people who fight for human rights. Surprisingly, such people treat the animals badly and deny them the basic principle of equality that the same recognize should be extended to all members of their own species. The...
Women in religion
Case study - 28 pages - Social, moral & civic education
The presentation revolves around the roles and positions that women occupy when it comes to religion. Women were not permitted to contribute their unique gifts, skills and talents, even in the midst of the family. The presentation will highlight points like Jesus and how he treated...
Sociology-Women are still being discriminated against in the workplace
Case study - 6 pages - Educational studies
The plight of women in the work place has been a concern since time in memorial. Women have always had a lower hand when it comes to getting jobs or getting certain jobs that may offer better wages. This is because men have always been reserved for such positions since employers...
Ways in which women are oppressed
Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies
Oppression of women has been an issue of discussion for many years. Oppression of women comes in many forms and differs from society to the other. In most cases, the oppression of women is in terms of lack of equal opportunities and representation of both men and women...
Analysis of Women in the Military
Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies
For a long time recruitment of women in the military was kept at minimal. However, in the present era the face of military has taken a drastic change as more and more women join the armed forces. Currently, women make up 14 percent of US forces serving in Afghanistan and Iraq...
Islamic Women: Between Equality and Discrimination
Case study - 7 pages - Educational studies
The beginning of the Earth and mankind is certainly a story for people to know for it counters all the philosophies and religions of today and it is the foundation of all Christian, Judaic and Islamic teachings. According to most stories, Adam's problems start with the creation of Eve. Although...
Role of Women in Both the Taming Of the Shrew and Ten Things I Hate About You
Case study - 2 pages - Arts and art history
The play Taming the Shrew' is set in a tavern in the English countryside where a drunken beggar, Christopher argues with a hostess over his disorderly conduct. Sly is so high that he passes out on the ground where a local lord decides to teach him a lesson. He is dressed up like a nobleman...
Adverse identifications of women in earlier Americana
Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies
Time is a term that is closely associated with change. Nothing remains the same over time. Progress and regress are presented in every aspect of life. Literature illustrates this on several occasions. This may be exemplified by observing Trifles by Susan Glaspell. Trifles illustrates adverse...
Women in Film: African Filmmakers and Female Identity in African Cinema
Case study - 5 pages - Film studies
tradition from generation to generation. This is an essential part of how powerful the medium of film can be in Africa; it is more effective in societal change than books, literature, or anything involving literacy. African film goes beyond its function in western culture; it serves a greater...
Shakespeare casts young men as women in plays
Case study - 2 pages - Literature
Men and women have been identified separately over time. Women have struggled to attain certain things that men have acquired. It usually takes them a longer time to gain the respect that men have in certain fields. This may be illustrated in theater as well. Specific thinking led...
A survey about key factors influencing the women's buying behaviors in London
Case study - 30 pages - Business strategy
London's e-retail industry is as big as most of the developed cities in the world. Technology has been developed to an extent where in people purchase any thing from their home computer. Moreover, in cities like London, internet has been prevalent and most of the women are working...
Women in Mathematics
Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies
The history of the world shows us that women have had an increasingly important role in our society. Women have always strived to attain equal stature with men and have been remarkable influential along the way. Hypatia (370-415) had a passion for knowledge. She could even be...
Sistah, You Got Game: The rise and role of women in hip-hop over the last 30 years
Case study - 4 pages - Arts and art history
From its conception four decades ago, hip-hop as a subculture was originally a medium to raise social consciousness, a solution to the problem, so to speak. But come the 80s and the 90s, the subculture has become part of the problem it was trying to solve; for as the music became...
"The Odd Women" by George Gissing
Case study - 2 pages - Literature
The novel, The Odd Women by George Gissing is a refreshing novel of upcoming feminist movement involving the workplace. The novel has two prevalent themes presented in the beginning chapters concerning financial means and the idea of marriage. The novel starts off with Mr....
Psychological article critique: 'Childhood Family Violence History and Women's Risk for Intimate Partner Violence and Poor Health' by Bensley, Van Eenwyk, & Simmons
Case study - 1 pages - Psychology
This study investigated the association between a history of childhood family violence and subsequent adult physical health, mental distress, and intimate partner violence. The sample consisted of 3527 women living in Washington State. Data were obtained from the Behavioral Risk Factor...
What factors account for the long-lasting neglect of Women in Public Welfare Systems?
Case study - 8 pages - Educational studies
Today, in Britain's full-time workforce, there is an average 16.4 gap between women and men in their hourly rates of pay . Although it varies across work sectors, the most striking is the 55 gap in the finance sector. In total 64% of the lowest paid workers are women ....
Advertising and women: how advertisement has been directed to the US women
Case study - 4 pages - Business strategy
Prior to the Civil War, the life of most US women were influenced by what history commentators refer to us the Cult of True Womanhood. ( Industrialization and other developments generated a shift in work customs, which...
The declining status of native women after European contact
Case study - 8 pages - Political science
Contact between Europeans and Indians brought together two disparate systems of gender divisions. Prior to European contact, Native American women enjoyed greater levels of power and autonomy than their white counterparts. As European influence and culture spread, it predicated a decline...
Career management: Women and the Glass Ceiling
Thesis - 27 pages - Human resources
There has been an increase in the participation of women in the professional world today. They are becoming increasingly qualified and skilled. However, this increase in opportunity has not led them into illusions and they do not consider themselves lucky. They do not compare their...
Women in Judaism: An in-depth study of gender and religion
Essay - 7 pages - Social, moral & civic education
The role of women in Judaism is grossly misrepresented and misunderstood even as we shift into the 21st century. Until now, such a topic has never had as much stamina and opinion as it does today. People today have gone as far as stating that roles of women in Judaism are sexist;...