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14 Apr 2009

Money and transaction over the internet: Online banking

Thesis - 28 pages - Finance

The advent of internet has initiated an electronic revolution in the global banking sector. The dynamic and flexible nature of this communication channel as well as its ubiquitous reach has helped in leveraging a variety of banking activities. New banking intermediaries offering entirely new...

28 May 2009

Group communications

Presentation - 64 pages - Computer science

This presentation is about the most commonly used group communications methods. The presentation begins with the definition of different means of group communications on the network. Further topics include description about mailing lists, its working and set-up across network and handling it in...

21 Jun 2010

Research proposal - proposed title: The role of quality factors in electronic commerce

Essay - 4 pages - Business strategy

The unprecedented proliferation of the Internet and the World Wide Web over the last decade has increased the importance of electronic commerce. The research will present an exploratory study of the role of quality factors in electronic commerce in order the significance of the latter to...

29 Sep 2010

Strategic analysis of "Yahoo!"

Case study - 20 pages - Management

There are more Yahoo! Mail users around the world than two times the population of Mexico” (Yahoo! Website, 2008). One cannot deny the success of Yahoo! over the last decade. However, the reason why Yahoo! is catching a lot of media attention today does not lie in its success but more on...

19 Jun 2013

Do Ebooks signal the end for Paper Books?

Case study - 2 pages - Journalism

There appears to be no universal agreement about the inventor of ebooks or the first ebook reader, but the history of devices designed to display books in various formats other than paper dates back to the 1950s, when Memex, a device that stored books photographed on microfilm and displayed them...

29 Sep 2010
doc financial and marketing analysis

Case study - 20 pages - Services marketing is the first online grocery retailer in Switzerland. It has been on the market since 1998. Until the end of 2003, its majority shareholder was the Bon appétit Group with 33% of the shares. This major Swiss wholesaler, decided in December 2002 to close down it's business. However, by...

16 Jun 2011

A Guide for your first steps in SEO

Thesis - 6 pages - Computer science

The term "search engine" is usually used to describe crawler-based search engines and human-edited web directories. Search engine optimization involves achieving the highest position or ranking practical in the natural or organic listings on the search engine results pages after a specific...

16 Feb 2015

Application of Hotelogix PMS to Hotel Fairmont Heliopolis

Case study - 7 pages - Educational studies

The web-based Management Information System (MIS) currently used in the hospitality and tourism industry that is preferred for application to Hotel Fairmont Heliopolis and Towers, Egypt, is Hotelogix; a web-based hotel managements system for small and medium-sized hospitality...

05 Feb 2009

Don't sexualize me: The perpetuation of sexual exploitation via the Internet

Essay - 6 pages - Social, moral & civic education

In 2002 a women's ex boyfriend published her home address on a number of websites, advertising that she fantasized about being raped. Within days men were turning up at her house ready to oblige. In 2003 Immigration agents, investigating cyber crimes, found streams of Web pages with...

10 Jan 2011

The Chinese cosmetics market on the internet

Market study - 50 pages - Economy general

With 1.322 billion people, China is the most populous country in the world and thus the largest market in the world. Although it has a communist past of the Soviet model, since 1978 the Government of the People's Republic of China has reformed its economy in order to gradually open the market...

14 Apr 2009

Setting up intranet facilities

Dissertation - 135 pages - Computer science

An intranet is an internal company network that uses the Internet standards of HTML HTTP and TCP/IP communication protocols along with a graphical web browser to support business application and provide department, interdepartmental and company wide communication solutions. An intranet...

07 Nov 2014

Strategic analysis - Yahoo case study

Case study - 13 pages - Services marketing

The underlying mission of Yahoo is to “connect people to their passions, their communities, and the world's knowledge.” To ensure this, Yahoo offers a broad and deep array of products and services to create unique and differentiated user experiences and consumer insights by...

29 Sep 2010


Case study - 14 pages - Management

E-Business is a new form of business that allows clients to get information and make purchases through the Internet. During the seminar we had the opportunity to analyze different firms and to see how the entry to the Internet market place has increased the brand recognition. People are using...

13 Jan 2009

Critically review the opportunities and challenges that the Internet had brought to a particular industrial sector

Essay - 5 pages - Services marketing

In 2006, the total e-commerce spending by customers and businesses would reach and even surpass five trillion Dollars according to e-marketer (2004). This astonishing number confirms that e-commerce and e-business must be taken into consideration now by firms in order to be competitive. Even if...

10 Jan 2011

A market research on the internet

Market study - 16 pages - Economy general

'Market research is the identification, collection, analysis and exploitation of data and information relating to a marketing problem to provide information to make better decisions'. Market investigation has also been defined in a report of 'The Definition Committee in the American...

04 Apr 2008

Living in a Virtual World

Tutorials/exercises - 5 pages - Sociology & social sciences

If you wanted to meet new people in 1907, you had to go out into the world and talk to them, face to face. This severely limited the geographical size of most people's social worlds as those worlds were limited by how far you could travel. Meeting people was much the same in 1957 as it was in...

03 Jul 2013

Information systems for managers

Case study - 5 pages - Business strategy

Today, Customer Relationship Management is used a lot when creating and launching a new product on the market. By definition CRM is a system or systems that monitor and analyze customer interactions with an organization. Those statistics are then used to improve customer interaction by predicting...

21 Nov 2008

Increased market awareness to promote a new business plan - Steelroads Inc

Business plan - 8 pages - Services marketing

The overall marketing plan of Steelroads is to create market awareness and show that we are the “one stop shop” for various freight-shipping needs. We intend to do this by direct marketing, promotional events, telemarketing and word of mouth advertising. Steelroads has been on line...

14 Apr 2009

Airline ticketing system

Dissertation - 56 pages - Computer science

Before modern computing, the reservation system was done using manual means. This meant that a person about to travel had to spend a lot of unnecessary time waiting in queues in order to book their tickets. The manual process of reservation was also prone to human errors, which lead to a lot of...

29 Sep 2010

Reebok, in search of Generation X

Case study - 10 pages - Services marketing

Viral marketing comes with Internet through media communication. It finds it's origin at the end of the 1990s, first as a movie channel. The first spreading of viral marketing on web was realized by Loronix Information Systems with the elaboration of 'Bad Day at the Office', a...

29 Sep 2010

Reebok Case Study: "Reebok: In pursuit of Generation X"

Case study - 6 pages - Services marketing

Reebok is a large and technological footwear company founded more than 110 years ago. Reebok's history started in 1895 in the United Kingdom, and continued in the United States. It became an international company at the end of the 80s. Today, Reebok's products are sold in 170 countries. This...

11 Jun 2009

Use of SOA and semantics for creating and retaining consistency in loosely coupled systems

Thesis - 5 pages - Computer science

The primary objective of service-oriented architecture (SOA) is to use information technology to address the key goals of business today: innovation, agility, and market value. Agility in SOA is achieved by use of the principles of encapsulation, modularity, and loose coupling. Loose coupling...

03 Sep 2009

An overview of QTP

Thesis - 9 pages - Computer science

QTP is a functional testing tool and product of HP. It contains several features for automating the testing. It is divided into five parts- Test pane, Active screen, Data table, Debug viewer pane, Tool option. Add-in manager is special feature in QTP. Vbscript, Active X, Web are the...

23 Sep 2013

Guns save lives

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

There are an estimated 275 million firearms in the United States capable of arming every working age citizen (Engler). There is recent legislation proposed by President Obama to try and ban some of these firearms as well as restrict access to certain accessories to these guns like high capacity...

22 Sep 2009

Blackberry technology

Thesis - 5 pages - Electronics, mechanics, engineering & technology

Mobile solutions are developing and so is its technology. Like the early Web boom, we have the mobile era coming soon. New technologies and new platforms in the mobile world are coming into light. Technology seems to discover into the perspective of fresh innovations and brings the world...

14 Sep 2010

How internet has changed our businesses and career

Thesis - 7 pages - Computer science

Internet marketing services, popularly also known as online marketing, web marketing, i-marketing, search engine marketing or e-marketing is a new age Internet driven phenomenon that essentially deals with marketing of products and services on the Internet. The Internet has opened up a...

16 Dec 2013

Gun control- To pull the trigger?

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

Gun rights advocates, or the people who believe laws should not become stricter and changes should not be made on gun use, trust that the greater good of the nation's rests when guns are more commonly used, and are used for the right reasons. As one argument, pro gunners use the second amendment...

29 Sep 2010

The e-marketing plan of a Belgian SME: Cha-hu-the - published: 29/09/2010

Case study - 26 pages - Civil law

Nowadays, “the key question is not whether to deploy Internet technology - companies have no choice if they want to stay competitive- but how to deploy it”. Since 2008, the penetration rate of the Internet is 48.1% in Europe, and the average of the world is 21.9%. More specifically,...

31 Dec 2010

E-marketing: Internet advertising

Case study - 4 pages - Services marketing

In recent years, the Internet has evolved and technologies have matured to bring about real growth of the digital economy (high-speed, powerful computers, standardization of languages and technologies). The creators of information content, both administrative and commercial, were able to present...

17 May 2009

The Alliance Theater : A case study

Tutorials/exercises - 54 pages - Business strategy

Team Alliance initial objective is to focus on the key points that would help us gain more knowledge regarding the motivations and decision-making processes of the Alliance Theatre's 18-35 year old target market. Currently, Alliance Theatre's patrons are composed of 35-50 years old, more females...