Women during the Second World War (1939-1945)
Thesis - 10 pages - Modern history
The Second World War, which lasted from 1939 to 1945, was more terrible than the First World War. The First World War was fought in France, and did not have any particular villains. However, the Second World War involved conflict at the global level as almost all major...
Financing of the war (1914 - 1918)
Worksheets - 3 pages - Modern history
The issue of funding does not arise at the beginning of a conflict, during a war,the people live on rations. Belligerents merely suspend the convertibility of their currencies into gold (except England where the pound is convertible), with the idea of restoring them when the war is...
Mao's 'Strategic Problems of China's Revolutionary War'
Essay - 6 pages - Modern history
The "encirclement chess" or the game of Go is a typical Asian game of strategy which is popular among Chinese generals. The preparation of strategic action in time of peace, the primary objective of control of a sphere of influence, the action developed from the periphery to the center or during...
Analyze the evolution of the Cold War between 1945 and 1949
Thesis - 5 pages - Modern history
After the end of the Second World War, the victorious Allies split the post-war world between them. With each superpower focusing on their personal ideological interests, historians have found critical information that would foreshadow future tensions between the Big Three. The...
"Cohesion and disintegration in the Wehrmacht during the Second World War" by E. A. Shils & Janowitz, M.
Book review - 4 pages - Political science
The extraordinary military value of the Wehrmacht, in its action and resistance, has often been attributed to the influence of Nazi ideology on the soldiers as its unifying capacity. Many people have seen National Socialism as the driving force of the Wehrmacht. However, according to Shils and...
Implications of the war in Iraq
Essay - 14 pages - International relations
The war in Iraq, called the third Gulf war follows the conflict between Iraq and Kuwait which lasted from August 1990 to February 1991. It is difficult to date the beginning, because the United States and the United Kingdom had begun to bomb Iraq in 1992, bringing with them by force...
Cola War: Coke vs. Pepsi
Essay - 8 pages - Business strategy
Industry competition has given rise to extensive market efforts by companies to sustain their position by gaining an edge over competitors. Industrial trend helps company to set standards and design a strategy for the accomplishment of goals. Multiple set of strategies are devised in accordance...
Banania on the market during the World Wars
Market study - 5 pages - Services marketing
Banania a widely popular drink is mostly distributed in France. Banania received its first success in supplying gourmet breakfast to the French troops during the First World War. Since then the company has acquired a vast reputation and established itself as the leader in the market for...
US entry into foreign wars in 1898 and 1914: Realistic or idealistic reasons?
Dissertation - 4 pages - International relations
On examining US presence in foreign wars during the years 1898 and 1917, can we say that the decisions were based on idealistic or realist reasons? Or would some other term or category better describe the most important considerations? On April 25, 1898, following...
Global wine wars: New Challenges
Thesis - 5 pages - Business strategy
During the last few decades, the global wine industry has grown by leaps and bounds to emerge as a $90 billion market. Scientific discoveries such as pasteurization and the cork-stopper invention have revolutionized the production of wine by easing restrictions on transport of wine, thus enabling...
Nazism in South America: Chronicle of a secret war 1930-1950 - by Sergio Correa da Costa
Thesis - 7 pages - Modern history
Historian and diplomat, Sergio Correa da Costa had the chance to serve his country in the city of Buenos Aires, during the Second World War. Correa lived in the Argentine metropolis during the reign of the GOU (United Officers Group) and later that of Juan Domingo Peron and Evita Duarte...
Was the Khrushchev period (1953-64) a period of thaw in the Cold War?
Thesis - 6 pages - Modern history
Since the start of the Cold War in 1945, it seemed as if both the USSR and the USA, the two most powerful and influential superpowers, were set to be opponents in the game for world domination. Indeed, as no actual fighting and direct collision between the two nations took place, it was...
Global Wine Wars: New World, Old Challenges
Case study - 5 pages - Economy general
In order to know if wine is a global or local industry we will assign a score between 1 and 5. (1 means that the assumption is not very accurate and 5 meaning that the assumption is totally accurate.) Globalization factors : The consumption of wine is now worldwide Production...
Constantinople: the Key to European Balance in the pre First World War World
Essay - 4 pages - Modern history
One can view the First World War and claim that it was fought for a complex web of rationales by a complex web of interdependent actors and the events of June 1914 sent the whole system into a state of madness and disarray. However, one can also claim that Europe was systematically into...
The Iraq war: an International Relations Theory Analysis
Case study - 16 pages - Political science
On the nineteenth of March 2003 America and its allies started their invasion of Iraq. This intervention had the official goal of the struggle against a terrorism-friendly country, to avoid the expansion of mass destruction weapons and establish a democratic breakthrough in the Middle East. This...
Old and new wars
Book review - 2 pages - International relations
This study is based on the article written by Paul Richards in 2005: New War: An Ethnographic Approach. What was really important in this article, according to me, was to discover a new way to look at and to study wars. In this study, I will try to sum up what I've found in the...
The representation of the Great War in German Art: Otto Dix (1891-1961)
Thesis - 5 pages - Arts and art history
In August 1914, after months of a prolonging crisis and tension, the Great War broke out, abruptly interrupting any artistic activity in Europe. Indeed, those who had helped launch the first wave of new ideas of the twentieth century by their avant-garde trends were mobilized. It is in...
The Global War on terrorism and the effects in the Euro-american relations: Causes, consequences, solutions
Essay - 11 pages - International relations
Terrorism has become the most important threat regarding international stability in the 21st century. Though the Euro Atlantic community considers that it is of the utmost importance to eradicate it, it is not able to set up a common strategy. Since the war in Iraq, the Bush administration...
Can Clausewitz's concepts of genius, friction and the centre of gravity be applied to the war on terror?
Essay - 4 pages - International relations
Ever since evolution, man-kind has been moving hand in hand with war. Just like people, war has evolved too and never stayed the same over a period of time. Wars, such as the ones fought by the Vikings or Barbarians, and the wars of the Roman Empire already revealed...
The State, War, and the State of War by Kalevi J. Holsti (1996)
Book review - 7 pages - International relations
The State, War and the State of War has been published in 1996. Its author, Kalevi J. Holsti is a professor of Political Science at the University of British Columbia. This book is based on his previous study: Peace and War: armed conflicts and International Order 1648-1989....
The political involvement in the context of war: A moral dilemma for NGOS
Essay - 7 pages - International relations
Nowadays, Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) are subject to ethical dilemmas when it comes to accomplishing their goals. When helping people, irrespective of the approach used, it is important to consider both the environment, to adapt oneself to it and the consequences of the aid provided....
The nature of War
Thesis - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education
The memories of what soldiers experience during war lasts a lifetime. Memories can be triggered at any time and retold with precise detail. Events experienced many years earlier can easily be recalled. For a Vietnam veteran it is the Vietnam memorial that brings his experience back into...
America and the First World War
Thesis - 3 pages - Modern history
The First World War was a tragedy that America entered under false pretenses and exited with lasting wounds. America's involvement was encouraged by those who had the least to lose from the war: industrialists, politicians, and journalists. Their efforts were crucial in shifting...
Stone versus Douglass: Two contrasting yet complementary views of the war
Thesis - 7 pages - Modern history
The American Civil War is one of the most controverter parts of American history. It bore all sorts of names from the more neutral War between the states to the revealing name of Abolition war or even Secession war. Those different...
The mobile Operating Systems War
Dissertation - 79 pages - Management
The mobile operating system market is relatively recent. Many major companies hailing from the computer and mobile sector are competing in order to take over this huge market. Until very recently, each mobile manufacturer developed its own proprietary operating system. Most of the mobile phones...
Britain is widely regarded as the 'awkward partner' in europe: how accurate is this assessment? - published: 29/09/2010
Essay - 4 pages - International relations
We have our own dreams and our own tasks. We are in Europe, but not part of it. We are linked, but not combined. We are interested and associated, but not integrated. Winston Churchill's famous quote aptly describes Britain's approach to European integration since the inception of...
"The French lost the language war", argues John Kay. Do you agree?
Essay - 1 pages - Philosophy
Language has become an important issue due to globalization. Previously if a person spoke only one language it did not matter much. However the situation is completely different in the modern world. Learning English has become mandatory for every individual to surive in the globalized world. John...
Why did communism become established in Eastern Europe after the Second World War?
Essay - 5 pages - Political science
Shortly before the official end of the Second World War, on 25th April 1945, American and Soviet soldiers met at the Elbe. In order to reach the Elbe River, the Russian troops had to come all the way across Europe, thus crossing Eastern Europe. By the end of the same year, seven states...
Great Britain during the Second World War
Essay - 3 pages - Modern history
Since 1933, the UK and France were not weren't ready economically and financially to wage war against Germany. In 1933, its leader Adolf Hitler, seized power lawfully, and wanted to take revenge after the humiliation of the Versailles Treaty. Indeed, after WWII, France, the UK and the USA...
Gas warfare during WWI
Thesis - 3 pages - Modern history
World War One was a war of stalemates. The western front turned to trench warfare quickly after the failing of Germany's Schlieffen Plan and soldiers remained in the trenches for the rest of the war. However, WWI was a war stalemated technologically as well. An example...