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Theme : War

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20 Jul 2022

Peace or war : Sharon's legacy of controversy

Essay - 5 pages - Political science

The post-Sharon era began abruptly on January 5, when the 77-year-old Prime Minister of Israel suffered a massive stroke while visiting his ranch in the northern part of Israel (Negev). Everybody seemed to agree that his passing from the political scene would change everything, opening up a...

19 Jul 2021

Memory of World War II in America

Essay - 3 pages - Modern history

The memory is basically the act of recall. Indeed, when something, either an action, an event or even a person is remembered, this automatically becomes a memory. Thus, it can be related to everything but, here, it will be precisely about the memory of World War II in America. Besides, the...

03 May 2021

The Great Depression and World War II (1929-45) in U.S. Literature

Essay - 6 pages - Literature

The confidence of the Jazz Age died in 1929 with the Crash. As the nation threatened to disintegrate, the American writer recognized the fragility of its coherence ; capitalism and industry could no longer be trusted to sustain an egalitarian society that could guarantee the welfare of all....

23 Sep 2020

The Roman Presence in Bohemia and Moravia During the Marcomannic Wars

Dissertation - 12 pages - Ancient history

For around three hundred years, the Danubian region has been in a particular position, a so-called 'bipolar state' . Indeed, two major entities of the time were in contact in this area. The first one was the Roman Empire and the second was the Germanic world. From the time of Augustus...

30 Oct 2018

The growth, development, and changes in American society after the Civil War

Essay - 3 pages - Modern history

Theodore Geisel wrote children's books for adults. Eric Foner wrote a text designed to challenge student ideas about America's progression toward a more inclusive society. Professor Jamieson picked books and movies designed to encourage you to consider the theme of the class--what is...

04 Jul 2017

Why did Russia withdraw from World War I?

Essay - 2 pages - Modern history

Russia's retreat from world War one was mainly due poor leadership that started in the early stages of the war. The reasons for Russia's withdrawal from WW1 will be outlined in this paper. When Russia entered the war, the political leaders aimed to use the war...

30 Jan 2017

World War I

Essay - 2 pages - Modern history

In June of 1914, one man by the name of Franz Ferdinand, Archduke of Austria, was assassinated. The death of this man would ultimately lead to the bloodiest conflict in all of human history up to that point. This assassination was the final trigger in the tension that was brewing between...

18 Aug 2017

Economic development since the Second World war - (Developed vs. Developing World)

Essay - 5 pages - Economy general

After the Second World War, there have been significant changes in all aspects of life. The increasing concerns about the economic development caught much attention of economists. It is during this era that the European colonization ended and the world seemed to be divided into two parts...

28 Sep 2016

The American Civil War and the independence of the Southern States

Course material - 2 pages - Modern history

Although historians now agree that there were many causes for the American Civil War, one of these causes remains the desire of the Confederacy to defend the institution of slavery against what they perceived to be an attack by the Northern states. By electing Lincoln as President, the...

29 Sep 2016

The Republic of Germany and the German political system after World War II

Course material - 5 pages - Political science

Our conception of the Federal Republic of Germany is very different from what it was only 15 years ago. Throughout much of its history, Germany was under the leadership of dictators and was never very comfortable with democracy. Germany's first experience with democracy occurred from...

28 Sep 2016

The Greek strategies that won the Persian wars

Essay - 1 pages - Ancient history

The Greek and Persian wars were important events in Greek history. At the time, the Persian Empire was larger, wealthier, and had more men, but still the Greek forces were able to unite together and defeat them. When the Greek and Persian Wars were happening, around 492 BC to 449...

17 Apr 2015

Seaton's Japan War Memory

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

The stories of World War II remain more alive and widely argued about in Japan than any other of the nations that was a major combatant in the war. Seaton focused on the time between 1972 and 2005 when Japan held the 60th anniversary commemorations. He outlined that Western media...

08 Oct 2015

Economic and policy issues from the spill : Gulf war oil spill of 1991

Essay - 3 pages - Ecology & environment

In any oil spill, looking at the economic issues that are raised, the first parameter that is used is the number of gallons of oils that were spilt to measure the loss that was suffered in monetary terms. In the case of the gulf war oil spill of 1991, it caused the loss of millions of...

09 Jul 2015

The Battle of Britain in World War II

Case study - 5 pages - Modern history

The Battle of Britain was an encounter between British air force, the Royal Air Force (RAF) and the German air force, the Luftwaffe. The aerial battle took place in the United Kingdom in 1940. Germany had planned an invasion, named “Operation Sealion”, in Britain. For Germany to execute...

19 Feb 2015

Moving toward Men-streaming Development

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

Men have always been known to exercise power socially over women. This is as a result of how gender has been socialized in various regions and communities. It has hence resulted to discrimination, inequalities and women subordination in all major activities. This issue seems to be ignored so much...

16 Jan 2015

Anpo: Art X War: The Art of Resistance

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

This paper is set out to examine and explore the history of the Japanese culture and how it came to be used to display their resistance towards the Americans presence in Japan. The American presence had been brought about by the signing of Anpo between Japan and America after the end of the...

12 Feb 2015

Use of Air Combat in World War

Case study - 1 pages - Educational studies

1914 is the year that the first air raid was conducted and it was done by the Germans. Throughout 1915 and 1916 a dirigible from Germany that was called the Zeppelin conducted raids in London and eastern England for more than 50 instances. In evaluations of the zeppelin bomber, it was seen to...

19 Aug 2014

Nigerian War: The Ultimate Sacrifice for narrators shifting to the theme of war

Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies

During the 21st century, fictions have come out of Nigeria marking the attempts of dealing with displacement and identity by the childhood ideas. The attempts are not successful because it is a fact that Nigeria has transformed itself during the nineteen sixties to the nineties from the military...

15 Sep 2014

Short Story Review-War by Luigi Pirandello

Case study - 2 pages - Literature

At the outset, the short story seeks to narrate the unfolding events through the period of war. It utilizes the reactions of the families involved in the war and their reactions about the ongoing and unstoppable combats. Worst of all, the story depicts the characters, especially the...

19 Jun 2014

Case Study of the Kosovo war of 1999

Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies

Folker looks into the Kosovo war of 1999 between the Serbs and the Albanians the work of four different authors and in the theories that they brought forward to explain international relations will be reviewed in this paper. The paper seeks to find what theory of international relations...

21 Aug 2014

Book Summary-Revolutionary War of America

Case study - 1 pages - Business law

The setting of the story is the Revolutionary War of America that took place in the late1700s. The book tells about women's contribution and how the war affected them. Berkin expresses a deep admiration for women in these hard times by describing their priceless contributions. The...

21 Feb 2014

All is fair in Love and War

Essay - 3 pages - Philosophy

House of Cards is not a show about several different characters that simply live and work in a semi-connected world; it is about Frank Underwood, the House Majority Whip, and how everything and everyone exists to serve his ambitions. Everyone in the series is defined by their relationship to...

28 Aug 2014

Impacts of the 20th Century Wars on UK's Housing Stock

Essay - 9 pages - Economy general

UK emerged from the 20th Century wars with different housing needs, which accelerated the divergence of attitudes and policies of social housing. The wars resulted to a decline in housing production for most of the decades, which fell further during the war itself. By 1918,...

20 Oct 2014

The charge of the light brigade: Overview of the poem and the Crimean War

Case study - 8 pages - Educational studies

The poem “The charge of the light brigade” by Alfred, Lord Tennyson recounts the memories of the suicidal war that was fought by the British in the Battle of Balaclava. The battle was fought during the years of 1854-1856 in Ukraine and was named as the Crimean War. It...

21 Mar 2014

Effects of immigration on post civil war architecture in America

Case study - 2 pages - Philosophy

In the early 19th century, American architecture was a mixture of cribbed styles and European architecture. It is only until the end of the century that America began embracing the idea of having their own unique architectural style. It is then that American architecture started new trends and...

13 Jan 2014

Anglo-Zulu War

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

In their quest to conquer as many countries as possible, the British engaged in a number of wars. Some of these wars claimed the lives of thousands of soldiers, while others were won with minimal loss of lives. The British found strong opposition in some battles and were either were...

31 Jul 2014

Mexican- American War

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

The conflict also known as the Invasion of Mexico was an armed war between the United States and Centralist Republic of Mexico that started in April 1846 to February 1848. The conflict came on the wake of the United States annexation of Texas which Mexico regarded it as its own territory...

12 Nov 2014

The Effects of War and Peace on Foreign Aid

Case study - 5 pages - Other law subjects

The Sudan is a vast area extending from the Red Sea at the Horn of Africa in the East to the Sahel regions in the North and the Equatorial rainforest at its border with the Democratic Republic of Congo in the West. It used to be one country, the Republic of Sudan, but the South split away from...

12 Sep 2014

The Impact of War on Individuals

Case study - 4 pages - Educational studies

When people think of war what comes to mind is death, torture, and destruction. War instills fear since everyone dreads involvement in the ordeal (Mazlish 10). The experience of war leaves people with physical and psychological scars. Tim Obrien in “The Things they...

28 Feb 2014

How does the United States foreign policy affect the war on drugs?

Case study - 6 pages - Educational studies

The violence that the population in the illegal drug producing countries of Latin America has continued to take its toll on the population in a vicious cycle that continues to result in deaths, injury and a life if terror for many of the inhabitants. The poor civilians are caught in-between...