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Theme : War

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05 Jan 2025

Margaret Anstee's peacekeeping mission in the Angolan civil war

Essay - 3 pages - Political science

In February 1992, Margaret Anstee took the head of a peace-keeping mission in Angola, UNAVEM II, under a mandate of the United Nations. The initial UN mission in Angola was supposed to last 7 months but the circumstances obliged Margaret Anstee to stay in the country for 17 months, she will...

02 Jan 2025

How did Anthony Lake's ideas shape US strategy in the context of the immediate post-cold war period?

Presentation - 5 pages - Political science

This document is about Anthony's Lake contribution in US strategy post-cold war.

02 Jan 2025

Civilian fashion during the Second World War: Contrasting perspectives on both sides of the English Channel

Essay - 3 pages - Modern history

In April 1991, the Metropolitan Museum of Art showed the American photojournalist Lee Miller's photography of the Gervais salon, as part of its exposition on women in France during World War II. The Parisian hairdresser had bypassed electricity shortages in an ingenious manner: hot air...

05 Jan 2025

Make Trade Not War? - Philippe Martin, Thierry Mayer, and Mathias Thoenig (2008)

Text commentary - 6 pages - Economy general

In The Spirit of Laws, the French political philosopher Montesquieu wrote that "the natural effect of trade is to bring about peace. Two nations which trade together render themselves reciprocally dependent." This idea that trade leads to peace has been a guiding principle of globalization. The...

22 Oct 2024

The Middle East after World War I

Essay - 2 pages - Modern history

The paper will paint a clear picture of both the great chances and serious problems of the internationalists' plan to promote closer relationships among nations in the interwar period. While the excerpts depict an idealistic world of governance and war elimination through international...

07 May 2024

English civilization file on war correspondence

Text commentary - 7 pages - Culture, religion & civilization

Ernest "Ernie" Taylor Pyle lived most of his first 19 years on a farm near Dana, Indiana. He was born on 3 August 1900, the only son of William and Mary Taylor Peale, who were considered simple farmers, ardent Methodists and Prohibitionists. Around 1917, the United States entered the First...

24 Oct 2024

Cold War: Nuclear Weapons and the Arms Race

Essay - 5 pages - Modern history

In this post-World War II era, cited by Karl T. Compton's 1952 Popular Mechanics article, there was notable scientific optimism, revealing a vision of unparalleled progress. Compton's deterministic perspective on scientific development, as shown in his forecasts for 2002, gave a...

17 Nov 2024

America's Post-Cold War Security

Tutorials/exercises - 2 pages - Political science

The Cold War was a prolonged period of political rivalry between the US and USSR and their allies, the Western Bloc and the Eastern Bloc, beginning in 1947 and ending in 1991. The term "cold war" refers to the absence of direct, large-scale warfare between the two superpowers, as...

07 Oct 2024

Genetics vs. Environment: The Tug-of-War in Aggressive Behavior Development in Youth

Essay - 2 pages - Psychology

Aggressive behavior in youth has long been a topic of interest in psychology and behavioral sciences. The debate between nature and nurture, that is, genetics vs. environment, plays a crucial role in understanding the development of aggressive tendencies in young individuals. This essay delves...

29 Oct 2024

Understanding the Impact of Group Dynamics on Violent Conflict: A Case Study of the Rwandan War and Genocide, War, and Violent Conflict

Case study - 4 pages - Modern history

The research paper will specifically explore the complicated relationships between groups and social identity, in a setting of exogenous violent conflict with the Rwandan war and genocide of 1994 as an example. A literature review and critical analysis are carried out on how the old,...

17 Dec 2024

The Normative Role of the Cold War in Recent American History

Essay - 3 pages - Modern history

The Cold War was a period of tension that resulted from the conflict between the United States (capitalist) and the Soviet Union (communist) and their respective allies. This period has resulted in a lasting effect on the involved countries; it has influenced U.S. economic stability,...

31 Dec 2024

Second World War: Why Wilson's ideal of neutrality had no chance to stand against Germany's total war strategy

Essay - 1 pages - Modern history

When President Woodrow Wilson delivered his Declaration of Neutrality to Congress on August 19, 1914, the United States had a distinct isolationist tradition. At that time, most of the American public, the Congress and the President himself had no desire to intervene in European affairs. In this...

30 May 2024

Declaration of Independence from the War in Vietnam - Martin Luther King (April 1967) - How did Martin Luther King's position on the Vietnam War alter American politics?

Text commentary - 2 pages - Modern history

This essay offers an interpretation of one aspect of King's career: his opposition to America's involvement in Vietnam. Although it focuses squarely on King himself, it tries to avoid some of the pitfalls of the biographical approach by examining the nature of his "Declaration of...

16 Oct 2024

Examining The Impact of Wars And Geopolitical Crises On The Global Financial System In Recent Years

Dissertation - 7 pages - International relations

International financial systems comprising a vast network of international banks and regulators experience adverse impacts following massive global crises such as wars and civil wars. Economic history has shown that crisis is one of the most notable causes of financial market...

19 Oct 2023

How do we Explain the United States' Rise to Global Power Status in the Decades Following the American Civil War?

Essay - 4 pages - Pre-modern history

Between the end of the American Civil War in 1865 and 1900, the United States emerged as a major world power with the capacity to influence decisions and world events. The rise of the United States as a global power is closely tied with the important notion of American Imperialism, which...

21 Sep 2023

How Did the Jewish Community Manage to Reconcile War and Democracy in the Creation and Perpetuation of the Israeli State?

Essay - 4 pages - Modern history

I am going to give you a presentation on democracy and war in the Israeli state, based on the writings of Ran Halevi. Ran Halevi is a French historian, born in 1950, director of research at the CNRS. His research focuses on the political history of France as well as on Israeli political...

27 Nov 2023

What was the Most Important War in American History?

Essay - 1 pages - Linguistics & languages

In my opinion, the Second World War was the most important in American history. However, the Americans only entered the conflict in December 1941 following the Japanese aggression on its ground at Pearl Harbor on the 7th.

06 Jun 2023

How is the violence against populations expressed during the Second World War?

Essay - 3 pages - Modern history

The Great War resulted in the brutalisation of society and the emergence of totalitarian regimes, which had enormous repercussions on the civilian populations during the Second World War. Totalitarian regimes are political regimes based on a single party, on political police, on the...

16 Dec 2023

World War II

Course material - 5 pages - Linguistics & languages

This document is a course material on how the Second World War unfolded throughout the world.

15 Dec 2023

The end of WWII and the Cold War

Worksheets - 3 pages - Modern history

This document is a course material on the end of WWII and the Cold War.

06 Apr 2023

Jane Eyre - Charlotte Brontë (1847) ; The Handmaid's Tale - Margaret Atwood (1985) ; Kissing the War Goodbye - Victor Jorgensen (1945) - How have British and American artists dealt with feminism in relationships through time?

Text commentary - 3 pages - Art history

We will study this through three documents. The first document is the novel "Jane Eyre", written by Charlotte Brontë and published in 1847 in London. It is a coming-of-age novel: indeed, we follow the story of Jane, a young orphan girl who lives with her aunt, Mrs. Reed, and her cousins, John,...

30 Jul 2022

The European Union and its International Role - Towards a European Federation? (From the European Conference in The Hague to the Rome Treaties, 1948-1957)

Course material - 6 pages - Modern history

Already during the war, many Resistance groups asked themselves how to stop the cycle of recurring European wars. After 1945, many groups and associations suggested going back to the European ideas of the 20s, which included the concept of a European Union (Briand Plan of 1930)....

01 Aug 2022

Towards a Federation of Nation-States? - From the Milan summit to the Nice one (1985-2000)

Course material - 7 pages - Modern history

To try to describe the aim of the European Construction at the beginning of the 90ies, Jacques Delors, president of the European Commission from 1985 to 1995, invented the concept of a Federation of Nation-States. An oxymoron? What does national sovereignty become in such a system? But still it...

08 Aug 2022

The United States and the World: The US and the Cold War (1945-1980)

Course material - 5 pages - Modern history

The goal of this document is to stress the main thrust of American strategy in the Cold War in order to understand the legacy of the Cold War on American foreign policy today. The main structures of US foreign policy and foreign policy establishment and instruments, still in place...

26 Jul 2022

The Cold War (1947-1991)

Course material - 3 pages - Modern history

The expression used for the first time in 1947 and popularized by the journalist Walter Lippmann is the name given to the international relationships between 1947 and 1991. It was a military and ideological conflict concerning every aspect (economy, ideology, propaganda, science, conquest of...

18 Feb 2022

The Impact of Wars and Violence in Scotland - Analysis of an excerpt of Fleshmarket by Nicola Morgan (2016) and of the oil canvas "The Battle of Culloden" by David Morier (1746)

Artwork commentary - 6 pages - Literature

Scotland has often been portrayed as an unstable nation in the midst of violent conflicts both before and after the Acts of Union in 1707. This set of documents consists of two literary works and a pictorial work, spanning the period following the said Acts of Union, from 1746 to 1895, which is...

30 Jul 2022

Towards a European Confederation? From de Gaulle's Return to Power to the Milan European Summit (1958-1985)

Course material - 6 pages - Modern history

After the failure of the federal concept and the more prudent approach of the Rome Treaties, for about 30 years, the European Economic Community (EEC) seemed to develop more along the concept of a European Confederation, not a Federation, as envisioned by the Founding Fathers, Robert Schuman or...

26 Jul 2022

Jarhead - Sam Mendes (2005) - The place of men and women in society during the war

Artwork commentary - 3 pages - Film studies

Jarhead is a trip movie and also a movie of war that tells the stories of the soldiers, it was filmed in the late 1970s, Sam Mendes directed the film based on the true story of Anthony Swofford's private life as a military man in the US marine, the movie takes us back to the Gulf...

08 Aug 2022

The United States and the end of the Cold War (1989-1990)

Course material - 4 pages - Modern history

President George H. Bush was elected in November 1988. He had to steer the end of the Cold War, 1989-1990. His team was different from Reagan's, although he had been his vice-president: there were no neo-conservatives; the new Administration was more adept of Kissinger's prudent line....

09 Aug 2022

Analytical Report on a Conflict and Conflict Management: The War of the Sands

Tutorials/exercises - 15 pages - International relations

In 1956, Morocco claimed sovereignty over parts of the Sahara which were under Moroccan influence, “the Greater Morocco”. Interested in Algerian Sahara because of recently discovered resources, France tried to trade these territories against a common organization responsible for...