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Theme : Virginia woolf

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10 Oct 2008

The Peanut-Crunching Crowd and the Rubber crotch: How Sylvia Plath's legacy has suffered by the hands of sexism, over-eager feminists, schadenfreude, and gender politics?

Essay - 8 pages - Literature

O'Rourke goes on to say that although poems like “Daddy” or “Lady Lazarus” seem “crudely self-involved,” the majority of Plath's poetry is abstract, symbolic, and in general quite distant from the confessional poets with whom she is grouped. Despite this, Plath's...

11 May 2009

A critique of the Dystopian novel

Thesis - 17 pages - Literature

The Dystopian novel is a strange subspecies in literature. While it shares many aspects with the traditional science fiction novel, it is rarely categorized with science fiction. Whereas it might satirize the Utopian socialist fantasy of the perfect society, the satire is usually exchanged for...

16 Feb 2010

The water babies, Victorian literature and the depiction of childhood

Thesis - 13 pages - Literature

The social hierarchy of Victorian England perpetuated the involvement of the working class in poverty driven crime and with regard to the concurrent impact on children; Duckworth comments that “Crime and poverty were inseparably associated and most of the young who suffered gaol sentences...

30 Mar 2010

Alienation in characters and in ourselves

Thesis - 4 pages - Journalism

Human beings are by nature social creatures. We need to be raised by others, bred by other, and also to live with others. More than one short story this semester dealt with a theme that is the opposite of community- alienation. In the three short stories “Cathedral,” “The Man...

29 Sep 2010

The theme of the declining Big House in Bowen's The Last September

Book review - 5 pages - Literature

'The Last September', Elizabeth Bowen's second novel, describes the Anglo-Irish life of the provincial aristocracy during the turbulent times of 1920, and deals directly with the crisis of being Anglo-Irish. In this particular context, Bowen makes a combination between social comedy and...

24 Sep 2009

Development of Virginia Slavery

Thesis - 2 pages - Social, moral & civic education

A portion of the rationalization of the "peculiar institution" of slavery in colonial America was predicated upon legal argumentation. While complex social, economic and cultural factors also played significant roles in that rationalization, this paper focuses on the legal thought that informed...

29 Aug 2008

Experience and emptiness in Gary Snyder's "Mountains and Rivers without end"

Essay - 20 pages - Literature

Language orders our experience of reality. It establishes a scale of binary opposition dictating where one ends and another begins, clearly defining the relationship between what is and what isn't. This relationship grounds our notion of self and creates the framework through which we interpret...

10 Nov 2014

The American revolution: Case study in detail

Thesis - 17 pages - Modern history

In 1763, the Treaty of Versailles ended the Seven Years War between France and Spain against Great Britain. The victory of the latter (gain of French, Canada, of all the territories east of the Mississippi except New Orleans, and with Spanish, Florida) was certainly a matter of immense pride in...

21 Nov 2023

Message to Captain John Smith - Chief Powhatan (1609) - The Starving Time

Text commentary - 2 pages - Linguistics & languages

The Powhatans were farmers, hunters, and fishermen. They had long rectangular houses covered with mats and bark. They grew corn and tobacco. Their lives were rich and easy. They formed a confederation of nations established in several hundred villages. They were a former confederation of...

12 Feb 2010

Consent to bodily harm and criminal law

Thesis - 5 pages - Criminal law

In R v Barnes [2005] 1 WLR Lord Woolf CJ considered the decision of the House of Lords in R v Brown [1994] AC 212 and the Court of Appeal in R v Dica [2004] QB 1257 and decided that it is clear that the rule and the exceptions to the rule that a person cannot consent to his being caused...

11 Jul 2013

Edgar Allan Poe's "Ulalume"

Case study - 5 pages - Literature

1847 was not a highly exciting time in the history of America nor in the course of Edgar Allan Poe's life. The greatest issue of the world at the time was the Irish Potato Famine which hit the United States hard due to a great increase in emigrating Europeans. President Ulysses S. Grant, of the...

19 Feb 2008

Study of the Appalachian music

Thesis - 10 pages - Arts and art history

Appalachian music. Usually paired with the image of hicks on a dilapidated porch in West Virginia. To some Americans, Appalachian music could seem to be a genre of simple minded folk songs from a poor town in the southern mountains of North America. Some people may simply think of the...

08 Aug 2022

History of the Constitution of the United States

Course material - 2 pages - Modern history

In May 1776, Congress passed a resolution advising the colonies to form new governments. By 1777, 11 states had drawn up their own Constitutions (which contained the ideas expressed in the Declaration of Independence). Those Constitutions were influenced by democratic ideas (role of Enlightenment...

18 Aug 2017

History of African-Americans (1600-1877)

Essay - 3 pages - Modern history

Slavery in America started sometime back and during this period, there was the capture of the first Africans and they were brought to North America. In North America, there was a British colony in Jamestown, Virginia, where tobacco farming was widely practiced across North America in 1619....

08 Jul 2008

The Virginian dynasty

Essay - 5 pages - Modern history

George Washington was born in 1732 into a Virginia planter family and was raised to be an eighteenth century Virginia gentlemen. Washington was a general and took part in the French and Indian War as well as the American Revolutionary War. Washington became of the most important...

20 Oct 2010

Oliver Wendell Holmes: The Great Dissenter of his time or of All time?

Essay - 6 pages - Medieval history

Oliver Wendell Holmes earned the reputation of the” Great Dissenter.” He commonly took a different path in the interpretation of Constitutional law. His most controversial and provocative dissents involved freedom of speech. Even though he was considered to be a literal and...

15 Oct 2024

Proportional Representation, the Three-Fifths Compromise, and the Constitution

Speech - 2 pages - Political science

As a delegate from the great state of Virginia, a state with one of the largest populations in the Union, I find myself compelled to voice strong opposition to certain provisions of the newly proposed Constitution. Our gathering in Philadelphia, intended to create a more robust and...

23 Feb 2010

Jamestown vs. Plymouth Rock

Thesis - 2 pages - Modern history

Jamestown, Virginia was the first permanent English settlement in the New World. Sponsored by the Virginia Company of London, Jamestown was founded on the basis of economic motives. As news of the economic opportunities spread throughout England, entrepreneurs of this company...

24 Feb 2010

What would Durkheim say?

Thesis - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education

ROANOKE, Virginia - The town is experiencing a divorce rate about twice as high as the national average, and is taking action to reduce the problems that result within the family. Due in large part to a suffering local economy, shifting cultural views towards marriage, and increased...

12 Jul 2011

Bacon's Rebellion: Background, Opposing Forces and Significance

Thesis - 3 pages - Political science

By the time Nathaniel Bacon arrived in Virginia from England, the economic and political situation in the colony was already far from satisfactory. Hence, a precondition for the rebellion existed long before Bacon's appearance on Virginia political scene. Several factors contributed...

18 Dec 2008

Identity sags in transition

Case study - 6 pages - Journalism

In February of 2005, the state of Virginia proposed a “Droopy Drawers” bill. The House voted 60-34 for this bill (Bellantoni), but was later shot down by the Senate. If passed, one would have been facing a fifty-dollar fine for sagging. “It's not an attack on baggy...

28 Dec 2010

Study of Latin American societies in the context of urbanization

Case study - 5 pages - Management

One way to understand Latin American societies is to examine issues that cause conflict. These are most common when management tangles with urbanization, this has become a central issue, particularly since the late 1980s that saw the emergence to the "urban crisis" [1] . The articles in this...

06 Jun 2012

Reduce school violence in Brazil

Case study - 5 pages - Political science

The recent violence shown by an individual in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil has prompted the National Security Council to propose to the President of the United States of America, Mr. Barack Obama, in stepping in and helping the Brazilian government and President Dilma Rousseff. The acts of violence...

22 Jun 2009

A review of George Washington's presidency

Thesis - 5 pages - Social, moral & civic education

George Washington, born in 1732 into a Virginia planter family, inherited his famous Mt. Vernon estate at the age of 20, and until the outbreak of the American Revolution managed this estate and associated himself with the Virginia House of Burgesses. He was married to a widow,...

18 Aug 2014

A different mirror- book review

Book review - 2 pages - Literature

The historical mirror can guide the living, helping them realize their past and present being. The book ‘a different mirror' presents a view of America's many cultures through the eyes of the minority who migrated to America aiming at getting a better life, the immigrants later got short...

26 Feb 2009

The effect of diatomaceous earth on the behavior of the Red Imported Fire Ant

Thesis - 7 pages - Biology

Solenopsis invicta, the Red Imported Fire Ant, was brought over on ship cargo by accident from Central Brazil between 1933 and 1945 (Sullivan, 2003). Since then, it has become one of the most hated nonnative pests in the Southern region of North America. RIFA thrive in open, sunny areas such as...

24 Aug 2010

Women in Cherokee society

Thesis - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education

The Cherokee are people who are rich in cultural identity and history. Their nation flourished in North America long before the European ancestors chose to settle here. Originally residents of the American southeast region, the Cherokee tribes resided throughout Georgia, North and South...

29 Nov 2006

The impact of Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy on the nation's capital

Essay - 9 pages - Political science

When John Fitzgerald Kennedy was elected President in 1960, he was the youngest President in the history of the United States. Deciding to bring a new style, a new look and a new vitality to the White House, he had a major asset: his wife. Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy was only thirty-one, but she...

18 Dec 2008

The effect of black soldiers in the Civil War

Essay - 9 pages - Modern history

Throughout the history of the United States, Africans and African-Americans have consistently been treated as second-class citizens. This prejudice is most apparent and appalling in the system of slavery that lasted for more than two hundred years in the United States. In the 1800's tensions over...

30 May 2009

Students behavior towards smoking and brand equity

Thesis - 17 pages - Services marketing

The FMCG sector has been the cornerstone of the Indian economy. Though the sector has been into existence for quite a long time, it began to take shape only during the last fifty-odd years. The sector touches every aspect of human life, from looks to hygiene to palate. Perhaps, defining an...