Violence in South Africa
Essay - 13 pages - Journalism
While South Africa is one of the richest countries of Africa, why is there so much violence? 25 of the biggest African firms are South African, and its economy is the largest and the most developed on the continent. It grows by 5% every year. Yet, South Africa has a high rate of...
Media and violence
Thesis - 2 pages - Journalism
Today's media is without question the single most powerful collective group in the entire world. The media shapes how individuals think, view the world, learn, feel, and behave. And this is not in a small controlled environment; the media is a global force. The debate in our country for the...
Violence against women
Thesis - 5 pages - Criminal law
Despite the fact that women are much more likely to be killed then to kill, women charged with the murder of their violent male partners are further victimized by a legal system that has been constructed, interpreted and implemented to fit men's experience and homicidal responses. Current...
A critique of a paper titled 'Service users experience of violence within a mental health system: A study using grounded theory approach'
Thesis - 5 pages - Psychology
This assignment will look at a piece of research relevant to a recent practice placement, on an elderly functional mental health unit. It will critique the article and will use a structured framework based on Benton and Cormack (2001). Following the Framework of this model has been proven to show...
Examining the violence associated with the programme and actions of the Red Army Faction
Thesis - 7 pages - Social, moral & civic education
While every species has the capability to act violently towards other creatures; no other organism on the planet does so with such frequency or intensity as human beings. Throughout humanities history violence has targeted people for their beliefs, their ethnicity, and their resources and...
The impact of violence and aggression on Social Workers
Thesis - 7 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Violence and aggression pose threats to society and individuals at work or outside of work. The cost in terms of disruption, bad image, and absenteeism, and turnover, accidents at work, burnout and compensation are increasingly becoming apparent. Most importantly these threats...
Violence and expressionism
Thesis - 4 pages - Philosophy
Expressionism is an avant-garde movement in which violence is everywhere in themes, in forms, in the expression of the artist in general. We can define violence by aggressive facts, language immoderation, brutality and provocation. When we talk about violence in art, the...
Immediate needs: A collective analysis of the Violence Against Women Act of 1995
Thesis - 5 pages - Social, moral & civic education
The broad policy issue that our committee addressed was violence against women. This issue is often assumed to occur in the context of intimate partner violence (IPV ). However, violence against women is best defined as any act of physical force with the intent to harm,...
Citizenship status, racism, gender and violence: Aboriginal women in Canada, international sex trade - finding the links and associations
Thesis - 9 pages - Social, moral & civic education
In the forward to Andrea Smith's (2005) book Conquest. Sexual Violence and American Indian Genocide, Winona LaDuke, writing about Native Women's experience in Minnesota, writes that Native women in the state, which borders Manitoba, have a ten-times higher chance of dying a violent death...
Human rights and domestic violence
Thesis - 8 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Human Rights Watch has estimated that 12,000 women a year die in Russia because of domestic violence; Human Rights Commission of Pakistan reports close to 80% of women experience domestic violence; 49,280 rapes were reported in South Africa in 1998; and the CDC estimates at least...
The suburbs in France: Drugs, violence & riots
Essay - 13 pages - Political science
This paper gives the reader an introduction to a real French suburb. Recently, the suburbs of France are quite in the picture of the world's media, because of the several riots in November 2005 and even now at this moment. On October the 27th it will be precisely one year ago that the hype...
The impact of violence on the mental health of South African Children
Case study - 6 pages - Psychology
Violence as a national problem in South Africa needs little introduction. South African citizens are exposed to daily, sensationalised reports of violence in the media, emphasising this problem's national and international pervasiveness. However, little emphasis is laid on the...
Violence against Aboriginal women
Thesis - 5 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Violence against women is a persistent and ongoing problem in Canada and around the world. It affects women's social and economic equality, physical and mental health, well-being and economic security. The effects of domestic violence are well-known, and many steps have been taken...
Aggressiveness and violence in humans and its relation to the upbringing
Case study - 12 pages - Psychology
Aggression is a common behavior in humans. It is not necessary to regard aggressiveness in a person as a bad quality for it has been found to be necessary in animals and is a part of nature. The more aggressive animal in a species is generally more successful, powerful and gains control over...
Political violence in flux: Changes in today's world
Essay - 10 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Terrorism has fundamentally changed the nature of international relations as a whole. With the emergence of small, non government organizations (or NGOs) that have the capability to inflict massive amounts of damage to life and property, states as a whole now face a strong challenge to their...
The development and implications of violence in schools
Essay - 6 pages - Social, moral & civic education
In the last 20 years, American public schools have witnessed a drastic increase in the level and severity of school violence. Incidents such as those that took place in Columbine have become more prevalent in schools all across the country. When it comes to school violence, no...
Violence Is Everywhere
Essay - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Violence is everywhere. People see it in movies featuring Vin Diesel, in many video games, and read about it in books. Many people argue that television should not feature violence since it may affect young children in undesirable ways. Children can grow up to be desensitized to...
Experiences of and responses to domestic violence
Essay - 5 pages - Sociology & social sciences
Domestic violence is a complex and problematic matter, one that poses many questions for the criminal justice system, victims, perpetrators, and enforcers and creators of policy. Compared to other victims of violent crimes, victims of domestic violence can moreover face...
The Emerald Isle bleeds red: Religious violence in Ireland
Essay - 7 pages - Social, moral & civic education
To the Western world today, terrorism usually brings to mind some far-flung desert-like country and the people that inhabit it. Sadly, it often brings to mind terms like Muslim or Islam. When one hears the word terrorism, Ireland is generally not ones first thought, at...
Violence in media and its effects on adolescents
Essay - 4 pages - Psychology
This paper will review several studies of violence in today's media of television and electronic gaming and how it significantly affects aggression levels in children. These studies have looked at the direct and indirect effects of violence in the media and how it produces more...
The ethics of Merton: Non-violence and its connection with the sacred
Essay - 9 pages - Philosophy
Nonviolence is both a form of theory and the commitment to a lifestyle which adheres to this theory. Although there are different perceptions of the importance of direct action, nonviolence is mostly defined by its attitude of understanding and humility. The nonviolent tradition believes strongly...
The Violence of Childhood
Book review - 3 pages - Literature
Being an adult usually implies that you have a power of perspective, that is, to see things in a larger system and then to understand these things as being symptomatic of this system. Naturally, children lack this ability and their sense of reality is tenuous and fragmented, and many times their...
Domestic Violence
Tutorials/exercises - 2 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Domestic and intimate violence is a subject with deep historical roots. It is only recently, however, that an understanding of how much abuse actually takes place has been uncovered. According a report by Huang and Gunn, The National Violence against Women Prevention Center...
Violence and Injury
Presentation - 41 pages - Medical studies
Serious violence and injury have life-altering consequences for victims and their families that often cannot be reversed. Prevention and treatment must be priorities. Violence in the United States is a public health epidemic that is caused by institutional and personal actions....
Inequalities Against Women in India
Essay - 4 pages - Political science
The social framework of India is mainly responsible for the persistence of gender-based violence (GBV), as there are persistent gender disparities that stem from patriarchal practices. In India, dowry, child marriages, child murder, selective terminations of pregnancy, sex trafficking,...
Comparative Rights and Legal Systems
Case study - 6 pages - Constitutional law
Numerous arguments concerning the right to bear arms have always been a topic of significant concern, especially in countries such as the United States and Mexico, where it bears clear cultural and legal value. According to Charles (2022), though the two countries have the citizenship right to...
What Makes a Belief an Extremist Belief?
Essay - 4 pages - Culture, religion & civilization
Extremism or holding extreme beliefs is associated with terrorist atrocities and a rapid increase in hate crimes. Extremist beliefs are those beliefs that a group or individual holds closely that are outside the mainstream of society. Extremist beliefs can either be political or religious. Those...
Places and forms of power
Essay - 1 pages - Political science
In this notion we talk about the violence of some people and guns with laws which guns gone and the NRA. First, we can say that the 5th Amendment authorized keeping guns. All are beginning on 1776 July 4th with the Independence Day from UK, then there is the Constitution on 1789 and to...
Comprehensive Wellness Assessment - Case of a Caucasian Woman
Case study - 5 pages - Medical care & personal assistance
The comprehensive wellness assessment enables the caregiver and the patient to deliberate on existing and new health issues. A well-woman assessment is a proactive method for screening likely issues associated with women's health (Tong et al., 2021). This evaluation is vital for the health of...
Political Parties and Election in the Middle East and North Africa
Summary - 2 pages - Political science
This text is based on "Elections under authoritarianism: Preliminary lessons from Jordan" by Ellen Lust, "Bullets over Ballots: Islamist groups, the state and electoral violence in Egypt and Morocco" by Hendrik Kraetzschmara and Francesco Cavatortab and "Elections and Distributive Politics...