Supply chain security in the United States
Essay - 10 pages - Management
A global supply chain links the United States and the rest of the world. Across the time, the focus has been put on reducing the costs of transport, and therefore resulted in a decrease of the ship crew, customs duty and requirements. However, Sept 11 posed a clear threat on global...
Overview of supply chain management
Thesis - 7 pages - Management
Supply chain management (SCM) refers to the management of activities that procure raw materials, transform those materials into intermediate goods and final products, and deliver the products through a distribution system to the end-user. There are numerous key factors that play an...
The impact of alignment between supply chain strategy and is strategy on SCM performance
Thesis - 13 pages - Management
Supply chain (SC) strategy and information system (IS) strategy to implement Supply Chain Management (SCM) processes have been individually regarded as the vital and imperative ways to improve SCM performance. Yet what kinds of IS strategies to be implemented under what condition of...
The impact of power on relationship commitment in supply chains
Thesis - 11 pages - Management
While power-relationship commitment theory in relationship marketing area has been established well in the west literature, few studies examine the robustness of it in the Chinese context with a different culture. The generalization of power-relationship commitment theory in supply chain...
A Petrinet model of a short life cycle product supply chain and deduction of its reachability matrix by simulation
Thesis - 5 pages - Management
This paper focuses on the concept of short life cycle supply chain of products where the selling time of the product is short and fixed. Based on an object events table and dynamical events occurring table a composite model of short life cycle product is created. This model is then...
Supply Chain and Logistics Managements' evolution
Essay - 4 pages - Management
Globally, supply chain management (SCM) is the whole set of tools and methods that are used by managers in order to improve the supply chain of a company. Indeed, supply chain management is regarded as a process in which planning, implementing and controlling, allow the...
Supply Chain Management (SCM)
Case study - 3 pages - Management
Currently, the pace of globalization is being accelerated by the development of new information technology. This modifies the relationship that companies share with third parties like customers, suppliers and partners, and makes it more complex. The companies have to constantly work towards...
How is the supply chain positioned within the organization?
Case study - 3 pages - Management
The supply chain refers to all the physical or information flows and processes involved in the provision of the products to the customer. In other words, the supply chain comprises of all links in the logistics process. We must distinguish the supply chain of the company...
Discuss the link between procurement, sourcing, suppliers, and production strategies in supply chains
Essay - 8 pages - Management
The mission of supply chain management is to have processes integrated between the functions of the firm. Consequently, procurement, production, distribution, and marketing are members of a network. The vision of the supply chain management is to deliver value to customers....
How can organizations tackle environmental constraints to reach an eco-efficient supply chain?
Essay - 10 pages - Management
For many years, being ecologically and environmentally friendly was not a concern for companies; they mostly focused on costs no matter how harmful their practices and processes might be for the environment. However, today, environmental issues are growing and becoming a real threat....
Developing supply chain management focus through ISO 9000: An empirical assessment
Thesis - 14 pages - Management
The ISO 9000 quality management (QM) standard, a key approach to implementing QM in organizations, also has many supply chain management (SCM) concepts associated with it. In this paper, we assess the extent to which organizations can use the standard to develop a SCM focus. Specifically,...
The relationships among information sharing, process integration and supply chain responsiveness
Thesis - 5 pages - Management
How to survive and develop in this hyper competitive environment has become a major concern for many companies. To deal with the increasing uncertainty, manufacturers need to respond the customer demands quickly. But manufacturers can not improve supply chain responsiveness by themselves,...
Leveraging procurement operations of supply chain management
Thesis - 9 pages - Management
Researchers and practitioners increasingly view that the operations and procurement functions as intimately linked and as playing imperative roles in Supply Chain Management. Ultimately the performance of the operations management system measured in terms of cost, quality, delivery and...
An integrated coordination model for a supply chain dealing with short life-cycle products operating under stock dependent demand
Thesis - 5 pages - Management
The market demand of any product is generally influenced by quality, warranty, service, advertisement and sales promotion. Apart from these factors, the amount of stock displayed will also significantly influence the sales at retail level. Though, many inventory models have been developed based...
Fuzzy expert model for order cost efficiency in capacitated two-echelon distribution chains
Thesis - 12 pages - Management
The supply chain researchers are commonly trying to optimize one or more decision variables under stochastic conditions. This paper considers a capacitated two-echelon divergent distribution chain facing stochastic demand and order cost fluctuations. The limited storage facility of...
Kompan from a supply chain perspective
Case study - 3 pages - Management
from a supply chain perspective and then asses the possibilities for innovation that arises because of this. Benefits and challenges: we interpret these as to what extent the acquisition strategy creates benefits and challenges when aligning information and material flow as well as...
Cost optimization of supply chain networks using particle swarm optimization
Thesis - 8 pages - Computer science
With increasing competitiveness in the business world, focus on supply chain has got greater attention. Therefore supply chain has to be made effective by reducing unnecessary losses occurring in the supply network. These losses are caused due to production, distribution planning...
Overview of supply chain of the AXA group
Thesis - 6 pages - Logistics
The operating system business is an increasingly complex phenomenon. There are different channels and processes within the same company and the operating system businesses in some companies are more complex than others. The production chain of the production process of a product is an...
Global supply chain management control: Czech Republic
Thesis - 4 pages - Management
The elements of global supply chain management include manufacturing compatibility, manufacturing configuration, coordination and control, quality control, inventory management and the process of making or buying decisions. In this context, compatibility refers to the consistency between...
The integrated management of the logistic processes (supply chain management) - published: 23/11/2010
Case study - 2 pages - Logistics
The supply chain management: A management philosophy The development of the concept of the ?Supply Chain Management' has its roots in the ability of firms to respond to a client's request in an acceptable period of time while still being able maintain its status as a...
The integrated management of the logistic processes (supply chain management)
Case study - 1 pages - Logistics
The development of the supply management chain (SCM) depends on the ability of a company to respond to customer requests. Responding to customer requests has to be done while being able to maintain the economic position of the company through the introduction of new products. By...
Corporate Finance - comparison between "McDonalds" and "Burger King", two leading fast food chains
Case study - 11 pages - Finance
The two companies have been present in the fast food market for a long time and they produce different types of food. The turnover of Burger King amounts to US$2.234 billion and that of McDonald's amounts to US$ 22.79 billion, which reveals that both the companies are very important and powerful...
The management of the supply chain
Case study - 4 pages - Services marketing
A company involved in the field of childcare articles, caters to three different product families: - Large childcare (strollers, chairs, child seats etc.), small nursery (baby bottles, tableware, small toys etc.) and distribution of textile products. The distribution of textile products takes...
Operations and supply chain management: The case of Fermob, outdoor lounge
Thesis - 6 pages - Management
We chose to study the supply chain of Fermob whose headquarters and factory are located in Thoissey near Belleville in Ain (half an hour North from Lyon). Fermob's mission is to design and make outdoor furniture which decorates the garden in a relaxed and convivial way. Fermob furniture...
Strategic analysis - the Accor group and the acquisition of the American chain of hotel Motel6
Thesis - 3 pages - Business strategy
This document, discusses the situation of a large group (Accor hotels and services) that wishes to acquire a new company (the American hotel chain Motel6). The study highlights the strategic motives of an acquisition, the various difficulties that may arise, and the actions that may...
Strategy marketing of the coffee chain Starbucks Coffee
Case study - 35 pages - Services marketing
The Starbucks Coffee Company was founded in 1971 by three friends who were amateur connoisseurs of quality coffees. They opened their first store in the U.S. in the city of Seattle. The shop then sold retail coffee grounds, prepared according to customer's demand. During the first year the...
The management of the supply chain of Domaine de la Motte
Case study - 5 pages - Management
Description of activity The Domaine de La Motte is not far from Narbonne which is in the heart of Languedoc Roussillon. It includes nearly 175 acres of vineyards in Australia and specializes in the production of Chardonnay. The production area is mainly reserved for brands such as the...
Corporate Strategy - Megabrew: Creating an Undisputed Global Brewing Champion?
Case study - 29 pages - Business strategy
In the case study "Megabrew", "Creating an Undisputed Global Brewing Champion?" as the subtitle, the significant characters of the mergers and the acquisitions are explored within the context of the brewing industry. From a strategic point of view, this evaluation reviews megabrews using...
Marketing strategy of McDonald's fast-food chain
Case study - 2 pages - Business strategy
"It is all that I like" is the tagline for the McDonald's in France. McDonald's is probably the most famous fast-food firm in the world. McDonald's has more than 30,000 restaurants in the world and a gain of more than 20 billion in their turnover. However, in France, McDonald's...
The Implications of the Internet for Collaboration with Customers on Product Decisions
Essay - 7 pages - Marketing theories
Web 2.0 is opposed to web 1.0 (appeared in 1990) which was defined as a 'static web' where the user was passive and simply consume the information that came to him without intervening. The origin of the term Web 2.0 was introduced by Dale Dougherty of the company O'Reilly in 2004 and...