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15 Jan 2009

Was there ever any realistic chance of an accommodation between the United States and the People's Republic of China in 1949/50?

Essay - 6 pages - International relations

In early 1949, China was a nationalist country, ruled by Chiang Kai-shek and sustained by the United States. At the same time, the Chinese Communists were rebelling and ruling large parts of the country, and were constantly progressing. It was obvious that they were soon going to rule the...

29 Sep 2010

The Cuban case

Essay - 10 pages - International relations

In this document, we find answers to the questions: To what extent did the particular situation of Cuba in the post Second World War era influence the international relations theory? According to the current international relations theory, what are the perspectives for Cuba today? International...

01 Dec 2010

Privatization in Russia

Case study - 5 pages - Business strategy

Privatization is at the heart of structural reforms for the primary purpose of changing the structures of corporate governance in order to get them to behave efficiently and ensure their future on a long-term competitive basis [1] . Privatization in Russia was taken up in the 90s and...

27 Jan 2011

Publicity in Russia: a new concept

Case study - 4 pages - Management

In this article of Ostlund one finds the characteristics of publicity in Russia during the Sixties and Seventies. Large changes and developments took place for this period. The transition was carried out automatically thanks to the progressive opening of the Russian market towards the Western...

13 Jul 2008

Does the origins of the Cold War lie in the politics of the Second World War?

Essay - 4 pages - International relations

Although the first half of the twentieth century had been more hectic because of the frequent battles of the opposing powers in the two world wars, the second half of the century, the decades of the Cold War can be characterised as more tense because of the lack of direct clashes between the two...

23 Sep 2011

Reforms of the Cuban economy (1980 - 2011)

Essay - 5 pages - Services marketing

Introduction The current economic situation in Cuba cannot be attributed to the lack of natural resources or manpower. The cause can be traced back to their dependence on the USSR [1] and the other members of COMECON [2] between the 1970s and the 1980s. This enabled the country to...

13 Jan 2009

The Clash Of Civilization Samuel Phillips Huntington

Essay - 7 pages - Literature

Sixteen years ago Gorbatchev announced on television that he resigned as the President of the USSR, the Soviet flag was lowered over the Kremlin and on December 26th 1991, the Supreme Soviet Court recognized the extinction of the Soviet Union: the USSR was no more. After more than...

29 Sep 2010

Poland on the Speed and Scope of Transition

Essay - 12 pages - European union

Poland is a country in Central Europe, which has experienced a transition process. After World War II, the country was ruled by the workers' party, an emanation from USSR and communist party. During this period, Poland economy was centrally planned, which means that the Plan Office decided...

04 Aug 2022

EU relations in the wake of the 21st century

Essay - 6 pages - Modern history

Eastern and Western Europe were separated in the aftermath of the Second World War by their rapprochement with one of the two great victorious powers, the USSR and the United States. Rebuild = European countries reduced their military budgets and thus find themselves at a disadvantage in...

13 Jan 2009

How adequate is the question of sovereignty in the political disputes within Britain about the desirability of joining the European communities? (1945-1973)

Essay - 7 pages - Political science

Britain was one of the first countries to imagine a European grouping after the Second World War. In Zurich, on 19 September 1946, Churchill called for a 'United States of Europe', which would be based on cooperation between France and Germany. Yet he saw no place for Britain in this...

24 Jul 2006

Is the United Nations running the same risk as its predecessor the League of Nations of being made marginal or even irrelevant? Why or why not?

Essay - 5 pages - International relations

'The League is dead, long live the United Nations!' This is with these words that Lord Robert Cecil, one of the architects of the League of Nations, commented on the dissolution of the organization, in the spring 1946, expressing the apparent readiness to write the League off as a failure...

13 Jan 2009

Politics of the European Union

Thesis - 12 pages - European union

Since its foundation in the late 1950's, the European Union has seen its membership growing from 6 to 27 countries in 2007, with the accession of Bulgaria and Romania. The process might not stop at this point, as other countries such as West Balkans, Turkey, and eastern countries (former parts of...

29 Aug 2006

Is NATO still relevant ?

Essay - 7 pages - International relations

General De Gaulle once said that all alliances are like roses: they wither and decay. NATO might be a counter-example or it might not. While during the Munich Conference, the US Deputy Secretary of Defense, Paul Wolfowitz, claimed “As an alliance we have never been stronger. We have never...

16 Jan 2009

Integration of new countries in the European Union

Essay - 5 pages - European union

The story of Europe is still being written. The entrance of new countries, ten in 2004, two others in 2007, and the current question of opening Europe to Turkey, shows that the European Union is continuously evolving. From 1947 to 1989, the liberalist doctrine has been adopted by the Western part...

17 May 2009

Human Rights in China since the Tiannemen incident in 1989

Thesis - 7 pages - Modern history

On June 4th 1989, Deng Xiaoping and nine other members of the permanent Comity commanded the Prime Minister Li Peng to repress the occupation of Tiannenmen square by millions of students. Actually, this manifestation had started on the2nd of April by the students' reaction who wanted to pay...

19 Apr 2013

Did Poland make a success of its return to the democracy?

Case study - 3 pages - Political science

Poland, the fatherland of Nicolas Copernicus, Frederic Chopin and Jean-Paul II, is widely regarded as an icon of the emancipation of the people's democracies of Central and Eastern Europe with respect to the USSR. More still, Poland appears in the international imagery as an effective...

24 Nov 2009

Threats and opportunities for Russia after the establishment of WTO

Thesis - 6 pages - International relations

As Russia was the heart of Soviet Union and it used to have economic relations only inside USSR, this isolation from the rest of the world has weakened the economy of Russia and other member countries of USSR. Today Russia is an independent country, but it still does not have many...

30 Nov 2009

Examine and analyze the importance of Germany in the Cold War

Thesis - 4 pages - Modern history

There was a wide spread debate between USA and USSR regarding Germany. The issue gained significance during the cold war, though there were other factors which were responsible for the development of cold war, the Germany factor was an important one. The administration of Germany, the...

29 Sep 2010

The United States foreign policy orientation in the Middle East after September 11 in a neorealist perspective

Essay - 4 pages - International relations

September 11, 2001 brought changes to the rules of the international system established at the end of the Cold War. The collapse of the Soviet Union allowed the United States to reign at the top of the international area. It was able to dominate the world as the only superpower in possession of...

20 Feb 2013

North Atlantic Pact (NATO)

Case study - 7 pages - Political science

April 4, 1949 witnessed the signing of the Treaty of the North Atlantic (or Atlantic Pact) thus marking the birth of the NATO military alliance between the United States, Canada and 10 European countries: France, the United Kingdom, Belgium, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Iceland, Denmark, Norway,...

29 Sep 2010

Intercultural management: An introduction to the Russian culture

Case study - 7 pages - Management

Russia has inherited the powerful heavy industry of the USSR, especially steel mills, refineries and chemical plants. The sectors of weapons and the Aerospace are still well developed. Since the beginning of the 1990's, the planned economy turned to a market economy. The economic and...

05 Jul 2013

How far do you agree that the crisis experienced by China in the late 1980s was due to "the inevitable consequences of the policies of economic liberalization by Deng Xiaoping"?

Case study - 5 pages - Political science

Shortly after the death of Mao Zedong in 1976 came the rehabilitation of Deng Xiaoping. During the latter's reign, China experienced a crisis in the late 1980s, the 1989 Tiananmen Crisis, during which the army attacked students who held a demonstration demanding political liberalisation. This...

02 Sep 2014

History 9067/3: International History, 1945 - 1991

Case study - 5 pages - Modern history

On first reading, Source A agrees with the hypothesis that “The United Nations Secretary-General has never possessed any independent power.” For example, it says that “Trygve Lie had to operate in a UN which was still very much an ‘East-West structure.” - this seems to...

16 Jan 2009

Current Polish foreign policy towards Poland's eastern neighbour states: Russia, Belarus, Ukraine (October 2004 - February 2005)

Essay - 10 pages - International relations

Poland has always lied at the crossroads of Europe, as suggested by the title of one of Norman Davies' famous history books Heart of Europe. Intermediate between the West and the East; buffer state; ally or enemy of the main European powers, Poland was once a very powerful country whose territory...

29 Sep 2010

The Grand Chessboard by Zbigniew Brzezinski

Essay - 6 pages - International relations

Zbigniew Brzezinski, President Carter's Security Adviser between 1977 and 1981, is currently a member of the Center for Strategic and International Studies. He is also a Professor at Johns Hopkins University and used to teach at Harvard and Columbia. ‘The Grand Chessboard - American...

10 Jul 2013

How far do you agree with the view that "the Soviet Union expanded into Europe because of the desire to acquire superpower status"?

Case study - 4 pages - Educational studies

By the middle of 1944, the Soviet Union's Red Army was on the offensive and was pushing the Germans firstly out of the USSR, then out of Eastern Europe. When the governments in the Eastern European countries collapsed one after another with the departure of the German forces, there were...

29 Nov 2006

The Fog of War: Lessons One and Two

Essay - 7 pages - International relations

Through the process of critical oral history, Robert McNamara has re-evaluated his experience as the Secretary of Defense under the Kennedy and Johnson presidencies. Filmmaker Errol Morris shaped his documentary The Fog of War around eleven lessons from the life of McNamara. The first two...

17 May 2009

Robert Kagan, "Of Paradise and Power, America and Europe in the New World Order"

Book review - 5 pages - Political science

Robert Kagan's Of Paradise and Power was published in January 2003. The book is in fact an extension of the author's article “Power and Weakness” which appeared in the Policy Review in June 2002. In his book, Kagan presents a very interesting point of view. He shows that, whether...

03 May 2007

Cultural Transformations

Thesis - 3 pages - Modern history

World War Two left Europe war torn and destitute. Over 30 million people had been “uprooted, transplanted, expelled, deported and dispersed…in the years 1939-43” (Judt, Postwar, p. 23). Many cities were completely destroyed including Minsk, Royan, Le Havre, Hamburg, Cologne,...

31 Dec 2010

The productive forces of United States of America

Thesis - 32 pages - Economy general

The GNP of United States is the highest in the world, at $10,946 billion in 2004, substantially higher than the EU-25 ($9449 billion, including $1523 billion for France) and two and a half times higher that of Japan ($4390 billion). The GNP per capita remains the fourth highest in the world, with...