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12 Jul 2010

Power equations in the political system of the United States

Thesis - 5 pages - Political science

Article 28 of the Universal Declaration of the Human Rights (1793) states that- "a group of people always have the right to revise, reform and change the constitution; a generation cannot subject future generations to its laws." This provision implies that the constituent power is always...

23 Feb 2010

The United States reconstruction

Thesis - 2 pages - Modern history

During the American Civil War the Southern states seceded from the Union. Once the Confederacy was defeated Lincoln and his associates seriously considered tactics on how to reintegrate the Southern states and what to do with Confederate leaders and the freed slaves. Lincoln wanted...

29 Sep 2010

Why, according to Iversen, have the United States and Continental Europe adopted such different approaches to labor markets and social protection?

Essay - 2 pages - Political science

Published in 2005, Torben Iversen, tries in his book ?Capitalism, Democracy and Welfare', to build a general explanation on why within a group of countries labeled western type democracies there are such differences regarding economic equality and welfare protection. With an integrated...

20 Oct 2010

Key operational and strategic factors of the United States' Victory at the Battle of Midway

Thesis - 2 pages - Political science

The Battle of Midway proved to be a decisive naval victory for the United States to establish a dominant Pacific presence. This critical defeat of the Japanese came as the result of successful strategic and operational planning by the United States Navy. Effective...

20 Jul 2010

Immigration issues and reforms of the United States

Thesis - 6 pages - Political science

The word “Immigration” has been derived from the Latin word “immigrare” which means “to move”. Immigration means migrating and settling in a country that is not a native to the person migrating. For ex: If a person living in Sweden decides to move to the U.S and...

29 Sep 2010

Analysis of the creation United States of Africa

Essay - 24 pages - International relations

The United States of Africa is a project that has been raising issues for decades. Indeed, many international actors, activists groups, countries and other companies are concerned about the unity of an African people formed as a strong and powerful continent. It is true that many...

16 Dec 2010

The situation of the United States concerning the Kyoto Protocol

Thesis - 17 pages - International relations

Understanding and predicting climate issues have become important because of disturbances caused by human activities and population pressure and economic development. The scientists were the first to draw the attention of policymakers on the risk of climate change linked to emissions of...

29 Sep 2010

The United States and international religious freedom - published: 29/09/2010

Essay - 4 pages - International relations

In 1998, the International Religious Freedom Act (IRFA) created both the International Religious Freedom Office in the Department of State and the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF). Since then, a report has been produced every year within the United...

30 Mar 2010

Motivation for United States to enter the World War II

Thesis - 2 pages - Modern history

The intervention of the United States in WWII was not caused by the plight of the Jews interned in concentration camps or because of the threat of Japan, but for the purpose of defending Britain and France and stopping the spread of German dictatorship through Europe. The...

30 Jun 2010

A user's guide to the United States department of education:

Essay - 1 pages - Social, moral & civic education

The United States Department of Education website can be found at Organized and specific, the tabs cover all desired topics. There are tabbed resources specific to: Students, Teachers, Parents, and Administration. The site's main failure is that it contains too much...

29 Sep 2010

Abortion in the United States

Essay - 5 pages - Sociology & social sciences

In the modern world, one can observe the growing success of anti-abortion actions in the United States whereas the law is supposed to ensure safe and medical abortion. Besides, abortion has become a part of everyday politics (like the death penalty). For instance, in the...

13 Jul 2010

Guns and liberty in the United States

Thesis - 4 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Concealed carry refers to the practice of carrying a handgun or any other weapon in public, either concealed on one's person, or in the vicinity. Forty-eight American states have passed laws allowing citizens to carry concealed arms in public. The laws differ slightly form state to...

19 Aug 2010

Why Euro-centric isn't so appropriate: Why the history of the United States matters

Thesis - 4 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Christopher Columbus was the gentle white man who co-existed peacefully alongside the indigenous people. Thomas Jefferson indeed was the savant who penned our nation's most admirable document. And Abraham Lincoln, the lanky, equitable man who inherently felt the plight of the slaves, these are...

30 Nov 2010

Why are foreign exchange rates of G3 (the United States, Japan, Europe) so unstable?

Thesis - 12 pages - Economy general

In 1973, Nixon unilaterally decided to break off all references to gold and to float the dollar to escape the constraints of the international monetary system of Bretton Woods which was becoming increasingly burdensome on the U.S. economy. This ended the system of fixed exchange rates, which had...

18 Aug 2010

Religion in the United States

Thesis - 6 pages - Philosophy

In ‘The Will to Power', Nietzsche presents religion as an illusion which creates a psychological confusion. The religious man is viewed as a sick man who invents a personal explanation of the world around him. In the Critique of Hegel's philosophy of law Marx, opines that religion is a...

29 Sep 2010

Being black in France and in the United States : a comparison

Essay - 18 pages - Social, moral & civic education

"Penser et agir par nous-mêmes et pour nous-mêmes, en Nègres..., accéder à la modernité sans piétiner notre authenticité". That is how the famous thinker of the "Négritude", Leopold Sendar Senghor, described the challenge that fell on black people in the whole world at the dawn of the 21st...

29 Jul 2010

Immigration of Chinese to the United States

Thesis - 2 pages - Social, moral & civic education

As the Qing Dynasty started to decline in the late 19th century, many Chinese people sought a new life in a new land, a place known as “Beautiful Country.” The homeland was ravaged by political unrest, most significantly by the Taiping Rebellion which claimed almost 20 million lives...

31 Dec 2010

French cosmetics in the United States

Thesis - 60 pages - Business strategy

The establishment of new French cosmetic companies in the United States is an interesting topic to discuss in the current scenario. For many years, France and its beauty products in particular have always enjoyed a good reputation across the Atlantic that allowed young French...

29 Sep 2010

Mexico and the USA - A recent history framed by the North American Free Trade Agreement : the borderless economy in a "Neo-Monroeist" order ?

Essay - 7 pages - International relations

In 1994, the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) represented a turning point in the relationship between Mexico and the USA and was considered likely to resolve key bilateral issues. NAFTA was thus a sort of promising frame to achieve the benefits of interdependence in a...

29 Jul 2010

The United States Presidential election in the rest of the world

Thesis - 1 pages - Journalism

According to the latest Gallup poll, the presidential race between Barack Obama and John McCain remains close. Forty-five percent of registered voters support Obama, with McCain close behind with 42 percent. Among respondents 5 percent did not have an opinion. This poll has a margin of error of...

29 Sep 2010

Trade Unions in the United-States

Essay - 2 pages - Labor law

The twentieth century witnessed major evolutions in the American workplace, from mass production, to automation, and all the way to the digital economy we know now. Workers' lives have evolved similarly, mostly gaining from the benefits during the century. American workers mostly have their...

29 Sep 2010

A Comparative Analysis of the Welfare States of Germany, Sweden, and the United States

Essay - 12 pages - Economy general

A welfare-state is a state in which organized power is used to provide social services to a society that cannot provide these things for itself through market-based transactions. Studying the welfare-states of Germany, Sweden and the United States will provide...

24 Mar 2010

The separation of powers, checks and balances in the United States

Thesis - 5 pages - Political science

The American Constitution is the most wonderful work ever struck off at a given time by the brain and purpose of man.' It is with these words that William Gladstone describes the Supreme Law of the United States. This famous document, written by the Founding Fathers and ratified in...

31 Dec 2010

The creation of Limited Liability Companies (LLC) in United States

Case study - 2 pages - Business strategy

'The General Partnership' is an oral or written contract between two individuals or partners who are in collaboration with for a particular case. There are no legal formalities involved. By signing this contract, the partners assume personal responsibility in case things go wrong. They...

29 Sep 2010

The United States foreign policy orientation in the Middle East after September 11 in a neorealist perspective

Essay - 4 pages - International relations

September 11, 2001 brought changes to the rules of the international system established at the end of the Cold War. The collapse of the Soviet Union allowed the United States to reign at the top of the international area. It was able to dominate the world as the only superpower in...

15 Jan 2009

Elites in the United States

Essay - 6 pages - Political science

One of the arguments that have been laid down to explain the defeat of John F. Kerry on the US-Presidential elections in 2004 was his elitist side. Being a White Anglo-Saxon from the North-East, Kerry really corresponded to the image of a politician who would run the country in a technocratic...

14 Apr 2009

Rapprochement and Co-operation between China and the United States

Thesis - 7 pages - International relations

The establishment of relations between the United States of America and the People's Republic of China (China) was in every sense a watershed in the history of foreign policy, and permanently altered the international system. U. S. President Richard M. Nixon's trip to China...

14 Jul 2009

Rapprochement and cooperation between China and the United States: The revolutionary breakthrough which changed the balance of power forever

Thesis - 7 pages - International relations

The establishment of relations between the United States of America and the People's Republic of China (China) was in every sense a watershed in the history of foreign policy, and permanently altered the international system. U. S. President Richard M. Nixon's trip to China...

16 Jan 2009

The impact of bank failures on the money stock during the inter-war period in the United States

Essay - 11 pages - Finance

In the following study the researcher attempt to analyze whether the monetary policy adopted by the Federal Reserve during the interwar period led to the Great Depression. The study would investigate through an extensive literature review by studying the perspectives of renowned economists in...

07 May 2009

The USA patriot act: The un-American way

Thesis - 5 pages - Journalism

On September 11, 2001, the United States was attacked by a foreign terrorist Muslim group called Al-Queda directed by Osama bin Laden, Khalid Sheikh Mohammad, as well as, others. President George W. Bush appeared on television screens at the Oval office to address the American...