Cover Letter to Enter a Business Management Bachelor e-Learning Program
Sample letter - 1 pages - Educational studies
This letter is an application to the Business Management Bachelor e-learning program at the University of Essex.
The United States and the World: The Sources and Tools of American Foreign Policy
Course material - 8 pages - Modern history
There is undoubtedly an American exceptionalism: the US considers itself since the 18th century to be different from Europe. It has seen itself from the beginning as a universal model: the American way of life (linking most strongly liberal democracy and free enterprise, two notions...
Universal Science Fiction
Essay - 3 pages - Literature
According to Jane Donawerth in Frankenstein's Daughters, the only way for women to write science fiction, is for them to change the rules. This is certainly the case with Octavia Butler's Bloodchild. In Butler's Nebula award winning short story, Butler tells the tale of Gan, a young...
How Do Social Media Business Models Affect the Public Sphere?
Essay - 2 pages - Medias&communication marketing
Social media platforms have emerged as the center of the universe for our digital persona, changing how people communicate with each other and profoundly impacting both the economic sector and the public arena. At the core of their influence lies an innovative business model that exploits...
Analyze the (critical) implications of how Double Indemnity (Billy Wilder, Universal, USA, 1944) uses the conventions associated with film noir.
Thesis - 4 pages - Arts and art history
Double Indemnity is widely regarded as a classic example of film noir by film critics and fans of the genre alike. In terms of genre Double Indemnity clearly belongs to the film noir category although it is due to the lighting and style that many believe, film noir should be classed as a style...
Marketing Mix - Facebook
Case study - 4 pages - Brand management
Facebook is an American company headquartered in California. It is a social network initially created in 2004 to bring together and connect students from Harvard University, then extended to other universities, and finally to the rest of the population. The network has grown very quickly....
Cable Network "USA Network"
Case study - 5 pages - Educational studies
The NBC universal owns and manages USA Network, and it is the first cable channel to be launched in America in the early 1970's. It was launched on September 8, 1971. In the 1970's, the channel was one of the most recognized channels in the cable television network. In the 1970's, it switched its...
Massive Open Online Courses
Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies
Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) are teaching plans that happen to be internet based giving them the capability of simultaneously handling thousands of students based in different geographical locations globally. The MOOC trend of learning in higher education was introduced during the summer of...
Social media advertisements
Case study - 5 pages - Educational studies
Social media involves the interaction of people through virtual communities and networks where they share and exchange information or ideas of different kinds. Social media marketing aims at gaining attention of the existence of a certain product to a group of people, mostly referred to as the...
French law of international commercial arbitration
Course material - 5 pages - Other law subjects
French law of international commercial arbitration is a course designed for fourth-year students at the University of Nice Sophia-Antipolis and doctoral students in law. In order to help students deepen their knowledge of the subject, a book has been set up called "International Commercial...
Case Study of "Saving Creation Faith and Nature in the Life of Home Rolston" by Robin Attfield
Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies
One UN Declaration of Universal Human Rights (1948) state: "All States and all people shall cooperate in the essential task of eradicating poverty as an indispensable requirement." Holmes argues that it is sometimes good to let people die in order to serve the nature. He argues that food should...
What are the different sources of the law in England and Wales, and what are the common law rules which engage with an actionable misrepresentation?
Tutorials/exercises - 3 pages - Business law
The document answers two short essay questions from Business Law Final Summative Assessment of Regent's University London. The questions are the following: 1- Critically assess the different sources of the law in England and Wales. 2- Explain the difference between a representation...
Free speech in the USA
Financial analysis - 1 pages - Sociology & social sciences
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), to which the United States is a signatory, both establish the right of people to freedom of expression. This right includes the freedom to seek, receive, and impart information...
The Media Welfare State
Case study - 7 pages - Journalism
The media system (referring to the entire media in a country, the ownership structure, interest groups, which give the media sector an identity) of the Nordic countries can be defined as the coexistence of a strong development of mass circulation newspapers, an historical role of media connected...
Inclusive Architecture for College Students With Autism: Enhancing Academic Success and Social Inclusion
Dissertation - 14 pages - Sociology & social sciences
The research explores the invaluable role of inclusive architecture in enhancing academic performance and community among autistic college students. With a focus on investigating the role of inclusive design in the learning environments of children with autism, this paper will present the...
Presentation of Japanese educative system
Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies
I would like to present you the Japanese educative system, which is a bit different from ours. Nevertheless, the base is quite the same. As you can see, children can go to kindergarten until the age of six. Then, they enter in elementary schools for six years before going to middle school until...
The status quo of discrimination - Willing workers in unwilling circumstances
Essay - 5 pages - Sociology & social sciences
The idea of equality has been the dream of the hopeful but the reality is only a glimpse of the ideal. Since the Holocaust in World War II, there has been an international recognition for equality as outlined by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. However, the idea of equality has eluded...
Entrepreneurship Among Young People - How does the Emancipation of Young Graduates Ring a New Dynamic to their Professional Evolution?
Dissertation - 30 pages - Business strategy
Many young people, especially in developing countries, tend to view entrepreneurship as a viable and attractive path. Many young people, especially in developing economies, turn to entrepreneurship because of a lack of employment opportunities. The role of this thesis is to understand the...
Organizational culture at Google
Case study - 5 pages - Management
Google is a universal public corporation that deals with Internet searching, advertising, and Web-based computing technology. Besides this, it also works on creating a variety of online products and services such as several desktop applications, the Gmail software, the Google Chrome online...
How do we Explain the United States' Rise to Global Power Status in the Decades Following the American Civil War?
Essay - 4 pages - Pre-modern history
Between the end of the American Civil War in 1865 and 1900, the United States emerged as a major world power with the capacity to influence decisions and world events. The rise of the United States as a global power is closely tied with the important notion of American Imperialism, which refers...
Discuss the Advantages and Disadvantages of Space Exploration
Essay - 2 pages - Philosophy
The desire to explore in space certainly is an expression of never-ending human curiosity that leads us to conquer new lands that have not been discovered yet. It is only a domain of knowledge and technology that is solely concerned with travel beyond the atmosphere of our planet Earth, as well...
The American Education System
Essay - 2 pages - Educational studies
Let's start with the courses, and the different grades. In the USA, compulsory education begins at 5 years old, in the Kindergarten, which is the equivalent of La Grande Section in France. Before 5 year-old, you can go to Preschool and Pre-K, which are fee-paying schools, and it's really...
Applying Psychological Theories to Analyze Communication and Social Norms
Essay - 5 pages - Psychology
Education is a significant steward of society, determining the development of individual and professional knowledge, which in turn creates a community's growth and prosperity. Regarding education, which is considered a crucial sector, two key problems that are being discussed a lot are public...
Personal Reflection on Integrative Studies and Life's Trajectory
Tutorials/exercises - 4 pages - Educational studies
Integrative Studies is the way forward in educational development, where the link and common ground between different disciplines are pursued to greater heights. In its general mission, interdisciplinary studies is about combining different stones or two concepts from a particular discipline to...
Summary and analysis of 6 TED talks
Tutorials/exercises - 6 pages - Psychology
This document contains an analysis and a summary of the following Ted Talks : - - - - - -
Should the death sentence be implemented globally?
Essay - 5 pages - International law
From the beginning of the world, there have always been multiple ways or theories of punishment. After researches and studies conducted by the experts of the domain, it was revealed that the death sentence takes its roots from the legal and political systems of many countries of the world....
Strategic Human Resource Management - Southwest Airlines
Case study - 4 pages - Human resources
"Human Resource Management (HRM) is a strategic approach to managing employment relations which emphasize that leveraging people's capabilities is critical to achieving competitive advantage, this being achieved through a distinctive set of integrated employment policies, programs and...
Captain Ibrahim Traoré
Biography - 3 pages - Political science
Burkina Faso, the Land of Upright Men, is a semi-presidential republic. The President of Faso is the head of state. Since 2014, its political situation has been turned upside down, particularly because of the security context and coups d'état. The constitution was suspended on 31 October...
Reflection on Abrahamic Religions, Imperialism, and Modern Society
Essay - 2 pages - Culture, religion & civilization
In focusing on the intricate aspects of Abrahamic religions that Africa recognized and the far-reaching consequences of imperialism and colonial tropes of their modern world, we end up coming into contact with fascinating narrative parallels between the past and the present. This piece is a...
Isaac Newton's laws of motion
Essay - 2 pages - Physics
It is amazing how each new discovery in science and technology has allowed us as a society to improve our standards of living. What is even more phenomenal is that most of these discoveries were made so far before their time, and have so much influence on the fields of study that are used today....