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24 Oct 2024

What kinds of mental health Support do Universities have compared to the Gray Scale of High School, and which factors play an essential role in their success in the University?

Dissertation - 9 pages - Educational studies

This study will analyze whether mental health support benefits high school or college students better, and how this difference reflects their overall academic success. Apprehending the difficulties that college students experience will be instrumental in implementing and developing support...

23 May 2024

Cover Letter to Apply to an English University in Applied Arts

Sample letter - 1 pages - Linguistics & languages

This document is a cover letter that can be used to apply to an English university in applied arts.

14 Oct 2023

With $100 Million Gift, Steve Ross Honors the Past, Looks to the Future - Stephen M. Ross School of Business, University of Michigan (2004) - Negotiating with the Dean

Text commentary - 2 pages - Business strategy

It was Steve Ross who first came up with a number: ""I really want to help you so I figure fifty minimum," Ross said." This is not the best strategy because the price can be discussed and not to his favour. He later says that $50 million is rather common in similar cases. He thought the Dean was...

02 Sep 2022

The Lives of Campus Custodians - Peter Magolda (2016) - Lives and work conditions of invisible support staff in the university

Text commentary - 2 pages - Sociology & social sciences

The Lives of Campus Custodians is a book written by Peter Mark Magolda, a person who describes himself as an "educational anthropologist." In his book, Magolda tries to bring out the lives and work conditions of certain support staff in the university who are on many occasions rendered...

14 Sep 2020

What Does it Mean for a University to be Socially Responsible?

Dissertation - 3 pages - Educational studies

What does it mean for a university to be 'socially responsible'? With reference to the literature and using examples from the UK, and beyond, discuss how a university might demonstrate its commitment to social responsibility to its stakeholders. Corporate social...

15 Dec 2016

The impact of an increase in university tuition fees on higher education participation rates

Case study - 10 pages - Educational studies

During the 1992-2007 period, the UK has witnessed great variances in the structure of Higher Education (HE) funding. Moving away from a period where taxpayers footed the entire costs incurred by HE, economic agents holding at least 2 A-levels have begun to contribute to their future HE prospects....

08 Oct 2015

British university championship : economic impact on the city of Sheffield

Essay - 2 pages - Economy general

This paper entails an analysis of data from a real life sports industry consultancy project. The sport being studied in this case is the British University Championship and its economic impact on the city of Sheffield. SPSS program is used for the analysis. The findings are then presented...

24 Nov 2014

Health Insurance Cost of University Employees - Research paper

Case study - 12 pages - Educational studies

Employee health insurance is a benefit provided based on the length of service, commitment, the position of the employee and the specifications of the scheme set by the employer. Employees of various US universities have a package that they are able to take advantage, of, however, the cost of...

16 Dec 2013

Lab Safety audit of A University Mechatronics Laboratory

Case study - 20 pages - Biology

Workplace safety inspection is important in maintaining safe working environment for students and staff in a laboratory. All students and staff are exposed to lots of possible incidents in the laboratory when rules and regulations are not followed. A workplace safety inspection or audit of...

29 Oct 2012

Leeds Metropolitan University: business strategy

Case study - 20 pages - Services marketing

According to the strategic review undertaken on October 2011, report discovered the opportunity and Threats for Rezidor as Figure 1 shows, not all the facts on the O/T have been stressed under the current strategic plans of company. Rezidor's vision ‘Yes I can' has clearly set the target for...

16 Oct 2012

University of Chicago Booth MBA Marketing Plan, 2011

Case study - 20 pages - Business strategy

Objectives The objective of this report is to convey an updated marketing strategy for the University of Chicago MBA program in the Booth School of Business based upon the analysis of the current academic environment and the university's position within that environment. Goals The...

11 Mar 2010

Assessment of evolution in a population of University of Florida's students according to Hardy-Weinberg's equilibrium

Thesis - 3 pages - Biology

TPA-25 is an Alu element which is inserted within an intron of the tissue plasminogen activator (TPA) gene. An individual may be homozygous for the presence or absence of TPA-25, or heterozygous for it. Evolution occurs in a population if the frequency of alleles changes from one generation to...

25 Mar 2010

Monetary struggle of sending Canadian students to university

Thesis - 2 pages - Social, moral & civic education

For children of single-parent homes economic stress is likely a daily concern, one that does not dissipate with age. The average cost of full-time undergraduate tuition in Ontario is 4 558$ per year, on average. This does not include the cost of living, or dormitory expenses or materials for...

30 Mar 2010

Jason McClure v. Fairfield university decided June 18, 2003 superior court of Connecticut, judicial district of Waterbury

Thesis - 2 pages - Constitutional law

Jason McClure, a student of Fairfield University, was involved in an accident on September 12, 1988. At 1:43 a.m., McClure was walking on Reef Road when he was struck by a vehicle. McClure was returning to campus from a night of partying in the area of the Fairfield town beach. The beach...

13 Jan 2009

Client consultancy project: Leeds Metropolitan University Student' Union Elections

Thesis - 29 pages - Political science

This report carries out extensive background research to the election process of Leeds Metropolitan University Students Union (S.U.) and the attitudes of students attending the University. The findings show that students do not feel there is an effort to engage them in the S.U....

15 Jan 2009

The history of the Jagiellonian university: The history of Krakow

Essay - 4 pages - Modern history

Since its foundation in 1364, the University of Krakow has known a destiny unique of its kind. It was the second university created in Central Europe after the one in Prague - created in 1348 - and before many others afterward like in Vienna (1365), Pécs (1367), and Erfurt (1379)....

16 Jan 2009

The creation of the faculty of economics and business at the University of Sydney at the turn of the twentieth century

Essay - 7 pages - Educational studies

The creation of the Faculty of Economics and Commerce spread over the last two centuries. Throughout its foundation, this essay will deal with the Australian society over that period from the conception of this Faculty in 1850 to its effective creation in 1907. It will also relate to broader...

19 Jan 2009

Studying the soybean nodulation at McGill University

Essay - 20 pages - Biology

This summer I had the great opportunity to do my three months training in McGill University in Quebec, Canada. It is one of the oldest Canadian universities, considered one of the most prestigious universities in Canada and one of the best in North America. According to the Times Higher...

17 Aug 2009

Yale University Investments Office: August 2006 case analysis

Case study - 8 pages - Finance

The study of a funds management especially serves an important purpose for large institutions. Financial management is a required skill for the stable operation of any institution that would continue into the foreseeable future. The following is a case study about Yale's investment policy...

20 Feb 2009

Why are Jungian studies rarely taught in the university and can Jungian orientated thinkers do anything to reverse the situation?

Essay - 4 pages - Psychology

It is well-documented within the Jungian world that within academia, analytical psychology is frozen out. This is with regards to psychology. And it is as a psychologist that Jung made his name. Jung also failed to make a positive impression on philosophy. His legacy (so far) concerning impact on...

03 Jan 2008

The Responsibility of University Administration Off-Campus: How far Does Liability Extend, and Under What Circumstances Does it Exist?

Thesis - 6 pages - Educational studies

Universities and colleges in the United States have long been held legally responsible for their students, even though the circumstances surrounding this responsibility have evolved over time. The basis of this responsibility lies in the concept of in loco parentis, when a university takes...

19 Jun 2008

The Ideas of the University Student

Essay - 3 pages - Educational studies

Here at Columbia University I am asked to weigh two arguments, which are concerned with the nature of the scales I use to weigh them as well as with the purpose of those scales. By scales I am referring to the university setting in America. The first argument is made by John...

06 Oct 2008

Southern Methodist University

Essay - 6 pages - Educational studies

Southern Methodist University (SMU) is a private university founded in 1911 at the heart of Dallas Texas offering undergraduate, graduate and professional programs in its seven schools: humanities and sciences; business; the performing, visual, and communication arts; engineering;...

23 Oct 2007

Cover letter for university position

Sample letter - 1 pages - Human resources

From Berklee College of Music's human resources website, I learned of numerous openings within the university. I am very interested in these positions, for I am seeking employment in an academic environment and believe that my education and experience will be very beneficial to the...

12 Sep 2007

Presidential Scholarship Essay Northeastern University

Essay - 1 pages - Educational studies

A goal often lost in the academic and educational world in the necessity of a concrete connection between our academic growth and its application to the real world. In my time at Northeastern, I have worked very hard to balance the knowledge I gained in the classroom with experiences that are...

28 Jul 2021

The Universality of Fundamental Rights

Essay - 5 pages - Public liberties

The concept surrounding the notion of the universality of fundamental rights, and more precisely that of human rights, implies in reality rights that would apply to all of humanity. Its point of origin, both historical and philosophical, in fact, lies in an 18th-century French text, namely: The...

19 Aug 2014

Common Academic Goals in American Universities

Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies

A goal is a desired result that an individual makes a conscious effort to achieve (Weatherford et al., 1960). Universities are institutions of higher learning that instill technical as well as cultural and social skills to students. In the universities, the students are required to set aims and...

07 Nov 2014

Is universal is healthcare in Brazil really universal?

Case study - 14 pages - Educational studies

Access to quality and affordable healthcare for all is a social ideal that many countries aspire to attain with varying degrees of success. While many developed countries have more or less achieved universal healthcare, many more other countries are struggling to provide their citizens with...

17 Apr 2015

Achieving Universal Primary Education in China

Case study - 4 pages - Educational studies

This paper explores China's trajectory towards achieving universal primary education by tracing the historical foundations of educational inequalities between rural and urban China to the period before the formation of the People's Republic of China, when the national government only supported...

12 Jan 2009

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights is primarily a Western document, limiting the claimed universal applicability of Human Rights

Thesis - 5 pages - International law

On 10 December 1948, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) was adopted by the Third General Assembly of the United Nations. In the aftermath of WW2, nearly every state that had fought with the Western Allies wanted the atrocities of Nazism and Fascism to be prohibited. To do this...