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Theme : UN United Nations

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20 Apr 2021

United States foreign policy

Course material - 5 pages - Modern history

A period of political isolation intervened between the end of WWI and the entrance of the US into WWII. In the 1930s new threats to world peace appeared through Japan's invasion of China; Italy's invasion of Ethiopia; the Spanish Civil War; Germany's occupation of Austria; and...

22 Aug 2023

Migration in the United States from 1862 to the end of the 19th century

Essay - 5 pages - Modern history

"We asked for workers. We got people instead". If this is the way Max Frisch has considered immigration in Europe in the early twentieth century, then rather as a burden than an opportunity, we need to observe that this comes as a completely different matter within the American vision, for which...

24 Jan 2025

What key policy and socioeconomic factors contribute to healthcare disparities in the United States and the United Kingdom? - Comparative study

Dissertation - 10 pages - Sociology & social sciences

The health care system in the United States appears as a complex and multi-layered system that includes a mix of public and private entities. Unlike many other developed countries that have adopted universal health care systems, the United States relies primarily on a privately...

22 Nov 2023

The rise of White Nationalism in America

Presentation - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education

"Proud Boys, stay back and stand by". With these words, spoken by the President of the United States of America Donald Trump during the first debate on the sidelines of the presidential elections of 2020, the president wanted to show his support for a small group of extreme right-wing...

03 Aug 2014

Impact of information's sharing and collaboration on sustainable practices of national bank of Abu Dhabi

Case study - 28 pages - Finance

The aim of this paper is to provide detailed information about sustainable practices in information in supply chain and the impacts in the business world. A case study was embarked on of the National Bank of Abu Dhabi one of the world's safest bank and a bank with branches and office in other...

07 Oct 2024

Afrikaner Nationalism and Visual Culture in the 20th Century

Essay - 5 pages - Architecture

The 'architecture of the people or nation,' known as Volksargitektuur, is a term used to describe the political ideologies, cultural narratives, and architectural expression of Afrikaner nationalism in South Africa in the middle to late 20th century. This architectural idea...

23 Oct 2024

Definition of Intergovernmental Administration in the United States and the Practice of Intergovernmental Administration

Essay - 5 pages - Political science

The dynamics of governance in the United States are mainly attributed to the federalism system, which the Constitution established, and hence power is divided between the federal government and the states, with each having different authority. As seen under this framework,...

06 Nov 2014

United States as a Net Borrower

Case study - 9 pages - Educational studies

Performing a detailed scrutiny when an international debt crisis strikes, would reveal that struggling countries are guilty of pursuing a self defeating strategy in their build up to foreign debt. Most of the problems that besiege the modern economies are not in any way a swarm of locusts in the...

12 Nov 2014

The United States Foreign Policies - The Relationship between the United States and China

Case study - 6 pages - Political science

The world has become a global economy. This has facilitated the need for countries to interact from a personal level. The desire to interact is facilitated by the fact that countries have the same desire to progress economically and socially hence the emergence of the need for countries to...

24 Oct 2024

The United Arab Emirates Criminal Justice System

Case study - 6 pages - Criminal law

The United Arab Emirates (UAE), a confederation of seven emirates which comprise Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah, Ajman, Fujairah, and Ras al-Khaimah, represents a distinct cultural mix of traditional Islamic principles and rigorous modern economic activity (Holst, 2023). Founded in 1971, the...

27 Oct 2024

The National Security Agency's Role in Counterterrorism

Essay - 3 pages - International relations

The NSA's counterterrorism operations go beyond surveillance to include information assurance. Modern communication technologies are linked and may threaten national security. Thus, the Agency aggressively protects key infrastructure and networks from criminal actors. Reveron & Savage (2020)...

30 Oct 2024

Racial or Ethnic-Based Profiling: A Violation of Justice in the Name of National Security

Essay - 6 pages - Political science

The profiling of race or ethnicity appears to be an inadequate and inappropriate practice that harms the core values of equality, justice, and human rights. Despite the propaganda that it is a must for national security, racial profiling has failed; we usually find that it produces fake...

19 Dec 2024

Human rights and national security

Tutorials/exercises - 2 pages - Constitutional law

This document contains 15 short-answer questions on human rights and national security.

07 Jan 2025

Democracy in Action: The Essential Role of Citizens in the United States

Essay - 3 pages - Political science

In a nation built on the ideals of freedom and democracy, the role of active and informed citizens cannot be overstated. The United States has thrived on the principles of civic involvement and participation since its founding. To sustain and strengthen the democratic fabric of the...

19 Oct 2023

Chinese Immigration In The United Kingdom

Essay - 9 pages - International relations

Chinese migrants were often overlooked because they were never one of the largest immigrant groups in the United Kingdom. But their presence has been and is still significant. There are many reasons for Chinese people to consider migrating to the UK. In the study of migration, push factors...

10 May 2021

Locations and forms of power - Who will win the fight against violence in the United States?

Essay - 1 pages - Social, moral & civic education

The notion of locations and forms of power covers a wide range of different topics. Thus, we will mainly focus on forms of power, in other words, all the elements that can give more importance, more weight to one man rather than another. In the United States, we notice that the right to...

29 Nov 2021

The different political parties in the United Kingdom

Presentation - 2 pages - Political life and election

The politic life in United Kingdom is based on the cleavage between the Labour and the conservative since the twenties, because of the political system that favors the big parties like them. The Conservative Party was founded in 1834 and is a right or center-right party. Since its...

19 Oct 2023

How do we Explain the United States' Rise to Global Power Status in the Decades Following the American Civil War?

Essay - 4 pages - Pre-modern history

Between the end of the American Civil War in 1865 and 1900, the United States emerged as a major world power with the capacity to influence decisions and world events. The rise of the United States as a global power is closely tied with the important notion of American Imperialism,...

14 Feb 2024

European Court of Human Rights, Hirst vs United Kingdom (No. 2) [2005] ECHR 74025/01 - The mechanism to promote judicial and national dialogue

Law case study - 3 pages - International law

This document critically examines the impact of the judgment of the European Court of Human Rights in Hirst v United Kingdom (No. 2) [2005] ECHR 74025/01 as a mechanism to promote judicial and national dialogue. In Hirst v United Kingdom, the country faced the European Court of...

29 Nov 2023

The Repercussions of the Law and its Impact on Individuals - Hart-Celler Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965

Tutorials/exercises - 1 pages - International law

When it was created, the bill was meant to eliminate race discrimination in immigration and allow people from all countries to come to the United States, not just white immigrants. The fact is that decades after this bill, we can see the clear impact it had on US immigration: in 1960, 84...

27 Aug 2014

Health Insurance and Financing in United States

Case study - 9 pages - Educational studies

The U.S health care spending has been characteristically among the costliest per individual, despite which the service quality lies overall below the anticipated delivery level. Unlike the single-payer healthcare system in the United Kingdom, the U.S operates a blend of market-based and...

20 Aug 2024

The 1960s in the United States of America

Course material - 3 pages - Modern history

The 1960s left an indelible mark on American society, a period of profound transformation that continues to influence contemporary debates. The decade was marked by major cultural, social and political upheavals that shaped the trajectory of the nation in many ways.

20 Oct 2014

United States Intelligence Community

Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies

President Truman in collaboration with the Congress did find out that the United States could not meet their security needs without a defined structure for decision making. They had to find a way to deal with intelligence issues in the country. On this note, the president, in 1947 , did...

27 Oct 2024

Alberstons (United States)

Case study - 7 pages - Business strategy

Currently, it has two thousand two hundred and seventy-seven retail stores in the country, operating in different brands, such as Albertsons, Vons, Tom Thumb, United Supermarkets, Carrs, Balducci's Food Lovers Market, Haggen, Pavilions, Star Market, Acme, Randalls Safeway, and...

25 Mar 2015

Strategic problems facing Human Resource Managers (HRM) operating in multi-national companies (MNC)

Essay - 7 pages - Criminal law

A multi-national company is a company that has been formed to operate across known international physical boundaries (Cooke, 2003). These companies are often located to other international countries apart from the parent country in which it was originally founded. These multinational companies...

24 Nov 2014

The impact of National Security to a Nation

Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies

National security is an extremely sensitive issue for any government. There have been various acts of crime that have led to loss of lives as well as property. However, the government has various doctrines initiated with the intent of helping to solve various crime problems. Crime organization...

19 Jul 2021

Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Religion in United States

Case study - 7 pages - Civil law

Owing to centuries of religious conflicts and oppression, the Founding Fathers wrote the first amendment of what will be the Constitution of the United States of America while highlighting freedom of religion. Indeed, in the 16th century, French Huguenots established a colony at Fort...

01 May 2023

Medias in the United States

Essay - 2 pages - Medias

The Washington Post : in the early 1970s, it provided a perfect example of investigative journalism when two of its reporters uncovered the Watergate scandal, leading to Nixon's forced resignation. Moreover, in 2014, the Washington Post and the Guardian won the Pulitzer Prize for having broke...

24 Oct 2024

Kyllo v. United States, 533 U.S. 27 (2001) - Admissibility of Evidence from Warrantless Thermal Imaging

Law case - 2 pages - Constitutional law

The case of Kyllo v. United States, the most important decision by the U.S. Supreme Court, had the central theme of whether the information obtained without being authorized through a thermal imagining device is admissible in the Court. The eruption controversy brought up fundamental...

20 Nov 2023

Jamaica and its Influence in the United Kingdom

Presentation - 1 pages - International relations

Jamaica, which is located in the Caribbean, has Kingston as a capital. The English is the official language of the country as it has been colonized by the Spanish and the English during the seventeenth century. Today, close to one million Jamaican people lives in the United Kingdom.