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Theme : UN United Nations

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14 Feb 2024

Advisory Opinion on The Wall - International Court of Justice - Article 51 of the United Nations Charter and the right of self-defense

Essay - 3 pages - International law

In its Advisory Opinion on The Wall, the International Court of Justice declared that Article 51 of the United Nations Charter "recognizes the existence of an inherent right of self-defense in the case of armed attack by one State against another State", thereby implying that the...

12 Nov 2014

United Nations Climate Change Conference 2009

Case study - 15 pages - Educational studies

Over the intervening period, the world nations had prioritized efforts and initiated programs meant to attain a low-carbon environment in the future generations. Alike all conferences, the subject at the Copenhagen meeting sought to assume a cooperative approach in regenerating a future...

26 Dec 2012

Sample resume: Comoros mission to the United Nations

Sample resume - 2 pages - Political science

The United Nations Third Committee is the committee dealing with Social, Humanitarian and Cultural Affairs, as well as Human Rights issues. The main focus of these Human Rights Issues being the Advancement of Women, the Protection of Children and the treatment of Refugees addressing...

06 Jun 2012

The United Nations and Libya

Case study - 9 pages - Political science

Violence used against Libya's citizens created a monumental concern for the United Nations organization—the country waged war on its own people. By “repress[ing] peaceful demonstrators and rejecting unequivocally the incitement to hostility against the civilian...

27 Jan 2011

The uncertainties in the fight against terrorism and the United Nations (UN)

Dissertation - 26 pages - International relations

The United Nations has mobilized all the means necessary to make the fight against terrorism a major concern of all States. The media coverage of the September 11 attacks on U.S. soil with Security Council resolution- 1373 has raised awareness that terrorism can strike at any time....

29 Sep 2010

Short essay: Security Council Reform In The United Nations and Changing World Politics (Westview Press, 2007), the author argues that "a significant shake-up in the way the UN does business is essential" if the UN is to keep pace with changing world

Essay - 3 pages - International relations

The UN Secretary General, Kofi Annan, called in September 2003 for the reform of the UN Security Council (UNSC), in order to make it more effective and more representative, given the changed geopolitical realities. Diverse problems affect both the efficiency and the representative character of...

09 Aug 2010

Analysis of cases under the US constitution in relation to the laws laid by United Nations

Thesis - 8 pages - International law

Wanta B. Heard, the victim, filed a notification request form after indictment of the defendant for the crime of rape. The State and defendant worked out a plea agreement to plead guilty to second-degree assault with a one-year sentence. Heard requested to speak with the court regarding the plea....

12 Aug 2010

A letter to the United Nations commission on human rights

Thesis - 2 pages - Social, moral & civic education

This is a letter asking you to consider the long-standing whaling conflict around the Makah tribe, in Northwest United States, as a human rights violation. The case has the potential to greatly impact the day-to-day lives of many Makah people, and to determine the continuation of a...

29 Sep 2010

Non-Governmental Organizations and the United Nations System History, Problems and Prospects

Essay - 8 pages - Political science

NGOs have been active in the United Nations (U.N.) system since its inception in 1945. Although the U.N. was created as an intergovernmental organization, there was a need since the early days of the Organization to allow representatives of the civil society to participate, through...

14 Sep 2009

The United Nations since 1945 until today

Thesis - 5 pages - International relations

Shortly after the Second World War, it appears necessary to the Allies to equip the world with an international organization able to regulate the conflicts peacefully occurring between the various States. This ambition proceeds of a long reflexion, born in 1941 with the Charter of the Atlantic....

07 May 2009

Is the United Nations an effective organization?

Essay - 3 pages - Services marketing

The United Nations is not the first international organization to be established to help in settling conflicts peacefully and preventing future conflicts. In 1899, the Hague Convention for the Settlement of International Disputes was established. “The conference was convened...

27 Jan 2009

Millennium development goals of the United Nations

Essay - 6 pages - International relations

In 2002, 191 United Nations member states signed the United Nations Millennium Declaration, unanimously agreeing to eight Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). The momentum and inspiration behind this occasion was strong, heads of state were agreeing to a global dream...

16 Jan 2009

The United Nations urban growth projection and its impact on urban development and regional disparities in India

Essay - 8 pages - Economy general

The United Nations Population Division (UNPD) has been publishing and revising its World Urbanization Prospects since 1991, the latest being the 2002 revision, and this has become a popular source of data and analysis of the past, current and future proportion urban in each country,...

10 Sep 2008

The State of the Tibetan People as a minority experiencing complex social conflict and proposal to United Nations for applied second track intervention

Essay - 8 pages - Philosophy

This proposal outlines some of the conflicts associated with the Tibetan people as the repressed and overtaken minority within the People's Republic of China. Currently, social conflict is one of the most critical issues facing Tibetans today. This document attempts to direct all concerned...

25 Apr 2007

Is the United Nations an effective organisation?

Essay - 3 pages - International relations

The United Nations is not the first international organisation to be established to help settle conflict peacefully and to prevent future conflicts from arising. In 1899, the Hague Convention for the Settlement of International Disputes was established. “The conference was...

24 Jul 2006

Is the United Nations running the same risk as its predecessor the League of Nations of being made marginal or even irrelevant? Why or why not?

Essay - 5 pages - International relations

'The League is dead, long live the United Nations!' This is with these words that Lord Robert Cecil, one of the architects of the League of Nations, commented on the dissolution of the organization, in the spring 1946, expressing the apparent readiness to write the...

09 Oct 2023

The Syrian Conflict: Effectiveness and Ethics of the Bombing by the United States, Britain, and France

Essay - 2 pages - Linguistics & languages

An alliance led by the US, Britain, and France has been bombarding targets in Syria since 2015. Nevertheless, different events must be distinguished. On the first hand, some bombings took place in order to fight against Daesh. Iraq asked for the help of other countries in order to wipe out...

29 Feb 2024

Presidential Proclamation for National Native American Heritage Month - Barack Obama (2016) - Does preserving one's language and traditions help to build a unified nation?

Text commentary - 2 pages - World geography

Barack Obama recognizes the role of early Americans in shaping the nation's destiny, the president emphasizes the autonomy of young American Indians and Alaska Natives to determine their own future.

08 Aug 2022

The United States and the end of the Cold War (1989-1990)

Course material - 4 pages - Modern history

President George H. Bush was elected in November 1988. He had to steer the end of the Cold War, 1989-1990. His team was different from Reagan's, although he had been his vice-president: there were no neo-conservatives; the new Administration was more adept of Kissinger's prudent line....

31 Jul 2022

The Interplay of National and European Considerations in the Foreign Policy of EU Members - France and Germany

Course material - 11 pages - Political science

Since the origins of the European project, Europe has depended on close Franco-German cooperation. As we have seen, all the big moves forward were possible because of the basic Franco-German agreement; the last major instance was Maastricht in 1992. The other countries had to follow. Of course,...

08 Aug 2022

The United States and the World: The Sources and Tools of American Foreign Policy

Course material - 8 pages - Modern history

There is undoubtedly an American exceptionalism: the US considers itself since the 18th century to be different from Europe. It has seen itself from the beginning as a universal model: the “American way of life” (linking most strongly liberal democracy and free enterprise, two notions...

03 Aug 2022

The United States and the World: Globalization in Historical Perspective

Course material - 8 pages - Modern history

The concept of globalization is not new: in his Communist Manifesto, in 1848, Karl Marx underlined that the bourgeoisie needed constantly expanding markets. Some distinctions are important. Globalization happens, or at least is discussed, in the context of several different fields, in which it...

14 Mar 2024

The United States: internationalism or isolationism?

Essay - 1 pages - International economy

Despite the growing international spirit within the United States, many bristled (and continue to do so) at the commitments implied by the United Nations. Was the United States correct in fully embracing internationalism following World War II or should it have...

08 Aug 2022

The United States and the World: A New World Order?

Course material - 7 pages - Political science

We remember George Bush's optimism in 1990: he had announced "A New World Order", resting on the promotion of liberal democracy and free enterprise everywhere, resting on the UN (at last again effective due to the end of the Cold War) and on American benevolent hegemony. One could have the...

21 Nov 2024

Reasonable Accommodation for Disabilities in Workplace: A Case between China and the United States

Case study - 4 pages - Human resources

One of the most relevant concerns when it comes to the employment of people with disabilities is the actual situations in the workplace relative to their disability status, typically demonstrated in terms of reasonable accommodation. In China, discrimination against people with disability is...

15 Jan 2021

The United States in the Economy

Course material - 25 pages - International economy

Globalization is a contest content, it can have a negative view; responsible of outsourcing, massive unemployment (Europe), positive view; eliminate discrimination, global general culture, universalism. A complex reality, positive & negative sides. Is a process of interaction and integration...

20 Oct 2014

North Korea internal affairs and the response of South Korea and the United States

Case study - 6 pages - Educational studies

North Korea is considered one of the world's secretive societies and one of the remaining countries under communist rule. The country's nuclear determinations have intensified its continual isolation from the rest of the world. The end of World War II saw the emergence of North Korea in 1948 with...

08 Jan 2015

Core values of International Relations - Saudi Arabian national Constitution

Case study - 5 pages - Educational studies

The Saudi Arabian national Constitution and concept of rule of law is based on the Qur'an, which identifies itself as the rule of law. The 1992 Constitution or the Basic Law of Saudi Arabia clearly states that the kingdom is a sovereign State with Islam as the religion of the nation....

01 Aug 2022

The United States and the World - Transnational problems today as seen from Washington

Course material - 12 pages - Political science

In the document issued in September 2002, "The National Security Strategy of the USA", two essential goals of US national policy were stressed: the defeat of "Global terrorism" and "to prevent our enemies from threatening us, our allies, and our friends with weapons of mass destruction". Those...

28 Jan 2023

Between 1856 and 1914, how did the authority of the central power try to build and impose itself on the multiethnic Russian imperial domain despite the rise of national affirmations?

Essay - 9 pages - Political science

On the eve of World War I in 1914, Russia is one of the most backward powers and the entire political system collapses in 1917 with the Russian Revolution. However, these two elements are opposed to the will of the tsar Alexander II in 1856, who, after the defeat of the Crimean War, decided to...