How does the Osman Kavala decision reveal the character of the current President and his vision for Turkey in 2021?
Dissertation - 2 pages - Political science
In October 2021, 10 ambassadors in Turkey signed a common press release to show their opposition against the decision from the court of Istanbul, which had ordered to keep in detention the political opponent, Osman Kavala, during his trial. Behind these accusations, the actual Turkish...
Socialist Party of Turkey
Case study - 5 pages - Educational studies
M.Levinet indicates that Shariah is incompatible with the European Convention on Human Rights. His religious principles have a stable and invariable. But this is contrary to pluralism defended by the Convention. In effect, the Court defends a reading of principles constantly changing. In...
Occupy Gezi Movement in Turkey
Case study - 8 pages - Educational studies
The Occupy Gezo movement was a heated anti-governmental protest that ran for four consecutive days in an effort to advocate the revolution of media. It had become almost a crime to use the media in Turkey as the number of people arrested, as a result, of tweeting, sharing photos and...
Evolution of tourism in Turkey
Case study - 10 pages - Services marketing
This work focuses on the tourism development in Turkey. It is a country that is "friendly, handsome, with a rich culture and not at all expensive". It is a country that is modern enough to be comfortable but still traditional, and therefore interesting to analyze. As part of this...
Should Turkey join tne european union ?
Thesis - 21 pages - International relations
In the 1960s, a community of nations like France, Germany, Italy, and the Benelux covered almost all economic sectors, introduced the future common market framework, and established common policies for agriculture, transports, international relations, and regional cohesion. The integrating...
Should turkey join the European Union?
Thesis - 4 pages - European union
Many people believe that the debate regarding Turkey's adhesion to the European Union (EU) is modern and recent; it actually goes back quite a long time. As a matter of fact, it dates back to the 1960s; the issue was raised in 1963, when Turkey signed a customs union with the E.U....
The integration of Turkey in the EU
Essay - 11 pages - European union
Turkey has been an official candidate at the Helsinki summit of the European Council since December 10, 1999, in order to obtain the membership in the European Union. Negotiations began on October 3, 2005, and are expected to continue for at least several years. During the same time, the...
The issue of enlargement towards Turkey
Essay - 14 pages - European union
Today, all European governments and public opinions are different about the orientation they want to be taken place in the European Union (EU). Indeed, it is a global problem about the Union they expect to see in the future: a communitarian, an intergovernmental, an economic, a political, maybe...
Should Turkey Be welcomed in the EU?
Essay - 11 pages - International relations
Since October 2005, the accession of negotiations has been opened between the European Union and Turkey. However, the debate is still raging on Turkey's inclusion or rejection. In this presentation, we have examined whether Turkey should or should not be welcomed in the HAVE...
Should Turkey be admitted into the European Union ?
Essay - 14 pages - Political science
Although many people believe the debate regarding the admission of Turkey into the European Union (EU) is recent, it actually dates back to 1959, just two years after the signing of the Rome Treaty, which created the EU (see appendix 1). In July 1959, Turkey asked for an association...
Direct investment in Turkey (2006)
Essay - 11 pages - Economy general
We are currently investigating an investment proposal concerning the chocolate confectionery sector, in Turkey. Specifically the analysis concerns the chocolate tablets production. Below follows an explanation of the elements of the investment decision, the general aspects of the Turkish...
The "Kurdish Problem" in Turkey
Thesis - 5 pages - International relations
The Kurdish issue is Turkey's most difficult and painful problem, one that presents a vast moral dilemma for the country. The issue feeds Turkey's continuing inflation and is the major source of human rights violations and the biggest irritant in Turkey's...
Ankara: The capital of Turkey
Essay - 8 pages - Geography
Some cities seem to go on forever, able to reappear in very different guises and characteristics from one era to another. Ankara is one such changeling. With its roots more than 4,000 years ago in the Bronze Age, it was a trading city to the Greeks, a regional capital for the Romans, a summer...
Kindergarten Lesson Plan Title: Counting and Sorting Turkeys!
Course material - 2 pages - Educational studies
The students will be able to demonstrate their ability to count objects and to sort those objects by how many feathers the turkeys have. The students will be able to identify same and different by the attributes of color, shape, size, and kind and sort those turkeys by their...
The diplomatic crisis - Recep Tayyip Erdogan: his ambition for himself and his vision for his country
Presentation - 6 pages - Political science
Erdogan had always had the project of building a strong Turkey, being only possible with him at his head, according to him and his supporters. With this in mind, he did everything to strengthen his power to the detriment of some and consolidate Turkey's role on the world stage...
5 questions on effective communication
Case study - 5 pages - Communication
This document aswers the following questions : 1. You are asked to provide a communication plan to discourage online shopping. What would be the key elements and structure of your plan. 2. You are asked to provide a communication plan to generate interest and support for the European Union in...
The Possible Geopolitical Consequences of Further Enlargements of the EU
Course material - 6 pages - Political science
The big enlargement of the EU in 2004 and the last one in 2007 to Bulgaria and Romania have been greeted with skepticism or even hostile reactions in large sectors of European public opinion. This situation, which probably contributed to the failure of the Constitutional Treaty in France and the...
In what ways conflicts between political entities in the Middle East have been shaped by the history of state formation in the area?
Essay - 6 pages - Political science
The key terms to understand such situations are "political entities" and "state formation". Speaking of political entities rather than states shows the diversity of actors that make up the political life of the Middle East and can change the configuration of the borders, ranging from paramilitary...
EU relations in the wake of the 21st century
Essay - 6 pages - Modern history
Eastern and Western Europe were separated in the aftermath of the Second World War by their rapprochement with one of the two great victorious powers, the USSR and the United States. Rebuild = European countries reduced their military budgets and thus find themselves at a disadvantage in the face...
The Interplay of National and European Considerations in the Foreign Policy of EU Members - The Countries Other than France and Germany
Course material - 8 pages - Political science
France and Germany alone can no longer call the tune in the EU. They henceforth have to take much more into account the agenda of the other members. We shall see first that agenda, regrouping, of course, the different countries into larger groups along their affinities, and then the possible...
The Ottoman Empire
Essay - 2 pages - Law's history and philosophy
The Ottoman Empire was a powerful and long-lasting dynasty characterized by world history. The Ottoman period ran for at least six hundred years, and when it ended, it was replaced by the Turkish Republic. This happened after a successful war of independence. It led to the abolition of the...
The United States and the World - Russia and China
Course material - 7 pages - Modern history
At the beginning of his first term, President Bush neglected Russia and considered China as the next major geopolitical adversary. At the same time, American analysts were quite confident that Washington would be able to manage the "Geostrategic Triad" between Washington, Moscow and Beijing to...
Sadia sound: Case study
Case study - 8 pages - Arts and art history
Sadia was founded by Attilio Fontana in 1944 in western Santa Catarina. Over the years, its excellence in agro-industrial sector and in the production of food derived from swine, beef, chicken and turkey, as well as pasta and margarine. In recent years, Sadia specialized, increasingly,...
How does the measures taken by Erdogan these last two decades impact the lira's exchange rate nowadays?
Essay - 3 pages - Economic politics
Turkey began the new millennium in 2000 with the most severe economic crisis of its history. This crisis, which followed the currency crisis of 1994, had a strong impact on the Turkish financial system, as it led to a fall in capital inflows coming from foreign investors. This striking...
Turkish membership to the European Union: what stakes?
Case study - 4 pages - International relations
In the aftermath of the enlargement of the EU and the adoption of the Lisbon treaty, Turkey's adhesion to the European Union is a question which has often arisen since the formal accession negotiations began in 2005. Turkey first applied for associate membership of the European...
The Turkish-Syrian crisis in 1998 and the Adana Agreement
Case study - 5 pages - Political science
In October 1998 the Adana agreement was signed between representatives of the Syrian and Turkish governments, ending an intense escalation of tensions between the two nations throughout the 1990s. This essay aims to discuss this period of escalation and show how both sides attempted to use...
Politics of the European Union
Thesis - 12 pages - European union
Since its foundation in the late 1950's, the European Union has seen its membership growing from 6 to 27 countries in 2007, with the accession of Bulgaria and Romania. The process might not stop at this point, as other countries such as West Balkans, Turkey, and eastern countries (former...
Which extension is possible for Europe and and with what consequences?
Thesis - 18 pages - Economy general
"A day will come when all the nations of the continent will merge strictly in a superior unity and will constitute the European brotherhood" it will have been necessary more than a century so that this premonitory speech of Victor Hugo pronounced in 1849, pass from utopia to the reality. The...
The case of the Czech republic and the Slovak republic
Essay - 11 pages - International relations
The Czech and the Slovak nations had a similar history for more than a century, and the attempt to coexist in just one common state definitely failed in autumn 1992, when the Czech Prime Minister Václav Klaus and the leader of the main Slovak party HZDS, Vladimír Meèiar, came to the conclusion...
Kirlangiç business plan
Business plan - 25 pages - Business strategy
Being a strong and professional company which has efficient, trustworthy and standard products and also being proactive to the customers needs. Ana Food Company's mission statement is To be a multi-national entrepreneurial group acting locally while thinking globally....