Market Study on Sustainable Energy Solutions: Trends, Challenges, and Opportunities
Market study - 2 pages - Green marketing
The existential threat climate change poses to our global ecosystem has never carried greater immediacy or necessity for sustainable energy solutions. This research will critically look into the sustainable energy market, revealing primary trends signaling a paradigm change in the...
Trends in Payroll Accounting
Essay - 3 pages - Accounting
There are three main trends in the current payroll accounting profession: AI and automation, instant data analysis, and personalized/customized payroll solutions. The paper enlightens how these advancements completely remold the efficiency and decision-making processes, delving into the...
Globalization: Cultural Trends
Course material - 5 pages - World geography
We can talk about brand appropriation: people who can in a way take advantage of this appeal to their own profit without necessarily complain with all the legislation and therefore without cleaning what the brand's owners want to clean. For example, on the street, we can buy a shirt from any...
The United States and the World: Bush's Second Term and Current Trends in the US Foreign Policy Establishment
Course material - 9 pages - Political life and election
After Bush's re-election in November 2004, there were some doubts about the kind of policy he would now follow, after the occupation of Iraq had revealed itself as a much more difficult undertaking than what the Administration had contemplated. Many felt at the time the President would vastly...
Recruitment: methods, trends...
Dissertation - 10 pages - Human resources
Recruitment is one of the most essential components of human resource management in any company today. In France where the unemployment rate remains high, and with candidates who are being forced to combine several skills and sometimes even several jobs, it is interesting to explore the subject...
Current trends in united parcel service (UPS) system
Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies
In a globe that is constantly shifting towards digitalization and automation of delivery of goods and services, the value of delivery services cannot be overstated. It represents the future of the retail industry. The current social, demographic, workforce and economic trends show that...
Policing development and operation trends paper
Case study - 4 pages - Administrative law
The United States Government has developed what is referred to as the criminal justice system. This system is broken into multi-tier organizations and agencies; though while similar in terms of goals the systems are separate. There are three main systems within the tiered system: Local, State,...
Criminal justice trends evaluation
Case study - 4 pages - Administrative law
E-scams, child pornography, identity theft, cyber stalking and bullying, spamming, Malware, fraud, and computer hacking are types of internet crimes. These crimes are certainly on the rise. The general public relies heavily on technology, resorting to pen and paper is just so primitive; all of...
Clothing/ Fashion trends in the 2000s
Case study - 2 pages - Management
Fashion in clothing means the current or prevailing style acceptable to most people, and widely used. Fashions come and go, while others later undergo a redefining process after some time to change their outlook (Kim 15). The decision on what to put on, for most people, depends on the current...
Business communications trends
Case study - 1 pages - Management
Any successful business will always be doing whatever it takes to have a leg up on the competition, and make sure that they stay successful. There are ten trends in business, government, and non-profit organizations that affect business and administrative communication. These...
Trends in the luxury market in China
Case study - 17 pages - Business strategy
Mandeville describes luxury everything beyond the bare necessities. The luxury covers everything that is deemed superfluous and unnecessary. But the usual sense means the splendor and sophistication in the way of life (tableware, toilet elegant, sumptuous decor). We can acquire luxury by large...
Audi: An analysis of the trends in the automobile market and revamp in the company policies to capture the UK markets
Market study - 10 pages - Business strategy
"The German car production firm produces the Audi brand of cars. Based in Ingolstadt, Germany, the company is one of the premier car manufacturing units in the world. Right from sports cars to luxury car models, the company has been making great strides globally. It has established its markets in...
Childhood blood lead level trends
Thesis - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education
This report discusses the childhood blood lead level trends from the year 2000 to 2008 of children under 6 years of age living in North Dorchester tested will be compared to the data from the children of the same age group with the National data and City of Boston Massachusetts. This is a...
X-Server: New trends in databases for wired and wireless networks
Thesis - 3 pages - Computer science
Nowadays XML is being used as an underlying technology for most of the transactions on the internet. XML is widely used for Database Storage. Most of the leading product developed companies use XML as their Metadata framework. This work started with a goal to manage XML data and to provide...
Trends and Innovations in Knowledge Management and CRM
Thesis - 4 pages - Management
Kalakota & Robinson (2001) state that CRM is an integrated sale, trading, and service scheme that precludes lone showmanship and that counts on coordinated enterprise-wide actions.' Tiwana (2001) states that CRM is a blend of enterprise methods and expertise that aims to realize a...
Analysis of the European automotive industry through the expansion of Japanese cars in order to emphasize the major automotive strategy trends of the future
Market study - 26 pages - Business strategy
Automotive industry has realized that UK is an important location. A number of companies have set up production bases in UK. The Asian, American and European constructors have proved that UK occupies an important place in the automotive industry. However, the Automotive Industry in Eastern...
The changing trends of information technology and its compatibility with the economy
Thesis - 5 pages - Computer science
This case study looks at one of the most commonly discussed questions in the world of information technology and economics. Is the economy and Information Technology changing at the same pace and which one is influencing the other one to change? Another core aspect of this case study is looking...
What are the most significant long-term external trends that will affect the role of the EU in 2020 to 2050?
Essay - 10 pages - European union
By 2025, Europe will represent only 6% of the world population, and its relative share of global wealth and trade will have shrunk. Contentious economic and welfare reforms as well as the integration of a growing migrant population will be among the key internal challenges for many EU Member...
Are regionalism and globalisation compatible or contradictory trends?
Essay - 5 pages - Economy general
Nowadays, it is paradoxical to see the development, in a global world, of several types of regions. This process began after the Second World War, with the development of the international trade flows between economies. The creation in 1957 of the European Economic Community, by the Treaty of...
Major trends in the domestic mid - sized car industry in India
Dissertation - 38 pages - Business strategy
The global automobile industry is undergoing dramatic change in recent times. There has been enormous consolidation, both amongst vehicle manufacturers and component vendors to achieve economies of scale product synergies and strong and presence. By contrast, there has been little or no...
1992: A year of trends in Canadian architecture
Thesis - 4 pages - Architecture
A national architecture implies the existence of common traditions unified by the sense of a common undertaking. In the Canadian case the traditions were immigrant as were the people, but the enterprise in its geographical setting is distinctive; it is in their interaction that a Canadian...
Architecture 2005 - Canadian and international trends in context
Thesis - 6 pages - Architecture
Architectural design philosophy has transformed from the high modernism of the early 20th century, from classic functional international style which dominated North American architectural practices up until the 1970s, to be replaced by the anti-modern or the post-modern. (Ghirardo, 1996) However,...
Emerging trends in cash management
Case study - 35 pages - Finance
Whenever any long-term investment is considered the future cash flows from the project, the uncertainty of those cash flows, and the opportunity cost of the funds invested in the project are evaluated. Investments in current assets are also evaluated by all organizations in the same manner but...
Trends in US voting behaviors throughout the course of the twentieth century
Essay - 8 pages - Political science
The United States of America was founded on the principle of democracy. The Founding Fathers believed that the power of the government was so great that it should be placed in the hands of the people. As such, the basic framework of democracy that was established by the Founding Fathers was on in...
Developmental Trends in Children's Acquisition and Use of Display Rules
Essay - 5 pages - Psychology
Emotions are innate and adaptive processes that entail the appraisal of life situations for one's well being and a readiness to act to sustain the state of well being (e.g., Barrett & Campos, 1987; Lazarus, 1991). The occurrence of emotion, especially of a basic emotion, usually elicits...
Trend Buddy: A unique business idea where Artificial Intelligence is integral to the business model
Case study - 3 pages - Startup, entrepreneurship
By analyzing vast amounts of historical data and leveraging advanced algorithms, AI can identify patterns, detect trends, and make accurate predictions about future outcomes. Trend forecasting takes into account interactions between brands and their customers to better predict the...
Samsung - A macro trend analysis
Case study - 2 pages - Business strategy
Technological development is one of the fastest paced global industries in the world today. Soon after a consumer has purchased the latest and greatest electronic device, within six months the device has already been replaced by something newer and better. Since its beginning in the 1970's,...
Strategy trend analysis in Indian IT industry
Tutorials/exercises - 44 pages - Business strategy
India, the world's largest democracy with world's second highest population after China and 7th largest area is also one of the fastest growing economies in the world. India's richness and diversity of culture, geographic and climatic conditions, natural and mineral resources are...
General trend in the way american movies portrayed american leadership in the last seven decades
Essay - 2 pages - Film studies
Leaders are generated in small numbers. Some are born to be leaders, while others work so hard that they eventually assume the role of leadership. Nevertheless, most leaders share similar characteristics. Over the last seven decades, several films have revealed the identity of leaders in America....
Cause marketing: trend or basic notion of marketing? - published: 13/05/2009
Thesis - 10 pages - Services marketing
1 liter bought, 10 liters extracted in Niger with UNICEF; for four months we could see this inscription on the Volvic water bottles (to February 15th until June 15th 2007). In the last few years we can see this type of shares progressively growing. In the aim to understand this...