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20 Dec 2021

Was there a Thatcher revolution (1979-1990) ?

Course material - 3 pages - Modern history

Britain's situation in 1979 : had been ruled by consensual politics effectively since 1945, with cross-party agreement on the welfare state. It was relatively prosperous in 1950-1960s, yet the 1970s saw Britain face economic and social difficulties, the "Winter of discontent." Thatcher was...

26 Jul 2022

Poor Man's Guardian, no. 72, 27 (October 1832) - what are the political stakes linked to the Reform Act and how can we understand the place of the media in the organization of power in the United Kingdom during this period?

Text commentary - 2 pages - Philosophy

The Representation of the People Act 1832 brought about important changes in the exchange between British institutions during the 19th century and allowed for the disappearance of small districts or access to the right to vote for a certain number of individuals such as small landowners. The Act...

29 Nov 2021

The different political parties in the United Kingdom

Presentation - 2 pages - Political life and election

The politic life in United Kingdom is based on the cleavage between the Labour and the conservative since the twenties, because of the political system that favors the big parties like them. The Conservative Party was founded in 1834 and is a right or center-right party. Since its foundation, it...

28 Jun 2013

Why did the Tory party's electoral fortune revive between 1874 and 1900?

Case study - 5 pages - Educational studies

From 1846, the conservative party has been in minority in the commons, but at the end of the 19th century there was a conservative revival. Indeed, after 1880, the Tory party became dominant in the Victorian political life. The main actors of this revival were Disraeli, who was Prime Minister...

15 Nov 2012

Boston's Faneuil Hall as Contested Performance Space: 1765 to 1776

Essay - 10 pages - Literature

In the fall of 1775 following the Battle of Bunker Hill, the Continental Army had laid siege to Boston. While the redcoats held Boston proper, the Continentals controlled most of the surrounding area: their goal was thus to barricade the half-mile-wide “neck” of land which connected...

28 Mar 2013

Tobacco: industry, market, society chronology

Case study - 4 pages - Business strategy

Nowadays, the most commonly-spread form is the filter-tipped cigarette; big companies like Philip Morris use machines which can produce thousands of cigarettes a minute; the cigarette becomes omnipresent during the 20th century: from the middle-class person to the worker, from the student to the...

02 Oct 2024


Course material - 47 pages - Culture, religion & civilization

No empire other than Great Britain brought to its colonies the technological tools (railroads, modern medicine) and the political ideals (capitalism, the rule of law) that made possible the development of stable and egalitarian societies. This explains why 54 nations, most of them former British...

15 Jan 2009

Try and identify Jonathan Swift's political stands

Essay - 5 pages - Political science

To put it simply, party politics in England during the 18th century were practiced in two different camps - Tory and Whig. Globally, the differences of opinion between the two were based on three key topics - (1) the origin of government, (2) the position of the Church in society and (3) the role...

17 May 2009

On patriotism, by John Bolingbroke, 1730-1754

Book review - 3 pages - Political science

This text is the analysis of an extract from the book On Patriotism, written between 1730 and 1754 by John Bolingbroke. Bolingbroke was a politician and thinker: he participated to the political life in Britain and was particularly MP in the Tories' party, Secretary of State and Minister...

29 Sep 2010

David O'Connell: Catholic Emancipation & Repeal of the Act of Union

Essay - 8 pages - Modern history

The success of the Catholic Emancipation campaign aroused a lot of hopes in Ireland. Six seventh of the Irish population was catholic, and hence, it was possible for them to “hold all civil and military offices except the offices of Regent, Lord Chancellor and Lord Lieutenant” . Daniel...

10 Nov 2014

The American revolution: Case study in detail

Thesis - 17 pages - Modern history

In 1763, the Treaty of Versailles ended the Seven Years War between France and Spain against Great Britain. The victory of the latter (gain of French, Canada, of all the territories east of the Mississippi except New Orleans, and with Spanish, Florida) was certainly a matter of immense pride in...

19 Oct 2007

Rush into the Secret House

Essay - 7 pages - Literature

Romeo loved Juliet, Juliet loved Romeo, and in the end, they both died to prove it. Neither the Capulets nor the Montagues could understand such love, so neither could allow such love. Romeo and Juliet died to prove it. Yet centuries later, William Shakespeare's darker tragedy is still revered...

21 Jan 2009

Tony Blair's third way

Essay - 6 pages - Political science

When Tony Blair decided, in 1997, to challenge the electoral power of four consecutive Conservative governments, he pertinently chose to call his draft for Labor's electoral platform New Labor, New Life for Britain. Indeed, Labor or shall we say New Labor manifesto flaunted an unprecedented...

10 Nov 2014

The American revolution: Briefings

Thesis - 2 pages - Modern history

The main motivations behind the American Revolution can be summed up under the categories of “God” and “money”, meaning both ethical and economical. Ethically, the American Revolution took place because the colonists could no longer tolerate living under the king's tyrannical...

13 Jan 2009

Conservative and Labour Economic Policies

Essay - 17 pages - Political science

After World War II, a new economic philosophy called “Keynesianism” - different from the “laissez-faire” of old - became prevalent; to his main proponent, John Maynard Keynes (1883-1945), free operation of the market was a good thing but it might prove insufficient to ensure...

18 Mar 2009

An analysis of the claim that the social welfare response to HIV/AIDS was, and remains, fundamentally inadequate

Thesis - 6 pages - Sociology & social sciences

The first official case of AIDS in Britain was recorded in 1983 but nurses said they were caring for unofficial cases before [Ferlie and Pettigrew 1990:195]. Similar to America early reports were confined to the homosexual population. When looking at initial attitudes to the disease if we look at...

07 May 2009

Importance of GATT and WTO for international trade

Thesis - 5 pages - International relations

The World Trade Organization (WTO) h?s become the organization of excellence for dealing with international trade. The transformation of the Gener?l ?greement on T?riffs ?nd Tr?de (G?TT) to WTO w?s ? n?tur?l phenomenon th?t led to ch?nges in the intern?tion?l economic scene. The WTO is, without...

12 Aug 2010

Effects of new labor's bill on tuition fee and income inequalities

Tutorials/exercises - 30 pages - Social, moral & civic education

New Labor's bill on tuition fees will ensure that students will face the prospect of leaving university with a debt of approximately £15000. Universities will be given leave to increase their tuition fees to around £3000 a year. The reforms which have been announced have been met with mixed...

23 Jan 2007

To what extent is Richard Branson, the English Tycoon, a very influential person in the British political life?

Essay - 11 pages - Economy general

Richard Branson is Britain's best-known entrepreneur. This self-made man started his first company at the age of 17 and succeeded in building an empire. Worth £3 billion and believed to be the ninth-richest man in the UK, the 56-year-old founder of the Virgin empire inspired a generation of...

28 Nov 2006

Richard Cobden

Essay - 3 pages - Modern history

Richard Cobden was much involved in politics. In Great Britain, after Napoleonic wars, Corn Laws were passed. In Cobden's opinion the policy implemented in these famous bills was very questionable. Indeed, Frédéric Bastiat's close friend devoted his entire life to free trade and pacifism. First...

02 Apr 2007

Was the Macmillan government's decision to apply for membership of the European Communities the product of Britain's declining global status?

Essay - 6 pages - Political science

The fear that Britain would become, as Labour's post-war Foreign Secretary Ernest Bevin put it “just another European country” , was one of the main reasons to explain the British refusal to join a European supranational organisation. The Attlee government was indeed in favour of...

09 Jan 2009

Where would you place New Labour on the ideological spectrum?

Essay - 4 pages - Political science

Since its foundation in 1900, the British Labour Party has been in power eleven times, and has had five Prime Ministers. It was founded as a social-democratic party, close to the unions and advocating the rights of the working class. On June 2001, led by Tony Blair, it won its second General...

12 Oct 2007

The Serpent Underneath: A Lesbian's Defense of Lady Macbeth

Essay - 9 pages - Literature

“Dyke,” hiss the schoolboys, to the girls with grass-stained knees and dirt-streaked cheeks. To the girls who run faster, throw further, tackle harder than the prides of fatherhood manifest. A word, but so much more a performance. A stereotype, but so much more an expectation....

13 Jan 2009

How does globalization affect women?

Essay - 10 pages - Social, moral & civic education

While women are obviously a diverse group, compared to men they are overwhelmingly disadvantaged economically. This is shown starkly with redundancy in U.N. data. The question here, however, is whether globalization improves women's situation or makes them worse. The answer, of course,...

15 Jan 2009

Place of Buddhist education in present day Vietnam

Essay - 6 pages - Educational studies

In the beginning the Christi?n Er?, the people in v?rious p?rts of Southe?st ?si? found out of Buddhism ?s ? result of increased contact with the Indian merchants who had come to the region to trade. These merchants not only set up trading places in Southe?st ?si? including Vietnam, but also...

15 Jan 2009

The third way

Essay - 9 pages - Political science

In 1999, British Prime Minister Tony Blair and German Chancellor Gerhard Schröder issued a joint statement entitled The Third Way, Die neue Mitte. The statement committed itself to a “newly defined role for the active state” and stated that “the essential function of markets must...

15 Jan 2009

Britain is widely regarded as the 'awkward partner' in Europe: How accurate is this assessment?

Essay - 5 pages - International relations

The Second World War gave impetus to the idea of European unity. A view developed that only by the creation of some form of European federation would Europe enjoys a permanent peace. After WW2, European states focussed on national reconstruction, whereas Britain had a globalist perspective. This...

15 Jan 2009

"Dancing with Dogma. Britain under Thatcherism" by Ian Gilmour

Essay - 4 pages - Political science

The document under study here is extracted from Dancing with Dogma. Britain under Thatcherism, a book by Ian Gilmour, a Scottish leading figure on the liberal, or "wet", left-wing of the Conservative party, essentially under the governments of Heath and Thatcher. The piece of writing concentrates...

15 Jan 2009

Women face greater challenges than men in their attempts to climb to the top of the corporate ladder

Essay - 6 pages - Human resources

Women m?ke up close to ? h?lf p?rt of the U.K. workforce, ?nd this proportion is likely to grow. Working women ?re ? diverse group (e.g., White women, minorities, women with children, immigrants, older workers) with widely v?rying needs, v?lues, experiences, ?nd expect?tions. However, working...

15 Jan 2009

International human resource management

Thesis - 13 pages - Human resources

One of the few certainties in this uncertain world is the growing influence of internationalization on organizations, both large and small. There are increasing numbers of internationally operating organizations and internationally operating employees. The subject of international human resource...