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05 Jan 2025

Business in Asia - What should Telenor do in India?

Case study - 5 pages - International marketing

Telenor is a telecommunications company headquartered in Fornebu, Norway. It has operations in 11 countries and over 146 million mobile subscriptions. The company was started in 1855 in telegraphs and has since evolved to become a major player in the telecommunications industry. Telenor was...

27 Jan 2021

SWOT Analysis - Netflix

Case study - 3 pages - ICT marketing

Netflix, founded by Reed Hastings and Marc Randolph in 1997, is an online streaming service that allows its members who pay subscription fees to watch television shows, movies, series and documentaries from their devices using internet connection. Netflix originated in the United States as...

27 Oct 2024

Addressing the Evolution of Grey's Anatomy: A Proposal for Sustainable Storytelling

Essay - 2 pages - Film studies

In the medical drama area, it is not normally that many shows have left as much mark as Grey's Anatomy. Throughout its long show run, it has managed to captivate viewers' hearts with its critical character arcs, powerful plotlines, and profound emotional weight. However, as the series...

12 Nov 2014

Celebrity's life

Case study - 5 pages - Educational studies

Culture defines a person or a society according to what is regarded as socially acceptable in regard to arts, manners and interactions, among others. Recently, America's celebrities dominate in influencing the culture that people are adopting. The cultural landscape is dominated by the actions of...

09 Jun 2021

Marketing Mix - Disney

Case study - 4 pages - International marketing

Walter Elias Disney co-founder of the Walt Disney Company with his brother Roy since 1923. Originally few people know that Walter had created a production company alone which unfortunately went bankrupt, during which time he produced Alice in Wonderland. However, he did not let that hold him back...

27 Aug 2024

The Elephant man - David Lynch (1980) - Disabilities in popular culture

Artwork commentary - 1 pages - Film studies

In this movie, we follow the life of Joseph Merrick, an Englishman who lived in the 19th century afflicted with Proteus syndrome. He was exhibited as a circus animal, a common practice then known as 'human zoos'. This film delves into the perception of disabilities such as Proteus...

18 Feb 2021

Business model - Netflix

Case study - 6 pages - Digital & e-marketing

The story goes that after having to pay late penalties at a Blockbuster video store, Reed Hastings (CEO of Netflix) had the idea to launch a similar service, but rather to offer it as a subscription package. Netflix was launched in 1997 by Reed Hastings and Marc Randolph. At the time, it was an...

25 Nov 2020

Critical thinking questions - The media and its influence

Essay - 2 pages - Sociology & social sciences

The agenda setting theory says that mass media influences society through the stories that are labelled newsworthy and the time and space given to them. I totally agree with this theory. I think we pay more attention to social problems that receive attention in the media and it's normal...

29 Oct 2024

How Can AI Contribute to Safer Communities?

Essay - 3 pages - Criminal law

Predictive policing leverages AI's analytical muscle to analyze vast troves of crime data. Being able to scrutinize all these gazes, AI consequently notices patterns and foretells that crime happens in places (Grimm et al., 2021). Picture a town built around the mini-story of the weekend...

27 Aug 2014

Ethos and pathos in ads on use of marijuana-Rhetorical Analysis

Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies

Television and the internet is a good channel of passing the messages about the adverse effects of the use of marijuana. The office of the National Drug Control Policy is an American government action which depends on safeguards the health of the people of America. The "above the...

14 Jun 2013

Is reality real? Protecting the viewers through informative disclaimers

Case study - 26 pages - Film studies

Reality television has swept America over like an epidemic. Almost every channel has some form of a reality show. This genre began in 1989 with the creation of COPS and America's Funniest Home Videos. Only three years later MTV aired the first episode of The Real World. After that,...

12 Jan 2011

What are the psycho-sociological reasons for the popularity of TV serials?

Thesis - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Why are television serials popular? How did they become so famous? Are we attracted to them or addicted to them? There are different ways one can observe how television serials and programs became popular in the twentieth century. Television serials have suddenly changed...

19 May 2009

Negative effects of technology on society

Thesis - 4 pages - Medical studies

Although technology can be very helpful, as it helps our society advance, there are some damaging side effects. Technology is advancing computers, phones, transportation, medical studies, and many other things, but it also has negative effects. Technology is socially damaging because it is...

29 Sep 2010

E-business: CBS

Case study - 9 pages - Services marketing

Everyone has a favorite show on television, whether it is drama or a comedy. And in today's present age and time, one can claim that television is present in every household of the residents of developed countries (and this claim is becoming more and more true in developing...

14 Oct 2010

Dynamics of language and society: A discourse of identity togetherness

Thesis - 7 pages - Linguistics & languages

Ethnicity or ethnic groups generally understood as tribal societies or communities who traditionally have something in common identity. A form of identity such as language, place of residence, kinship patterns, marriage patterns, religion, architecture, patterns of residence, and others....

13 May 2008

Violence Is Everywhere

Essay - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Violence is everywhere. People see it in movies featuring Vin Diesel, in many video games, and read about it in books. Many people argue that television should not feature violence since it may affect young children in undesirable ways. Children can grow up to be desensitized to violence...

04 Nov 2008

Advertising atmosphere

Essay - 8 pages - Services marketing

According to Webster's Online Dictionary, advertising can be defined as “the act or practice of calling public attention to one's product, service, need, etc., especially by paid announcements in newspapers and magazines, over radio or television, on billboards”, where the...

09 Jan 2009

What role does the media play in the political process?

Essay - 4 pages - Political science

Since its beginning, about five decades ago, the mass media have been intertwined with political processes of every type, ranging from coverage of major political events and institutions to effects on campaigns and elections. In our liberal democracies, the media are central for the public:...

29 Sep 2010

Sports and the Media: Sport TV rights throughout Europe, a comparative approach

Essay - 13 pages - Arts and art history

The relation between sports and television started years back. We all have in mind the image of Jesse Owen winning four gold medals in the 100m, 200m, long jump and 4X100m relay during the 1936 Nazis Berlin Olympic Games. Thus, we can assume that sport has provided the greatest images ever...

21 Aug 2007

American Culture and Code: Technology, Reinforcement, and Collective Perception in Don DeLillo's White Noise

Essay - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education

DeLillo's White Noise is largely a critique of American culture after World War II and after the popularity of home television in the 1950s. In White Noise, white noise itself has covered up a gaping hole in American culture. The hole is the obtrusive, persistent, and arguably natural...

20 Jul 2008

Violence in media and its effects on adolescents

Essay - 4 pages - Psychology

This paper will review several studies of violence in today's media of television and electronic gaming and how it significantly affects aggression levels in children. These studies have looked at the direct and indirect effects of violence in the media and how it produces more aggression...

09 Jan 2009

Postmodernism and cinema

Thesis - 7 pages - Film studies

‘It's about flights of fantasy, and the nightmare of reality, terrorist bombings, and late night shopping, true love, and creative plumbing.' (Gilliam; 1985). This tagline for the film Brazil highlights most of the concepts present in postmodernist criticism of cinema and television....

04 Dec 2008

What was TV?

Essay - 4 pages - Electronics, mechanics, engineering & technology

In the 1950's television became the dominant mass media as people readily brought small screens into their homes in greater numbers of hours per week than ever before. It was clear that television would leave its mark “for good or ill and be under ever widening...

12 Jan 2009

The X-files (1993-2002) - A cult text

Thesis - 7 pages - Film studies

The X-Files (1993-2002), about two government agents investigating unsolved cases relating to paranormal activities, was a quality drama which became a cult hit with audiences and subsequently an international cultural phenomenon, generating vast amounts of secondary texts including merchandise...

22 Apr 2009

From Cagney and Lacey to Law and order: Women in the workplace as seen on TV

Thesis - 8 pages - Film studies

“Do you have kids, Detective Benson?” asks the pleading face of a father, guilty of murdering his son's rapist. Detective Olivia Benson's eyes glaze over with a familiar look of longing, and the audience sees her softening to the man, letting out a breath while muttering “No.”...

12 May 2009

Abolition of advertising on TV public channels

Thesis - 5 pages - Services marketing

The French government is working on a bill which is supposed to be subjected to the Parliament and voted before summer 2008. This bill aims to the abolition of advertising on TV public channels of the France Televisions group. Actually, on January 17, 2008 the French President Sarkozy...

16 Feb 2011

Review of "Thinking communication" by Dominique Wolton

Book review - 10 pages - Management

Communication is one of the strongest symbols of the twentieth century. Its ideal is to bring people, cultures and values at the heart of the European democratic model. Moreover, the success of communication is such that many people combine media and new technologies. But are they right? Does...

13 Jul 2009

Post modernism in pop culture and The Simpsons

Thesis - 5 pages - Journalism

Attempts to define post-modernism can come in many different forms as different people have different ideas as to what exactly the term means. This being said, most people who take part in the debate over modernism and postmodernism share a consensus that postmodernism might be many things, but...

15 Aug 2013

The effects of media on society

Case study - 2 pages - Journalism

Humans are an influential species. The influence rendered specifically affects other humans. We are influenced by a variety of elements. History, popular figures, trends, and religion are examples of elements that impact on our society. Each of the fore mentioned elements are presented through...

31 Oct 2008

Robert Johnson: A profile

Tutorials/exercises - 10 pages - Social, moral & civic education

“America is the land of opportunity.” The saying is a bit cliché, but is it also validated by our plethora of rags to riches stories. John Wayne had a 4 a.m. paper route and delivered groceries after school to help pay the bills. Johnny Cash, born in Arkansas in 1932 to a family of...