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28 Oct 2009

An overview of the Indian four wheeler industry in relevance to Maruti Udyog limited (MUL)

Thesis - 14 pages - Business strategy

The automobile revolutionary era in India started with the commencement of foreign collaborated establishments like Maruti Suzuki, Daewoo, Ford, Opel, Hyundai, etc. the old concept of Fiat and Ambassador which prevailed in India for about half a century is now virtually wiped off. The revolution...

06 Apr 2010

Task-technology fit and adoption behaviors of mobile business systems

Essay - 8 pages - Computer science

In this paper, a combined task-technology fit (TTF) and UTAUT model is proposed to explore the adoption of mobile technologies in the real estate and insurance industry. The research results indicate: (1) five constructs: data quality, authorization, timeliness, reliability, and...

29 Sep 2010

Michelin and the Global Tire Industry in 1999

Case study - 15 pages - Services marketing

The threat of entry depends on the presence of entry barriers and the reaction that can be expected from existing competitors. Firstly, economies of scale in the production of tires represent an entry barrier for potential competitors, as the market leaders have high levels of production allowing...

29 Sep 2010

International business strategy: The Japanese Car Industry

Market study - 24 pages - Business strategy

The Japanese Car Industry is aiming to expand its market share across the world. The major manufacturers operate on all continents with production facilities spread all over the world. They have expanded throughout the past 20 years with a combination of Greenfield Investments, Joint...

29 Sep 2010

Analysis of the European automotive industry through the expansion of Japanese cars in order to emphasize the major automotive strategy trends of the future

Market study - 26 pages - Business strategy

Automotive industry has realized that UK is an important location. A number of companies have set up production bases in UK. The Asian, American and European constructors have proved that UK occupies an important place in the automotive industry. However, the Automotive...

29 Sep 2010

The telecommunication industry

Essay - 13 pages - Services marketing

Telecommunications started in the 19th century with the telegraph, and developed through the telephone and radio to TV to satellites and the Internet etc. It continues to change in appearance, structure, boundaries, practices and actors. The telecommunications industry provides a wide...

22 Nov 2010

International customer behavior: How mp3 industries created and developed a new market?

Thesis - 26 pages - Services marketing

We prefer to study the MP3 player market as it is a novel and fast growing one. Flourished in 2004, the MP3 player replaced the old devices like walkman and disc man, thanks to the technological developments. In 1998, an unfamiliar brand introduced the first MP3 player and it was only in 2001...

29 Nov 2010

The continued dominance of Dell in the the highly competitive technological world

Essay - 6 pages - Business strategy

Founded in 1984 by Michael Dell, Dell Computer Corporation created an innovative concept by placing the customer at the center of the business organization. In 1998, the company set up a direct sales model, allowing it to establish itself quickly and successfully in the computer industry....

30 Jan 2011

Organizational Culture and Employee Motivation at Cognizant Technology Solutions

Case study - 30 pages - Management

During the past 15 years, a particular sector of consulting firms has been performing very well. These are the firms that are mostly into technology consulting, whose modus operandi is to win the contract for design, development and maintenance of information systems from large, mostly...

16 Feb 2011

Introduction to Technological Management: mobile telephony (2005)

Case study - 10 pages - Management

Initially, the mobile phone had limited technical resources. It was used mainly to call, and to send messages. With the development of the Internet, these phones have evolved and moved into WAP phones. Yet, the potential of this novelty has been limited: it has been extended to consultation of...

28 Feb 2014

Key success factors in retail industry

Case study - 28 pages - Business strategy

The retail industry is today a huge market where competitors are a lot. In order to overview the market of the retail industry, we will list the main actors in the world: Wal-Mart, Carrefour, Ahold, Kroger, Metro group, Target, Albertsons, Kmart and Tesco. However in order to seize...

03 Mar 2011

The sector of Communication and Information Technologies (TIC)

Market study - 4 pages - Services marketing

The new economy has invited a new industry that is effervescent, and the industries of information and communications technology (ICT) include information technology, electronics and telecommunication. It also indicates a new way of understanding the economy as a whole....

25 Nov 2014

The gaming console industry competition: Sony vs Microsoft vs Nintendo

Case study - 21 pages - Management

Unlike in other electronic industries such as PC, Camera, Smartphone etc only 3 majors companies lead the gaming console market: Microsoft XBox, Sony Playstation and Nintendo Wii. This industry has become more profitable year over year, but remain a really competitive business where...

03 Mar 2011

The evolution of the video game industry

Market study - 7 pages - Services marketing

During its inception, the video game was represented as pure marginal software, created by computer enthusiasts, with only a basic computer as the tool. Over time, this simplistic representation faded. Meanwhile, the game established itself as an application in its own computer, thus finding its...

08 Oct 2008

Do we live in a post-industrial society?

Essay - 6 pages - Sociology & social sciences

Contemporary society has increased in its complexity over the past three and a half decades. The labour market as we know it differs rather immensely from what was experienced at the turn of the century. Labour has evolved so dramatically that some prefer to say that we have entered a new age,...

15 Jan 2009

Literature review on virtual tour technology

Essay - 9 pages - Literature

Numerous developments in virtual technologies show up in modern world creating for people more and more comforts and possibilities. Different kinds of visions that we may see with the help of virtual tour technology, have elevated the status of virtual environment to the level of pop...

20 Feb 2009

Polythene industry of Europe

Essay - 38 pages - Business strategy

Polythene is one of the most widely used materials today. It has permeated practically every aspect and walk of life. From the positive to the negative its always there, the positive being some of the products made from it that uphold essential functions in various industries and the negative...

06 May 2009

A market study on Indian telecom industry

Presentation - 41 pages - Services marketing

Indian Telecom sector, like any other industrial sector in the country, has gone through many phases of growth and diversification. Starting from telegraphic and telephonic systems in the 19th century, the field of telephonic communication has now expanded to make use of advanced technologies...

12 May 2009

The Chinese motorcycle industry

Thesis - 6 pages - Business strategy

The motorcycle industry in China was born in the 1950's, with the foundation of the Beijing Motorcycle Factory. Today, China is the largest producer in the world, accounting for nearly half of the world's total production. The first Chinese motorcycle was developed in 1951 to meet the...

12 May 2009

What is the impact of human resources in the success of the Taiwanese high-tech industry?

Thesis - 6 pages - Human resources

The Taiwanese economy has always remained strong in the Asia Pacific region, despite the Asian Financial Crisis in 1997. The high-tech industry in particular has not only survived, but also prospered during the Asian crisis. The economy has also to face a lot of constraints like the...

17 May 2009

Industry Analysis: The Lincoln Electric case

Thesis - 8 pages - Management

The Lincoln Electric Company is a monument in its own right; the company started in 1895 and currently holds 40 percent of the U.S. welding market. Brothers John and James were Partners throughout most of the company's history. John designed and engineered while James managed operations....

21 May 2009

Sensitivity analysis of the fertilizer industry

Tutorials/exercises - 71 pages - Business strategy

Crude Oil is one of the most important sources of energy for a country. The prices of crude oil depend on many factors like Supply restrictions by Oil producing nations, demand for oil, uncertainties like war in the middle east and also the stability of US Dollar, in which crude oil is priced....

26 May 2009

Need for financial statement analysis in a computer hardware industry

Tutorials/exercises - 38 pages - Finance

Financial management, as an integral part of overall management is not totally an independent area. It draws heavily on related disciplines and fields of study such as economics, accounting, marketing, production and quantitative methods. The scope of finance function was treated by the...

28 May 2009

A comparative study of GSM & CDMA technology

Thesis - 16 pages - Electronics, mechanics, engineering & technology

The mobile industry in India is divided between the two technologies GSM and CDMA. While the earlier service providers had adopted the GSM technology, the new players have been using CDMA technology and have notched up a significant share of the Indian market. Hence any...

11 Jun 2009

Network technologies for cluster computing

Thesis - 12 pages - Computer science

A broad and growing range of possibilities are available to designers of a cluster when choosing an interconnection technology. As the price of network hardware in a cluster can vary from almost free to several thousands of dollars per computing node, the decision is not a minor one in...

28 Aug 2009

Edurite Technologies: Empowering education, enabling careers

Presentation - 38 pages - Business strategy

Edurite, founded by Prof. Jawahar and Mr.G.S.Ravi in 2000, is now a part of TutorVista, a Global Education Services company. The company has set up a subsidiary - TutorVista Education India - which will include Edurite and cater to the domestic market. The subsidiary is now planning to foray into...

18 Sep 2009

Mercedes Benz in the Indian automobile industry

Thesis - 9 pages - Business strategy

As the 21st century already approached, marketing has become more attractive at the company, state, national, international levels. In the early days, there was no difference between “selling” and” marketing”. But today the difference between these two terms has been...

22 Jun 2010

The factors determining the top players in the video-gaming industry

Thesis - 6 pages - Business strategy

The competition in the gaming industry can be termed as oligopolistic competition as there are few major players and many buyers. The major players have maximum market share and maintain prices through a mutual understanding or by price leadership. They also have the advantage of economies...

26 Jul 2010

Sony - The leader in the video game industry

Thesis - 6 pages - Business strategy

When we look at the video game industry, we can see four major players. All of them are more or less interrelated. The producers of video consoles: the leaders in this market are Sony, Nintendo and Microsoft. The undisputed leader is Japan's Sony. Microsoft, the U.S. firm, has...

29 Sep 2010

The Sportswear Industry : Boom or Gloom ?

Market study - 50 pages - Management

The sportswear industry has witnessed a transition phase in the past few decades. Indeed, the beginning of the 1970s saw the athletic sportswear evolve from specific product lines striving to target and migrate the small and unique markets into mainstream fashion products. The distinct...