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Theme : New technologies

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03 Apr 2023

Do New Technologies Prevent Consumers From Being Loyal to Brands?

Essay - 4 pages - Clients and users behaviour

The digitilization of the world is disrupting all human activities. By modifying the way we obtain, transmit and exchange information, digital technology is profoundly changing the way we consume, trade and communicate. New technologies are also disrupting our approach to marketing and...

31 Aug 2021

Can new technologies facilitate the exchanges?

Essay - 1 pages - Philosophy

Now, we are going to talk about new technologies to illustrate this notion. Indeed, new technologies, such as SMS, e-mail, and the World Wide Web, are all around us nowadays, like our smartphones. So, we're going to try to answer the question: "Can new technologies...

16 Feb 2015

Technologies used in booking systems/websites and efficiency

Case study - 12 pages - Business strategy

An in depth understanding of the internet will be undertaken outlining the underlying technologies. The target audience and their requirements will also be examined and then a justification for design choices will be made. Implementation is the concluding point of the project however low...

25 Nov 2013

Advanced technologies for rapid, large scale and cost-effective sequencing of genomes

Case study - 3 pages - Biology

While low-cost, revolutionizing computers and gadgets seem to dazzle our eyes every time we look around, a recent and fairly rapid progression in cost-effective genome analyses is drawing quite a lot of attention, the world over. Similar to electronics, the prices for rapid sequencing of genomes...

03 Mar 2011

The sector of Communication and Information Technologies (TIC)

Market study - 4 pages - Services marketing

The new economy has invited a new industry that is effervescent, and the industries of information and communications technology (ICT) include information technology, electronics and telecommunication. It also indicates a new way of understanding the economy as a whole. Indeed, the deployment of...

03 Feb 2011

Optical fibers and their applications in new technologies

Essay - 22 pages - Medical studies

The optical fibers are the source of a technological revolution in telecommunications, because they are capable of navigating light over thousands of kilometers.The main objective of our project is to show how communications using fiber optics can meet the explosive growth of E-traffic expected...

29 Sep 2010

What approach Mission Rubber Technologies Corporation should use with CHP?

Case study - 6 pages - Services marketing

International trade is, by nature, logical and systematic. Although in many aspects it is similar to conventional, domestic trade, it does demand more from companies such as Mission Rubber, from initial market research, through the different methods of distribution, to securing payment from...

28 Aug 2009

Edurite Technologies: Empowering education, enabling careers

Presentation - 38 pages - Business strategy

Edurite, founded by Prof. Jawahar and Mr.G.S.Ravi in 2000, is now a part of TutorVista, a Global Education Services company. The company has set up a subsidiary - TutorVista Education India - which will include Edurite and cater to the domestic market. The subsidiary is now planning to foray into...

16 Jun 2009

Cellular communication technologies: Understanding how the cellular service works

Thesis - 7 pages - Electronics, mechanics, engineering & technology

Today's work force is demanding mobility, flexibility and real-time access to critical data. Over recent years, the trend towards the smaller and faster device, coupled with the need for information access on the move, has paved the way for a new technology of the Mobile Communications. Mobility...

11 Jun 2009

Network technologies for cluster computing

Thesis - 12 pages - Computer science

A broad and growing range of possibilities are available to designers of a cluster when choosing an interconnection technology. As the price of network hardware in a cluster can vary from almost free to several thousands of dollars per computing node, the decision is not a minor one in...

16 Jan 2009

Genetics: Case France and bio-technologies (business model)

Essay - 15 pages - Business strategy

Agricultural chemical industry has always been considered to be all but environmental friendly. Nevertheless it is also one of the industries trying to find out solutions to population's growth, overpopulation and their calamitous consequences on the environment -air, water and soil pollution....

07 Jul 2008

The benefits and risks associated with the implementation of 3G technologies at Vodafone

Essay - 6 pages - Business strategy

Mobile phone technology has evolved rapidly in recent years. In particular the mobile phone industry is now witnessing the development of third generation or 3G mobile technologies. While these 3G technologies appear to provide a number of market and financial benefits for the...

15 Jan 2007

Live technologies in theatrical performance in a post modern perspective

Essay - 8 pages - Arts and art history

How does the use of live technologies in theatrical performance comment on our own positioning in a post-industrial technologically based society? How does this in turn exemplify some of the concerns of the postmodernists? Postmodern cinema is rich in intertextual references, and is often...

26 Apr 2022

Artificial intelligence in Healthcare Industry - A.I in Medical Technology : Medical Imaging

Dissertation - 35 pages - Management

Nowadays, we hear about artificial intelligence all around us and more specifically in the automotive, economic, computer and health sectors. The primary goal of artificial intelligence at its inception in the 1950s was to improve and extend human capabilities with machines (Pallanca O., and Read...

01 Sep 2021

Does technology play a role in making people feel more isolated?

Essay - 4 pages - Sociology & social sciences

When isolation can be defined as the lack or absence of quality and quantity of social contact, technology on its side is the application of the knowledge and usage of tools (such as machines) and techniques in order to control an environment. As it is very well known that social isolation can be...

10 Aug 2022

Technology Industry in India

Case study - 5 pages - Economy general

To begin with, we will talk about the history of India but without going too far back in time because what we are interested in is the part of the history that still has a significative impact on the current socio-economic situation which leads the Technology Industry in India including IT...

16 Jul 2021

Idea of progress - How does modern technology affect today's society?

Essay - 2 pages - Computer science

I'm going to talk about the notion of 'Idea of progress'. Nowadays, technology overwhelms our world more and more. We live with technology every day through smartphones or computers. But how does modern technology affect today's society? We will see that modern technology can have...

04 Sep 2014

Influence of Technology On Education

Case study - 7 pages - Educational studies

Technology has had influence in almost all sectors in the world. Advancements in technology have led to new methods of performing tasks efficiently and without time wasting. The new era of digital technology has specifically affected the young people in the twenty first century. Young people want...

17 Apr 2015

Technology As A Function Of Religion And Science

Essay - 2 pages - Educational studies

The rising usage of technology in the society has raised questions about the relevance of religion. Advancement in science has enabled man to play roles akin to those described as being in the exclusive domain of God. For example, cloning and inter-genetic crossbreeding in contemporary times...

07 Nov 2014

Education Sector and Information Communication Technology

Case study - 7 pages - Business strategy

Information Communication Technology is a general term that encompasses all communication devices and the various applications that are associated withthem. ICT devices may include among others, radio, computers, television, phones and satellite systems. The services and applications associated...

20 Oct 2024

Progress Report: Changing Conceptions of Romance Due To Technological Advancement

Tutorials/exercises - 2 pages - Sociology & social sciences

This progress report details the research conducted thus far for my final presentation on the topic of "Changing Conceptions of Romance Due To Technological Advancement." This exploration will observe the sizable effect technology has on how we meet, join, and build romantic relationships inside...

13 Nov 2014

Transport Information Technology in supply chain

Case study - 4 pages - Educational studies

Supply chain management is the active management of the activities related to the supply chain to increase customer value and satisfaction and achieve competitive advantage (Robert, Jan 2011). Transportation is one of the components of supply chain. Information technology is used to transform the...

19 Feb 2015

IP Strategy for Greentech Ltd in the area of Low Carbon Technology

Case study - 6 pages - Educational studies

Modern businesses cannot survive if they are unable to create, exploit, while at the same time ensure that Intellectual Property (IP) is protected; R&D efforts would be compromised, as well. In addition to the expertise provided by professionals, it is nowadays important for organizations to have...

29 Mar 2016

How is technology improving sustainability in fashion ?

Essay - 7 pages - Management

From the literature review that was carried out, it was evident that sustainable technology that is environmentally friendly and will not lead to the extinction of any animal or plant species is requisite in these modern times as seen in Gwozdz, Netter, Bjartmarz, &Reisch (2013) research....

10 Feb 2021

Analyzing an organization in search of a technological problem

Essay - 4 pages - Computer science

Nowadays, the world is becoming more and more computerized and technological. Lack of technology in your company can thus be a weakness and a big problem that companies have to solve. To reach a certain level and be known, you have to adopt this change and implement these strategies in your...

22 Feb 2023

Technology, a Benefit to Superheroes - Introduction

Essay - 1 pages - Sociology & social sciences

During the digital revolution, technology scares. It is thought to be harmful and will destroy our way of life and our humanity. This fear is reflected in the feature films of these years: "Terminator" (James Cameron, 1984), "Matrix" (The Wachowskis, 1999), "War Games" (John Badham, 1983) to name...

22 Sep 2021

How can technology be used by the financial services industry to boost the development of cross-border payments and trade in the ASEAN region?

Sectorial analysis - 2 pages - Finance

ASEAN's financial services industry needs to be supported by technology to increase its competitiveness. The future of this industry depends on one hand on the development of cross-border trade in the ASEAN region, and on the other hand, on the development of the means of payment that exist....

04 Aug 2023

What are the advantages and disadvantages of buying the latest technology?

Essay - 1 pages - Everyday's life

Our society has changed a lot over the past thirty years, and even more recently, with the digital revolution. Today, we can't imagine our everyday life without a smartphone or a Global Positioning System for example. In such a context, we can wonder what buying the latest technology means...

11 Feb 2016

Information technology benefits in e-supply chain coordination

Essay - 4 pages - Business strategy

Information technology (IT) has enhanced Improvement of the customers' services. Fast services to the customers get enhanced resulting to customers' satisfactions leading to more sales thus high profit. IT reduces the time cycle right from the acquisition of the inventories to the distribution...

18 Aug 2014

Emerging Technology in Diabetes Care; Real-Time Diabetes Monitoring System

Case study - 3 pages - Psychology

The management of type 1 diabetes has evolved and with the new technology, it's easier and cheaper. Monitoring has been made easier with the caregivers getting the new technology. The Real Time Diabetes Monitoring System which has come to supplement the existing technology as well as improving...