Exploring Afrofuturism: Artists and Filmmakers Shaping a Technologically Empowered African Future
Essay - 5 pages - Arts and art history
Afrofuturism is a cultural and creative movement that boldly confronts common preconceptions about Africa, arguing that the region is culturally immobile and technologically "backward". On the other hand, Afrofuturism asserts Africa's entitlement to modernity and technology while honouring...
Progress Report: Changing Conceptions of Romance Due To Technological Advancement
Tutorials/exercises - 2 pages - Sociology & social sciences
This progress report details the research conducted thus far for my final presentation on the topic of "Changing Conceptions of Romance Due To Technological Advancement." This exploration will observe the sizable effect technology has on how we meet, join, and build romantic relationships...
Analyzing an organization in search of a technological problem
Essay - 4 pages - Computer science
Nowadays, the world is becoming more and more computerized and technological. Lack of technology in your company can thus be a weakness and a big problem that companies have to solve. To reach a certain level and be known, you have to adopt this change and implement these strategies in...
The Legal, Ethical, and Technological Concerns in Investments
Case study - 2 pages - Business law
The need for accountability links the accounting and financial reporting of businesses to the law. The main interest of the law in this case is to protect the interests of the public from manipulations of the statements to exploit unsuspecting citizens. In addition, the law creates a platform for...
Technological life cycle, Cradle-to-cradle design Concept
Case study - 5 pages - Computer science
Cradle-to-cradle design is a human based thinking system that believes on effective and elegance approach of human design to the natural system through learning from the incorporated patterns of nature. This revolutionary approach of human industry of redesign base on science and design rigorous...
Resource management and technological innovation, sheet reading: The Netherlands C., Economics of Innovation (Chapter IV)
Book review - 3 pages - Management
For A. A Alchian, under uncertainty, profit maximization cannot be a rule of action for the firm. Success depends on results, not motivations: the decisions and criteria associated with them do not constitute a basis for understanding the behavior of firms. What is important are the decisions...
Technological survey project in the automotive industry: The Volkswagen group
Case study - 8 pages - Business strategy
Volkswagen AG is the leading German automotive group. The global market share of the group is 12.1% and has reached about 20% in its home market: Germany. With 25,400 vehicles leaving the factory each day, the group has been since 1998, the number one European car manufacturer. And it happens to...
Introduction to Technological Management: mobile telephony (2005)
Case study - 10 pages - Management
Initially, the mobile phone had limited technical resources. It was used mainly to call, and to send messages. With the development of the Internet, these phones have evolved and moved into WAP phones. Yet, the potential of this novelty has been limited: it has been extended to consultation of...
Technological evolution of mobile radio networks: what is the future of GSM infrastructure?
Dissertation - 65 pages - Electronics, mechanics, engineering & technology
Historically, telecommunications have occupied a prominent place in human society. The area occupied by this segment has risen sharply in the past thirty years, by the mobile networks becoming available to the general public. A mobile radio network is primarily a wireless network. It establishes...
The continued dominance of Dell in the the highly competitive technological world
Essay - 6 pages - Business strategy
Founded in 1984 by Michael Dell, Dell Computer Corporation created an innovative concept by placing the customer at the center of the business organization. In 1998, the company set up a direct sales model, allowing it to establish itself quickly and successfully in the computer industry. Indeed,...
Technological court
Thesis - 2 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Technological evidence that is allowed into court to be used against someone should be evidence that is concrete and guaranteed to be accurate. The evidence should have been gotten following proper procedures, such as acquiring a search warrant prior to gaining the evidence. The form of...
The commodification of babies: An attempt to control through technological advancements in human reproduction
Thesis - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education
We live in a capitalist society. From our moment of birth, we are being socialized to believe that life is a competition and we must continuously fight to win. Jobs have long ago become specialized and almost everything is a commodity. This shapes every aspect of our lives from the most private...
Exploring the principles of constructivism and applying them to Technological Education
Tutorials/exercises - 8 pages - Psychology
The National Association of State Directors of Career Technical Education Consortium states: career studies should be taught in manners that are consistent with a constructivist view of learning (NASDCTEC, 1999, p. 7). While this may sound good in theory, one underlying problem...
A critical review of how technological advancements have made individual more isolated
Thesis - 11 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Our lives are closely influenced by the technology around us. Technology has become such an integral part of our life that even if they want to escape it would be difficult to do so. So much so that even the basic profession like carpentry has been influenced by the technological...
Economic activity, investments and technological policy
Essay - 7 pages - Finance
The concept of competitiveness of the national economies and the viability of the national productive systems in the context of globalization focuses on the role of innovative competitive advantages, which are related to the technological know-how. The competitive advantages of low...
The impact of technological development on mobile phone companies living in a virtual world
Essay - 6 pages - Business strategy
Introduction Over the course of the last two decades, telecommunications organizations have made notable innovations for consumers. While these technologies appear to be quite popular overall, the reality is that innovation in the telecommunication's industry carries with it a considerable risk....
Artificial intelligence in Healthcare Industry - A.I in Medical Technology : Medical Imaging
Dissertation - 35 pages - Management
Nowadays, we hear about artificial intelligence all around us and more specifically in the automotive, economic, computer and health sectors. The primary goal of artificial intelligence at its inception in the 1950s was to improve and extend human capabilities with machines (Pallanca O., and Read...
Does technology play a role in making people feel more isolated?
Essay - 4 pages - Sociology & social sciences
When isolation can be defined as the lack or absence of quality and quantity of social contact, technology on its side is the application of the knowledge and usage of tools (such as machines) and techniques in order to control an environment. As it is very well known that social isolation can be...
Technology Industry in India
Case study - 5 pages - Economy general
To begin with, we will talk about the history of India but without going too far back in time because what we are interested in is the part of the history that still has a significative impact on the current socio-economic situation which leads the Technology Industry in India including IT...
Idea of progress - How does modern technology affect today's society?
Essay - 2 pages - Computer science
I'm going to talk about the notion of 'Idea of progress'. Nowadays, technology overwhelms our world more and more. We live with technology every day through smartphones or computers. But how does modern technology affect today's society? We will see that modern technology can have...
Influence of Technology On Education
Case study - 7 pages - Educational studies
Technology has had influence in almost all sectors in the world. Advancements in technology have led to new methods of performing tasks efficiently and without time wasting. The new era of digital technology has specifically affected the young people in the twenty first century. Young people want...
Technology As A Function Of Religion And Science
Essay - 2 pages - Educational studies
The rising usage of technology in the society has raised questions about the relevance of religion. Advancement in science has enabled man to play roles akin to those described as being in the exclusive domain of God. For example, cloning and inter-genetic crossbreeding in contemporary times...
Education Sector and Information Communication Technology
Case study - 7 pages - Business strategy
Information Communication Technology is a general term that encompasses all communication devices and the various applications that are associated withthem. ICT devices may include among others, radio, computers, television, phones and satellite systems. The services and applications associated...
Do New Technologies Prevent Consumers From Being Loyal to Brands?
Essay - 4 pages - Clients and users behaviour
The digitilization of the world is disrupting all human activities. By modifying the way we obtain, transmit and exchange information, digital technology is profoundly changing the way we consume, trade and communicate. New technologies are also disrupting our approach to marketing and especially...
Can new technologies facilitate the exchanges?
Essay - 1 pages - Philosophy
Now, we are going to talk about new technologies to illustrate this notion. Indeed, new technologies, such as SMS, e-mail, and the World Wide Web, are all around us nowadays, like our smartphones. So, we're going to try to answer the question: "Can new technologies facilitate the exchanges?"
Transport Information Technology in supply chain
Case study - 4 pages - Educational studies
Supply chain management is the active management of the activities related to the supply chain to increase customer value and satisfaction and achieve competitive advantage (Robert, Jan 2011). Transportation is one of the components of supply chain. Information technology is used to transform the...
Technologies used in booking systems/websites and efficiency
Case study - 12 pages - Business strategy
An in depth understanding of the internet will be undertaken outlining the underlying technologies. The target audience and their requirements will also be examined and then a justification for design choices will be made. Implementation is the concluding point of the project however low level...
IP Strategy for Greentech Ltd in the area of Low Carbon Technology
Case study - 6 pages - Educational studies
Modern businesses cannot survive if they are unable to create, exploit, while at the same time ensure that Intellectual Property (IP) is protected; R&D efforts would be compromised, as well. In addition to the expertise provided by professionals, it is nowadays important for organizations to have...
How is technology improving sustainability in fashion ?
Essay - 7 pages - Management
From the literature review that was carried out, it was evident that sustainable technology that is environmentally friendly and will not lead to the extinction of any animal or plant species is requisite in these modern times as seen in Gwozdz, Netter, Bjartmarz, &Reisch (2013) research....
Technology, a Benefit to Superheroes - Introduction
Essay - 1 pages - Sociology & social sciences
During the digital revolution, technology scares. It is thought to be harmful and will destroy our way of life and our humanity. This fear is reflected in the feature films of these years: "Terminator" (James Cameron, 1984), "Matrix" (The Wachowskis, 1999), "War Games" (John Badham, 1983) to name...