Italian taxation
Market study - 2 pages - Foreign markets
Transactions between companies within the same group may deviate from the entrepreneurial logic typically governing transactions between two independent parties, which are primarily profit-driven. To prevent the detrimental practice of "shifting profits" from one jurisdiction to another merely to...
Cigarettes and taxation in USA
Essay - 3 pages - Economy general
With a country that is plagued with many preventable illnesses and people that are leading seemingly unhealthier lifestyles by the day, it is no surprise that cigarettes contribute much of the nation's ills. Due to the damage caused by tobacco use; especially cigarettes, such as the increased...
Ways couples can seek to reduce taxation liabilities on investments and savings
Case study - 5 pages - Finance
The need for financial security and independence are a predominant concern for most citizens globally. In its very definition the ability to earn and willfully spend one's income is at the core of maturity as defined by social norms. This is also the case for governments and institutions. So the...
Taxation Of Household Saving
Case study - 5 pages - Educational studies
For any country to improve its economy and have money to finance the budget of that specific year, taxation is a must. Tax is usually put on goods, salaries and other essential services. The Government of UK has embraced a thorough audit of the UK tax framework, counselling with business...
Taxation limits on local governments; municipalities and school districts in the state of Georgia
Essay - 9 pages - Government finance
There exist a number of limits on taxation both statutory and constitutional that apply in the state of Georgia. The reasons for the existence of such limitations vary, but majorly they are meant to check county government expenditure, Ensure property taxes are maintained at reasonable and...
Report on the Italian taxation
Essay - 14 pages - Finance
Faced with economic developments and globalization, it became common to see companies in different countries better meeting the demands and also strive hard in order to save some money. The establishment of French companies is easier in Europe because of the existence of certain conventions...
The relationship between taxation and accounting in France
Course material - 4 pages - Accounting
The relationship between accounting and taxation is critical for determining the tax on the profits of French companies, but understanding this relationship is difficult because of constant changes taking place accounting policies. Accounting is defined as the systematic recording,...
A look at corporate taxation
Essay - 4 pages - Finance
As any business withdraws and employs reduction of all or parts of its assets to cash or cash equivalents to its shareholders, the last step that is usually undertaken is the complete liquidation of the corporation and this denotes the end of the corporation's life as well as the cessation of...
KLM tax system
Case study - 7 pages - Finance
A tax is a mandatory financial charge or levy that is imposed on a taxpayer by a governing authority for the purpose of acquiring resources for funding of various public expenditures. This money raised through tax collection is used to run and manage the specific jurisdiction by the provision of...
Accounting audit and its Impact on the Financial Balance of the Company - Approaches to assessing financial balance
Financial analysis - 44 pages - Audit
The current financial context, marked by the decline in revenue from hydrocarbons, the main source of funding for the State budget, is reviving the debate on the need to increase the share of ordinary taxation compared to oil taxation. To achieve this, the State has a panoply of...
Country Risk: Fiscal Policy and Public Debt
Course material - 6 pages - Economic politics
Governments refer to (elected) people who form the administrative body of a country. They are important because they take into account externalities and finance public goods (which the private sector would not want/manage to finance). Their objectives are : education, national defense, low crime,...
PESTEL Analysis - Levi Strauss Company - published: 19/07/2022
Case study - 7 pages - Startup, entrepreneurship
Founded in 1853, Levi Strauss Company is by far one of the largest outfit organizations in the world and has been known far and wide for its inventions of jeans as classic clothing apparel. With over fifteen thousand employees across the globe, as of 2020, the company has not only become a global...
How could international law support a transition to renewable sources of energy?
Essay - 4 pages - International law
Climate change is an international issue. Indeed, no matter how much greenhouse gases emissions decrease in Europe, if the world does not act collectively climate change and its consequences will continue. But climate change is not only an international topic, it intersects with many...
SWOT Analysis - Shein
Case study - 5 pages - Fashion and ready to wear marketing
Shein has recently been cited as the largest cross-border fashion e-commerce organization in China. The apparel brand has reached out to consumers within the United States, Germany, Russia, France, and over two hundred other nations across the globe. The company's mobile application, as of...
Economics: Taxes and subsidies
Case study - 3 pages - Economy general
There are two types of tax systems that work simultaneously in an economy. These two systems are called direct and indirect taxation. Both of these systems have different effects on the economy in terms of an incentive or disincentive. Direct taxation is levied on the income of...
The difference between tax avoidance and tax evasion and the different instruments government might use to combat these
Thesis - 5 pages - Fiscal law
Taxation is everywhere in our daily life. People cannot always evade taxes. For instance, we pay tax when we buy goods therefore it is impossible to escape this kind of included tax. Tax avoidance and tax evasion are determinant for tax burden because they are one of the...
Competition between European football clubs
Dissertation - 37 pages - Management
In Europe, the economic competition is as fierce as the sporting competitions that engage among the professional football clubs, and this fight is somewhat uneven between very large European professional clubs and other smaller clubs. How can we explain the differences in competitiveness between...
The legal process of entering into a joint venture with the Cuban water utility company
Essay - 16 pages - International law
This paper examines the legal process of entering into a joint venture with the Cuban public water system through a joint venture in a Post-Fidel Castro Cuba. Although Fidel is no longer at the helm, the Cuban Communist party is still in power. Since Cuba has a state planned economy, we place...
A look at the Value Added Tax in India
Thesis - 5 pages - Finance
Unlike the erstwhile single point or cascade type of sales tax system, Value Added Tax (VAT) is a multi-point sales tax levied on the value added to goods with set-off for tax paid on purchases (inputs) and capital goods. What this means is that the amount of tax paid by the dealers for purchase...
Smoking case study
Case study - 4 pages - Educational studies
The article Illicit Smokes up 25% since tax rise by Eli Greenblat talks about the effects of increase taxes on the illegal trade and smuggling of cigarettes in Australia. It was published on March 1, 2011; exactly a year after the Australian government increased the taxation on...
The evolution, features, concepts, application and terminologies of fiscal policy
Thesis - 12 pages - Government finance
Fiscal policy can be explained as a policy executed by the government to produce desirable effect on national income, output and employment. There are two type of fiscal policy they are - Contractionary & Expansionary.It helps the government by creating an environment for rapid economic growth....
How was the Declaration of Independence written?
Essay - 3 pages - Modern history
The Declaration of Independence is a statement adopted by the Congress on July 4th 1776. In fact, this Declaration written in particular by Thomas Jefferson, announced that American colonies were no longer a part of the British Empire. It is known as the « Declaration of Philadelphia », since...
The European project of ecotaxes
Essay - 12 pages - Economy general
In October 1991 the European Commission sent the Council a draft action program called the European project of environmental taxes that encouraged members of the European Union to introduce environmental taxes. This project was a sustainable development policy to tax the polluters to make them...
Transocean vs. the United States
Case study - 5 pages - Other law subjects
In 2008 Transocean, one of the world's largest offshore oil drilling contractors, moved its corporate headquarters from the Cayman Islands to the canton of Zug, Switzerland. The move placed what was already a wildly lucrative company in an even more enviable position. Since their 1999 move from...
Tax Reform
Essay - 2 pages - Finance
Tax reform and the US budget go hand in hand. While many people seek a tax reform, they must understand that the most significant factor in determining the types and amounts of taxes that are to be paid is the US budget. Typically, it would be expected that if a budget is in the red,...
Discuss the disincentives on work effort induced by the tax and benefit system, and how the theory of labor supply offers alternative systems to minimize these disincentives
Thesis - 7 pages - Economy general
In the UK, USA or in France, Government is seen from different angles. A State has duties and functions. In order to look after the welfare of their citizens, it tries to improve the reputation through taxation and benefit system. The main problem for most countries is the unemployment....
David Ricardo (1772-1823)
Thesis - 7 pages - Economy general
David Ricardo was a prominent figure of his time. He participated in the great debates on the currency, the Corn Laws and so on. He associated with Smith and found numerous proposals that needed to be discussed. He published the 'Principles of Political Economy and Taxation' in...
Economic Unrest in France: A Twentieth-Century analysis
Thesis - 10 pages - Economy general
The French Revolution of 1789 is perhaps one of the most well-known and significant revolutions in modern history. The Revolution was not only influential in its establishment of a new regime in France, but, to quote Scott W. Haine, Not only did the French Revolution produce modern...
Who were the real revolutionaries in France in 1789: the nobility, the bourgeoisie or the peasantry?
Case study - 4 pages - Educational studies
In 1789, the French Revolution broke out. During the course of the revolution, various classes of French society became involved. The nobility, who had had their political power diminished prior to 1789 under Louis XIV's reign, yearned to have increased political power, and amongst them were also...
The third way
Essay - 9 pages - Political science
In 1999, British Prime Minister Tony Blair and German Chancellor Gerhard Schröder issued a joint statement entitled The Third Way, Die neue Mitte. The statement committed itself to a newly defined role for the active state and stated that the essential function of markets must...