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22 Jan 2023

Taiwan's Semiconductor Shortage: Origins and Geopolitical Future

Case study - 6 pages - International economy

Semiconductors have become a central factor in our 21st century. As technology is used in all fields of human activity, from refrigerators to laptops, from electric cars to artificial intelligence, and from solar panels to military weapons, the need for electronic chips has grown and the demand...

29 Sep 2010

International Business Strategy - Acer, Inc.: Taiwan's rampaging dragon

Case study - 8 pages - Business strategy

Acer was set up in 1976 under the company name Multitech, by Stan Shih, in Taiwan. This family entrepreneurial start up has grown rapidly based on a distinctive culture to become an international global brand competitor. For thirty years, the firm has met many challenges to face in the...

28 Jul 2010

Conflict in China, Tibet and Taiwan

Thesis - 2 pages - International relations

The conflicts between China, Tibet, and Taiwan have a long history, though the most recent issues between the areas stem from the effects of the Cultural Revolution and the expulsion of the nationalists from the country. When the communists came to power under the leadership of Mao, the...

15 Jan 2009

To what degree does the evidence of contemporary cross-strait relations support the view that Taiwan and Mainland China are experiencing not only economic but also political convergence?

Essay - 5 pages - International relations

In 1949, after having lost the Chinese Civil War against the CPC, the Kuomintang retreated from Mainland China and established a government in Taipei, the largest city of the Taiwan Island, while continuing to claim its sovereignty over the whole China. At the same time, the People's...

12 May 2009

What is the impact of human resources in the success of the Taiwanese high-tech industry?

Thesis - 6 pages - Human resources

The Taiwanese economy has always remained strong in the Asia Pacific region, despite the Asian Financial Crisis in 1997. The high-tech industry in particular has not only survived, but also prospered during the Asian crisis. The economy has also to face a lot of constraints like the shortage of...

27 Apr 2009

Success in developmental states of Taiwan and Korea after Japanese colonization

Thesis - 6 pages - International relations

As Taiwan and Korea, both being former colonies of Japan, began to develop over time, their growth exemplified the characteristics of what we term “developmental states”. These two particular states have exhibited rapid, sustained, export-led growth over a long period of time,...

15 Jan 2009

Republic of China in Taiwan

Essay - 4 pages - International relations

Small country of North-East Asia, Taiwan has experienced numerous developments throughout its history, founding over the centuries its own political identity, from the beginnings as a Ch'ing prefecture and province, to the half-century of Japanese possession and to the last fifty years as...

01 Aug 2022

The United States and the World - Russia and China

Course material - 7 pages - Modern history

At the beginning of his first term, President Bush neglected Russia and considered China as the next major geopolitical adversary. At the same time, American analysts were quite confident that Washington would be able to manage the "Geostrategic Triad" between Washington, Moscow and Beijing to...

16 May 2009

Asian business culture

Thesis - 9 pages - Journalism

Since the last decade the Northeast Asian economies such as Japan, South Korean and Taiwan have had a remarkable growth and an important development into world-class economic powers. They have emerged from an “array of political and social challenges such as world and civil wars,...

16 Jan 2009

The role of trade in the economic development of Eastern Asia

Essay - 5 pages - Economy general

At the end of the last century, Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan and South Korea attained higher rates of economic growth than other developing countries. It could be because of a close correlation between export expansion and economic growth, but are they automatically associated? What is the...

23 Nov 2010

Analysis of Carrefour's failures and success (citing the example of China and Mexico)

Thesis - 12 pages - Business strategy

‘Carrefour', which means ‘Crossroads' in French, is an international hypermarket chain headquartered in Levallois-Perret. A year after its conception in 1959, its first supermarket was opened in Annecy in Haute-Savoie. Today, in the large distribution sector, the Carrefour group is the...

27 Jan 2011

Diagnosis International: Carrefour's expansion strategy in Asia

Essay - 48 pages - Business strategy

Lately the Carrefour group inaugurated its store numbered one thousand in the world, in China. Its eight hypermarkets in Japan were yielded to the Japanese group Aeon. Such a paradox within the same continent pushes one to question on the strategy of the French giant in Asia. The group faced...

29 Jan 2014

Research method for manager

Case study - 13 pages - Management

Using the conservative approach, the solution that seems to have the lowest risks is to outsource the production to an outside vendor in Taiwan. The profits forecasts are more homogeneous by choosing that option. Even if this option cannot lead us to the highest profit possible, the profit...

30 Jun 2011

The Realm of East Asia: Changes and the Future

Essay - 7 pages - Political science

The realm of East Asia consists of Japan, China, Taiwan, North Korea, South Korea, and Mongolia. This realm, although it has been around for thousands of years, has gone through many drastic changes in modern times. Rich in raw materials, people, and cultures, the East Asian countries...

15 Jan 2009

Green marketing and sustainable development in France: What are their impacts on a company's strategy?

Thesis - 14 pages - Services marketing

The environment and its protection occupy an increasingly significant part of our quotidian. The safety actions of our environment are growing, thus we can see the development of the selective sorting, green transport (bus functioning with gas for example), the removal of the plastic bags at...

03 Sep 2009

China's rise to power

Thesis - 5 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Most outside analysts believe that China is experiencing the most secure and “threat-free” period in its post-1949 history. But, China's military leaders appear to perceive the international environment as dangerous and threatening. Since the end of World War II, China has had an...

16 Jan 2009

The Meiji era: The opening of Japan to the West

Essay - 8 pages - Economy general

In the Westerners' mind Japan remains a country which sometimes presents an extreme modernism (with the painful consequences which one knows nowadays). On the other hand, Japan tries to preserve the old traditions which make imaginations wander and return us to the novels of Pierre Loti. This...

16 Jan 2009

Asian pacific business since 1997: Samsung and South Korea

Essay - 11 pages - Economy general

Everybody knows Samsung, Toyota, Sony, LG or even Hyundai which are very famous brand all over the world. Those very successful companies have similarity. Indeed, all of them come from the Pacific Rim. The Pacific Rim is defined by "far Eastern countries and markets bordering the Pacific Ocean,...

27 Jan 2011

Business strategies: The Carrefour group

Case study - 16 pages - Business strategy

The Carrefour Group is the leading European retail group, and is the second largest in the world after Wal-Mart. Although it is still poised as a leader, it continues to develop amid tough competition on European markets as well as the global markets, even as the demands of the consumers become...

29 Apr 2009

Economic history of Hong Kong during the 20th century

Thesis - 8 pages - Economy general

In this essay I will explore the economic history of Hong Kong during the 20th century. Hong Kong, during this period, I will argue, went from an entrepot trading outpost, which nevertheless attracted large British trading companies, to a major independent regional trading center. I will start by...

27 Jan 2011

Strategic study of Decathlon

Case study - 36 pages - Business strategy

For over a decade, the retail brand Decathlon, has been the European leader in the retail market for sporting goods. This dominance manifests itself in France as the popularity of the slogan: "A background form” and the growing number of superstores located mainly in the outskirts of cities,...

15 Apr 2022

Analysis of a country - Japan's PESTEL analysis and Porter's 5 Forces

Case study - 5 pages - International marketing

Japan is maintaining complicated relations with neighboring countries such as Russia, South Korea, China and Taiwan; this is related to different resources (such as natural gas, hydrocarbons ...).

12 Jan 2009

How to reform the UN security council and why?

Thesis - 3 pages - International relations

The Security Council is usually considered as the most important organ of the UNO. Primarily “responsible for the maintenance of international peace and security” , the Security Council has huge responsibilities and thus needs legitimacy to fulfill its mission. There has been a great...

11 Feb 2025

RSTUDIO - Quiz (R and Tidying Basics)

Tutorials/exercises - 1 pages - Computer science

In this quiz you will be analysing foods' carbon footprint data from nu3's 2018 Food Carbon Footprint Index (the actual data scrapping is explained here). It contains data on CO2 emissions per person for a large number of countries for the year 2018, using data from the Food and...

15 Jan 2009

Market study hotel industry business 2005

Essay - 11 pages - Business strategy

Marriott International's Q1 2005 net income was $145 million, a 27% increase compared to the same period last year. Marriott International recorded earnings per share (EPS) of $0.61 in the first quarter of 2005, up 30% from the same period in 2004.Management fees increased 52%, driven by 9.2...

12 Sep 2007

Field Project: Au Bon Pain

Market study - 3 pages - Services marketing

Au Bon Pain was established and opened its first café in 1978, in Boston's Faneuil Hall Marketplace. The goal of this first café was to offer fresh baked bread and cater to commuters, tourists, shoppers, students, and residents located throughout the city of Boston. Au Bon has been greatly...

17 May 2009

An in-depth analysis of the role of the Brazilian state in its economic development

Thesis - 6 pages - Economy general

The third world is a subject which has caused much ink. Several features can be found as economic problems, political instability, authoritarian regimes. However, some countries as the tigers (South Korea, Taiwan, Singapore and Hong-Kong) succeed in dealing with their economic and...

29 Sep 2010

e-business in the development of Interflora - Case study

Case study - 11 pages - Services marketing

Our study will focus on Interflora with respect to the French market. The French website will have interface with all other region based Interflora websites throughout the world, so as to ensure prompt and efficient global deliveries. Interflora is the largest flower delivery company by which...

29 Sep 2010

Asian Pacific Business - Malaysia

Market study - 7 pages - Economy general

The world has seen the most important economic growth since the end of the Second World War in the region of East Asia. This incredible economic phenomenon had emerged more particularly in Japan during the 1950s. This trend has been followed later by what is known as the four dragons:...

03 Dec 2010

Nespresso and its information system - E-business

Thesis - 15 pages - Business strategy

The company was founded by Nespresso Nestle Group in 1986 with the aim of offering its customers quality coffee products. Since then, the company has continued to develop a selective distribution system and manage its brand based on luxury. The company catered to the popular concept of drinking...