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Theme : Sustainability

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26 Jun 2012

Analysis of an ecologically sustainable development

Essay - 6 pages - Political science

An Ecologically sustainable development is a development that uses, conserves, and enhances “the community's resources so that ecological processes on which life depends are maintained, and the total quality of life, now and in the future, can be increased” (Cwth of Australia, 1992)....

29 Sep 2010

Ethics, sustainable development and corporate social responsibility: Ben & Jerry's case study

Case study - 5 pages - Services marketing

Ben & Jerry's have evolved on a growing market. This is why the influence of customers and competitors is significant. Nevertheless, these threats have do not have a huge impact on the company, because the growth enables each competitor to find its own position. Even if prices are falling in...

27 Sep 2013

Environmentally sustainable economies

Case study - 3 pages - Psychology

Economic growth is what propelled America's leap to become the world's only superpower and most influential nation, but not without sacrifice. Our exponential growth has depleted our nonrenewable resources and polluted many of our nation's greatest natural wonders. While it is imperative that...

21 Aug 2007

Sustainable Agriculture: Achieving Food Reform

Essay - 4 pages - Political science

We have a global crisis on our hands. For decades, industrial agriculturists have ravaged and monopolized our global countryside and our global resources. Recently, as world hunger awareness has grown, these corporations would claim in the name of good will and the elimination of world hunger...

16 May 2009

Essay: What should Asia Pacific gov-ernments do to support their adher-ence to 'good' corporate governance principle and sustainable develop-ment?

Thesis - 5 pages - International relations

According to The World Bank (2006), ‘good' corporate governance (CG) refers to the structures and processes for the direction and control of companies. This involves the relationships among the management, board of directors, controlling and minority shareholders as well as stakeholders....

06 Jun 2014

The key problems of urbanization :Suggestions and solutions which would form part of sustainable development

Essay - 4 pages - Economy general

It is now a universal fact that living standards depend upon a perfect harmony between humans and their social environment, for example, the function of medical care, education systems, as well as social pension systems. Since the beginning of the industrial revolution, cities have been growing...

23 Oct 2024

Sustaining Excellence in Social Work Programs: Utilizing Evaluation, Prioritizing Job Satisfaction, and Implementing Effective Mentoring

Essay - 2 pages - Management

Social Work program development, evaluation, and planning are very dynamic, which means that adaptation and growth are the signs of success in this field. This article defines the issue and lists the critical strategies for success, including the program evaluation, job satisfaction fulfillment,...

04 Dec 2008

The United States and Latin America in the 21st century: Recommendations for a sound and sustainable foreign policy

Essay - 7 pages - International relations

Traditionally, the relationship between the United States and Latin America has been marked by periods of ups and downs, and often indifference. Over the past decade, the latter has largely settled in. However, in view of the region's increased global profile and reach, devising a healthy...

27 Oct 2024

Addressing the Evolution of Grey's Anatomy: A Proposal for Sustainable Storytelling

Essay - 2 pages - Film studies

In the medical drama area, it is not normally that many shows have left as much mark as Grey's Anatomy. Throughout its long show run, it has managed to captivate viewers' hearts with its critical character arcs, powerful plotlines, and profound emotional weight. However, as the series...

10 Feb 2021

The today health crisis poses the problem of its financing in large part by public debt - With the subprime crisis, how can the impact of such a cost be sustainable on the budget ?

Dissertation - 8 pages - International economy

According to an article published on April 28, 2020, in the newspaper Les Echos and written by Renaud Honoré, the current rate of French public debt is twice as high as that of the subprime crisis in 2008. In fact, we never reached these figures since the Second World War. European debt rules...

09 May 2009

The city and the stake of sustainable development

Thesis - 8 pages - Social, moral & civic education

I chose this subject mainly because I am very interested in urbanism. Indeed, I'd like to start a master called ISUR in French, which means: “Ingénieurie des systèmes urbains en réseaux”. It is a special program that allows to work in the urbanism sector in developing countries. It...

24 Jul 2024

Company Study Report - Uniqlo

Case study - 15 pages - Fashion and ready to wear marketing

Uniqlo, far from being the stereotype of yet another textile brand in the world, has distinguished itself. It is now the fastest growing brand in Europe and is able to compete with the giants in its field, with its 3,500 shops worldwide. To achieve such a result, the company applies a new kind of...

29 Oct 2024

Patagonia's Corporate Policy

Case study - 5 pages - Corporate social responsibility

The increased scrutiny of contemporary corporations by financial and social spheres calls for a balance between profits and responsibility for the welfare of the community and the environment. In particular, Patagonia, which is one of the leaders among the companies in that field, could be called...

23 Oct 2024

Leadership in Diverse Development Contexts

Case study - 5 pages - Political science

The Global Development Initiative (GDI) is one of the most influential participants in the complex world of global development, as it strives to catalyze the transformational process for many low- and middle-income countries and development sectors. The projects of the Global Development...

28 Jul 2010

Deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon: Is it sustainable?

Thesis - 5 pages - Ecology & environment

Over the past 4 decades, almost 20 percent of the Amazon rain forest in Brazil has been cut down. This area is equivalent to the size of Western Europe. Scientists are now warning that another 20 percent will be lost in the next 2 decades (Wallace, 2007). Selective logging for timber usually...

29 Sep 2010

The Intercultural management in the tourism sector: a new opportunity for a sustainable performance

Dissertation - 60 pages - Management

The tourism sector is clearly characterized by the number of nationalities that form it. Culture is also part of it. Employees from a specific country can face a customer from another country, whose culture is totally different. In the same way, an employee can work in team with another employee...

17 Jul 2014

Modernism Alone Can Sustain Man's Interest in Literature

Case study - 3 pages - Literature

Literature is an indispensable ingredient of man's education. In other words man cannot totally avoid literature so it cannot make its way into his education. Yet not many are ready to taste the nectar pouring from literary masterpieces. As a matter of fact most literary pieces appear as...

04 Feb 2013

How important is innovation in obtaining sustainable performance?

Case study - 6 pages - Educational studies

Economic globalization has promoted the increase of goods and services in the different parts of the world. These previous regions, which were unrelated from one another, are now linked thanks to the different companies that have entered. Today, companies from North America may be competing with...

30 Apr 2014

From a new organization, to sustainable development: case study of " Bounce of C2D "

Case study - 27 pages - Logistics

After the first case study of C2D, the second case study titled "Bounce of C2D? is presented. This first deliverable is an overview of the project that presents the new management of stock. Schemes and explications will show our final solution, which is based to a restocking set time and quantity...

23 Oct 2024

META Platform Incorporation (Facebook)

Case study - 6 pages - Digital & e-marketing

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is deeply ingrained in META's mission of positively impacting society and making the world more open and connected (Taulli, 2012). META is committed to fulfilling its ethical obligations by distinguishing between good and wrong, actively engaging in...

02 Feb 2024

Corporate Social Responsibility

Tutorials/exercises - 4 pages - Corporate social responsibility

Within the last 12 months, many Environmental, Social and Governance failures showed us that many companies, corporations and even governments are trying to mislead consumers or citizens and to improve their reputation, by promoting sustainable initiatives or products. These claims can be...

15 May 2009

From a new organization to sustainable development

Thesis - 9 pages - Business strategy

The aim of our proposal is to attract new customers and adapt C2D to the new market industry. C2D likes all companies in the world needs to adapt itself everyday to stay competitive in the actual market. The company image is important now more than ever and each company must find new markets to...

17 Oct 2024

Increasing Construction Costs

Market study - 3 pages - Business strategy

Increasing construction costs is a considerable trouble facing the USA construction business sector. They influence the rising transportation, energy saving, and environmental preservation sectors. A comprehensive approach to the search for answers and adopting strategic decisions are priorities...

14 Sep 2020

What Does it Mean for a University to be Socially Responsible?

Dissertation - 3 pages - Educational studies

What does it mean for a university to be 'socially responsible'? With reference to the literature and using examples from the UK, and beyond, discuss how a university might demonstrate its commitment to social responsibility to its stakeholders. Corporate social responsibility (CSR) can...

26 Mar 2021

How and why has the environment become so important in the field of tourism and luxury hotels?

Case study - 5 pages - Tourism marketing

The whole text explains the importance of linking sustainable development with luxury hotels. This importance is reflected in many of the establishments that the palaces have introduced. That's why the case study focuses on the Parisian palace The Plaza Athénée, which is located in the 8th...

27 Oct 2024

Optimizing Remote Work Environments: Exploring the Influence of Green Office Design on Employee Well-being and Productivity in Post-COVID Urban Settings

Dissertation - 3 pages - Ecology & environment

The pandemic triggered the revolution of telecommunication, which brought different problems with it, among which are workers' low productivity and well-being. Green office design, proactive in applying biophilic elements and sustainable features, looks likely to diminish these issues....

27 Jan 2011

Starbucks: A Sustainable Success?

Case study - 13 pages - Business strategy

Starbucks was originally established in 1971 by three enterprising academics who shared a common love for coffee. The original strategy was to sell quality coffee and introduce consumers to drinking coffee, a concept created by Alfred Peet in the United States. In 1981, Howard Schultz, who was...

18 Jun 2024

How is Mont-Saint-Michel a textbook case of Operation Grand Site (OGS)?

Case study - 5 pages - Ecology & environment

Alarm bells are ringing to save Mont-Saint-Michel. The site was massively developed for tourism in the 19th and 20th centuries, but the environmental degradation of the site will lead us to rethink its management. A victim of over-visitation, the site needs to be transformed into a sustainable...

09 May 2024

You cannot regulate your way down to 'Net-Zero' but you can invest to get there

Essay - 4 pages - International relations

The European Commission has published a new communication on Better Regulation in 2021, aiming to improve policy-making processes in the EU. This communication demonstrates that the Commission is on the right track by renewing and better regulating the agenda, mainstreaming the Sustainable...

04 Mar 2025

Wind power in the United Kingdom

Case study - 1 pages - Ecology & environment

The environmental situation in the world is critical. Indeed, today we are witnessing significant deforestation, rising sea levels, ever-increasing pollution, the disappearance of protected animal species and so on. This is why most countries in the world are now focusing on the issues, but also...