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Theme : Sustainability

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06 Dec 2022

Fostering sustainable global growth through green finance

Dissertation - 5 pages - Finance

The ideas and goals of the United Nations (UN) in the areas of environment and development are at the origin of environmentally friendly finance, or green finance. In 1992, 178 countries met in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, to discuss environmental and development issues for the 21st century....

09 Feb 2024

Market Study on Sustainable Energy Solutions: Trends, Challenges, and Opportunities

Market study - 2 pages - Green marketing

The existential threat climate change poses to our global ecosystem has never carried greater immediacy or necessity for sustainable energy solutions. This research will critically look into the sustainable energy market, revealing primary trends signaling a paradigm change in the resources that...

07 Nov 2014

Nespresso- Sustainable Quality Program

Case study - 8 pages - Business strategy

Organizations seeking continual innovation of their product portfolio and processes in the quest of improving their profitability and sustaining their revenue growth, incur huge investment. Ordinarily, undertaking innovations to improve processes and products are often expensive and...

09 Sep 2020

Is sustainable development a contradiction in terms?

Essay - 1 pages - Ecology & environment

Define in 1987 by the Brundtland's rapport, the Sustainable Development is the capacity to respond to the present needs without compromising future generations' needs. The Sustainable Development notion was really established since 1992 with the Rio Earth Summit involving a hundred...

21 Feb 2022

Sustainable Development: A holistic approach to natural resources management, Yacov Y. Haines (1992)

Book review - 3 pages - Ecology & environment

This paper written by Yacov woke the scientific community about environmental degradation. Every damage affects economic development. This situation opened debates to design new policies for the next generations. Recently, a report focused on some reflections about possible environmental...

18 Dec 2023

Introduction to Sustainable Finance

Course material - 2 pages - Finance

Green Finance: financial investments flowing to sustainable development projects, initiatives, environmental products, policies encouraging the development of a more sustainable economy.

25 Oct 2021

Apple: Ethics and Sustainable Development

Case study - 5 pages - Brand management

"The planet is not waiting. Neither do we.", "Products that consume so little energy is not common", "Investing in nature to offset our emissions should be expected", "Our business is carbon neutral, and by 2030, all our products will be too". Recently, Apple, the world's largest market...

08 Sep 2023

Ecology: Football and Sustainable Development

Presentation - 8 pages - Sports

Sustainable development and ecology are clearly the stakes of this 21st century. Political, industrial and citizens, all the people are involved in trying to save our planet from past setbacks and thinking about future generations. As far as football is concerned, we all know that it is much more...

20 Aug 2024

Environmental Law and Social Justice - Mining and Tensions Between Globalisation and Sustainable Development

Summary - 1 pages - Ecology & environment

Instructions : Why is mining such a good illustration of the tensions between globalisation and sustainable development? On the basis of the information provided specifically concerning the mining industry, identify how globalisation can result in conflicts with local communities, and how such...

28 Dec 2021

The Lego Group - SWOT analysis and sustainable development strategies

Case study - 3 pages - Brand management

In 1932, the Lego company was founded in Denmark after the carpenter Ole Kirk Christiansen lost his job and started building wooden toys in Billund. In the years that followed, Kirk Kristiansen's family transformed their small workshop, where they produced small wooden objects, into a large,...

19 Dec 2022

Workshop about Sustainable Alimentation

Internship report - 2 pages - Ecology & environment

I took this workshop because it is fully related to SDG15 and SDG2 and because in my studies I did not have the opportunity to be made aware of this issue. This conference was structured around: CO2 emissions, the ethical aspects of food, and health and nutrition. The main goal of this conference...

17 Apr 2015

British Petroleum Company - free market, Sustainable Management Futures

Case study - 5 pages - Educational studies

The free market theory postulates that there should be numerous participants within the same market engaged in the buying and selling of numerous and varied products. All such producers have the opportunity to take part in production activities and, therefore, share the profits present in...

07 Nov 2014

Creating and Sustaining Brand through Marketing Communications

Case study - 13 pages - Services marketing

The following dissertation provides an examination of the contribution of maintaining an integrated marketing communication to build and support the brands. In build up to the objective of the text, several concepts are sufficiently oriented. Further, an evaluative approach is maintained in the...

03 Aug 2014

Impact of information's sharing and collaboration on sustainable practices of national bank of Abu Dhabi

Case study - 28 pages - Finance

The aim of this paper is to provide detailed information about sustainable practices in information in supply chain and the impacts in the business world. A case study was embarked on of the National Bank of Abu Dhabi one of the world's safest bank and a bank with branches and office in other...

27 Jan 2011

Sustainable development and tourism - Example of Accor

Dissertation - 40 pages - Management

For a few years already, we have attended a real awakening of the individuals, companies and public authorities on the need for acting for a sustainable development of planet. Within the framework of our study we will be able to be interested in a sector touched particularly by this topic:...

29 Sep 2010

Sustainable development in the electricity sector - the examples of France and Great Britain

Market study - 24 pages - Ecology & environment

It has been put in evidence that 85 percent of the energy consumed by humans comes from fossil fuels. This statement pointed out one of the most important problems currently faced by humans. The generation of energy depends on the use of fossil fuels. The problem which appears is that these fuels...

15 Jan 2009

Sustainable development, oil and the future: the trilogy

Essay - 18 pages - Journalism

Sustainable development has been extensively discussed in the past few years, and is still a great matter of concern nowadays. In fact, there is no single way to deal with this subject, except choosing a guideline of this workshop avoiding “clichés”. Its main objective is therefore to...

15 Jan 2009

The sustainable development: An ethical and profitable strategy for companies?

Thesis - 4 pages - Business strategy

During the Johannesburg summit of 2002, the world of international business renewed its commitments towards the concept of sustainable development. Today, for most companies, durability has become necessary as a business strategy. In some companies, many researches are made to find the best...

15 Jan 2009

What is the role of Human Resources Management (HRM) in the implementation of a Sustainable Development Program?

Essay - 5 pages - Human resources

Nowadays, Sustainable Development is a movement that is increasing in our society. Companies are progressively realizing the stakes of such policies, and are willing to have a try at it. However, it is important to guide them through this process, which can be disastrous when not lead the "right"...

20 Dec 2006

Eradication of poverty and sustainable development in developing countries: an oxymoron?

Essay - 7 pages - Political science

Adopted in 2000 by “all the world's governments as a blueprint for building a better world in the 21st century” (Kofi Annan, 2005), the Millennium Development Goals are quantified targets for addressing poverty in its several dimensions (United Nations, 2005). The first Millennium...

21 Apr 2009

Patient's right to refuse life sustaining treatment

Tutorials/exercises - 15 pages - Medical studies

Medicine and law overlap in regards to numerous issues, none more controversial than a patient's right to refuse life sustaining treatment. When a patient is suffering an incurable and irreversible medical condition they face the extremely difficult decision of whether or not to continue...

23 Nov 2010

The Role of Logistics in Sustainable Development

Thesis - 7 pages - Economy general

In 1987, the Commission of Brundtland focused on the concept of sustained development. This concept continued to serve as the central element of the Summit of Rio which took place in 1992, and gave rise to the view that 'sustainable development is development which makes it possible for the...

09 Dec 2010

The TNT Group and its Sustainable Development: Strategy and Financial Analysis

Thesis - 55 pages - Business strategy

For many years, TNT has been communicating actively about social values and its social commitments, and neglecting to talk about its trade and transportation. Thus, the group seems to incorporate the concept of sustainable development in its business fundamentals. However, is this just a desire...

03 Feb 2011

The World Trade Organization (WTO) faces the challenge of sustainable development

Essay - 5 pages - Ecology & environment

The stakes by which the problems raise the concept of sustainable development, such as environmental protection and the fight against poverty, seems to represent an obstacle for further liberalization in trade as a factor in its favor. However, during the second half of the nineteenth century, it...

14 Jul 2009

Sustainable construction management

Thesis - 3 pages - Management

As Canada continues to grow, and needs of the environment are becoming increasingly apparent, it is time for construction management to embrace sustainable practices more than it has ever done before. Building is something that is essential to sustain and maintain growth. The construction and...

14 Oct 2010

To what extent the Fair Trade can move from a niche market to the mainstream and sustainable business?

Tutorials/exercises - 47 pages - Economy general

“This is the moment when we must build on the wealth that open markets have created, and share its benefits more equitably. Trade has been a cornerstone of our growth and global development. But we will not be able to sustain this growth if it favors the few, and not the many. Together, we...

30 Jul 2021

Sustainable Tourism in Croatia - How Does Croatia Operate its Shift Towards a More Sustainable Economy Through Tourism?

Thesis - 24 pages - Tourism marketing

In 1800, there were 900 million human beings on earth. In 2020, the Earth is home to 7.8 billion people. This strong population growth is accompanied by an increase in demand for goods and services and production methods that cause environmental and social disorders. In the 1970s, many experts...

19 Nov 2010

Sustainable Luxury

Thesis - 13 pages - Services marketing

Until now, people have been familiar with the bio yoghurts and the bio vegetables but today it is for the luxury industry to become eco-friendly and ethical. Some big groups and companies of the sector have begun to make progress in this growing market. More than ever, the notion of the respect...

03 Feb 2011

Environmental risks and sustainable development

Essay - 7 pages - Ecology & environment

In 2006, Davis Guggenheim and Al Gore released a movie called “An inconventient Truth: Global Warming”, and this movie basically talks about the risks associated with development. In 2007, they were honored with the Noble Peace award by the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on...

15 Jan 2009

Green marketing and sustainable development in France: What are their impacts on a company's strategy?

Thesis - 14 pages - Services marketing

The environment and its protection occupy an increasingly significant part of our quotidian. The safety actions of our environment are growing, thus we can see the development of the selective sorting, green transport (bus functioning with gas for example), the removal of the plastic bags at...