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Theme : Sustainability

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17 Feb 2025

Sustainability and Finance - The beauty industry

Market study - 4 pages - Finance

The beauty industry produces 877 pounds of waste daily throughout the United States and Canada. According to Lubongo and Alexandridis (2022), this waste includes hair clippings, used foils, colour tubes, and excess chemicals form environmental waste that require proper management. Green Circle...

02 Feb 2025

Addressing the Challenges of Greenwashing for Effective CSR and Sustainability Performance Management - How to Use ChatGPT Efficiently

Tutorials/exercises - 5 pages - Corporate social responsibility

The aim of this essay is to propose a personal, well-argued, systemic and sourced analysis based on the answers provided by the AI tool.

29 Oct 2024

Sustainability Monitoring System - Nike

Case study - 8 pages - Management

Nike, Inc. is an American corporation with operations in "Latin America, Greater China, Europe, the Middle East, and Africa, and North America." Its headquarters are in Beaverton, Oregon, United States. It is in the Sports Apparel industry and is one of the most well-known brands of athletic...

22 Oct 2024

Sustainability Strategies for Consultancy Firm Growth

Presentation - 3 pages - Business strategy

"In my role as sustainability manager, I am eager to launch my ideas on how sustainability has the potential to be promoted and how it will benefit the consultancy firm's strategic management core business function. A sustainable approach is more than just a popular phrase; it...

15 Oct 2024

Airport Expansion and Economic Sustainability

Case study - 2 pages - Business strategy

The transportation network of society depends heavily on airport infrastructure, which also presents serious environmental challenges. Massive investments are required, according to COVID-19, to prepare for handling passengers from all over the world and to update and rehabilitate the outdated...

04 Jan 2024

How Do You Think the Focus on Hypercars and Sustainability Will Evolve and Adapt From 2023 Onwards?

Case study - 3 pages - Automotive marketing

Luxury cars are fuel-hungry and polluting and appear incompatible with environment friendly. However, the industry is now trying to attract a clientele which is more sensitive to sustainable development and ecological issues. Today, going green is an essential step for the automotive industry....

28 Dec 2021

Sustainability in the Fashion and Apparel/Consumer Products Industries

Essay - 4 pages - Fashion and ready to wear marketing

Sustainability in global industries such as Fashion & Apparel, Consumer Products, and Food & Agriculture is a major subject of society. All of these industries face major sustainability-related problems and challenges that they need to overcome to protect the planet. Among these...

28 Dec 2021

Corporate Sustainability

Essay - 3 pages - Management

Corporate sustainability refers to a new way of management, it is an alternative to the traditional growth and profit-maximization model. Corporate sustainability focuses on both growth and profitability as much as the social and environmental impact and goals toward sustainable...

20 Dec 2021

Transportation and Retail Industries - The Sustainability Issue

Essay - 4 pages - Green marketing

Sustainability in global industries is a very important subject to focus on. All of these industries are facing different sustainability-related problems and challenges that they need to overcome to protect the planet for future generations. As part of the problems, we can find...

29 Mar 2016

How is technology improving sustainability in fashion ?

Essay - 7 pages - Management

From the literature review that was carried out, it was evident that sustainable technology that is environmentally friendly and will not lead to the extinction of any animal or plant species is requisite in these modern times as seen in Gwozdz, Netter, Bjartmarz, &Reisch (2013) research....

17 Apr 2015

Sustainability Law in Australia

Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies

Breaking Basin Aquifers Downunder Ltd (BBAD) and Heisenberg Inc. which was directly involved in fracking at Green Acres would be liable for prosecution for pollution of water under the provision of Article 38, and Article 39, sub-section (1), and sub-section (5) of the Environmental Protection...

05 Sep 2014

Lack of Ethical Dimension in building society sustainability

Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies

Ethical principals related to sustainability are critical components for an intention for preparation for future effective contribution to a sustainable society. Everyone will agree that sustainability means cutting energy use, carbon emission reduction and ensuring that the earth...

28 Feb 2014

Food and Sustainability

Case study - 13 pages - Educational studies

In the early 1990s, the phrase sustainability came out as a concept meant to lower the environmental human footprint. It was seen as an approach of seeing to it that there is conservation of natural resources for future use. The concept only picked momentum after few years due to public...

01 Aug 2013

Leadership, governance and sustainability: case study of GM

Case study - 10 pages - Educational studies

On July 10 2009, the firm went through Chapter 11 reorganization after the firm had filed for chapter 11 bankruptcy on June 8th the same year. The government offered a loan to GM that would be converted into shareholding at the new firm which was formed General Motors Corporation. The sales of GM...

29 Mar 2012

Environmental sustainability of events

Tutorials/exercises - 7 pages - Educational studies

In this report the author aims to educate the readers regarding environmentally sustainable event management. The author believes that in today's trend it is very important not only for event managers but also people from all other sectors to think about our environment and how our day to day...

30 Mar 2012

Case study: Sustainability at Millipore

Case study - 6 pages - Business strategy

The sustainability initiative that Millipore wanted to implement is based on sustainable development, i.e. “development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs” ( United Nations World Commission on...

19 May 2011

Unilever: Corporate Sustainability Report

Case study - 9 pages - Management

Sustainability has become the buzz word in many companies and industries in recent years. All major organizations operate some form of sustainability program, as there will be certification of the amount of documentation on their website. But most of them also publish their...

26 Sep 2011

Johnson & Johnson: US vital for long term sustainability

Market study - 10 pages - Business strategy

Largest OTC healthcare drug manufacturer in United States Largest OTC healthcare distributor and manufacturer in United States, with market share of 18.1% in 2010. The company offers consumers pharmaceuticals and medical diagnostic devices across 60 countries worldwide. Medical devices &...

29 Sep 2010

An analysis of how France could be branded to sustainability attract Chinese tourists

Case study - 37 pages - Services marketing

To underline the importance of the brand image for branding a destination, this report follows an analysis of France's images and stereotypes as a destination. Where it has been defined that France benefits from a largely positive and attractive image, it has been seen that some weak points...

22 Aug 2022

Financial Market and Sustainable / Green Finance

Dissertation - 18 pages - Finance

In April 2022, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change released a report focusing on the mitigation of climate change. The experts underline the emergency of a new way of life in order to limit global warming to 1,5°C. To respect the agreement taken during the COP 21, the IPCC proposes...

22 Oct 2024

Navigating Challenges and Sustainable Leadership Perspective on BMW's Resilience

Case study - 8 pages - Management

In current business operations, which are used in balancing multiple internal and external pressures, sustainable leadership is being employed as an important mechanism for ensuring the promotion of flexibility and strengths in organizations. This candidature is best expressed by the case of BMW,...

05 Oct 2020

Is there a place for sustainable marketing in the beauty world?

Dissertation - 39 pages - Luxury marketing

Sustainability is not a new trend. It appears for the first time in the 1970s. For many years, beauty brands knew zero competitions. This market changed with the arrival of new brands such as NYX cosmetics, ELF, or Kiko Makeup. Now, we can talk about fast beauty, an industry where we...

31 May 2022

Sustainable remote work practices for progressive reductions of road traffic emissions

Dissertation - 68 pages - Ecology & environment

Although technology developments brought about possibilities for all work which could be done remotely to be done remotely within the Netherlands, limitations for additional and sustainable implementation of remote work practices remained. Secondary research sheds light on the extent to which...

28 Jul 2021

Market Study - Sustainable tourism

Market study - 8 pages - Tourism marketing

The tourist is, according to UNWTO, a traveller who travels away from his usual place of residence for at least one night and a year at most. The tourism market has a significant weight in the world economy, and its influence is not about to end, as it is constantly growing. France is the number...

10 Sep 2021

Environmental Law - Sustainable Development in South Africa

Essay - 4 pages - Environment law

The expression "sustainable development" has been used for years now. It is all about the promotion of people's well-being, the improvement of their life quality, especially in the long run. This means that what the current generation is doing has consequences on future generations. Therefore,...

28 Dec 2021

Sustainable Development Goals and Green Growth

Presentation - 37 pages - Ecology & environment

This PowerPoint is about sustainable development goals. It shows an understanding on what sustainable development means and how to take into account our current situation and move towards a green growth. We will see how limited it will be due to inequalities around the world. We will understand...

21 Feb 2022

A Holistic Approach to the Development of Sustainable Agriculture: Application of the ecosystem health model, Xiubin Wang, Wenna Liu and Wenliang Wu (2009)

Book review - 4 pages - Ecology & environment

The boom of demographics has led scientists and government leaders to reform agriculture policy, which is more sustainable and improves food security and social development. This reform has transformed the practice of intensive agriculture, using mechanization and fertilizers that have been...

19 May 2022

Sustainable cocoa sourcing strategies and supply chain - Mondelez International Inc.

Tutorials/exercises - 8 pages - Foreign markets

Mondelez International Inc., the largest chocolate manufacturer in the world and in Europe has committed to cover 100% of its cocoa supply chain with its Cocoa Life Program by 2025 while investing at the same time $400 million in it. This program for sustainable cocoa sourcing is implemented in...

09 Feb 2024

Crowdfunding for sustainable energy projects: the criteria of selection by platform managers and competition between investors

Thesis - 25 pages - Finance

Despite the contributions of research on the crowdfunding phenomenon, there is a lack of knowledge on the link between crowdfunding and sustainability and renewable energies in particular and also a lack of understanding from the point of view of investors and managers of crowdfunding...

29 Jun 2023

Green & Sustainable IT

Case study - 4 pages - Digital & e-marketing

Green computing, also known as green IT, has gained recognition and support from various stakeholders in the world, including governments, businesses, and consumers. Many governments around the world have implemented policies and regulations to encourage the adoption of green computing practices,...