The today health crisis poses the problem of its financing in large part by public debt - With the subprime crisis, how can the impact of such a cost be sustainable on the budget ?
Dissertation - 8 pages - International economy
According to an article published on April 28, 2020, in the newspaper Les Echos and written by Renaud Honoré, the current rate of French public debt is twice as high as that of the subprime crisis in 2008. In fact, we never reached these figures since the Second World War. European...
Is the Subprime crisis a financial or global crisis?
Essay - 25 pages - Finance
Was the subprime crisis predictable? Some analysts predicted it in 2005 as a continuation of a long boom, during which loans to U.S. households rose sharply. Now the U.S. Federal Reserve (FED), led for over 20 years by Alan Greenspan takes a systematic approach to support the...
The subprime crisis in the United States and its impact on the European financial markets
Thesis - 91 pages - Economy general
It was in February 2007 that the current financial market crisis was revealed to the United States. Institutions specializing in subprime loans announced their first losses and provisions. The financial experts compiled several scenarios. Was this a temporary crisis that...
Did the subprime crisis affect the hedging market?
Essay - 5 pages - Finance
The aim of this paper is to analyze if the financial crisis has changed the use of hedging techniques. Forecasting is the process of estimation of unknown situations. Forecasting is use to estimate a risk. It can be exchange rates risks, economic exposure, translation exposure, etc. In...
Compare the 1997 Asian financial crisis with the subprime crisis
Essay - 4 pages - Finance
The subprime crisis was triggered by an expectation of defaults of payments on subprime mortgages in the US. It is an on-going crisis that has already led to the free fall of the US housing prices, billions of losses by banks, and generally speaking a slow-down (maybe...
The subprime crisis
Essay - 10 pages - Political science
Edward Gramlich in his presentation during the Jackson Hole yearly central bankers symposium of August 31, 2007, said that, 'productivity often improves in fits and starts, in other words, booms and busts play a prominent role. In the 19th century, the United States benefited from the canal...
Term paper: the subprime crisis:Reasons & Effects
Essay - 8 pages - Finance
Since the last few years, a frightening phenomenon concerning subprime is being observed in the United States of America. Some people think that the financial crisis that the whole world is living through is related to the subprime crisis, and some think that it was...
The subprime crisis: Definitions, causes and consequences
Essay - 8 pages - Finance
Subprimes are mortgages granted in the United States to customers who are not very solvent, on the basis of an increase in the interest rate. One applies a kind of premium to a borrower when his solvency is below a certain threshold. This operation is supposed to compensate for the risks...
The Central Role of Subprime Mortgages and Their Securitization in the 2008 Financial Crisis
Case study - 2 pages - Economy general
The burst of the subprime mortgage market in 2008 crumbled major financial institutions, thus causing an economic catastrophe that wiped out more than $10 trillion in household wealth within the USA (Lioudis, 2023). This traumatic event exposed serious weaknesses within the financial...
The subprime loan crisis
Thesis - 9 pages - Finance
There is always debate during an election year whether there is too much or too little government intervention in the social or economic realm, but whatever a person's personal beliefs are, the truth is that government regulation is a fact of life. The topic of this paper is the role that the...
The Impact of the 2007/2008 financial crisis on the UK economy - Can we identify indicators of a possible future UK financial crash?
Dissertation - 6 pages - Economy general
Ten years ago the world economies were hit by the financial crash which exposed countries of their weakness and almost collapsed some of the biggest banks in the world. The crash exposed the weakness of banks their reserves held were less than 1% of equity well below a level that could...
The price of the dream: subprime mortgages in the African-American community
Essay - 2 pages - Finance
Let us first say that the financial disaster which has just recently occurred has effected the entire world, regardless of race, color, or creed. It is perhaps a testament to the new levels of equality and interconnectedness that what may have started out primarily among certain populations can...
The global financial crisis (2007/2008)
Case study - 6 pages - Business strategy
During the 2007/2008 period, the world experienced a financial crisis that rivaled the great depression experienced in the late 1920's. According to Turner, the total cost of the crisis undoubtedly exceeds trillions using any of the major currencies . The crisis resulted in...
The downfall of Lehman Brothers and its relation with the 2008 financial crisis
Thesis - 15 pages - Economy general
In this report, we will study the financial crisis experienced by the Lehman Brothers and its subsequent collapse in 2008. Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. was a global financial-services firm, and one of the most important primary dealers in the U.S. with respect to treasury securities and...
A discussion and analysis of the financial crisis
Thesis - 5 pages - Economy general
September 2008 was the month when financial news became front page news. In September of 2008, American financial centers were hit with a series of bankruptcies and closings that seemed to take most experts by surprise. However, anyone paying attention to the financial world could see that these...
The consequences of the financial crisis on theory and practical aspects of asset management
Dissertation - 55 pages - Finance
2007 is going down in history with the subprime phenomenon which came as a surprise to all market observers. According to P. Artus, Director of the Economic Research at Natixis , the word subprime was mentioned in 6,000 articles in the international press in 2006, 32,000 during the...
Do IFRS have a share of responsibility in the current financial crisis?
Essay - 13 pages - Accounting
The fourth quarter of 2008 witnessed a stock market crisis without precedent, perhaps the most violent ever known in the history of capitalism, as its aftereffects rippled throughout world economy. The implosion of the sub-prime' mortgage market in the US caused major stock market...
Internship in the real estate sector - Engel & Völkers
Internship report - 15 pages - Heritage and real estate
This internship report summarises months of work and impressions in the Engel & Völkers branch located in Long Beach, California. It especially highlights the context of this internship in terms of macroeconomic perspectives as the US market is recovering from one of the greatest financial crises...
An analysis of the crisis in US economy
Thesis - 33 pages - Economy general
Until the early 21st century, developments in America seemed to contradict the thesis of "decline". The most famous example is that of Paul Kennedy, who predicted in 'Rise and Decline of Great Powers' (1987), the end of American hegemony. However, the early 21st century is marked by...
The impact of the US sub prime crisis on the Indian economy with specific reference to the service industry
Thesis - 21 pages - Economy general
The main objective of the project is to study the ripple effect of the sub prime mortgage crisis in US and its impact on Indian service industry. The paper includes a study on sub prime, causes for the sub prime mortgage crisis, effect of the crisis on the American economy...
Financial Risk Management - In which circumstances should you hold gold?
Essay - 9 pages - Finance
The universal crisis of capitalism that shook the world in the year 2008 showed that speculative business, especially mortgage loans, are at high risk, because in the long term they triggered a crisis due to the bursting of the bubble financial. They have thus shown that there is no...
The financial crisis and its consequences on the German financial system
Dissertation - 27 pages - Finance
The triggering element of the present financial crisis was the real-estate crisis in the United States. The crisis began with certain indifference in 2006, but then it reached its peak during the second semester of 2008. This was when we observed, day after day, a fall in...
The financial crisis: The need for a new system
Dissertation - 54 pages - Economy general
This thesis is about our (the world's) monetary and financial system. It starts by focusing on monetary creation, which is the basis of our financial system. After defining the monetary creation process, it is about its control, which has been transferred from the States to the Central Banks and...
The Interplay of National and European Considerations in the Foreign Policy of EU Members - The Countries Other than France and Germany
Course material - 8 pages - Political science
France and Germany alone can no longer call the tune in the EU. They henceforth have to take much more into account the agenda of the other members. We shall see first that agenda, regrouping, of course, the different countries into larger groups along their affinities, and then the possible...
Management and operational and strategic decision - Lehman brothers (2007-2009)
Case study - 4 pages - Business strategy
On September 15, 2008, Lehman Brothers declared bankruptcy. With USD 639 billion in assets, nearly USD 619 billion in debt and 25,000 employees worldwide, Lehman was the fourth-largest investment bank in the United States. Given its financial strength, far superior to those of Enron or WorldCom,...
The United States and the World: Globalization in Historical Perspective
Course material - 8 pages - Modern history
The concept of globalization is not new: in his Communist Manifesto, in 1848, Karl Marx underlined that the bourgeoisie needed constantly expanding markets. Some distinctions are important. Globalization happens, or at least is discussed, in the context of several different fields, in which it...
Limited liability and its moral hazard implications: the systemic inscription of instability in contemporary capitalism - Marie Laure Djelic and Joel Bothello (2013) - The systemic instability of contemporary capitalism
Text commentary - 4 pages - Finance
The moral hazard problem inherent to the financial safety net provided by the government protection of depositors has been identified as one of the causes of the 2008 financial crisis. Banks endangered financial stability by promoting lending to risky actors and proposed speculative...
The current financial crisis compared with the 1929 crisis
Essay - 10 pages - Economy general
The growing number of newspapers and magazines citing similarities between the 1929 crisis and the current crisis raises questions about the relevance of these comparisons. Since the 1930s, the world has experienced other crises, but the magnitude that one is now experiencing,...
The sub-prime loans crisis and the recent turbulences in the credit markets (2008)
Essay - 6 pages - Finance
The Russian economist Kondratiev has shown, in his theory of the cycles that in the economical life periods of economical recession followed periods of growth, and then followed by another period of growth, in an infinite cycle. The start point of these periods of recession is usually a great...
In your opinion what was the primary cause of the financial crisis/recession of 2008-2009?
Case study - 3 pages - Government finance
I believe that the main reason for the economic depression that happened to United States in 2008-2009 was as a result of failure by the insurance companies and banks. The cri8sis was mainly as a result of a combination of global macroeconomic imbalances and weaknesses that were so sever in the...