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19 Jun 2008

The Ideas of the University Student

Essay - 3 pages - Educational studies

Here at Columbia University I am asked to weigh two arguments, which are concerned with the nature of the scales I use to weigh them as well as with the purpose of those scales. By scales I am referring to the university setting in America. The first argument is made by John Newman in The Idea...

23 May 2008

Rosie the Riveter: Teaching High School Students about Women in World War II

Essay - 4 pages - Modern history

As men enlisted in the armed services, and the need for more ships, and guns, and war supplies grew, the government focused on the recruitment of women to fill those jobs left open by men. The War Production Coordinating Committee commissioned artist, J. Howard Miller to create one of many...

23 May 2008

The top facts about Hmong students.

Essay - 2 pages - Educational studies

The Hmong are an Ethnic group native to Asia, specifically Laos, Thailand, and Vietnam, specifically the northern, mountainous areas. They are believed to have existed as a group for at least 7,000 years. Most left those areas in the late 60's through the late 70's, after America pulled out of...

30 Jul 2008

Learning theories for students with learning disabilities

Essay - 6 pages - Educational studies

Learning is the process of acquiring, gaining, and retaining knowledge which may be applied to situations in real life. Learning is not a passive process wherein students can take in information and then remember this information throughout the student's life rather learning...

17 Jul 2008

Sample resume for the pre-law/ philosophy/ languages/ literature undergraduate student

Sample resume - 1 pages - Other law subjects

JANE DOE Complete Residential Address - (555) 555-555 - EDUCATION: COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY, New York, NY (May 2008) Bachelor of Arts Philosophy minors Italian, Modern Greek and Psychology Summa cum laude, Phi Beta Kappa UNIVERSITÀ CA' FOSCARI, Venice, Italy...

06 Oct 2008

Affects Of teaching techniques & styles on student learning

Tutorials/exercises - 16 pages - Educational studies

This project endeavors to reveal, present and discuss the idea that a wide and various array of teaching techniques proves effective in improving the functionality of instructors as tertiary educators. It emphasizes the central role of varied communication in the teaching process and covers the...

25 Sep 2008

Arts in the schools: A look at the benefit of art programs for students

Essay - 6 pages - Educational studies

Problem: All children are not receiving equal opportunities and exposure to the arts as a part of their formal education. Hypothesis: The unequal distribution of art education for students is detrimental to their personal and academic development. The lack of exposure to the arts...

27 Jun 2008

The problem of binge drinking, alcohol abuse among contemporary college transfer students

Case study - 5 pages - Educational studies

Except for scratches and wounds that occur during school breaks every year, the most notable outcomes of college drinking that frequently come to the public's attention are sporadic student deaths resulting from excessive use of alcohol like for instance alcohol poisoning or other...

24 Jun 2008

The Application of Metacognitive Reading Strategies by Learning From and Teaching Disabled Students in the Regular Classroom

Essay - 9 pages - Educational studies

As a child, I was an average reader but never enjoyed reading. I especially dreaded reading chapter books because once I had completed the book I had forgotten what had happened at the beginning. Even though I struggled with the comprehension of reading for pleasure, I was able to pass...

03 Jul 2008

Arresting the alienation of foreign college students in the United States

Essay - 6 pages - Educational studies

College life in itself is proven to be a challenging time. There are quite a number of factors that can inhibit college success. Some of these factors may be financial—such as the demand of scholarships, the inadequacy of monetary support from the parents, or the need to look for a part-time...

26 Sep 2008

A modest proposal for saving the students of St. Louis

Essay - 7 pages - Psychology

Education is important to students on many varying levels. Education not only predicts the quality and longevity of one's life, but also indicates an individual's potential socioeconomic attainment, the quality of personal and romantic relationships, and one's involvement in society....

23 Oct 2007

Cover letter student service center's manager

Sample letter - 1 pages - Human resources

From Emerson College's human resources website, I learned of an opening as the Student Service Center's manager. I believe I have the knowledge, skills and training to succeed in such a position, and a desire to return to the Emerson community more valuable than anything else. I...

26 Sep 2007

Letter for graduate student association grant proposal

Sample letter - 1 pages - Journalism

I am hoping to receive funding to attend the 2007 AWP Conference, to be held in Atlanta, Georgia, March 1 - 3 from the GSA. As a creative writing student and the new editor of MAGAZINE, this conference will be an amazing opportunity to attend one of the biggest and liveliest literary...

27 Nov 2007

Student Culture and Michael Moffatt

Essay - 2 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Michael Moffatt, author of Coming of Age in New Jersey, performs a study at Rutgers University during the mid 1980's. In hopes of gaining a better understanding of the student culture, Moffatt conceals his anthropologist identity by resembling - in appearance and in manner - a freshman...

21 Aug 2007

Graduate Student Resumé

Sample resume - 1 pages - Human resources

This resumé will help all who wish to apply for a job. Massachusetts Continuing Legal Education Boston, MA Copyeditor & Editorial Assistant Oct 2006-Jan 2007 Copyeditor responsible for formatting, line-by-line editing, & application of house style in manuscripts for nonprofit publisher of...

27 Sep 2007

Cover letter and Resume for a Student Job

Essay - 3 pages - Literature

From the MSPCA website, I learned of various full-time job opportunities in the Boston area. I am interested in a few of these, and I believe I can contribute as much to the organization as the organization will contribute to me. I am particularly interested in the Law Enforcement Department...

02 Oct 2007

Inclusion: Should general education and special education students share a classroom?

Tutorials/exercises - 2 pages - Educational studies

“In special education there is a presumption that student success occurs most effectively and efficiently when children with disabilities actually receive education services in general education classrooms and are not removed or segregated in separate education classes” (Luster...

22 Aug 2007

Sample graduate student resume

Sample resume - 1 pages - Human resources

This resume will help any student looking to enter into the professional world or wanting to find a summer internship / employment. The following resume is meant to be used as a skeleton for your own resume. The page layout and the details given with regards to both scholarly and work...

12 Feb 2007

Sample Resume for MBA Student with NGO and Marketing Background

Sample resume - 1 pages - Business strategy

Sample Resume for MBA Student with NGO and Marketing Background. Contains: Education Professional Experience Personal...

17 Nov 2024

Mother Tongue in Foreign Language Classes

Dissertation - 9 pages - Linguistics & languages

Scholarly interest in the use of the mother tongue in foreign classrooms has developed considerably over the years. This has been influenced by extensive research studies which have proved that using the mother tongue enhances the teaching and learning of foreign languages. Previously, the use of...

21 Nov 2024

Sociological Aspects and Education

Essay - 5 pages - Educational studies

Today's contemporary teacher does far more than educate her students. She often finds herself playing nurse, psychologist, confidant and often, she might be the only one who ensures a child has a meal from one day to the other. It's overwhelming and does not stop when the 3 p.m....

22 Sep 2024

BettaU(TM): Better your mind, better your health - Portfolio of Evidence (POE)

Case study - 10 pages - Marketing theories

Customers' needs are constantly changing. Regarding the bettaU™ application, an increase in demand for tailored support, an expansion of the age range, and the integration of mental health resources into students' current curriculum. Tailored support is when a business...

17 Nov 2024

Are School Uniforms Beneficial?

Essay - 2 pages - Social, moral & civic education

School uniforms have long been a subject of debate in educational communities worldwide. Advocates see them as essential for creating an equitable and disciplined school environment, while critics argue they stifle individuality and impose unnecessary conformity. However, the evidence supporting...

18 Oct 2024

Physical and Mental Impact of COVID-19 to the Collegiate Athletes

Litterature review - 4 pages - Sports

The COVID-19 epidemic in late 2019 was a central global turning point that affected all facets of human existence. The pandemic was considered an international issue by WHO in early 2020 due to its widespread effects. College athletes were among those most affected because they were used to...

20 Oct 2024

Examining the Cost of General Education Courses - Research Proposal

Dissertation - 2 pages - Economy general

Students often have to bear tremendous financial burdens, especially during courses that cost differently, like the general course required for the entire student. This fact dominates the debate over whether these courses should be more cost-effective or valuable because they are...

15 May 2017

Professional misconducts of teachers and way out

Essay - 10 pages - Educational studies

Teaching is regarded as a noble career just as teachers are considered as role models to pupils and students. These days, a lot of professional misconducts could be noticed among teachers. Many teachers are now disillusioned, lazy, uncommitted, and unpatriotic. This paper is an examination...

24 Oct 2024

New Art and Science of Teaching: More Than Fifty New Instructional Strategies for Academic Success

Internship report - 3 pages - Educational studies

At XYZ Elementary School, during an exciting tenure encompassing kindergarten to fifth-grade students, I was lucky to be part of a lively and inclusive educational community. The school's building, divided into different blocks and floors, contributed to modern features and ample...

10 Jan 2025

Rules of Attraction

Essay - 1 pages - Sociology & social sciences

Choosing a marriage partner is an important decision in a person's life. While selecting a potential marriage partner, Kenyan and overseas students may consider the external conditions, such as physical appearance, wealth, educational qualifications, social status, active dating...

05 Jan 2025

The genius app idea: the importance of flexibility and customer feedback

Case study - 2 pages - Startup, entrepreneurship

Coming up with good entrepreneurial ideas and knowing how to evaluate them is difficult. In this respect, the student made three main mistakes: having the wrong preconceived notions about entrepreneurship and start-up founders, failing to develop a prototype, and not adopting the lean...

21 Nov 2014

Critical Examination of the Role of the Mentor

Case study - 12 pages - Educational studies

Over the years, the global advancements spreading in the field of medicine have gradually revolutionized the health care delivery spilling a new wave of nursing requirements in the patient units. For that reason, professional progressions for entrants in the nursing field require a program...