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29 Oct 2013

An analysis of the effect of Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) reconstruction: psychological recovery of an athlete student.

Case study - 10 pages - Educational studies

Involvement in sporting activities requires high level of individual commitments. Sport is therefore, also regarded as a culture of risk (Roderick, 1998). A lot of time and effort is dedicated to practicing and perfection of abilities. When performances are good, athletes are able to define...

21 Jun 2013

My student survival guide

Case study - 6 pages - Educational studies

Under the Library tab is a vast amount tools to help students with many different areas of their studies. I will talk about those I have used previously and intend to explore more within the future of my experience at Axia. I have used the University Library to do research and have...

24 May 2012

Research about China/US student exchange programs

Tutorials/exercises - 5 pages - Educational studies

Study in the US has been and still a major objective for Chinese students, as different surveys like the one recently carried out by Art & Science Groups have pointed out. The Art & Science Group is an organization dedicated to advising US academic institutions on their enrollment...

29 Sep 2010

Ways of Rendering Student Slang in Salinger Novel "The Catcher in the Rye"

Dissertation - 48 pages - Literature

Slang, as the most mentioned representative word form of the informal vocabulary, occupies a prominent role in contemporary society. It has become the second language of any democratic country. Everybody uses it even if one pretends that he has never used it. It is a veritable issue and it will...

25 Mar 2010

A special education, learning to teach a disabled student

Book review - 2 pages - Literature

A Special Education: One Family's Journey Through the Maze of Learning Disabilities is the author, Dana Buchman's explanation about how her family coped with having a child who suffered from severe learning and developmental disorders. It is a tremendously interesting look at the topic because...

25 Jan 2010

Students and project work: Problems and recommendations

Thesis - 10 pages - Educational studies

Project work, as defined in the website of the Ministry of Education of Singapore, is considered as one learning experience that can help to provide students with opportunity to apply general knowledge of various fields to real life situation. In such attempt, Hoa Sen University has made...

25 Jan 2010

How to motivate students' activeness in taking part in classroom activities

Thesis - 12 pages - Educational studies

Gone are the days the lecturers taught while students just listened comprehension and took notes. Nowadays, educational career has been innovated about the teaching and learning method. More and more students are self - motivated in their own studies, they advance their opinions...

10 May 2010

Application of data mining techniques in designing knowledge base on student competency at the post graduate level

Thesis - 7 pages - Educational studies

Maintenance of academic standards is the prime concern of any educational institution. Education at the Masters level, involves the conscious involvement of time, money and effort by the candidates. With the industrial downturn and reduction in the demand for graduates at the job market due to...

11 Mar 2010

Assessment of evolution in a population of University of Florida's students according to Hardy-Weinberg's equilibrium

Thesis - 3 pages - Biology

TPA-25 is an Alu element which is inserted within an intron of the tissue plasminogen activator (TPA) gene. An individual may be homozygous for the presence or absence of TPA-25, or heterozygous for it. Evolution occurs in a population if the frequency of alleles changes from one generation to...

08 Feb 2010

Students distinguish no taste preference for Diet Coke or Diet Pepsi

Thesis - 2 pages - Business strategy

This is a study of taste differential between two popular brands of soda, Diet Coke and Diet Pepsi. Subjects were given samples of Diet Coke and Diet Pepsi throughout a number of trials to see if they could distinguish the drinks by taste alone. Over the course of a twelve trial period, it...

15 Sep 2010

A reflection on one student's preparation to transition from student nurse to graduate nurse

Thesis - 5 pages - Medical studies

This author's personal philosophy of nursing draws from a variety of sources to form a comprehensive whole. Feminist ethics, and the ethics of care which derives from it, encourages health care professionals to look at clients as whole people, who fit into a social framework, and who have...

15 Mar 2010

Meeting needs of the newly-defined at-risk student

Thesis - 2 pages - Educational studies

The Term “at-risk” is not new to the field of education. It has been used since the 1980's to identify those students who were candidates for dropping out of high school, thus condemning themselves and society to a large block of unproductive, unskilled adults who would have to...

12 Jul 2010

Free education for students

Thesis - 3 pages - Journalism

An education is one of the most important things any person could ever receive. It is so important, that we make school mandatory for all children until they reach the age of 16. A college education is incredibly important to many people. To get any job these days, you must have at least a...

29 Jul 2010

Personal teaching philosophy as it relates to teaching special/exceptional needs students

Thesis - 3 pages - Educational studies

While expressing the importance of teaching and learning to my students, I will loosely group my students according to the information in their assessment plan. The next step would be to focus on their areas of weakness, in an environment using direct instruction. For my...

25 Mar 2010

Monetary struggle of sending Canadian students to university

Thesis - 2 pages - Social, moral & civic education

For children of single-parent homes economic stress is likely a daily concern, one that does not dissipate with age. The average cost of full-time undergraduate tuition in Ontario is 4 558$ per year, on average. This does not include the cost of living, or dormitory expenses or materials for...

13 Jan 2009

Client consultancy project: Leeds Metropolitan University Student' Union Elections

Thesis - 29 pages - Political science

This report carries out extensive background research to the election process of Leeds Metropolitan University Students Union (S.U.) and the attitudes of students attending the University. The findings show that students do not feel there is an effort to engage them in the...

17 May 2009

A survey among exchange students living in Belgium

Thesis - 11 pages - Educational studies

We have decided to conduct a survey of the exchange Exchange Student living in Belgium” to analyze their living habits. We have decided to focus first on the reaction of foreign students living in Belgium. We have also decided to question other students that had been a...

14 Sep 2009

Education and alternate assessment for students with important cognitive disabilities: Implications for educators

Thesis - 11 pages - Educational studies

Reform in education has turned to be one of the paramount public policy matters in the nation. As policymakers and educators race to rectify the several perceived shortcomings of an educational system through asking for more accountability, it is increasingly apparent that several reforms have...

19 Jan 2009

Welcome to dear France: foreign student integration report and interview

Essay - 22 pages - Educational studies

Cross-cultural, Intercultural, relations, conflicts, shock of culture, ethic stereotypes, religious war, terrorism, civilization… When there are too many words to decrypt the world, it is sometimes important to catch the opportunity and to try to change some points of view. Mass media always...

18 Nov 2009

Factors influencing academic performance of pupils/students in an educational institution

Thesis - 3 pages - Educational studies

Assessment of pupils / students is one of the duties of a teacher, which can be in form of test or examination and aimed at measuring the level of attainment of educational objectives. However, there are three domains of educational objectives: the cognitive, affective and psycho motor....

30 May 2009

Students behavior towards smoking and brand equity

Thesis - 17 pages - Services marketing

The FMCG sector has been the cornerstone of the Indian economy. Though the sector has been into existence for quite a long time, it began to take shape only during the last fifty-odd years. The sector touches every aspect of human life, from looks to hygiene to palate. Perhaps, defining an...

16 Jan 2009

On the way to a successful integration on a US Campus. How can a French student succeed his integration?

Essay - 23 pages - Educational studies

What makes 600 000 young people from all over the world come to study in the United States? Is it the reputation of the US degrees? The efficient teaching methods or the life on campus? Studying in the United States is a myth for a large number of students in the world. A lot of movies and...

05 Feb 2009

To passively match or to actively change: Evaluation of studies and some thinking on matching instruction to student learning style

Essay - 6 pages - Educational studies

The term instruction refers to education (teaching of knowledge) or teaching (a form of instruction). Applying the knowledge concerning learning style in educational area, it's assumed that matching instruction to students' learning style would make the instruction more effective;...

26 Feb 2009

Factors affecting voluntary termination from MSW distance learning programs by students/candidates prior to completion of degree requirements

Case study - 8 pages - Educational studies

Study Goals: To determine factors that influence MSW students, in a distance learning program conducted by a state-supported university, to discontinue the program prior to completing degree requirements. To investigate whether discontinuation reasons are idiosyncratic or if there are...

13 Apr 2009

Student nurse placement within a health center

Thesis - 5 pages - Educational studies

The objective of this essay is to analyze the mentor role of a pre-registration student's placement in the field of district nursing. During the essay the student's true identity will not be revealed for reasons of confidentiality and so will be called Jane. Jane was due to start a...

08 May 2009

On the way to a successful integration on a US Campus as a French student

Thesis - 14 pages - Educational studies

What makes 600,000 young people from all over the world come to study in the United States? Is it the reputation of the US degrees? The efficient teaching methods? Life on campus? Studying in the United States is a dream for a large number of students in the world. A lot of movies and...

28 May 2009

The positive impact of video games on the academic performance of students

Thesis - 5 pages - Educational studies

Have you every worried that playing video games, a popular pastime for many, will interfere with your schoolwork? If you answer yes, do not worry anymore. As a college student, I have often found myself playing video games. I have also often wondered whether I should be doing something...

28 Jul 2009

The attachment between college students and their pets at home

Thesis - 4 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Many first year college students under go the shock that it is to leave a pet at home. Pets are considered attachment figures. The purpose of this study is to find the relationship between college students away from home and their pets and how the relationship strain affects the...

12 Aug 2009

Student teaching in Philadelphia

Thesis - 5 pages - Educational studies

Before taking a lot of time to sit down and reflect upon my experiences during student teaching in Philadelphia, I thought and realized how much I have learned from my cooperating teacher. I have implemented teaching strategies, planning instruction, the importance of reaching every...

15 Jan 2009

Compare and contrast the working conditions, aspirations and prospects of French students entering higher education in the 1960s and those entering higher education since the 1990s

Essay - 4 pages - Educational studies

Students entering the French higher education system in 1960 and since the 1990s will have undergone quite different experiences. However, so will the students entering higher education in France at the beginning of the 1960s compared to those entering towards the end of that very...