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24 Oct 2024

Balancing Innovation with Student Privacy - Navigating the Ethical Terrain of Educational Data Mining

Course material - 4 pages - Educational studies

Data mining is now part of many areas in the modern world, including education. This can be seen through Educational Data Mining (EDM). It involves gathering data from educational settings and studying it systematically to find patterns, make predictions or understand things better. Even though...

24 Oct 2024

How are student athletes struggling with their mental health?

Essay - 3 pages - Psychology

Students' athletes bear the burden of performing academically and in sports, which puts pressure on their lives. The pressure to succeed comes from different parties, such as their teammates, coaches, tutors and parents. This creates pressure, anxiety, stress and self-doubt among the...

20 Oct 2024

Rights of Students with Disabilities Who Are Homeless

Essay - 3 pages - Sociology & social sciences

The experience of homeless students with disabilities serves as a poignant reminder that the educational system must confront the intersection of different forms of vulnerabilities. The story revolves strategically around the inception of disability rights law and ends with the adoption of...

27 Oct 2024

Effects of reflective practice on baccalaureate nursing students' stress, anxiety and competency: An integrative review - Contreras J. A., Edwards?Maddox S., Hall A. & Lee M. A. 2020) - Value of Continuing Education

Book review - 2 pages - Medical care & personal assistance

In the article, the likelihood of 30-day inpatient surgical mortality was found to be lower when the hospital had higher proportions of both BSN nurses who had graduated from a traditional BSN and those who had completed an alternative pathway to the degree. This is of notable importance as it...

19 Jul 2024

Cover letter for a Master MEEF student contract application

Sample letter - 1 pages - Educational studies

It is with pleasure that I submit my application for the student contract (Master's MEEF Degree) offered by your institution. I completed successfully a four-year-college degree (240 ECTS) in French as a Foreign Language from National University of Athens. This undergraduate curriculum...

14 Jun 2024

Student CV for a business school internship

Sample resume - 1 pages - Everyday's life

This CV is a template for any business school student applying for an internship.

13 Oct 2024

Is there a relationship between social interaction and cognitive function among college students?

Dissertation - 3 pages - Sociology & social sciences

The study takes into account the links between social interaction and the cognitive performance of college students. The hypothesis could be formulated as a positive link interaction with the frequency of socialisation and cognitive abilities. A minimum of 20 students will take part...

29 Oct 2024

Balancing Trust and Safety: Ethical Considerations in Confidential Student Disclosures

Essay - 3 pages - Educational studies

As a high school teacher, I am accustomed to confronting ethical dilemmas whose primary responsibility is to care for my students' well-being and academic growth. Making ethical decisions becomes extremely difficult in these cases, requiring careful consideration and weighing opposing...

25 Oct 2024

Formal Marketing and New Product Development Plan - Constructing Student Residential Apartments

Business plan - 4 pages - Heritage and real estate

I would establish a real estate investment company, DANELIZ Properties, for this project. The company will focus on constructing student residential apartments and will use the profit earned to invest in REITS. The portfolio shall be diversified to include other residential, furnished, and...

22 Oct 2024

Student Veteran Retention at PWIs and Discrimination in Higher Education

Case study - 7 pages - Sociology & social sciences

Student veterans have particular difficulties to overcome during college transition, including adjusting to civilian life, handling disabilities, and finding a balance between work, studies, and family. Students who have served in the armed forces may encounter particular...

17 Oct 2024

Inclusive Architecture for College Students With Autism: Enhancing Academic Success and Social Inclusion

Dissertation - 14 pages - Sociology & social sciences

The research explores the invaluable role of inclusive architecture in enhancing academic performance and community among autistic college students. With a focus on investigating the role of inclusive design in the learning environments of children with autism, this paper will present the...

09 Nov 2024

Student Work Experience Report - Purple House Charity shop

Internship report - 6 pages - Sociology & social sciences

I came to Ireland because I wanted to spend my internship abroad and, in particular, in an English-speaking country. I'm quite fluent in English, so it's easy to communicate. But I would still like to improve my level even further. It's useful for my studies because I like to do them...

11 Apr 2024

Personal and Individual Relationships Between Public and Private Spaces - Students in a Classroom

Creative writing - 3 pages - Literature

This document is a piece of creative writing which contains a dialogue between several characters about personal and individual relationships between public and private spaces. Some people claim to be exactly the same in their public and private interactions, with loved ones or at work for...

10 Aug 2023

Supporting Newly Arrived Migrant Students in the Education Domain

Thesis - 6 pages - Educational studies

Newly arrived migrant students encounter unique obstacles in their lives, and the school setting may either foster positive or negative student experiences depending on the structure of the learning environment. European countries have adopted several measures and programs to...

02 Mar 2023

Short Report on a student's first month in Neoma Business School

Practical guide - 2 pages - Everyday's life

This short report will be a useful tool for those who want to discover and to fathom the harsh conditions and the sticky patches endured by a foreigner student, who had been bold enough to choose to have a new cultural experience far away from his family. The aim is to find out the facts...

15 May 2017

Towards effective management of pupils/students feeding in a boarding school: issues and strategies

Essay - 8 pages - Educational studies

One of the sensitive areas in a boarding school administration is the feeding of pupils/students. Although many advantages accrue to boarding over day school, some parents/guardians are still skeptical of enrolling their children in a boarding school because of the issue of inadequate and...

04 Jul 2017

Pedagogy with middle school students

Essay - 3 pages - Educational studies

Adolescences undergo a remarkable and rapid developmental change. Understanding and responding to the unique development characteristic is critical at the middle school level. The teacher education system should prepare all teachers for middle school students to face the challenges that...

29 Sep 2015

Student attitude about learning Arabic and English at the same time

Essay - 5 pages - Educational studies

English has been one of the subjects that have been in use in many countries for many years. However, the use of Arabic has been in the Middle-Eastern and North-African countries where it does not have as many people as the English language (Starks & Paltridge, 1996). Typically,...

12 Feb 2015

Consumption of alcoholic beverages by students

Case study - 2 pages - Management

Consumption of alcoholic beverages by students in campuses in Colorado has been converted into the order of the day. This proposal purposes to find out the dangers and effects of alcohol consumption by students in the institutions of higher learning. Students are so much...

08 Oct 2015

The dark side of student debt

Essay - 2 pages - Economy general

Within the past decade, costs associated with college education surpassed inflation by six percentage points yearly. This brought private school education price to thirty seven dollars annually. This just one among reasons why students increased their borrowing. In addition, federal...

17 Apr 2015

Unit and Standards That Students Are Expected To Meet In Education

Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies

It is simple for learners to get disappointed in a class of blended capability. Stronger students may feel kept down weaker people may feel compelled. The instructor may feel focused. The best answer for this is to have an open-class talk about the classroom circumstance - to guarantee the...

30 Mar 2015

Legal methodology for students

Case study - 15 pages - Civil law

The practical case is an exercise also called legal consultation, or legal composition. The object of the practical case is to bring the legal solution to facts given and to state the consequences. For that, we applied the mechanism of the legal syllogism. There is no question to state a...

13 Nov 2014

Advantages and disadvantages of using credit cards by college students

Case study - 4 pages - Educational studies

When credit cards were introduced to students, they were viewed as advantageous, but concerns arose about the risks that they presented this group. However, the final decision that came after deliberations of University administration officials, students and organizations offering...

05 Sep 2014

Problems that students face at home that causes non-completion of college education

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

The paper is primarily going to examine the problems that students face at home, which hinders them from completing their college education. Challenges emanating from home can cause non-completion of college education by students. Non-completion of college education is a menace to...

27 Jul 2014

Barriers that Cause the Success of Ethnic Minority Students

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

Ethnic minorities are groups in an institution, state or country that have national and cultural traditions that differ from those of the major population. Ethnic minorities face physiological, emotional and social challenges while undergoing their studies or at the workplace all over the world....

03 Aug 2014

A research paper on the student's school loan

Case study - 4 pages - Psychology

Students school loans are increasingly a problem for both college students and those in higher education sectors. This is because of the increasing tuition fees, as well as, decreasing sources of scholarships and grants (Shohov, 2004). Data for the research papers was from an online...

05 Nov 2014

Practical ways teachers can promote student communication and teaching of the world language- Burke (2010)

Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies

In order to be effective in the teaching of the world language, language teachers need to find the most effective ways that will develop not only the learners interest in the language but also competence in the usage of the L2. This is because the ultimate goal of teaching a second language to...

05 Aug 2014

Factors that influence school Performance in Students

Case study - 7 pages - Educational studies

There are variety of factors that determine the excellence of children in school. Most of these factors are psychological factors, which motivate the children to learn well. The child's environment also plays an immense role in determining their prosperity in school. Children should also feed...

21 Feb 2013

Approaches for managing indiscipline of pupils and students in primary and secondary schools' settings

Case study - 7 pages - Educational studies

Observation of the situation in the society these days would buttress the fact that it is characterized by several menaces such as: prostitution, armed robbery, bunkering, street violence/demonstration, thuggery, drug trafficking, kidnapping, raping; terrorism, swindling, just to mention few. It...

02 Aug 2013

Review the process for development of new products. Analyze why most new products fail. Respond to at least two of your fellow students' postings

Case study - 2 pages - Business strategy

Mullins and Walker (2010) state that greater attention must be given to new products and one of reasons why so many products fail is because not enough people want to buy them (p. 265). For this reason, there are systems in place to analyze ideas before proceeding to production. As stated in...