The Notion of Cultural Identity in The Waiter's Wife and Angels in America
Essay - 3 pages - Linguistics & languages
As Margaret J. Wheatley, who studies organizational behaviour, once noted that "There (was) no power for change greater than a community discovering what it cares about", we may question, especially since the most prevalent ghettoization suspicions in many places around the world, with all the...
Post modernism in pop culture and The Simpsons
Thesis - 5 pages - Journalism
Attempts to define post-modernism can come in many different forms as different people have different ideas as to what exactly the term means. This being said, most people who take part in the debate over modernism and postmodernism share a consensus that postmodernism might be many things, but...
Women's identity: How do you find it when the world claims you were born with it?
Thesis - 6 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Women in theatre are always up or down, the virgin or the whore, over-run with emotions or a stone cold bitch. There is rarely a happy medium for women on the stage. But there is an in-between. There is a middle ground between being an extreme, and being a bore. Despite the fact that every woman...
Cross-cultural management: Female expatriates
Essay - 5 pages - Management
This essay analyzes the evolution of female expatriates in Western multinational corporations in the recent years and confronts the issues of gender stereotyping, discrimination and family responsibility. The small number of women on global assignments is disconcerting, given that the...
An analysis of how France could be branded to sustainability attract Chinese tourists
Case study - 37 pages - Services marketing
To underline the importance of the brand image for branding a destination, this report follows an analysis of France's images and stereotypes as a destination. Where it has been defined that France benefits from a largely positive and attractive image, it has been seen that some weak...
Gender discrimination in the workplace
Thesis - 5 pages - Human resources
Even today, there is discrimination between men and women in the workplace. The salary for a man and a woman holding the same station is not the same. Women find it harder to reach senior positions in the organization. Since 1967, the participation rate of women in the professional field has...
Cross-Cultural Management - Culture Portrayed in Popular Media: Bend It Like Beckham
Essay - 5 pages - Management
The movie shows us two major cultures; on the one hand, the Indian culture and on the other hand the British culture. We also see a little of the Irish culture portray itself through the coach. Even though the coach is Irish and the soccer team goes to Germany, these two different cultures are...
Diversity management at the workplace
Thesis - 5 pages - Management
For Human Resource (HR) managers, managing staff diversity at the workplace has been one of the most important criteria of an organization that offers equal employment opportunities in today's world. Today, successful diversity management has become synonymous with good business strategies and...
The Role of Black Artists in African American Culture
Thesis - 4 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Throughout the Harlem Renaissance, blacks were creating new ways to identify themselves both individually and as a part of a new, developing culture within America. While some black writers used their work to identify their race as a separate entity, others used their writing to expose the social...
Blacks, Jews, and Gendered Representations
Essay - 5 pages - Philosophy
The gendered representations of Blacks and Jews have caused them to struggle with their identities as people in American society. The stereotypes that have arisen from these representations have given two options to these marginalized groups of people:(1) either follow the predisposed...
Sistah, You Got Game: The rise and role of women in hip-hop over the last 30 years
Case study - 4 pages - Arts and art history
From its conception four decades ago, hip-hop as a subculture was originally a medium to raise social consciousness, a solution to the problem, so to speak. But come the 80s and the 90s, the subculture has become part of the problem it was trying to solve; for as the music became...
Questioning Perceptions of Criminality: Confronting Discrimination in Peter Temple's Broken Shore
Case study - 3 pages - Literature
In the anthology Constructing Crime Fiction: Discourse and Cultural Representations of Crime and Deviance,' Christiana Gregoriou makes the observation that the fictionalization of crime has not only become a much-loved pursuit, but also a means of analyzing society, even an excuse to...
Adult Crying
Case study - 6 pages - Educational studies
Adult crying has always been a contentious issue among all adults. Is it right for an adult to cry? How will people take an adult who cries often? What are the reactions when you spot an adult crying? These are some of the questions that run through everyone's mind when the thought of adult...
Reasons against legalization of marijuana
Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies
Some people call it weed, pot, ganja, grass or skunk. However, its most-common name is marijuana a cannabis plant. Some people prefer to smoke while others opt to eat marijuana. The main aim of using marijuana is to entice euphoria in the user (Blundell 8). Throughout the years, there has been...
Sexism and Personal Experiences
Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies
As a women's studies student, I have realized the importance and driving force of sexism in education, workplace and personal life several times. Sexism is currently illegal and considered to be a type of discrimination; still, it is true that many people have ideology that confirms that males...
Reducing Stigmatization Associated with Depression
Essay - 3 pages - Sociology & social sciences
According to the World Health Organization's (WHO) 2017 report, depression affects 300 million people globally as the most prevalent mental health condition. Prejudice and misconceptions commonly accompany depression. Depression affects not only individuals but also groups. This reinforces...
Pop culture and Superheroes
Essay - 2 pages - Arts and art history
Pop culture plays a pivotal role in shaping societal perceptions, especially in the realm of gender representations and superhero narratives. In the vast expanse of popular culture, which encompasses mediums such as television, films, video games, and print, representations of gender often...
The Cultural and Social Position of Women in Japan
Essay - 7 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Introduction Images of women from the Far East are often filled with stereotypes of submissive individuals that consistently capitulate to the needs and desires of men. While this image appears to have some accuracy for describing women of the Far East in the early twentieth century,...
Scottish Masculinity: Football Fans
Thesis - 6 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Before the Forty-five, every man was a soldier, who partook of national confidence, and interested himself in national honour. To lose this spirit, is to lose what no small advantage will compensate' (qtd. in Herman 153). This comment from Samuel Johnson sums up a worry that...
"A Hideously Difficult Task": An Exploration of American Racial Identity through the Works of James Baldwin
Essay - 6 pages - Literature
In a style similar to other minority works of literature, James Baldwin's writing encompasses the recurring theme of identitywhat it means and from where it originates. This theme stems from incomplete identity of the black American community. Baldwin's writings try to explain the...
Feral women: Female characters in Wuthering Heights, The Moonstone, and Hard Times
Essay - 10 pages - Literature
Once upon a time, not so very long ago, women had no place within the pages of fiction. Indeed, men were usually the sole creators of literature; women, on the other hand, were silent (those few women who did choose to write were often forced to use a male pseudonym in order to be taken...
Media portrayal of Midwesterner's
Essay - 7 pages - Journalism
Media influences the way people think and behave. What media says about anyone/thing becomes the norm. It influences simple things such as what people talk about on their lunch breaks to more complex belief systems. Media frames depict people from geographic areas in stereotypical ways; this...
New British second homeowners in the French countryside: The Cathar country's case
Case study - 24 pages - Journalism
The study examined the motivations of the British buying a second home in France and more particularly in the Cathar Country. The research then focused on their economic impacts on the region, and their integration in the local community. Antagonism of the British second homeowners...
A revamping of the Australian economy
Thesis - 7 pages - Economy general
Amidst a national economic crisis, many people seem to overlook the fact that several other countries throughout the world are also having problems with their economy. Among these is Australia, a country most people forget about other than their occasional dinner at the Outback, but...
Carlo Goldoni and the Italian theatre reformation
Thesis - 2 pages - Arts and art history
When Carlo Goldoni began writing for the theatre in the 1740's, his Venetian audiences were still in the throes of commedia dell'arte, which had been popular for over two hundred years. However, Goldoni was ready to bring realism to the stage. He thought that the theatre should be bound up with...
Facundo's barbarism vs Armiento's civilization
Thesis - 2 pages - Medieval history
Sarmiento's Facundo presents a biased historical account of Argentine history and the struggle between barbarism and civilization taking place during the 17th century in Argentina. Sarmiento's political aims of spreading European culture, which he deems to be civilized, and of uniting...
On the Road - Jack Kerouac, 1957
Book review - 2 pages - Literature
"On the Road", by Jack Kerouac, is a powerful novel about a group of friends who travel throughout the United States and go through various adventures. They represent a group of people who are always on the move, never willing to commit to anything, and live life with passion and recklessness. In...
Culler - Tourist is interested in everything as a sign of itself
Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies
Culler (1981, p106) noted The tourist is interested in everything as a sign of itself. He insinuates, in simple terms that the tourist is looking for certain preset characteristics in places they visit that denote the people's culture. For them, these behaviors they have previously seen or...
Strawberry Homophobia
Thesis - 3 pages - Film studies
The 1993 film Fresa y Chocolate, directed by Tomás Gutiérrez Alea, exposes homophobia as a product of the double standard of the revolution and the lack of sexual education in Cuban society. The movie focuses on the relationship between Diego, a flamboyant gay older man that dedicates himself to...
Analysis of Brand Building by Dove
Case study - 7 pages - Business strategy
The choice of the slogan on the Dove campaign, "For every beauty", is an original and relevant one. The advertisement itself is original and appeals to common women. Its goal is to not only convince potential customers, but also to develop some trust between the brand and its target. The...