Professional misconducts of teachers and way out
Essay - 10 pages - Educational studies
Teaching is regarded as a noble career just as teachers are considered as role models to pupils and students. These days, a lot of professional misconducts could be noticed among teachers. Many teachers are now disillusioned, lazy, uncommitted, and unpatriotic. This paper is an examination of the...
Crisis Management: a Report on Pfizer and the Trovan Crisis
Case study - 14 pages - Management
We decided to study the Trovan crisis that affected Pfizer as we found it particularly interesting. If one delves into the circumstances which contributed to provoke the Trovan crisis, it is indeed an intriguing story. We also thought that it would be quite enriching to analyze how a...
'To communicate and convince in a project' by Ramez Cayette (2008)
Book review - 4 pages - Management
In this book, the author outlines the best practices that underpin the success of a project; he highlights 10 such steps. Excerpt: "The first practice is to conduct a communication audit. This identifies the key players who are directly involved in the project, identify their positions (and those...
Supply Chain Management in Aerospace Industry
Case study - 16 pages - Educational studies
The uncertainty characterizing growth opportunities in the global economy mandates the aerospace organizations to shift focus towards improving their visibility in the supply chains. Contrary to serial identity implied by a chain, the reality in the aerospace today demonstrates a network of...
New development strategies for companies
Case study - 8 pages - Business strategy
The world of companies changed radically during the year 1990. Their role in the national and international governorship took more importance vis-a-vis the deregulation and with the reduction in the intervention of the State in the market. The direct overseas investments became key instruments...
Eat, Think, Play: A after School Health Education Program
Essay - 6 pages - Educational studies
Eat, Think, Play is an interactive after school health education program dedicated to helping high school students build and promote a healthy lifestyle. We work to help students construct skills necessary to make good decisions regarding physical activity and eating a nutritious...
Environmental sustainability of events
Tutorials/exercises - 7 pages - Educational studies
In this report the author aims to educate the readers regarding environmentally sustainable event management. The author believes that in today's trend it is very important not only for event managers but also people from all other sectors to think about our environment and how our day to day...
Total quality management (TQM)
Thesis - 7 pages - Management
Over the past several decades, countless construction projects have failed as a direct result of poor quality management. The relationship between client and contractor is at times strained by deviant expectations and building requirements, thus reducing the capacity for effective partnerships...
Money advice
Essay - 6 pages - Finance
The trend of people being subjected to financial difficulty is increasing. The easy access to credit may provide convenience but it can also lead to overspending and consequently, overindebtedness. Some life-changing events such as loss of job and divorce can substantially add to debts. Being...
The notion that strategy is independent of the details of running an organization: The great fallacy of conventional management
Thesis - 8 pages - Services marketing
Defining strategy is a challenging thing to do but the characteristics of strategy can be summed up in the following definition, A strategy is the set of actions through which an organisation, by accident or design, develops and uses them to deliver services or products in a way which its...
The case of H&M and Inditex
Case study - 5 pages - Finance
The International Accounting Standards Committee (IASC) dates back its formation to 1973. It was however restructured in 2001 when the name was changed to ?The International Accounting Standards Board (IASB)'. The IASB is an independent private sector body. The prime objective of the IASB is...
The "Total Quality Management" (TQM) and its application in the Thomson factory at Casablanca
Thesis - 9 pages - Business strategy
TQM is a philosophy; a management practice that aims to satisfy consumers by involving employees, coherent governance and a commitment to continuous improvement. In native Japan in the 1950s, the concept of TQM was first passed through an application of methods of statistical controls, before...
Strategy case study: Electrolux
Case study - 3 pages - Business strategy
Strategy is an allocation of resources, which the organization engages in the long term, by setting its parameter of activity with the aim of responding to stakeholder expectations, and achieving a competitive advantage. In the case of Electrolux, we have established a strategic intent...
E-commerce in Morocco
Market study - 56 pages - Economy general
Like Morocco, other countries began developing in Europe many years ago. Europe saw its history and its strategic geographic location taking an important place in world history. These international relations have to be aware of technological development. "The world today lives on civilizational...
External environment and social responsibilities
Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies
A big influence on internal business environment is the external environment. No business can choose to ignore the outside factors, if it aims to succeed in the today's corporate world. Corporate culture should embody what it takes to succeed in the environment. If the external environment...
Perioperative procedures
Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies
Provision of quality healthcare should be the ultimate goal of any health practitioner and institution. The process begins when a patient entrust their wellbeing to the practitioner. Be it a nurse, medical doctor, surgeon or pharmaceutical. One of the most important stages during surgical...
San Joaquin river restoration program - research paper
Case study - 4 pages - Educational studies
The SJRRP is a wholesome long-term project to return the San Joaquin River flow that originates from the Friant Dam to the intersection of the Merced River. It is also projected to maintain thriving Chinook salmon fish in the river while at the same time preventing overflow of water that may...
An analysis of Ryanair competitiveness
Case study - 7 pages - Business strategy
This report illustrates an analysis of Ryanair competitiveness, adaptation to the macro-level factors in the United Kingdom and factors contributing to its current success. Initially, the Porter's five-force model entails analysis of the threat posed by buyers, suppliers, industrial rivalry,...
Case study - 2 pages - Management
Generally Accepted Accounting Principles is an accounting framework, which includes accounting standards and rules that every accountant needs to follow while preparing the financial statements. All companies should follow the GAAP rules and standards while presenting income & expense and asset &...
Ethics in strategic management
Case study - 2 pages - Management
The past strategic management models focused much on application of resource and external threats. In the 1970s, the technique of strategizing thrived in business schools. Corporate strategy if defined as decisions pattern of a company that reveals and determine its goals, objective or purposes,...
Forecasting in a travel agency - Flaws and improvements
Tutorials/exercises - 9 pages - Business strategy
This project investigates the importance of forecasting in a travel agency. Operating in an industry, which is heavily subject to seasonality and trend features, travel agency should be able to identify appropriate forecasting techniques to improve its current practices and to add value to its...
The UN and France in the Ivorian crisis
Thesis - 20 pages - International relations
The oldest daughter of France did sink in the chaos following the events which have occurred in the night from September 18 to September 19, 2002 simultaneously in Bouake and Abidjan. We need to understand such a complex conflict where there is not enough retreat to seize all the...
Evaluating the Effectiveness of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) Adoption on Financial Statement Transparency
Course material - 2 pages - Finance
International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) are designed to bring consistency, transparency, and comparability to financial statements across different jurisdictions. The adoption of IFRS is intended to enhance the quality of financial reporting, thereby improving the decision-making...
Organizational Culture
Essay - 5 pages - Management
Organization in general exists because of its people and their interactions. These interactions are based on set of rules that social in nature and tend to influence the employees in their performance of organization related activities. Scholars assert that people with their sets of values...
Corporate culture
Essay - 5 pages - Business strategy
Culture appears for many managers as a quite simple deal: it corresponds to what the company stands for, its "identity", being widespread in the organization, easy to manipulate and to embed, a tool for making all the stakeholders going in the same direction. It's labeled the...
Essentials of People Practice
Course material - 13 pages - Human resources
The job description is a synonymous term for a comprehensive document outlining the purpose, scope of work, tasks, and responsibilities for a given role within the organization (Dingel and Maffet, 2020). It gives us a clear vision of job expectations for employees and employers and helps manage...
What accounts for differences in the ownership structures among advanced industrialized countries? What are the leading theoretical perspectives? What are their strengths and shortcomings?
Thesis - 8 pages - Economy general
Corporate governance is a topic which is becoming more and more discussed in international business academia; there is still intense debate amongst leading theorists about the key issues concerning ownership structuring differences . Corporate governance and ownership structures are two separate...
Essay: What should Asia Pacific gov-ernments do to support their adher-ence to 'good' corporate governance principle and sustainable develop-ment?
Thesis - 5 pages - International relations
According to The World Bank (2006), good' corporate governance (CG) refers to the structures and processes for the direction and control of companies. This involves the relationships among the management, board of directors, controlling and minority shareholders as well as...
The rise of E-Tourism
Worksheets - 4 pages - Services marketing
The Internet is a valuable medium for business tourism for disseminating information regarding the various offers available, either in the public or private sector. The online user can, via the internet, compare the features of different travel packages, and even book/pay online for these...
Developing an Operating Budget
Case study - 2 pages - Finance
This paper discusses budgetary planning and financial management, vital aspects of an organization's wellness and paying particular attention to the healthcare industry. In the first part, the paper will explore why budgets are critical components of business planning and how they are...