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Theme : Stakeholders

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22 Jan 2024

Negotiation exercise to prepare an interview with the HRD - 10 preparation points template

Tutorials/exercises - 2 pages - Business strategy

We will first, define, the relationship table presented in this negotiation round. Fabiessi appears as a well established and successful medium-sized Italian manufacturing company specialized in high-end kitchen equipment, and recently listed on the stock market for ten years, thanks to its...

17 Nov 2024

Project management report - Language travel to London

Internship report - 3 pages - Management

The purpose of the London Language Immersion Experience is to provide participants with a comprehensive immersion in the English language and British culture through structured language courses, cultural activities, and real-life interactive projects. The aim of the program is to create a dynamic...

22 Oct 2024

Navigating Challenges and Sustainable Leadership Perspective on BMW's Resilience

Case study - 8 pages - Management

In current business operations, which are used in balancing multiple internal and external pressures, sustainable leadership is being employed as an important mechanism for ensuring the promotion of flexibility and strengths in organizations. This candidature is best expressed by the case of BMW,...

29 Sep 2010

Business ethics Moral issues facing a company involved in the fast food industry

Essay - 5 pages - Management

Contrary to Friedman's theory which claims that corporations only aim at increasing profits and shareholders revenues, companies have moral responsibilities. Indeed, shareholders are not alone in a firm and have to compromise with the interests of the other stakeholders. According to...

04 Jan 2011

Evaluation of Wal-Mart's business strategies

Thesis - 23 pages - Business strategy

Wal-Mart was founded by Sam Walton in 1962. The group operates in sixteen countries including the United States, Canada, Mexico, Argentina, Brazil, and China. In 2005, the total number of stores amounted to nearly 5000, with more than a quarter positioned abroad. The group has around 180 million...

07 May 2009

A construction project: The Millau Viaduct

Thesis - 17 pages - Business strategy

The project of a viaduct over the Tarn Valley and the city of Millau in Southern France was a major issue for many years among the French population and the Ministry of Transport. It aimed at providing a solution for the severe traffic jam that occurred every summer, and its by-product,...

21 Feb 2022

European urban policies - A summary note on the urban agenda for the EU

Summary - 15 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Today more than half of the world's population lives in urban areas. This figure is projected to increase to 80% by 2050 (United Nations, 2019). Even though Cities are home to many complex, interlinked challenges (related to climate control, energy efficiency, pollution, and many more) they...

29 Sep 2010

Alitalia Airline : Strategic option

Case study - 33 pages - Business strategy

This report is aimed at bringing out the best strategic option for the company Alitalia. To that end, we shall drive a rigorous and in-depth analysis. The study will first determine the organization's external environment and its strategic capability. These internal and external points are...

29 Sep 2010

Mattel faces its social and environmental responsabilities

Case study - 9 pages - Services marketing

Today's business organizations constantly face internal and external pressures in addressing their social and environmental responsibilities. Since the 1960s, the society has expressed growing expectations for more responsible management of companies through the incentive of the social...

05 Oct 2009

Gap analysis: Global communications

Thesis - 4 pages - Business strategy

Global Communications failed to involve vital stakeholders in the direction of a plan for success with the company's future. The troubled company did not veritably discuss the concerns in advance with the Union. The company ignored the concerns from the collective-bargaining membership...

14 Oct 2020

SWOT Analysis - British Airways (2010)

Case study - 8 pages - Business strategy

British Airways (BA) has recently announced a merger with Iberia the results for both firms are due in May 2011. This case study will look at industrial relations within BA and how they will affect the recent merger and what is necessary to align both firms' resources whilst causing the least...

15 Jan 2009

Project initiation document: The map shop

Essay - 20 pages - Business strategy

The project initiation document is prepared as a response to an appeal from Geoffrey Smith, Map Shops, on the issues concerning the Map Shops proposed by Geoffrey and the issues identified by the consultant team, through the examination of the Map Shops. The initial proposal was examining the...

07 Nov 2014

Pratt & Whitney Ethics and Social Responsibility

Case study - 14 pages - Educational studies

Corporate social responsibility, environmentalism and ethical principles provide a triple foundation of contemporary decision making concept for business and managing organization's activities. Considering that social awareness amongst the public and other interested stakeholders is...

24 Mar 2015

Critique - Virgin Group

Case study - 5 pages - Economy general

The Stanford encyclopedia of philosophy describes business ethics as an applied discipline in which the moral attributes of commercial activities are addressed within the fabric of the firm. Recently academic business ethics are founded particularly on the concept of corporate social...

05 Oct 2009

Problem solution: Global communications

Thesis - 10 pages - Business strategy

The ability of the people to coordinate their individual work effort toward a common goal is paramount for Global Communications. To settle issues in order to make the right decision all possible motives must be considered. The COMPANY must involve critical stakeholders in a strategy...

29 Sep 2010

Civil Society NGOs & Private Sector Com-panies: Towards Cooperation?

Essay - 14 pages - Political science

In 2005, DuPont, an American chemical company and Environmental Defense Fund (EDF), an environmental advocacy group, engaged in a partnership aiming at ensuring responsible development of a new high-tech domain, nanoscale materials. The project was also aimed at communicating with the global...

29 Nov 2010

Quality Management at BNP Paribas Loire Valley

Case study - 8 pages - Management

BNP Paribas, considered the leading European banking group today, was founded on May 23, 2000, following a stock market battle that saw a fierce battle waged between BNP and Societe Generale for the merger with Paribas, with BNP coming out on top. Today, it is known as a company that concentrates...

29 Sep 2010

British Petroleum and the BTC pipeline

Case study - 7 pages - Management

The BTC (Baku-Tblisi-Ceyhan) project is a 1,770 km long pipeline which will transport up to one million barrels of oil per day from the Sangachal terminal next to Baku in Azerbaijan, then through Tblisi in Georgia, and finally to a new marine terminal at Ceyhan in Turkey. Eleven large oil...

07 Oct 2013

McDonald's: Corporate reputation after criticism of unhealthy food

Case study - 20 pages - Management

McDonald's is a large fast food chain with an international presence around the world. During the last few years, the company has been criticized by customers for offering unhealthy food causing obesity, and for dodgy corporate ethics. This is why we decided to study the international corporate...

24 Nov 2022

The application of an EIB to address environmental challenges in urban Belgium

Thesis - 96 pages - Finance

Cities face increasing environmental challenges including, but not limited to; air pollution, CO2 emissions, energy, transport and waste management. The success of Social Impact Bonds (SIB) by solving social issues in a public-private partnership has been the driver for the development of the...

11 Apr 2014

Bangladesh Factory Collapse

Case study - 11 pages - Finance

In the recent past, organizations have increased their attention on corporate social responsibility (CSR). This follows numerous transformations in the contemporary society, such as globalization and technological differentiation. Therefore, as an ethical practice as well as a marketing strategy,...

13 Nov 2014

Fixit now

Case study - 6 pages - Business strategy

Ethical issues in business are related to the rights and duties that it has with its stakeholders. Business ethics involves the study of the good and bad conduct of these stakeholders in a business context (William, 2008). Stakeholders include employees, customers, neighbors...

16 Feb 2011

The role of ethics in the company (2006)

Essay - 62 pages - Management

The place of ethics in the company raises many questions: What areas are covered by corporate ethics? Is it an element of corporate reputation for external use? Does it create a new social climate within the company? However, a major problem has been presented from the beginning of this work. It...

28 Jan 2015

Weaknesses in International Organizations

Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies

A recent occurrence that resulted due to global climatic change is the Hurricane Sandy which happened towards the end of October 2012. It devastated parts of the Caribbean, Eastern Canada, Northeast of United States and Mid- Atlantic. Losses that have arisen due to Hurricane Sandy have been...

17 May 2009

Corporate governance and business ethics: Air France-KLM

Thesis - 8 pages - Management

Businesses have to publish their yearly Corporate Social Responsibility Report (CSRR) for their stakeholders. CSRR is “the business contribution to the sustainable development goals. Essentially it is about how business takes account of its economic, social and environmental impacts...

29 Sep 2010

Case study: Marks & Spencer

Case study - 12 pages - Services marketing

For over a century now, Marks & Spencer (M&S) has been one of the best-known British retailers. Since 1884, M&S has developed a traditional brand image of quality. However, since the end of the familial reign, M&S's results have declined little by little because of, among other things,...

16 Feb 2011

Governance and management of income: an empirical study in the Tunisian context

Dissertation - 49 pages - Accounting

Through this research, one can define the concepts and theories of management results in the first chapter. In the second chapter, it will address the impact of governance mechanisms on the management statement. Finally, it will address this problem through an empirical study in the Tunisian...

23 Oct 2024

Disaster Preparedness

Course material - 6 pages - Logistics

Disaster preparedness is a crucial part of preparation for the safety of people in the community and well-being during natural or human-causing disasters. This paper provides a comprehensive understanding of community-based disaster preparedness, its essential elements, and the importance of...

16 Jan 2009

How can organizations tackle environmental constraints to reach an eco-efficient supply chain?

Essay - 10 pages - Management

For many years, being ecologically and environmentally friendly was not a concern for companies; they mostly focused on costs no matter how harmful their practices and processes might be for the environment. However, today, environmental issues are growing and becoming a real threat....

16 Jan 2009

Corporate social responsibility: The example of Air France-KLM

Thesis - 8 pages - Management

This group was created in 2004 through the merger of Air France and KLM and is now the world leader in terms of international passenger traffic. In addition, the financial results have been improved considerably over the last few years. But how is the airline group actually dealing with its...