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11 Oct 2011

Decathlon Group: Sports Megastore

Market study - 7 pages - Business strategy

"Decathlon is a major French sporting goods chain store, with stores located throughout the world. It started with a shop near Lille, France in 1976. The retailer stocks a wide range of sporting goods, from tennis racquets to advanced scuba diving equipment, usually in large superstores....

29 Sep 2010

Sports and the Media: Sport TV rights throughout Europe, a comparative approach

Essay - 13 pages - Arts and art history

The relation between sports and television started years back. We all have in mind the image of Jesse Owen winning four gold medals in the 100m, 200m, long jump and 4X100m relay during the 1936 Nazis Berlin Olympic Games. Thus, we can assume that sport has provided the greatest...

29 Sep 2010

Green Ox case: Strategic marketing for a drink dedicated to sports

Case study - 4 pages - Services marketing

Palmer Jackson Inc (Cincinnati Ohio) has developed a new line of sports beverages which have the added benefit of antioxidants. They have developed several elements of their brand strategy with your agency Accuity Brands which is a branding consultancy, where you are a marketing strategy...

19 Jul 2010

Techniques for taking good sports photographs in some sporting events

Thesis - 2 pages - Electronics, mechanics, engineering & technology

By sports photography we mean taking pictures of sporting events that involve action and movement. If the pictures are not sharp and do not depict fast movement that take place in a sequence, the purpose of a good sports photograph will not be achieved. That exciting movement of...

29 Sep 2010

Advertising in Sport

Essay - 10 pages - Services marketing

Today, sport occupies an important place in the advertising arena. However, it was not the same before. This connection appeared in the middle of the 1980s. Indeed, the public investment has been huge in sports where people came together such as in the case of the football and...

29 Sep 2010

Bodybuilding and its Influence upon American Sport - published: 29/09/2010

Essay - 14 pages - Sports

American sports has evolved from the simple folk games and premodern pastimes of the colonial era to the highly complex, commercial spectacles of the early twenty-first century.Many factors shaped the development of sports in colonial British America and in the United States. Among...

29 Sep 2010

The impact of digital on Sport Brands

Worksheets - 3 pages - Services marketing

Sport has become an important part of people's lives in the 20th century, whether they are practising a particular sport or following sporting events, more or less closely. Today in France, 34 million people 'practice a sport' and 15 million are registered. And in...

29 Sep 2010

The Sportswear Industry : Boom or Gloom ?

Market study - 50 pages - Management

The sportswear industry has witnessed a transition phase in the past few decades. Indeed, the beginning of the 1970s saw the athletic sportswear evolve from specific product lines striving to target and migrate the small and unique markets into mainstream fashion products. The distinct difference...

16 Jun 2010

Adidas women: The new trend in the sportswear industry

Thesis - 5 pages - Business strategy

Sports have become an important part in the lives of men mainly due to the modern changes in the sporting arena. To meet consumer needs, sporting brands offer a wide range of products in the sportswear market. Today, Adidas is one of the biggest brand in the sportswear industry. Found in...

18 Jun 2010

Audi A3 Sportback: Marketing strategy

Thesis - 7 pages - Services marketing

Audi is one of the leading manufacturers of luxury cars. In 2002, they produced over 7, 35,000 vehicles, generating a turnover of 22.6 billion euros. Audi is a part of the Volkswagen Group and is headquartered in Germany. It has more than 51,000 employees and sells its products through 5,000...

29 Sep 2010

How can we claim that the sport at the world level became a real business in our time?

Dissertation - 28 pages - Sports

Today, it is difficult to deny that sport takes a considerable importance in our society. An importance which can be characterized at several levels: economic, social, or even cultural. Thus, we can assist different sports events all the year round, but also do our Sunday jogging,...

29 Sep 2010

Extreme sports

Dissertation - 35 pages - Services marketing

The sporting culture penetrated our quotidian as a major reference. Even if it is difficult to define, sports is known by everybody and is omnipresent. Today, sports profit from a positive image (to be well, healthy). It occupies an important place in the media (newspapers, TV,...

17 Aug 2010

Sports photography

Thesis - 2 pages - Sports

By sports photography we mean taking pictures of sporting events that involve action and movement. If the pictures are not sharp and do not depict fast movement that take place in a sequence, the purpose of a good sports photograph will not be achieved. That exciting movement of...

19 Jan 2009

Business plan for exporting RedGreen Danish chic sportswear products to Japan

Business plan - 13 pages - Business strategy

Where do we see fashion in 2007? Are people becoming more fashionable? We believe that fashion enables people to become a part of a culture and differentiate themselves regardless of the color of their skin and background...or identify themselves with a particular group. In the world of...

08 May 2009

Marketing using sports in India

Dissertation - 38 pages - Services marketing

If there is one change that has taken place in the sporting arena during the past 15 years in the country, it is the influx of marketing muscle and the infusion of large sums of money. Players, events, broadcast and media coverage, clothing and merchandising, grassroots development programs, fan...

14 Aug 2009

The principles of sports coaching

Thesis - 10 pages - Sports

The major goal of any sports coach is to maximise the potential of the individuals or performers. This unit helps you learn the roles, skills and qualities of a successful sports coach and the knowledge and responsibilities of a sports coach are covered. Historically...

17 May 2009

The British passion for sports: Its particularities and its limits

Thesis - 8 pages - Sports

The former British athlete Sebastian Coe declared on the 12th November that “he wanted to tap into United Kingdom's passion for sports” by presenting the London Olympic bid. It is indeed undeniable that sports have a significant place in British society. There are at...

30 Nov 2009

An analysis of drug abuse in sports: Why sportsmen resort to drugs to enhance their performance?

Thesis - 4 pages - Sports

Athletes face tremendous pressure to succeed during an event. They are not only pressurized by their peers but from external groups like fans, family etc. At times this pressure becomes extremely difficult to tolerate and affects the performance of the athlete. The high expectations from them...

24 Apr 2009

Sports injuries within the sport of male senior football

Thesis - 5 pages - Sports

During the dissertation study it is intended to investigate and discover if male senior football players are more prone to injury during pre-season rather than in season and if so why. Braham, et al (2003) stated that ‘17% (1025) of the total number of injuries over the two seasons reviewed...

15 Jan 2009

A new type of tourism: Activity-based tourism, the examples of dark tourism and sport tourism

Essay - 8 pages - Journalism

During the last decades, we have witnessed the existence of a tourism consumption model were consumers massively colonized all destinations worldwide indifferent to quality, environment and local cultures. However, for a few years, we have noticed the appearance of new trends in consumer...

12 Jan 2009

Lucozade Sport vs. Highland Spring

Market study - 5 pages - Services marketing

Water in general is considered as a low risk, low involvement product. Despite the fact of being an ‘ever-since existing' product and fulfilling the primary need of survival, people's awareness of the importance of drinking water is a rather recent development. This has brought up various...

12 Jan 2009

The battle over leadership in the sport industry: Adidas vs. Nike

Essay - 3 pages - Business strategy

According to public opinion, sport is undoubtedly related to pleasure, relaxation and physical activity. However the reality is in fact poles apart from this simplistic landscape and sport is above all a colossal industry, which represents a billion-dollar market. The recent...

13 Aug 2009

Sports doping and performance enhancing supplements

Thesis - 5 pages - Sports

As I embark on my journey of college swimming, there are several things to expect. There is what many believe to be,” glamour's” that come along with being a Division I collegiate athlete. The state-of-the-art facilities and equipment, the top of the line gear and endorsements,...

15 Jan 2009

Business plan on exporting redgreen (Danish chic sportswear products) to Brazil

Business plan - 7 pages - Business strategy

Brazil has become one of the most promising emerging countries besides China and India and counts a very large population, whereby extreme poverty and extreme wealth coexist. In this context Redgreen, a Danish company specializing in high end and high quality sportswear outfits considers...

28 Jul 2009

Achievement motivation as it applies to competitive sport

Thesis - 3 pages - Psychology

An important psychological need is the need to achieve: the motive to achieve success by exceeding previous levels of success set by one's self and/or others. Achievement motivation can be characterized as both the need to achieve and as the need to avoid failure. The purpose of this paper is to...

16 Jan 2009

The building of customer loyalty and retention strategies in sports marketing

Essay - 23 pages - Services marketing

The research in this dissertation focuses on the building of customer loyalty and retention strategies in sports marketing with the Chinese Professional Baseball League (CPBL) as an example. This research aims to provide the factors which influence customer loyalty from a sports...

14 Aug 2009

Principles, values and ethics in sports

Thesis - 14 pages - Sports

A Principle is a basic truth, law or policy. Principles are standards that define moral behavior. A principle in sport might be that the officials treat all equally on the field of play. Values are ideals that form the basis of actions and beliefs. Values in sport include enjoyment,...

12 Mar 2009

Steroids and sport

Thesis - 8 pages - Sports

The idea of doping in sport is not a new one, in fact it is said to have roots as far back as 1876 when a highly regarded Professor of medicine in Edinburgh, Scotland took some athletes from his university into the mountains to introduce them to the South American coca leaves (the root...

30 Nov 2009

Evaluation of sports development as a policy initiative for the benefit of the society

Thesis - 7 pages - Sports

There is no denying the fact that sports contribute significantly to the development of the society on the whole. Sports education is considered to be the integral part of education. The role of sport development officer assumes significance since he is responsible for...

09 Sep 2008

The impact of European Union Law on the world of sport and the Bosman decision

Essay - 7 pages - International law

Under European Union law, Article 81 of the EC Treaty provides that all agreements between undertakings, decisions of undertakings and concerted practices which may affect trade between Member States and which have as their objective or effect the prevention, restriction or distortion of...