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Theme : South africa

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01 Aug 2022

The European Union and its neighbors to the East and South-East of the Continent and to the Middle East

Course material - 11 pages - Political science

The European Union has still very limited means in terms of foreign and security and defense policy, and its members still follow quite different foreign policy agendas. But the EU confronts several and often growing problems and crisis in her immediate vicinity.

27 Jul 2015

Comparison between continents: America and Africa

Essay - 1 pages - Geography

Diversity is the product of nature. Humans come in an array of shapes, sizes, and colors. Nevertheless, geographical location combines a wide assortment of humans of different shapes, sizes, and colors. Despite the combination of differences, there remains a divide. Something still distinguishes...

27 Jan 2011

Sub-Saharan Africa, of the middle of the years 1950 at the end of the Eighties

Case study - 8 pages - Geography

The process of colonization was marked by dominance and imperialism and dates back to the 16th century. From that time, the Portuguese and Spanish shared the known world and established colonies (territory under a foreign state, the mainland). A new doctrine called colonialism was born and called...

29 Jul 2010

Expropriation in Africa

Thesis - 1 pages - Journalism reported on Tuesday, Oct. 17, 2006 that the South African government may increasingly continue to seize land from white owners in order to restore land ownership to native blacks. Officials from South Africa also said that they would not consider replicating the...

03 Feb 2011

Chinese Presence in Africa, and its Economic Impact

Essay - 16 pages - International relations

The African continent is the second largest continent in the world, and is the second most populous continent. This continent has abundant natural resources like gold, diamonds, oil etc. and has been the bone of contention between the super powers of the world for a long time now. China has...

16 Jun 2008

The Impact that Photography has had on raising Public Awareness of the AIDS Epidemic in Africa

Essay - 4 pages - Journalism

Introduction Artwork is created for a number of reasons. For instance, artwork may reflect the artist's inner conflict as he or she strives towards evolution. At the same time artwork can serve as the artist's interpretation of larger society and culture. In most instances, the viewer, examining...

20 Mar 2009

Democracy in Africa

Essay - 5 pages - Political science

In the sphere of comparative politics, and more specifically, African politics, many notable changes have taken place over the last two decades. In this time, considerable research on African politics has centered on democracy and its implementation is different African nations. It was the...

29 Sep 2010

Analysis of the creation United States of Africa

Essay - 24 pages - International relations

The United States of Africa is a project that has been raising issues for decades. Indeed, many international actors, activists groups, countries and other companies are concerned about the unity of an African people formed as a strong and powerful continent. It is true that many key...

09 Dec 2010

Identity and nationalism in West Africa since 1990: A case study of Ivory Coast

Case study - 20 pages - Social, moral & civic education

The democratization of West Africa started in 1990 and was led by Houphouet Boigny. The process revealed social cleavages in the case of groups that could not find a sufficiently powerful voice to express their opinions. Since then, there has been a process of nation building that is...

27 Jan 2011

Can the sector of tourism contribute to the development of Africa?

Essay - 4 pages - Services marketing

Tourism has become a leading global industry and has played a major role in the development of a continent. It contributes to the enhancement of the cultural heritage and culture of a country. According to figures provided by the WTO (World Tourism Organization), Africa has attracted 36.7...

11 Apr 2014

Economic Development in Sub-Saharan Africa

Case study - 4 pages - Educational studies

Sub-Saharan Africa: with its beautiful lush landscapes, diverse cultures, fantastic wildlife and wealth of natural resources there is also a huge amount of suffering. With the highest poverty rates in the world, Africa faces many obstacles on its path to development. Although its...

13 Jan 2009

Africa: a cold war proxy field?

Essay - 6 pages - Political science

In most discourses about International Relations, Africa is described as a ‘victim' of external powers - namely its former colonisers, the United States and, as far as the Cold War period is concerned, the Soviet Union. For instance, it is said that African wars in the post-colonial...

15 Jan 2009

The European union's development policy toward Africa

Essay - 5 pages - European union

On December 8th and 9th 2007 the summit of African and European leaders has hold in Lisbon. It is the second ever Summit between heads of states and governments from EU and Africa after the Cairo Summit in 2000. The 52 countries of the African Union, the 27 European member states, and the...

27 Aug 2010

Chaos in Africa: Causes and consequences

Thesis - 8 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Ever since the end of the Cold War in 1991, Africa has faced ethnic conflicts that had led to the destabilization of several of its countries. It also paved the way for the collapse of regimes and led to large-scale massacres in Sierra Leone, Liberia and Rwanda. The neighboring states that...

27 Jan 2011

Conflicts in Africa

Essay - 9 pages - International relations

Ever since 50 years Africa is the continent with highest concentration of conflicts in its territory. Marginalized within the international system because of its small economic size, Africa still remains a subject of interest to study International Relations. At a time when maOver...

21 Oct 2009

Defend or oppose the necessity of actions taken to expand into the new world and Africa between 1300-1789 C.E.

Thesis - 3 pages - Journalism

Interaction between the peoples of Europe, Africa, Asia, and the Americas during 1300-1789 C.E. brought about cultural fusion, trade, commerce and the foundation of the current state of political affairs. Expansion into the New World and Africa created numerous benefits such as ship...

29 Sep 2010

China in Africa: Political or Economic Interest?

Essay - 4 pages - International relations

China's growing involvement in Africa has been actively commented upon over the last few months. In 1996, President Jiang Zemin stated he wanted 'a new relationship' with Africa, based on five points: reliable friendship, sovereignty equality, non-intervention, mutual...

30 Aug 2011

Globalization and its impact: Case of Africa

Case study - 11 pages - Economy general

As defined by the Merriam-Webster English language dictionary, globalization is “the tendency of investment funds and businesses to move beyond domestic and national markets to other markets around the globe and thereby increase the inter-connectivity of different markets.”...

15 Jan 2009

How does Fox News cover Africa?

Essay - 3 pages - International relations

Fox News is the top rated channel in the United States (U.S.) but it is also broadcasted internationally in 40 countries. It can stand for an American point of view about news but also for a more global one. Fox News has an obvious impact on Americans. That is why, in order to monitor the way...

25 Sep 2008

World cities: The global north and south

Essay - 4 pages - Social, moral & civic education

The 20th century witnessed the pivotal inauguration of Western expansion, also historically known as the Age of Exploration. The Europeans were the first people to manipulate global affairs to a large extent. Consequently, this period of discoveries, occupations, and colonization put forth a...

12 Jan 2009

Why has the development experience of sub-Saharan Africa diverged markedly from that of other developing regions?

Essay - 6 pages - Economy general

The recent images of migrants from Sub-Saharan Africa dying on the border of the Spanish territories of Ceuta and Melilla reminded the Northern opinion of the reality of life in the poorest region in the world . Migrants from Sub-Saharan Africa flee such horrible conditions of life,...

29 Sep 2010

The Relationship between the European Union and the South Mediterranean Countries: An Incomplete partnership submitted to the union's interests and fears

Essay - 4 pages - European union

The Mediterranean area presents a particular structure. The Northern part of the region is composed of Western, developed countries belonging to the European Union, such as France, Spain, Italy and Greece. The Southern part is the African coast, including Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria, Egypt, Jordan,...

09 Aug 2010

Africa's situation

Thesis - 2 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Africa is one of the biggest continents in the world, approximately three Americas equaling the square mileage of Africa. There are parts of Africa that are largely isolated and uninhabited by people due to lack of resources or areas such as the African deserts Kalahari,...

14 Sep 2009

The determinants of commercial bank profitability in Sub-Saharan Africa

Thesis - 15 pages - Finance

Banks have high profits in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) in comparison to other regions. This paper wields a sample of 389 banks in 41 SSA countries to probe the determinants of bank profitability. It is found that apart from credit risk, higher returns on assets are linked with activity...

07 Oct 2024

Afrikaner Nationalism and Visual Culture in the 20th Century

Essay - 5 pages - Architecture

The 'architecture of the people or nation,' known as Volksargitektuur, is a term used to describe the political ideologies, cultural narratives, and architectural expression of Afrikaner nationalism in South Africa in the middle to late 20th century. This architectural idea...

16 Apr 2014

Girl child education and economic development in Africa

Case study - 6 pages - Educational studies

The objectives of this essay are to: Discuss reasons why girl child education is essential for economic development in Africa. Discuss reasons why the girl child in Africa is underprivileged in terms of education Discuss the impact of the low level of girl child education on...

16 Dec 2010

The aftermath of the French influence in Africa?

Thesis - 8 pages - Political science

In the year 1960, France tried to play an active role in the Third world to affirm itself vis-a-vis the two large powers that clashed during the Cold war. Deprived of the major part of its colonial empire, it has assets which will enable it to bond well with the recently decolonized countries....

07 Oct 2024

Decolonizing Masculinity: Mzoxolo Mayongo Rethinking Masculinity

Essay - 5 pages - Culture, religion & civilization

In postcolonial cultures like South Africa, the idea of masculinity is closely tied to gender, race, and class. The colonial power structures that favoured control, dominance, and the dehumanisation of Black men, often portraying them as overly sexual and primitive, significantly...

12 Apr 2007

The French policy in sub-Saharan Africa since 1960

Essay - 10 pages - Political science

The French policy in Africa is frequently deemed neo-colonialist. France would enduringly attempt to keep its former colonies within its sphere of influence for economic and political reasons. Cases in point are the lyrics of the song “Françafrique” by the Ivorian descent artist...

29 Sep 2010

Africa in the International system by Christopher - A review

Book review - 4 pages - International relations

During the cold war, Africa was probably the smallest concern of both the superpowers. The Afro-superpowers relationship has often been reduced to the sterile formula of African independence versus superpower imperialism. Actually, African leaders often had a certain freedom of action as...