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Theme : Socio-cultural factors

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24 Oct 2024

Lifespan Development: Analyzing the Life of Nelson Mandela

Biography - 6 pages - Sociology & social sciences

Human development is a journey that complexly complies with the influences of nature and nurture. This paper examines how Nelson Mandela, one of the most influential people, had his life tremendously shaped by diversity and life experiences. It was in South Africa, divided by racial segregation,...

22 Oct 2024

Status of Dramatic Serials in India and South Korea

Case study - 4 pages - Sociology & social sciences

Television dramas can provide a wealth of information about different nations' cultures and social dynamics. This comparative analysis explores the dramatic serials produced in India and South Korea. In this comparative study, we examine the dramatic serials in India and South Korea, which...

18 Aug 2017

Economic development since the Second World war - (Developed vs. Developing World)

Essay - 5 pages - Economy general

After the Second World War, there have been significant changes in all aspects of life. The increasing concerns about the economic development caught much attention of economists. It is during this era that the European colonization ended and the world seemed to be divided into two parts whereby...

07 Oct 2024

Decolonizing Masculinity: Mzoxolo Mayongo Rethinking Masculinity

Essay - 5 pages - Culture, religion & civilization

In postcolonial cultures like South Africa, the idea of masculinity is closely tied to gender, race, and class. The colonial power structures that favoured control, dominance, and the dehumanisation of Black men, often portraying them as overly sexual and primitive, significantly influenced...

27 Oct 2024

Population Health Concern and Policy Action Addendum: Case Study of Paterson, NJ

Case study - 8 pages - Economic politics

In Paterson, N.J., African Americans' communities suffer from considerable barriers to health care services, which stands out as one of the most relevant population health issues. This disparity stems from various socioeconomic factors, including poverty, income inequality, educational...

17 Nov 2015

Market analysis

Course material - 3 pages - Marketing theories

Age/Size/Structure of the population (the market of sewing machines is affected by the smaller size of families and by increasing women employment) - The ageing population has an influence on health budgets. - Social categories or/and average level of income (more unemployment : lower disposable...

27 Oct 2024

Racial Harmony in Singapore: Navigating Diversity and Integration

Case study - 6 pages - Sociology & social sciences

Singapore is unique worldwide in demonstrating how to create a harmonious society out of a multicultural nation. In response to international features of xenophobia and cultural radicalization, Singapore sticks to multiculturalism more than ever (Ostwald & Chew, 2021). Because of the rich...

23 Oct 2024

Deductions and Recommendations for Apple Inc.'s Entry into the Syrian Market

Case study - 8 pages - Business strategy

Apple, Inc. is a world leader in technology, renowned for its creative design of products and services. Beyond a global presence in more than 100 countries and Apple Inc.'s product line consisting of iPhones, MacBooks, and information technologies services like iCloud and Apple Music, the...

24 Oct 2024

Leandro v. State of North Carolina, 488 S.E.2d 249 (1997) - Educational Equity in North Carolina: The Leandro Case and Its Impact on Achieving a Sound Basic Education

Case study - 11 pages - Educational studies

Amid the complex web of North Carolina's educational framework, two persistent issues exist - the challenge of achieving educational equity and the struggle to provide a high-quality academic environment to all students. In a multicultural context where people from different communities and...

09 Aug 2022

How was the perception of Arab Spring and pan-Arabism by local and western approaches?

Essay - 7 pages - Modern history

If the Arab Spring has been largely diffused as an unprecedented wave of revolutionary moves into the Arabic world, its connections to a wider global history have often been limited to the tricky issue of pan-Arabism and its underlying questions about nationalism. It all started on December 17,...

27 Aug 2014

A Close Reading of Flight by Patterns by Sherman Alexei

Book review - 2 pages - Literature

Flight Patterns is a short story written by Sherman Alexei; I selected this story because it captures and discusses the issues affecting the current American society in a unique writing style that captivates the reader. Sherman brings into light the socio-political issues affecting the...

13 Feb 2015

Increased Physical Activity among Latino Children in the Public Elementary School Decreases Obesity

Case study - 12 pages - Educational studies

Obesity cases have been increasing and become a nutritional issue among the children at the age between 2 - 19 years. Obesity among the Latinos has been an insightful area of study since it has been showing an up-ward trend among the population. There has been a need to reveal the various aspects...

07 Mar 2011

Strategic Marketing - Apple

Case study - 11 pages - Services marketing

With the help of PESTLE model, it is possible to understand Apple's strategic opportunities. The political, economic, socio-cultural, technological, legal and environment factors are the components of the PESTLE model that allow us to evaluate key elements that have a great...

23 Oct 2024

Coping Strategies of Female Domestic Violence

Essay - 3 pages - Sociology & social sciences

Domestic violence remains a major universal issue against women. WHO reports that one in three women will be subjected to physical or sexual violence by their lifetime partners at some point in their lives (Baholo et al., 2015). Surviving and leaving these relationships takes incredible...

12 Aug 2008

The prevalence of eating disorders among Asian American women

Essay - 9 pages - Educational studies

The prevalence of eating disorders among ethnically diverse populations has become increasingly evident over recent years. The existence of eating disorders across the socio-economic and global sphere has raised interest in the socio-cultural factors which influence diverse...

12 Aug 2009

The post boasians and British social anthropology

Thesis - 5 pages - Social, moral & civic education

From the 1920 through the 1950's there was an effort to explain culture, but to explain it according to its effects on human behavior and development. Some theorists see things universally while other want to look at each culture as unique and thus not capable of being compared with other...

29 Sep 2010

Tesco in China

Case study - 19 pages - Business strategy

The aim of this report is, advice Tesco's operation in China as they are planning to expand. While the first part of this report examine Tesco's external environment, the second part focuses primarily on the cultural factors that need to be considered in their expansion...

22 Jul 2010

Analysis of the book advertising and society

Thesis - 5 pages - Management

Through this book the author recognizes that, though the concept of advertising was despised until the early 1970's it gained a lot of importance in the mid 1980s. It has now acquired a new legitimacy owing to its role in a consumerist society and the advent of mass media. The 1980's promoted the...

16 Aug 2013

History of psychology

Case study - 3 pages - Psychology

Since the beginning of time there has been a superior obsession with the human mind and how it works. There are some people that believe that humans evolved and were not created. Whatever a human believes it or not it is very apparent that whatever you believe or don't believe the mind is still...

16 Feb 2010

All my sons and the generation gap

Thesis - 7 pages - Social, moral & civic education

The modernism model challenged pre-existing socio-cultural norms and was exemplified by the discussion of social relationships in early twentieth century literature. The concept of modernism developed from refutation of creationism and reinforced self identity and self consciousness as a...

24 Mar 2015

Role of Interventions Programs - Public Health Theory

Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies

The social cognitive theory can be effectively used in the curbing of the excessive alcohol use that has been noted amongst the students of Indiana University College. The social cognitive theory, according to scholars in the social and behavioral sciences, is conceptualized by understanding only...

25 Feb 2010

Modernism and the odor of Chrysanthemums by D.H. Lawrence

Thesis - 5 pages - Philosophy

The modernism model challenged pre-existing socio-cultural norms and was exemplified by the discussion of social relationships in early twentieth century literature. This paper examines the interrelationship between D. H. Lawrence's Odor of the Chrysanthemums and modernism and submits that...

06 Apr 2009

A presentation on marketing management

Presentation - 61 pages - Services marketing

This presentation will start with marketing environments and systems. It will explore environments like the economic, competitive, technological, socio-cultural environments, etc. The presentation will then progress towards market oriented strategic planning. It will also talk about the...

20 Nov 2009

Case study: Britannia's strategic expansion into Argentina

Case study - 13 pages - Business strategy

Argentina holds a profitable market for BIL, not only to increase revenue, but also to tap the market, otherwise unexplored by the firm. Post the severe slump in 2002, the sector is prospering at a y-o-y rate of 15.8% (Ebscohost, 2009). In 2007, the industry recorded a growth of 14.7% against...

12 Aug 2009

Idealists vs. materialists

Thesis - 5 pages - Social, moral & civic education

The 1960's were a productive era for developing contemporary anthropological theories. Several theorists emerged following the original Boasian framework and developed ethno science and cognitive paradigms. Around the same time theorists interested in exploring systems of meaning and significance...

29 Sep 2010

The energy drinks market in Europe : a market for the future ?

Market study - 35 pages - Services marketing

The on-the-go market has witnessed continued, robust growth over the past five years and this shows no signs of abating in the next five years. The demand for on-the-go products has been set in motion by significant shifts in the underlying structure of socio-cultural and economic...

22 Jun 2009

Employee welfare measures taken in the Indian South Central Railway

Dissertation - 44 pages - Human resources

Human Resource Management is one of the most complex and challenging fields of management. It deals with the ‘People Dimension' in management. Human Resources play a very important role in the development of the business. They constitute the organization at all levels and are regarded as a...

29 Sep 2010

Procter and Gamble marketing strategy

Dissertation - 36 pages - Services marketing

We chose Procter and Gamble because it's a huge company, which is established in different sectors and owns a multitude of products. It acts internationally and has a good place and a good experience in the market. After a successful start, P&G is now an international company which owns more...

18 Oct 2012

Archaeologies of Gender

Case study - 4 pages - Educational studies

Anthropology is a field which is constantly evolving and which constantly needs to be checked for proper procedure, language, interpretation, and ethics. In Socio/cultural Anthropology, essays are frequently written to aid anthropologists in remaining neutral and not reporting a biased...

21 Jun 2013

One Man's Ceiling is Another Man's Floor: Differing Views on Criminology

Case study - 4 pages - Psychology

Crime has been studied, analyzed, thought about, talked about, and think tanked to death. Depending on the area of the world in which one lives, and the governing politics of the day, one can find a social theory that fits his or her own personal agenda. After studying Becarria and Rick Linden,...