Rural Educational Setting - The Implementation of Artificial Intelligence in Future
Dissertation - 7 pages - Educational studies
The emergence of AI in rural educational contexts represents a case in point, since the challenges of AI implementation are more pronounced in these settings. While AI has fantastic potential to transform the education process by providing individual experience, automating administrative tasks,...
Cultural politics in modern China
Thesis - 5 pages - Political science
In 1966, 72 year old Mao Tse-tung staged a revolutionary drama, stimulating a cataclysmic upheaval that he termed The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution. Decades after the fact and controversies over the nature and results of the Cultural Revolution continue to rage...
Unraveling Urban Transformation in Atlanta's West End - Gentrification, Policy Forces, and Inequities
Case study - 4 pages - Urban planning
The changes in the urban landscape display the complexity of economic, social, and policy factors that play a role in shaping the cities. Such complex interrelations befell the West End in Atlanta, once a lively, predominantly African-American neighborhood. Today, another case of...
PESTEL Analysis - Zoom
Case study - 4 pages - ICT marketing
Zoom is an American company specialising in telecommunications, mainly offering conference calls, videos, online messaging services and even online group meetings. Its head office is located in California. Its main shareholders are investment funds such as The Vanguard or Morgan Stanley...
Applied Personality Project
Litterature review - 8 pages - Psychology
According to social learning theory, personality results mainly from the interaction with and observation of the behaviors of others in one's social environments and experiences, a markedly less dispositional view than that offered by trait theory (Cilliers, 2021). The article does not put as...
The corporate culture
Essay - 9 pages - Management
Today, companies need to create and develop their corporate culture to transmit an image and identity. It permits to build a stimulant and attractive environment in the company and the employees feel the affiliation to a group. In this way, firms are more effective, productive, efficient and...
Cross cultural management : negotiations for the joint venture
Case study - 25 pages - Management
The global economic situation shows that companies haven't any evolution prospects as the market has reached its saturation level. To grapple with this grave impact, companies are obliged to adopt international strategies in order to remain competitive in their respective market zones. Many...
The Role of Frontline Professionals on Policies Influencing Health
Litterature review - 7 pages - Medical care & personal assistance
Health policies play a pivotal role in shaping the well-being of individuals and communities (Rozaqi, 2023). They serve as the blueprint for healthcare delivery, resource allocation, and public health interventions. Through effective health policies, health systems prevent diseases, promote...
Population Health Project - The Case of African American Women in Urban Areas
Case study - 6 pages - Economic politics
There is an urgent need to set a target that enables all people, regardless of financial status, to access quality healthcare and prohibit any forms of impartiality. Different characters create different experiences, yet sometimes the effect of demographics on the people who are suffering from...
Does culture need to be protected from the effects of globalization? An essay with the French example
Thesis - 25 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Today the word « Globalization » is on everybody's lips. From the company who goes abroad because of cheaper costs to the junky food that we like to eat, Globalization seems to be the perfect scapegoat for every international phenomenon. Globalization seems to be THE trendy word that...
Cultural question of wage discrepancies between professional women and men
Thesis - 4 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Women earn, on average, 20% less than what men earn in North America. It was not until 1920, across North America, that women were given the right to vote. Today, more women than men are enrolled in professional post degree programs in Canada and the United States. Today, women comprise 46% of...
Disney, a Global Culture
Case study - 9 pages - Services marketing
In this case study, we will look at the way Walt Disney has developed its business worldwide, the subsequent local reactions, its success and failures and ultimately the relevant modifications essential for the company. We will analyze the Walt Disney business model, and its three international...
Brain Growth and Impulse Control in Adolescents
Essay - 2 pages - Psychology
The influence of brain development on the real-life behaviors of adolescents is a multi-faceted issue and deserves further discussion. Research has shown that the brain systems that manage impulse control, planning, and risk-reward balance mature in the late teens (Steinberg, 2017, p.179)....
Cross cultural differences: Indonesia
Case study - 7 pages - Management
With a population of almost 200 million people on 13,667 islands, Indonesia is the world's largest archipelago located between the continents of Asia and Australia, and between the Pacific and the Indian Oceans. Only 35% of the population live in urban areas, but there are more than 30 cities...
The challenges in Africa and the strategies to put in place
Presentation - 11 pages - Ecology & environment
The African continent offers a great diversity: country, climate, culture... wise. As a result, it is a challenge to identify issues and strategies to answer them for all the African countries. However, we can try to find important themes that can be found in most of these countries. It is also...
Are the four P's of international marketing of equal importance to all firms? What factors might cause some to be more or less important than others?
Thesis - 5 pages - Services marketing
The term Marketing Mix became popular when Neil H. Borden published his article The concept of the Marketing Mix, in 1964. Today, this expression is one of the most employed in international marketing. The Marketing Mix is also called The Four P's. According...
PESTEL Analysis - Google
Case study - 5 pages - ICT marketing
Google is now world-famous company, originally from the United States, the company was founded in 1998. Google is a world leader in technology, means of communication, services related to the Internet and the Cloud, entertainment and content disseminated online. The company is located in Silicon...
Early Modern History
Worksheets - 21 pages - Modern history
Contrary to the contemporary definition, the cities of the early modern era were not defined only according to a threshold of number of inhabitants, continuity of buildings, or command functions. During the Old Regime, a city was certainly a densely populated space, but it was also surrounded by...
Mother Tongue in Foreign Language Classes
Dissertation - 9 pages - Linguistics & languages
Scholarly interest in the use of the mother tongue in foreign classrooms has developed considerably over the years. This has been influenced by extensive research studies which have proved that using the mother tongue enhances the teaching and learning of foreign languages. Previously, the use of...
A call for change : Socio-economic and political causes of the French revolution
Thesis - 5 pages - Social, moral & civic education
The French Revolution was a decade of political and social upheaval in France between the years of 1789 and 1799, which affected not only the French society and government, but had considerable repercussions for the rest of Europe as well. The primary changes that occurred as a result of the...
PESTEL Analysis - Burger King
Case study - 4 pages - Brand management
Burger King is an American giant specialising in fast food and, in particular, burgers, and are McDonald's main global competitor. The group was founded in 1954 in Miami by two friends, James McLamore and David Edgerton. In 1957 the two friends created the recipe for the now world-famous...
Asian Americans
Case study - 2 pages - Sociology & social sciences
To start the study of Asians in the United States who are not as feared as immigrants from other origins, we could use the traditional approaches of Functionalism, Conflict Theory and Symbolic Interactionism to the statistical and descriptive information from López et al. (2017).
Brand Heritage and Customer Perception - An ethnographic study
Case study - 9 pages - Luxury marketing
Our mission was to find out if brand heritage is truly a purchase driver for luxury, because many would initially say yes. Of course, this is a pillar of luxury. Well, yes it is and luxury could not exist without it, but we got some interesting results about what consumers think about brand...
Six case studies on usage of technology in relation to the philosophical, social and ethical factors in modern education system
Dissertation - 71 pages - Educational studies
The following are the case studies discussed in this paper. 1. The misuse of e-Mail technology has created ethical problems. Some critics think that technology tends to remove students from the moral implications of technology. Issues at stake include respect for privacy, the proper use in...
The political influence on organization decision making towards corporate social responsability: a socio economic approach
Essay - 30 pages - Economy general
This research will look at the political influence on organization decision making towards social responsibility. To do so, a combination of social and economic theories will be used. In chapter three, the political field and the political actors in this research will be discussed. Chapter...
Entry mode decisions, internationalization and global marketing - The case of French Cakes
Case study - 5 pages - International marketing
When companies enter foreign markets, they make decisions about what kind of marketing and organizational setup to choose - these are called entry modes decision. The process of internationalization begins with the choice of foreign markets in which the company hopes to enter. In addition to...
How to conduct market research
Practical guide - 7 pages - Marketing theories
In 5 phases of marketing, market research is one of the tools that correspond to phase 1: knowing the market. It is about collecting reliable market information at times when strategic decisions have to be made, for example: before launching a new product or activity, before opening a new...
Applying Psychological Theories to Analyze Communication and Social Norms
Essay - 5 pages - Psychology
Education is a significant steward of society, determining the development of individual and professional knowledge, which in turn creates a community's growth and prosperity. Regarding education, which is considered a crucial sector, two key problems that are being discussed a lot are public...
West African Anglophone Literary Productions
Course material - 21 pages - Literature
By and large, the objective of this course is to get students in the humanities to cast a meaningful glance at the landscape of the aesthetico-social and political realities which have affected the continent, ever since slavery days through colonization up to the contemporary stage, in the prism...
Managing Events for Hospitality and Tourism - Taste of London
Case study - 12 pages - Management
Taste of London is an annual culinary event with multilateral issues. Commercial, political, economic, and cultural, are all dimensions that characterize this event. A voluntarist spirit emerges from this event, sponsored by both major brands in the food industry, and subsidized by local...