Human resource issues entailed by the take-over of Credit du Nord by Society General (2004)
Thesis - 13 pages - Human resources
The French banking system has met several restructurings since the 90's. Banking networks have now to propose, diversify and evolve services to their customers. Besides, these companies are in a more open market which entails international competition and the mergers phenomenon. Several examples...
Hitler's holocaust: Understanding the politics and society of Hitler's Germany
Thesis - 5 pages - Modern history
Certainly one of the greatest tragedies of human history, much has been done to uncover the complexity of the Holocaust. While many facts remain clear within a historical context, countless others involve the intricacy of the human psyche and must be evaluated among a variety of factors. The...
What historical factors played the greatest role in defining the Arab society and culture since the eighteenth century?
Essay - 6 pages - Modern history
From the seventh to the eighteenth century, the Arab World has formed a large area regrouping a Muslim population, sharing a common religion and culture. In different parts of the Islamic World, Islam was the bound between the Umma. Since the fourteenth century, the main part of the Arab world...
Modern Irish society through the decline of the Catholic Church
Thesis - 6 pages - Social, moral & civic education
The Catholic Church has had a central part in the Irish society's life and identity since its independence in 1922. The State conceded huge areas of social policy to the Catholic Church. By linking patriotism with morality, the Church acquired a complete control over politic, cultural,...
Negative effects of technology on society
Thesis - 4 pages - Medical studies
Although technology can be very helpful, as it helps our society advance, there are some damaging side effects. Technology is advancing computers, phones, transportation, medical studies, and many other things, but it also has negative effects. Technology is socially damaging because it...
Can society overcome the harsh realities of everyday life over dream-like aspirations to live the perfect life?
Thesis - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Although Grace Metalious seems to mock the town and the people of Peyton Place in the novel, hypocrisy is a theme intended to draw the line between the ideal, seemingly perfect life Americans strive to live in and the reality of the life they face instead. When characters and their actions can...
Justice and the jury: The role of twelve in society
Thesis - 3 pages - Civil law
The ethical standard of justice is a universal right that people in all levels of society are entitled to. In America, one way that the Constitution ensures justice is by naming the right citizens have to a trial by impartial jury. In criminal trials, juries are to decide the fate of one...
Modern theories of culture and society: Marx's relevance
Thesis - 2 pages - Philosophy
Although Karl Marx's philosophies were formed in and about industrial Europe in the late 1800's, his fundamental ideas are still relevant to capitalist countries today, both on microscopic and macroscopic levels. The Marxist interpretations of how the capitalist system affects global trade, the...
Myths of origin: Their role in religion and society
Essay - 5 pages - Philosophy
What is myth? For rationalists such as Muller, they provide pre-scientific explanations of natural phenomena. For functionalists such as Malinowski they are a "codification of belief", explaining rites and justifying norms. For Jung, myth provides expressions of a collective unconscious. (i.e....
Was Arendt's pessimism about modern liberal society justified?
Thesis - 7 pages - Philosophy
Hannah Arendt was born in 1906 in Germany, being the only child of middle-class Jewish parents of Russian descent. As a university student, she was one of the most brilliant and studied with the finest scholars of the time. Arendt in 1933 left Germany for France, and was even interned there for a...
How technology is responsible for digital divide in the society
Thesis - 8 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Digital divide refers to the technology gap between the poor and the middle and upper classes. The so-called haves and have-nots also have a race-ethnic constituent. Because a larger proportion of minorities are poor, compared with whites, a smaller percentage of...
The place of the French language in our society
Thesis - 11 pages - Linguistics & languages
The French language is one those languages which are spoken all around the world. It's the 11th most used language through the world, the second most commonly-taught second language in the world (after English) and the official language in 29 countries . According to some estimations, more than...
Society vs. desire
Thesis - 5 pages - Sociology & social sciences
In America there is the idea that a person can be whoever and/or whatever they want and still have the chance to succeed. This is part of the so-called American Dream. This idea is often a theme in the American novel. However, in the American novel, despite a character's desire to...
Modernistic theories of elevation and society
Thesis - 2 pages - Philosophy
To be remembered by history as a thinker, one must think some fairly formidable thoughts. Marx, Weber, Durkheim, and Foucault, some of sociology's most seminal thinkers, tackled one of the most complicated human problems: what is modern society, and what makes it tick? In...
Communatarism" in Great Britain and the "French Republican model" of integration: With which method should the public policies be controlled while dealing with a multicultural society
Thesis - 4 pages - Political science
The issues of national identity, citizenship and multiculturalism are definitely in the middle of nowadays debates. In his work, John Rex develops the approach that the development of multiculturalism policies might diminish tensions between dominant and minority groups within a contemporary...
To what extent does the concept of civil society help in the explanation or justification of the process of democratization?
Essay - 5 pages - Political science
Renewed interest in civil society emerged in the late 1980s; it coincided with the resurgence of political democracy throughout the world. Indeed, it has been increased with the growing tendency towards democratization in Eastern Europe, and several Latin American countries, where...
The role of media in modern society and business
Thesis - 5 pages - Social, moral & civic education
It has been said that mainstream media have evolved into the defining characteristic of contemporary culture and society. This essay will discuss how the media construct social reality and are themselves socially constructed and will argue in favor of this statement....
Do you agree with Mernissi that the modernizing Moroccan society she studied in the 1970s provided no norms for heterosexual interaction between the sexes? - How far is this applicable to other Moslem societies you have read about?
Thesis - 4 pages - Sociology & social sciences
Gender interactions in the Moslem world and in Western societies are often opposed in terms of the woman's place in society. The Cultural differences between the two worlds can be underlined but it is not the subject of sociology to evaluate which one of the both ways of gender interaction...
An evaluation of the claim that we live in a 'risk society' as well as a 'regulatory state'
Thesis - 6 pages - Sociology & social sciences
The aim of this paper is to assess why it is argued that we live in a 'risk society' as well as a 'regulatory state'. By the end of this paper it should be clear that we do indeed live in a 'risk society' and a 'regulatory state' despite what others...
Quebec as a "distinct society"
Thesis - 5 pages - Social, moral & civic education
For as long as Quebec has been a part of Canada, there has always been debate about what their role is in Canadian federalism, but in most cases it has been nothing more than debate and rhetoric on both sides. There have always been, and will always be people in Quebec and in the rest of Canada...
A discussion and evaluation of Marx and Weber's views on capitalist society
Thesis - 5 pages - Sociology & social sciences
Capitalism is defined as an economic "system of wage-labour and commodity production for sale, exchange, and profit, rather than for the immediate need of the producers" (Marshall, 1998: 53). As observed by Karl Marx, capitalism transformed a small proportion of a society's population...
Propaganda is necessary for the functioning and survival of human society. Discuss
Essay - 5 pages - Philosophy
Propaganda, by whatever name we may call it, has become a very general phenomenon in the modern world. Differences in political regimes matter little; differences in social levels are more important; and most important is national self-awareness.(1) Actually, propaganda is a large...
Explain Marx's conception of communist society and assess critically in comparison and contrast with the social ideals of Rousseau
Thesis - 5 pages - Political science
"A spectre is haunting Europe - the spectre of Communism." This is the prophetic opening line of The Communist Manifesto, published in 1848, one of the major and most well-known work of Marx and Engels, dealing with their ideal of a communist society. However, The Communist Manifesto is...
NGOs: Representing civil society at the WTO?
Thesis - 7 pages - International relations
In 1994, the Marrakech Agreement established the World Trade Organization (WTO), one of many suprastate institutions that were created all along the 20th century. The purpose of this organization is to regulate all trade activities between its Member states, by providing the common...
What were the major impacts of World War One on British society?
Thesis - 6 pages - Modern history
One could argue that World War One did not have a huge impact on British society compared to the Second World War. However, the conflict was soon called the Great War' in Britain, and it was the first time that the whole society was involved in the war effort. A new type of...
Polygamy, society and culture
Thesis - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education
The subject of ethics and whether there are objective moral standards is a difficult one. One of the biggest problems in considering this conundrum is how to decide what is right independent of a person's culture. To do this, criticisms have to be leveled from one group at another. The problem...
Examining Urban Poverty In Canadian Society
Essay - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Poverty is a problem which is increasing steadily on a global scale. In North America, urban poverty is growing rapidly. Urban Poverty is a term used to describe people living in urban environments whom lack the means required to provide themselves with the basic necessities needed to live...
Nationalist Yearnings and the Modernization of China and Japan: The Importance of Economic Changes in Society to Revolution and Imperialism
Essay - 4 pages - Economy general
Western nations like Portugal or England did not simply encroach upon China's territory in the name of some abstract imperialist ideal. They had strong economic interest in the area, especially in keeping the tea trade alive. When diplomacy failed to win over the Chinese, military force was...
Society Woman: Days of a Russian Noblewoman
Essay - 5 pages - Literature
The memoirs of Anna Evdokimovna Labzina, a noblewoman during the reign of Catherine the Great, might be expected to contain numerous references to the salon of St. Petersburg and the fashions of the time. Titled Days of a Russian Noblewoman, her account is remarkable for its religious tone and...
Uncontrollable Urges: Women's Frightening Presence in Classical Athenian Drama and it's Reflection on Athenian Society
Essay - 7 pages - Literature
In classical Athenian society, anxiety about gender roles abounded, as women were regarded dichotomously as pillars of purity as well as receptacles and originators of filth, both moral and physical. Many ancient sources, often funerary monuments or epitaphs, praise individual women for...