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10 Feb 2021

The advantages and drawbacks of social media on society and the individual

Essay - 1 pages - Sociology & social sciences

In Cote d'Ivoire, the rise of social media is transforming people's behaviour (Kalonji Mfunyi, 2018). Cote d'Ivoire is the thirteenth country that uses Facebook in Africa and we see many bad and good impacts of this type of platform (Kouakou, 2014). So, the rest of the work...

25 Nov 2020

Critical thinking questions - Social problem

Essay - 1 pages - Sociology & social sciences

I think that the most important social problem facing the world today is global warming, because it is a natural issue which is growing enormously and we can't stop it. We can certainly limit it by changing our daily habits but that won't make it stop or disappear so we have to...

14 Sep 2020

What Does it Mean for a University to be Socially Responsible?

Dissertation - 3 pages - Educational studies

What does it mean for a university to be 'socially responsible'? With reference to the literature and using examples from the UK, and beyond, discuss how a university might demonstrate its commitment to social responsibility to its stakeholders. Corporate social...

29 Mar 2016

The use of social norms

Essay - 2 pages - Sociology & social sciences

There are various advantages that a hotel and the society can have from adopting environmental programs. These advantages include the saving of energy, reducing the amount of wasteful detergent that is released to the environment and increasing the hotel chain due to the economic benefits of...

23 Sep 2016

How education reproduces inequalities and social difference

Essay - 5 pages - Sociology & social sciences

Inequalities in the society have historically been based on stratification and the creation of classes within the society. The struggle for achievement and the existence of the society based on the individual achievements has led to the differences between different classes in the society. Class...

29 Mar 2016

Social construction based on the concept of sex and gender brings out the differences that are always seen between male and female

Essay - 2 pages - Sociology & social sciences

Social construction based on the concept of sex and gender brings out the differences that are always seen between male and female or rather men and women that are conventions in the society and creating the roles played by each gender. Also the differences that are between the concept of...

23 Jan 2015

The thought of Claude Levi-Strauss: The Social Science structuralism

Case study - 5 pages - Educational studies

Structuralism is a linguistic method applied to the humanities generally allowed to make huge advances. The very term originates from the structuralism "Course in General Linguistics". In this lecture, Saussure proposed a revolutionary approach to being concerned over not its genesis, as these...

24 Nov 2015

The social history of Halloween

Essay - 2 pages - Sociology & social sciences

The Purpose of this book was to educate readers on the history of Halloween and where the practice came from. Foreman talks about where the history of Halloween comes from and the mix of Celtic beliefs and European folk traditions. It also shows the transformation of Halloween.

01 Feb 2015

Of Gustavo Capanema vision on the question in brazilian population protection act creating social family

Case study - 5 pages - Social, moral & civic education

When Getulio Vargas adopted Decree-Law 3200 of April 19, 1941 - on social protection of the family - was determining state intervention in poor and large families. New in Brazil and recent attitude in Europe, corresponding to the so-called "family issue" problematic within the critical and...

30 Jan 2015

Social Movements: Case study

Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies

objectives by swaying a certain target group's ideologies. Some groups try to directly influence a small group of individuals such as decision makers while others use more indirect means such as broadcasting their views to reach a wide range of individuals. During the 1960s and 1970s, the rise of...

08 Jan 2015

Social boredom

Case study - 7 pages - Educational studies

We did not mind in the same way in a classroom, and a Sunday rainy afternoon. However, it can be noted some similarities to what V. Nahum-Cluster [1995, p. 34] calls "the ordinary social nuisance" and refers to the following performances: "ordinary social boredom makes us think so...

27 Feb 2015

Classification of social practices semiotics

Case study - 3 pages - Literature

To Mukarovsky, which basically sets the literary text of any other text is what he called the aesthetic function. He said something like this: Every object or action, including the language, you can assign a practical function - utilitarian for instruments, communicative for language, and so on....

19 May 2015

Managerial Economics: Welfare Corporate Social Responsibility

Case study - 5 pages - Criminal law

Free market theory was a dominant theme of the 1780s propagated by economists such as Adam Smith. Amongst other things was its exclusive resolve that there should be minimal government involvement in the business of the economy if any at all. It was the era of the industrialization concerned with...

16 Feb 2015

Social inequality, democracy, capitalism

Case study - 6 pages - Social, moral & civic education

In Latin America, social inequality can lead to the strengthening of anti-democratic convictions and further develop the "apartheid" prevailing social. The intervention of the political in the definition and implementation of economic and social policies is becoming more...

12 May 2015

New Social Network App Reviews

Case study - 7 pages - Management

Technology has a far more reaching and fulfilling effect in making life easier for the common person. With the averments in technology, more apps are been created to help with the growing demand of wanting to stay in touch or being on top of things. These apps have created a shortcut for the...

17 Apr 2015

Socialism : Brief study

Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies

The socialist thought, in its origins, linked to the ideas and proposals for social reform Robert Ower, Saint-Simon and Charles Fourier; aims a society where there is no private ownership of the means of production and it eliminates the differences between social classes and plans...

25 Mar 2015

Social class - does it affect understanding of people's relationship with food and/or drink

Case study - 8 pages - Social, moral & civic education

A multi-national company is a company that has been formed to operate across known international physical boundaries (Cooke, 2003). These companies are often located to other international countries apart from the parent country in which it was originally founded. These multinational companies...

28 Jul 2015

Social Media and the News

Essay - 1 pages - Journalism

Technology has become the centerpiece of daily living. Most people interact with some form of technology on a daily basis. The invasion of technology in daily living has also allowed additional elements related to technology to influence society. Social media is one of the prevalent...

08 Oct 2015

Surveillance, accumulation of capital and exploitation on social media

Essay - 10 pages - Computer science

New technologies have changed the way people communicate and see each other: we all became the objects of surveillance voluntarily and non-voluntarily. Social networks, closed-circuit television (CCTV) in supermarkets and in railway stations, marketing agencies - all these are slowly...

08 Oct 2015

Strategy and transformation portfolio - Corporate Social Responsibility

Essay - 7 pages - Business strategy

Over the years, organisations have continually engaged in activities that aim at improving their position and competitiveness in the market. They have been taking more considerations towards the wellbeing of the community as well as trying to improve their business models. This paper entails a...

29 Sep 2015

The Third Party Doctrine - Social, Legal, and Ethical Issues for Computing Technology

Essay - 2 pages - Computer science

It is a United States legal theory that holds that information that is freely given to third parties should not be expected to be private or people should not use the Fourth Amendment Act as a defense against the convictions. The rule gives the government and government agencies a Right to...

03 Aug 2014

Essay against illegal immigrants receiving social service

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

Illegal immigrants are simply defined as a person who has moved across borders of foreign nationals in the country in a manner that contradicts on the immigration laws of the country to which they have moved (Kennedy 12). It mostly occurs in an upward fashion where the immigrant is from a poor...

18 Aug 2014

Reggae Music- Culture, tool for social change and communication

Case study - 4 pages - Educational studies

1960 commonly referred to as the sixties refers to the time denoting the complex interrelated cultural and political trends across the globe. It is referred to as the actual decade when decolonization took place in most parts of the world. In Africa, 32 countries gained independence from the...

07 Nov 2014

Pratt & Whitney Ethics and Social Responsibility

Case study - 14 pages - Educational studies

Corporate social responsibility, environmentalism and ethical principles provide a triple foundation of contemporary decision making concept for business and managing organization's activities. Considering that social awareness amongst the public and other interested stakeholders is...

12 Nov 2014

Men and Social stereotypes

Case study - 7 pages - Educational studies

A stereotype is a belief that is common among people or particular groups of people. Stereotypes are based on some assumptions based on people's culture. This figure of the 18th century among the Dutch shows engraved pictures of the people of the World, showing the inhabitants of Asia, America...

21 Mar 2014

Social marketing and self-regulation: The perfect match for a good working world and the contribution of social marketing to self regulation strength

Essay - 29 pages - Services marketing

The concept of Self-regulation and the ability to make people self-regulate in a better way has been the subject of many studies since the last few decades (Kotler, Roberto, Lee, 2002; Andreasen, 1995). The ability to self-regulate can be important in all aspects of life. When focusing on...

24 Nov 2014

Religion and social development- Case study of Nazi Germany

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

Nazi German/ The Third Reich refer to Germany during the reign of Hitler and his ruling Nazi Party also called the NSDAP (National Socialist German Workers' Party). In 1933, the Nazi party took over Germany and started running the political, social and economic sectors of the country....

31 Jul 2014

Social and moral policies of government

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

The 'Grapes of Wrath' is a film produced in 1940 based on Steinbeck's prize winning novel of the same name. The film kicks off with the release of the main character from the Oklahoma state prison. Tom faced charges of manslaughter, and after serving his four-year time, he finally faced...

21 Apr 2014

What were the main factors of the collapse of " Social Democracy " in Britain?

Essay - 11 pages - Modern history

After the Second World War, the British political and economic landscape underwent a radical transformation in its own foundations. Indeed, the previous economic orthodoxy that had characterized the governing of Britain was substituted by a Keynesian form of welfare state. It was the beginning of...

21 Mar 2014

Social Work: Ethics and Values

Case study - 4 pages - Philosophy

Codes of ethics are regulations used to guide behaviors of professionals in an organization, which are written or documented. Counseling profession involves dealing with some crucial information that needs to be confidential. There exist principles and standards of ethics that are applicable in...