Security information on the internet
Case study - 3 pages - Business strategy
If you decide to use the Internet either as a consumer, business, for information or just surfing the web for entertainment purposes you have to decide whether you want to use or visit websites that use an open or secure environment while on the Internet. In today's digitally connected...
Critical analysis of the arguments surrounding the morality of engaging in "insider trading" in securities markets: although it is illegal in most stock markets, could the practice ever be eradicated totally and would this be desirable?
Essay - 5 pages - Finance
As the securities markets were expanding rapidly in the second part of the 20th century, a widespread assumption maintaining that insider trading must be prohibited on moral grounds took root in the collective consciousness. These economic transactions are illegal in most stock markets and the...
Is the EU successful in its attempt to create a 'security community' with its neighbors through the elaboration of the European Neighborhood Policy?
Thesis - 6 pages - European union
The aim of this paper is to assess whether or not the EU is efficient in its attempt to build a security community with its neighbors through the implementation of the European Neighborhood Policy (ENP). In order to do so, I will first demonstrate that the EU and its neighbors share, to a...
Feminist perspectives : The contribution of Ann Ticker to the revision of the concept of security
Essay - 5 pages - Social, moral & civic education
As a searcher in international relations, Ann Tickner was firstly stroke by the law number of women working in the field. She then realised that not only were women excluded as researchers, but also as subjects of study. That was the first step of her carrier as one of the main feminist authors...
Is the environment an international security issue?
Essay - 4 pages - International relations
The last half of the 20th Century has been exclusively dominated by the Cold war conflict. There was little space in the analysis of the scholars in International relations for other minor issues of low politics, while the questions of the nuclear war and balance of terror dominated...
The central role of women in food security in Africa
Thesis - 7 pages - Social, moral & civic education
This paper will explore the problem of food security in Africa. It will provide a general overview of the problem. Then it will relate the issue to the specific ways in which food security involves women in Africa, as producers and consumers of agricultural products. It will show...
Examining the security motivation model of obsessive-compulsive disorder
Thesis - 10 pages - Psychology
Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is condition marked by persistent and intrusive thoughts (obsessions) and the repetition of relatively stereotyped behaviors despite the recognition that they are irrational (compulsions) (Szechtman & Woody, 2004). Individuals with OCD experience a high need...
Russia's security policy
Thesis - 6 pages - Political science
Russia's security policy is undeniably complex, a system of political, economic, and social networks that influence the identification of potential threats, and anticipates the steps necessary to strengthen the state's infrastructure. Since the collapse of the Soviet Union, Russia...
The economic impact of terrorism and the global security structure
Thesis - 5 pages - International relations
The beginning of the 21st century was highlighted by the 9/11 incident and it marked the apogee of the era of international terrorism. Since 9/11, terrorism threats are more and more in the center of national and international political decisions. This strong interaction with domestic and foreign...
The Danone Case: can a firm combine profits and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)?
Case study - 70 pages - Business strategy
First, to hit the high degree of competitiveness, it becomes necessary for the firm to keep the competitive advantage by dealing with new concepts such as the environment, respect of human rights and social activities. Indeed, the traditional factors such as product, price, place,...
Poverty eradication in slums through social enterprise and innovation in Mumbai
Case study - 4 pages - Educational studies
The mention of slums elicits euphoria of deteriorating living conditions. The depiction of slum life is poverty, domestic abuse of women, neglect of education, deplorable living conditions and other social vices. This portrays the slums in low light. Despite these conditions, the...
David J. Francis, Uniting Africa: Building regional peace and security systems
Book review - 3 pages - Literature
Africa today is faced with a stark choice, either unite or perish. So opens David J. Francis' intriguing study on the state of African nations in relation to one another. Frances spends a great deal of attention outlining the serious social and economic problems facing the...
Social psychology of communication and marketing ? the campaigns of Renault and Ford
Case study - 10 pages - Services marketing
Through the analysis of communication campaigns for Renault and Ford in all three segments (low, middle and high end) the author attempts to determine: - What is the desired brand identity? - Discuss the relevance of these campaigns from the perspective of the central brand, and the strengths and...
Social revolution: Conflict of ideology as a driving force towards war
Essay - 8 pages - Political science
As described by Stephen M. Walt in his essay Revolution and War, social revolutions, or revolutions that seek to overthrow and reshape the social structure of a nation, are fueled and motivated by ideology. Walt writes that it is hard to imagine a mass revolution succeeding...
Corporate social responsibility in India
Case study - 4 pages - Business strategy
Corporations can now have workers in India to execute production within hours via online matchmakers. From administrative responsibilities to executive orders, full-scale solutions have produced a huge infrastructure for inexpensive labor in India for multinational corporations. With businesses...
Six case studies on usage of technology in relation to the philosophical, social and ethical factors in modern education system
Dissertation - 71 pages - Educational studies
The following are the case studies discussed in this paper. 1. The misuse of e-Mail technology has created ethical problems. Some critics think that technology tends to remove students from the moral implications of technology. Issues at stake include respect for privacy, the proper use in...
Is there room, and how much, for immigrants in the European social model?
Essay - 11 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Immigration is deeply rooted in the European history. In the post-war times several West European governments - especially in big and devastated countries - resorted to immigration to cope with important needs for labour force the after-reconstruction economic boom. Immigrants, mostly from...
The Man in the Mirror: Self-Awareness as Social Awareness
Essay - 5 pages - Psychology
Much of the realm of psychology, especially in the disciplines of neuroscience and cognitive studies, is focused on identifying the unified characteristics of human thought and behavior. The brain is studied extensively: years upon years of theories and experiments have yielded an accurate map...
British housing policies Case study: Impact on the social exclusion experienced by the Pakistani minority
Case study - 4 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Water and food are commonly accepted as the basic needs of life. Housing, by providing us a shelter, is also necessary so that you survive. Therefore it is also a fundamental need. However, every house should not only be a shelter, but also a real home. What makes a house a home is a complex...
The political influence on organization decision making towards corporate social responsability: a socio economic approach
Essay - 30 pages - Economy general
This research will look at the political influence on organization decision making towards social responsibility. To do so, a combination of social and economic theories will be used. In chapter three, the political field and the political actors in this research will be...
The development of art and architecture and how it reflects the social and cultural attitudes underlying social discourse.
Essay - 6 pages - Arts and art history
Research on the development of art and architecture demonstrates that works created during different time periods clearly reflect the social and cultural attitudes underlying social discourse. With this in mind, it is not surprising to find that the middle class interiors of the...
The Social, Political, and Public Health Development of Tuberculosis
Essay - 8 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Tuberculosis has borne an invasive and impressionable mark on public health history. Its presence has influenced the development of medical practice and public health responsibilities, and its impact is still very much felt to this day. Yet the existence of tuberculosis has not been immune to...
Beyond words and content based systems: Towards a psychologically creative social culture
Essay - 5 pages - Psychology
This essay is concerned with phenomena that comes within the domain of psychology. We will emphasize areas of psychology that are healthy. Hence it will be argued that for many people words (and content orientated systems) are inadequate for expressing life - yet unfortunately - they have been...
What are the main causes of social exclusion?
Thesis - 4 pages - Sociology & social sciences
Shot in black and white cinema verity style, Hate (La Haine) follows a day in the life of three aimless, violence-prone, ethnically-diverse young men who hail from the same decaying housing project in Paris. Mathieu Kassovitz won the Best Director prize for this realistic movie at the Cannes Film...
Social work essay: Observation and assessment of a child
Essay - 6 pages - Psychology
I will offer a written assessment and evaluation of my observations of a six year old female child. Firstly, I will outline what observation is, why it is important to social work and how it is used. I will discuss how this child was chosen, who chose the child and how permission to...
Total and its corporate social responsibility
Thesis - 6 pages - Business strategy
TOTAL, the international group known worldwide, works above all, in the energy industries and also a little bit in the chemical industry. TOTAL group was created in 2003, after several mergers but it has some origin from 1923. It is a limited company. Today TOTAL is not only a multinational...
The term globalization used in relation to a host of social, economic, cultural and political processes
Essay - 12 pages - International relations
Globalization is easier to describe than to define. This is because, in its present form and usage, it is a new, complex, dynamic, multidimensional, and worldwide phenomenon, which means different things to different people and different things to the same groups across time and space. It evokes...
Social psychology and visual advertising of "BMW Series 5 Touring"
Case study - 4 pages - Services marketing
The visual advertisement of the brand "BMW" and the "5 Series Touring" car is probably taken from a regional magazine in the Paris region. This advertisement is intended to pass this car as the best for customers not only from a technical standpoint but also from a relational point of view. It...
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR): A multi-lateral approach to the subject
Essay - 13 pages - Management
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has been a highly debated topic during the last recent years in most developed and developing countries. We can today distinguish among three main general views on the role that CSR could play in shaping companies' policies. The first view on CSR,...
The party of European socialists and the identity of European social democracy
Essay - 9 pages - Political science
The question wether there is currently something that can be called the crisis of social-democracy is arguable: after all, social-democractic and socialist parties are still the counterpart of Conservatives and Christian-democrats, sharing alternaltively government responsibilities...