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Theme : Social problem

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10 Feb 2021

The advantages and drawbacks of social media on society and the individual

Essay - 1 pages - Sociology & social sciences

In Cote d'Ivoire, the rise of social media is transforming people's behaviour (Kalonji Mfunyi, 2018). Cote d'Ivoire is the thirteenth country that uses Facebook in Africa and we see many bad and good impacts of this type of platform (Kouakou, 2014). So, the rest of the work...

13 Nov 2014

Social media advertisements

Case study - 5 pages - Educational studies

Social media involves the interaction of people through virtual communities and networks where they share and exchange information or ideas of different kinds. Social media marketing aims at gaining attention of the existence of a certain product to a group of people, mostly...

08 Oct 2015

Surveillance, accumulation of capital and exploitation on social media

Essay - 10 pages - Computer science

New technologies have changed the way people communicate and see each other: we all became the objects of surveillance voluntarily and non-voluntarily. Social networks, closed-circuit television (CCTV) in supermarkets and in railway stations, marketing agencies - all these are slowly...

10 Feb 2021

Analyzing an organization in search of a technological problem

Essay - 4 pages - Computer science

Nowadays, the world is becoming more and more computerized and technological. Lack of technology in your company can thus be a weakness and a big problem that companies have to solve. To reach a certain level and be known, you have to adopt this change and implement these strategies in...

20 Jul 2022

Impact of agroforestry and social forestry on wildlife: birds and smaller animals

Case study - 5 pages - Ecology & environment

Most modern systems of raising animals separate animals from their natural environment. In these systems, many of the cycles of nature which are beneficial to both animals and their environment are broken. The use of animals can be a controversial topic. In many situations, especially in the...

21 Apr 2022

What are problems and how do we deal with them?

Presentation - 5 pages - Philosophy

Faced with the same event, several people can react in totally different ways. Better still, the same person, at different times, can react in a completely different way when faced with the same situations. All of this allows us to affirm that it is perhaps not reality itself that causes the...

15 Sep 2023

Exploring Gen Z's perception of social media: the line between intrusiveness and engagement

Thesis - 24 pages - Sociology & social sciences

We live in an era that is marked by the omnipresence of social media and it is irrefutable that over the past few decades, social media advertising has undergone a profound transformative evolution. Generation Z (Gen Z), often considered to be the first generation that has been...

27 Oct 2024

Social Media as a Strategy for Protest Movements in an Era of Government Control - Hong Kong And Sudan Case Studies

Dissertation - 11 pages - Sociology & social sciences

By facilitating instantaneous global communication among geographically dispersed audiences, digital media has fundamentally altered information production and dissemination processes. As a result, more people are able to access information and news, which may be a powerful instrument for...

31 Oct 2024

Ethical Decision-Making in Clinical Social Work

Case study - 3 pages - Sociology & social sciences

Ethical dilemmas in clinical social work have increased, especially concerning private subjects and issues like relationship difficulties. Thus, this paper tries to apply the principles of ethical decision-making to a particular case involving Harry and Suzie, a heterosexual couple who are...

31 Jul 2014

Engineering fundamentals and problem solving

Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies

Engineering Consultancy- My desire and goal is to acquire specialized knowledge in mechanical Engineering through research and further education, the knowledge will enable me to give engineering advice or provide services in the field. I take this as a possible career path for me because I am an...

21 Nov 2014

The Social-Cultural Identity of Greek- Americans

Case study - 10 pages - Political science

According to some, Astoria is the largest “city” of the Greek outside the Athens-Greece. The New York's Queens Neighborhoods of Astoria, New York conjure up the image of a Greek immigrant community that has lived in it for over forty years (Hantzopoulos, 2005). For the Greeks and their...

01 Feb 2015

Of Gustavo Capanema vision on the question in brazilian population protection act creating social family

Case study - 5 pages - Social, moral & civic education

When Getulio Vargas adopted Decree-Law 3200 of April 19, 1941 - on social protection of the family - was determining state intervention in poor and large families. New in Brazil and recent attitude in Europe, corresponding to the so-called "family issue" problematic within the critical and...

17 Oct 2024

Inclusive Architecture for College Students With Autism: Enhancing Academic Success and Social Inclusion

Dissertation - 14 pages - Sociology & social sciences

The research explores the invaluable role of inclusive architecture in enhancing academic performance and community among autistic college students. With a focus on investigating the role of inclusive design in the learning environments of children with autism, this paper will present the...

24 May 2023

Critically evaluating the ASPIRE model of social work - published: 17/11/2022

Course material - 10 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Social work traditionally utilizes a series of strategic steps or procedures to aid in problem resolution. In many cases, the steps include the collection of critical information concerning subjects of interest (assessment), analysis to draw information from collected information...

23 Oct 2024

Barriers to Social and Emotional Development: The Impact of Autism Spectrum Disorder

Essay - 5 pages - Psychology

Autism Spectrum Disorder is a neurodevelopmental disorder where it starts developing due to differences in the brain. In common terms, it is a disorder that describes autism as a pervasive development disorder that includes constant deficits in social communication and interaction, in...

27 Oct 2024

Applying Psychological Theories to Analyze Communication and Social Norms

Essay - 5 pages - Psychology

Education is a significant steward of society, determining the development of individual and professional knowledge, which in turn creates a community's growth and prosperity. Regarding education, which is considered a crucial sector, two key problems that are being discussed a lot are...

29 Oct 2024

Examining Social Justice, Opportunity Disparities, and Policy Interventions on the ethical implications of income within free markets

Essay - 5 pages - Economy general

The problem of internal income inequality within the market system is very complex, urgent, and problematic regarding the ethics of the functioning of such an economy, raising the issue of social justice and equal opportunities in the U.S.A. The necessity of free markets that...

24 Oct 2024

Social Media Impact on Mental Health

Essay - 5 pages - Psychology

In the current digital world, social media is a significant part of society, which has totally changed how people create and share news and information. Yet, in addition to its unquestionable advantages, there is a growing divergence of views concerning how this revolution affects users...

08 Jan 2015

Social boredom

Case study - 7 pages - Educational studies

We did not mind in the same way in a classroom, and a Sunday rainy afternoon. However, it can be noted some similarities to what V. Nahum-Cluster [1995, p. 34] calls "the ordinary social nuisance" and refers to the following performances: "ordinary social boredom makes us think so...

20 Aug 2024

Environmental Law and Social Justice - Mining and Tensions Between Globalisation and Sustainable Development

Summary - 1 pages - Ecology & environment

Instructions : Why is mining such a good illustration of the tensions between globalisation and sustainable development? On the basis of the information provided specifically concerning the mining industry, identify how globalisation can result in conflicts with local communities, and how such...

03 Aug 2014

Essay against illegal immigrants receiving social service

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

Illegal immigrants are simply defined as a person who has moved across borders of foreign nationals in the country in a manner that contradicts on the immigration laws of the country to which they have moved (Kennedy 12). It mostly occurs in an upward fashion where the immigrant is from a poor...

08 Oct 2015

Strategy and transformation portfolio - Corporate Social Responsibility

Essay - 7 pages - Business strategy

Over the years, organisations have continually engaged in activities that aim at improving their position and competitiveness in the market. They have been taking more considerations towards the wellbeing of the community as well as trying to improve their business models. This paper entails a...

10 Nov 2023

Questions and Answers for my Interviews on the subject of Corporate Social Responsibility

Case study - 2 pages - Corporate social responsibility

Does your company have a CSR policy? How do you start to develop a CSR policy? What can companies hope to achieve with their CSR policy? Who benefits from a company's CSR policy?

02 Jan 2025

Can social media fulfill the functions of the 4th estate, and thus be considered as a part of the renewal of the press?

Essay - 3 pages - Medias

The press was referred to as the "4th Estates" for the 1st time by Edmund Burke (1729 - 1797), a British politician who declared that : "There are three Estates in Parliament, but in the Reporter's Gallery yonder, there sat a Fourth Estate more important far than they all" Burke calls the...

02 Sep 2024

How do social media and digital tools affect HR practices? Why and how should HR departments adapt their practices to use these tools to their advantage? What are the benefits and risks of an HR social media strategy?

Essay - 3 pages - Human resources

In the last decades, the functions of Human Resources departments have changed a lot. They are, in general, more involve in the group strategy. The HR manager now has a key role at the Board of Directors.. [...] Even if the digitalization is affecting each department of a firm, Human Resources...

08 Oct 2015

Applied problem solving in a workplace

Essay - 50 pages - Management

Problems are a natural part of the human form since the numbers of times that people make the wrong decisions are too many as a result the errors made. There is however a difference between the complex problems and the simple local problems that is easy to solve. Complex...

19 Jul 2021

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Human Resources

Case study - 3 pages - Human resources

In our era, CSR is not only a "trendy" matter but has a real impact on the positioning of the company and its impact on the society. Initiatives can be found in every department: Human Resources make no exception. This is related to my future first dream job: HR manager or Business Partner in a...

21 Nov 2014

Promoting, Sponsorship, Use of Celebrities and Social Advertisements

Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies

A green car or an environmentally friendly car refers to a car that consumes less fuel or uses energy that is friendly to the environment (Becker, 2010). Hybrid cars, such as Toyota Prius use both gasoline and electronic sources of energy, and they are, therefore, able to produce higher mileage...

29 Mar 2016

The use of social norms

Essay - 2 pages - Sociology & social sciences

There are various advantages that a hotel and the society can have from adopting environmental programs. These advantages include the saving of energy, reducing the amount of wasteful detergent that is released to the environment and increasing the hotel chain due to the economic benefits of...

25 Mar 2015

Social class - does it affect understanding of people's relationship with food and/or drink

Case study - 8 pages - Social, moral & civic education

A multi-national company is a company that has been formed to operate across known international physical boundaries (Cooke, 2003). These companies are often located to other international countries apart from the parent country in which it was originally founded. These multinational companies...