Critical thinking questions - Social problem
Essay - 1 pages - Sociology & social sciences
I think that the most important social problem facing the world today is global warming, because it is a natural issue which is growing enormously and we can't stop it. We can certainly limit it by changing our daily habits but that won't make it stop or disappear so we have...
Social problems: The issues faced by young girls
Thesis - 5 pages - Social, moral & civic education
The District of Pau is composed of the Region Unit and two branches. Each branch consists of a multidisciplinary team consisting of social service assistants, secretaries, doctors, nurses, nursery nurses, midwives, specialist teachers, social counselors, family economists and...
Social problems in England
Thesis - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Every society, as good as it seems, has many problems. Although England is generally regarded as a high-class place, a playground for the rich, there are many social problems within their society. The gap between the rich and the poor is enormous, and often the plight of the...
Structural social work and social problems like drug use
Thesis - 4 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Structural social work has been an emerging practical theory in the field of social work since the 1970s. It grew in response to the supremacy of class analysis as opposed to other structural factors within the field. The theory of structural social work grew as human...
Aboriginal social problems in Canada: From an anti-oppressive perspective of social work
Thesis - 6 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Social problems are inherent truths within any society. Developed countries have social problems in the same way that developing countries do. However, in many cases in developed countries, the people who live there do not always now that the problem exists,...
Aboriginal social problems in Canada: From an anti-oppressive perspective of social work - published: 12/03/2009
Thesis - 5 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Social problems are inherent truths within any society. Developed countries have social problems in the same way that developing countries do. However, in many cases in developed countries, the people who live there do not always now that the problem exists,...
Review and critique of the social problem solving inventory
Essay - 6 pages - Social, moral & civic education
The original Social Problem-Solving Inventory (SPSI) was introduced in 1990 based on theoretical problem-solving models developed by Thomas D'Zurilla and associates throughout the two previous decades. The most current version is the Social Problem-Solving...
Do studies of the social ordering of space show that the exclusion from public spaces is always a problem for women?
Thesis - 4 pages - Sociology & social sciences
It has been unanimously agreed, since Foucault, that power is not an intermittent and isolated force. Rather, the concept manifests itself daily as a continuous network of power struggles exerting on any individual regardless of his status in society, from the great strategy of geo-politics...
School desegregation in the United States and problems with this issue as a pervasive part of social discourse
Essay - 4 pages - Educational studies
Boston's Mess 1974-1978 Research on the process of school desegregation in the United States reveals that even though notable steps were taken after the Brown v Board of Education (1954) ruling to reduce segregation, problems with this issue remained a pervasive part of social...
Refugee Mental Health and Social Justice - Research Study
Dissertation - 2 pages - Sociology & social sciences
The plight of refugees is often characterized by harrowing tales of displacement, fleeing conflict, persecution, and other traumatic experiences that leave lasting scars on their mental well-being. With the huge pandemonium of mass migration, refugees deal with many tasks both physically and...
Business Ethics and Social Responsibility - published: 08/03/2024
Case study - 17 pages - Business strategy
The paper discussed is written by Dirk Lindebaum, Deanna Geddes & Yannis Gabriel, under title 'Moral Emotions and Ethics in Organizations : Introduction to the Special Issue'1, published in the Journal of Business Ethics in 2017. The authors propose to introduce the reader to the...
Religion and Attitudes to Corporate Social Responsibility in a Large Cross-Country Sample - S. Brammer, Geoffrey Williams and John Zinkin (2006)
Book review - 1 pages - Corporate social responsibility
In this article, authors Stephen Brammer, Geoffrey Williams, and John Zinkin examine the effect of religious identity on attitudes toward corporate social responsibility (CSR). After reviewing existing literature, the authors conclude that the Hebrew Bible, the Rabbinic writings, the...
Frankenstein, Volume III - Mary Shelley (1818); Feminist Criticism of the Social Sciences - Marcia Westcott (1979); The Elephant Man - David Lynch (1980) - The devaluation of women
Artwork commentary - 4 pages - Sociology & social sciences
The widespread silencing of women's voices in the past, often placing them on the periphery of their narratives, provides a context for the analysis of gender representation in cultural narratives. This paper examines the representation and treatment of women in Mary Shelley's...
Socialism : Brief study
Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies
The socialist thought, in its origins, linked to the ideas and proposals for social reform Robert Ower, Saint-Simon and Charles Fourier; aims a society where there is no private ownership of the means of production and it eliminates the differences between social classes and plans...
Social Movements: Case study
Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies
objectives by swaying a certain target group's ideologies. Some groups try to directly influence a small group of individuals such as decision makers while others use more indirect means such as broadcasting their views to reach a wide range of individuals. During the 1960s and 1970s, the rise of...
Does social media have a good or bad impact on society?
Essay - 2 pages - Sociology & social sciences
In the 21st century, social media is one of the most used technologies in the world. As per Waseem Akram and Kumar, 'A social media is an online platform which people use to build social relation with other people who share career, interest, activities, background or...
The Social Contract (pros/cons)
Essay - 2 pages - Law's history and philosophy
According to Rousseau, justice cannot be defined as "the right of the strongest". If justice were so, the most powerful individuals would always be the right ones. Hence, he develops the idea that freedom is our self regulation. This is the reason why the well-known philosopher developed a new...
Are Social Networks the Key to Our Happiness?
Essay - 2 pages - Medias
In this day and age, the younger generation is extremely present on social media, or on the Internet in general. Studies have proven that people from 16 to 24 years old spend 7h52 on every type of screen. The Internet became crucial in our lives. You can find the best or stupidest advice...
Macy's to invest $5B in social responsibility efforts - Kaarin Vembar (2022) - How can the brand promote its conversion to eco-responsibility?
Text commentary - 2 pages - Fashion and ready to wear marketing
This article was published on March 1, 2022, on Retail Dive and written by Kaarin Vembar. It talks about the willingness of the clothing and cosmetics chain Macy's to invest in social responsibility. Indeed, the textile sector is at the top of the list of the most polluting industries...
Improving social skills and sensory processing for a child with autism
Case study - 2 pages - Medical care & personal assistance
Alex, a 12-year-old kid who had been diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) at the age of four, is struggling with social interactions, verbal communication, and sensory channel functioning. Alex has difficulty with maintaining eye contact, reading between the lines, and getting...
Is there a relationship between social interaction and cognitive function among college students?
Dissertation - 3 pages - Sociology & social sciences
The study takes into account the links between social interaction and the cognitive performance of college students. The hypothesis could be formulated as a positive link interaction with the frequency of socialisation and cognitive abilities. A minimum of 20 students will take part in the...
Social and moral policies of government
Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies
The 'Grapes of Wrath' is a film produced in 1940 based on Steinbeck's prize winning novel of the same name. The film kicks off with the release of the main character from the Oklahoma state prison. Tom faced charges of manslaughter, and after serving his four-year time, he finally faced...
Policy Evaluation Briefing - Social Engineering
Presentation - 4 pages - Sociology & social sciences
This briefing will evaluate the current policies available to tackle social engineering. Social engineering has become a menace in the world of technology today and affects almost everyone who uses technology. Technology has evolved rapidly over the past couple of decades, causing...
Global Corporate Governance and Social Responsibility
Case study - 6 pages - Educational studies
Although equated to philanthropic activities, today's investment by corporations in pro-social programs seek to create a social impact beyond building customer loyalty. With the society experiencing a myriad of issues, among them environmental sustainability and health issues,...
Social construction based on the concept of sex and gender brings out the differences that are always seen between male and female
Essay - 2 pages - Sociology & social sciences
Social construction based on the concept of sex and gender brings out the differences that are always seen between male and female or rather men and women that are conventions in the society and creating the roles played by each gender. Also the differences that are between the concept of...
Social inequality, democracy, capitalism
Case study - 6 pages - Social, moral & civic education
In Latin America, social inequality can lead to the strengthening of anti-democratic convictions and further develop the "apartheid" prevailing social. The intervention of the political in the definition and implementation of economic and social policies is becoming more...
Statistical Product and Service Solutions (SPSS) Software Package and it's Impact on Social Sciences
Case study - 8 pages - Educational studies
This paper discusses the impacts of Statistical Product and Service Solutions (SPSS) on social sciences. Social life is full of analytical demands from day to day activities that many of the programs that were initially developed have not been able to meet. The world is in the cusp...
How Do Social Media Business Models Affect the Public Sphere?
Essay - 2 pages - Medias&communication marketing
Social media platforms have emerged as the center of the universe for our digital persona, changing how people communicate with each other and profoundly impacting both the economic sector and the public arena. At the core of their influence lies an innovative business model that exploits...
Ethical Boundaries in Social Work
Case study - 3 pages - Sociology & social sciences
In this case study, we are confronted with a complex ethical problem involving Chris, who requests confidential information about Pat and Pat's cousin, two individuals facing significant personal challenges and receiving support from social services. (...) The main focus of...
Reducing Daily Social Media Usage Through Self-Monitoring Techniques
Essay - 4 pages - Psychology
Through this project, I will delve deeper into the concept of self-monitoring and its connection to behavioral transformation. My area of focus will be linked to social media consumption. Self-monitoring is an interventionmore specifically, a self-directing behavior change...