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Theme : Social problem

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23 Sep 2016

How education reproduces inequalities and social difference

Essay - 5 pages - Sociology & social sciences

Inequalities in the society have historically been based on stratification and the creation of classes within the society. The struggle for achievement and the existence of the society based on the individual achievements has led to the differences between different classes in the society. Class...

10 Feb 2021

The today health crisis poses the problem of its financing in large part by public debt - With the subprime crisis, how can the impact of such a cost be sustainable on the budget ?

Dissertation - 8 pages - International economy

According to an article published on April 28, 2020, in the newspaper Les Echos and written by Renaud Honoré, the current rate of French public debt is twice as high as that of the subprime crisis in 2008. In fact, we never reached these figures since the Second World War. European debt rules...

26 Jul 2022

Youth marginality in Britain: Contemporary studies of austerity - Shane Blackman and Ruth Rogers (2017) - Offering evidence-based recommendations for policymakers to achieve social justice for young people

Text commentary - 3 pages - Literature

The selected book for review is Youth marginality in Britain: Contemporary studies of austerity by Shane Blackman and Ruth Rogers. This book was published in 2017 and is based on case studies on factors affecting young people in the United Kingdom. The book has 17 chapters written by different...

04 Mar 2023

Geography, Demography, Social Issues, Education and Culture in the United States of America

Course material - 20 pages - Sociology & social sciences

(...) One of the characteristics of US climatic conditions is the constant fear of violent climatic happening such as hurricanes (in the Southeast, particularly during the fall), violent wind storms known as "tornadoes" (the Midwest), or flooding due to heavy rainfall and storms in the eastern...

30 Sep 2021

Financial Innovation Essay: High Frequency Trading and its social impacts

Essay - 2 pages - Finance

A Financial Times article argues that HFT is beneficial for society, and that banning HFT from use would increase volatility. I agree with this point of view, as algorithms democratized trading by allowing a direct access to the markets and decreasing the costs of the transactions. Also,...

25 Mar 2015

Strategic problems facing Human Resource Managers (HRM) operating in multi-national companies (MNC)

Essay - 7 pages - Criminal law

A multi-national company is a company that has been formed to operate across known international physical boundaries (Cooke, 2003). These companies are often located to other international countries apart from the parent country in which it was originally founded. These multinational companies...

12 Dec 2014

Social and Cultural Factors Giving Rise to Depression and Anxiety

Case study - 5 pages - Educational studies

The World Health Organization further explains that anxiety disorder and depression are characterized by factors such as emotional, physical, and behavioral symptoms that build an uncomfortable feeling that is usually described as uneasiness. Worry is usually followed by symptoms like fatigue,...

17 Apr 2015

The Film, "Class Action" - Problem Based Learning Task

Case study - 3 pages - Film studies

The film, “Class Action” by Michael Apted (1991) is a legal/law -themed movie that is concerned with injuries that a defective automobile causes. The lawsuit takes a rather interesting dimension when it becomes apparent that the defence attorney and the plaintiff's attorney have a...

23 Sep 2013

The United Kingdom's Drinking Problem

Case study - 2 pages - Medical studies

Alcohol has been a part of British society for many centuries. The idea of drinking was started by kings and queens in many different forms around the 1500's. Drinks range anywhere from mildly alcoholic beverages like beer and wine to a number of stronger drinks such as gin and rum. There are...

22 Jul 2009

Before teen pregnancy: Contrasting the social capital and empowerment theories

Thesis - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education

This paper will analyze two human behavior theories. Within this analysis, the discussion will review the history of these theories, their supporters, the stages of acceptance of the theories, and the strengths verses the weaknesses of each theory. Next, the paper will review the social...

02 Mar 2007

The structure of the social welfare - The welfare mix

Essay - 4 pages - Political science

Over the past century, the provision of social welfare has changed drastically in both the recipients of this welfare care and the scale of social protection services. This evolution is mainly due to the development of welfare states. In the 1910s and ‘20s the growing of...

13 Jul 2009

Using structural social work as a means for understanding drug use among Aboriginals in Canada

Thesis - 5 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Oppression is something that affects all people within the framework of Western society who are not members of the dominant group. This can include people of color or those with disabilities; those of “other” sexual preferences; and especially the poor. In fact, there are many types of...

16 Aug 2012

What happened to the social state in Eastern Europe after 1990?

Essay - 7 pages - Modern history

After the breakdown of the Soviet Union, each Eastern European and former Soviet country faced many challenges and one of them was how to cope with the welfare state under a different political organization. Now that the Soviet rule was gone, what was the road to be taken? Should the State...

15 Jun 2008

An analysis of the relative explanatory power of the concept of class compared to two other dimensions of social position

Essay - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education

This investigation asks us to consider relative explanatory power of the concept of class compared to at least two other dimensions of social position—i.e. race, ethnicity, sex, sexual orientation or occupation. With this in mind, it seems reasonable to argue that the concept of class...

12 Aug 2010

Social work

Thesis - 7 pages - Sociology & social sciences

Though social work is a wide and pervasive field which encompasses many different careers and experiences, there is a common theoretical understanding of the needs of people and their communities which seems to speak to all of them. In this paper I will be concentrating on the theoretical...

20 Apr 2007

The Birth and Social Role of the Psychological Sciences: A Comparative Historical Perspective

Essay - 10 pages - Psychology

Taxonomical terms like depression, schizophrenia, neurosis, and psychosis, among many others, are today wielded with ease by doctors and are readily accepted by patients. While they are thought to be scientifically objective qualifications, a crucial examination of the social context of...

27 Jun 2008

The problem of binge drinking, alcohol abuse among contemporary college transfer students

Case study - 5 pages - Educational studies

Except for scratches and wounds that occur during school breaks every year, the most notable outcomes of college drinking that frequently come to the public's attention are sporadic student deaths resulting from excessive use of alcohol like for instance alcohol poisoning or other alcohol-related...

27 Jul 2006

The political influence on organization decision making towards corporate social responsability: a socio economic approach

Essay - 30 pages - Economy general

This research will look at the political influence on organization decision making towards social responsibility. To do so, a combination of social and economic theories will be used. In chapter three, the political field and the political actors in this research will be...

15 Jul 2008

Social reaction (labeling) theory

Essay - 4 pages - Social, moral & civic education

The social reaction, or labeling theory as it is sometimes known, evolved over time from as early as 1938 (Wellford, 1975). Basically it states that as a person commits a crime, they will receive the label of “criminal”. When a person is labeled as such by society, they are...

16 Jan 2009

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR): A multi-lateral approach to the subject

Essay - 13 pages - Management

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has been a highly debated topic during the last recent years in most developed and developing countries. We can today distinguish among three main general views on the role that CSR could play in shaping companies' policies. The first view on CSR,...

05 Mar 2009

The impact of violence and aggression on Social Workers

Thesis - 7 pages - Social, moral & civic education

‘Violence and aggression pose threats to society and individuals at work or outside of work. The cost in terms of disruption, bad image, and absenteeism, and turnover, accidents at work, burnout and compensation are increasingly becoming apparent. Most importantly these threats negatively...

17 Oct 2014

Can we consider corporate social responsibility (CSR) as a mean of recognition for multinational company?

Case study - 70 pages - Business strategy

Ethics has been a very important subject for thinkers since ancient times. The definition of ethics, a reflection on the reasons for desiring justice and harmony and how to achieve these, will be a valuable aid in the development of this thesis. It establishes the criteria for acting freely in a...

18 Mar 2009

The inner-city problem is one of both growth and decline

Thesis - 5 pages - Sociology & social sciences

The city is undeniably the centre of much of our social action. It is the arena in which most of our economic, political and commercial activity tends to occur, and it has become the most popular place to socialise, and to experience the cultural aspects of the modern world. Its evolution...

09 Mar 2015

Problems in How the African American Community Talk About Themselves

Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies

Racial discrimination has been among the biggest problems to the American society. After the civil rights movement, the law provided a platform for racial equality in the country. However, almost fifty years later, the society is characterized by big differences between the racial groups....

02 Jun 2009

Socialization of African American males

Thesis - 8 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Was it great anticipation, good construction, chance, or the interplay of all three? Were the forefathers that crafty, or did their evil intentions take on a life of it own? Whatever it may be, the condition that African American males are in today is alarming. African American males...

25 Jan 2010

A research study on corporate social responsibility (CSR)

Tutorials/exercises - 40 pages - Management

The aim of this research proposal is to gather information about the strategies and initiatives taken by ASDA with respect to corporate social responsibility towards workforce, community, environment which can be emulated by other retailers. The purpose of this research is to investigate...

13 Jun 2013

Economics and Social Policy: The Keynesian Perspective

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

At the onset of civilization, it has always been the aim of surviving societies to establish a kind of welfare state- one that is able to deliver the basic necessities and services to its inhabitants through various modes available. The delivery of services includes, but not is limited to, those...

09 Mar 2015

Problems in the Way Poor People Talk about Education

Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies

The phrase “Education is the key to success” is a common theme in many schools in the developing countries. The theme illustrates important things about the perception of people in the developing country towards education. While the relevance of the theme is directing efforts towards...

13 Aug 2010

The role and position of North and South Indian women: The problem of female infanticide, dowry burning and Sati

Thesis - 9 pages - Sociology & social sciences

The North and the South of India is different in terms of language, custom and religion. In fact, language, custom and religion itself is prone to regional differences even down to the village level. However, despite these differences even in the village level, a homogenous explanation can be...

16 Apr 2014

Problem definition and the Failures of U.S. Drug Policy

Case study - 10 pages - Educational studies

The “war on drugs” in the United States has not been successful because drug policy has focused on defining the problem of drugs as a criminal justice concern and not as a public health issue. By defining the drug problem in this way, focus has remained on enforcement and...