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Theme : Skin care

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21 Mar 2012

Global branding of Unilever and Nestle

Essay - 15 pages - Business strategy

This report describes the global branding strategy of Unilever Plc. and Nestle companies. It shows the importance of cultural differences and problems that might arise if they are omitted in advertising. It explains why to adapt the products locally rather than standardize and the way how each...

09 May 2009

The ITC group in a growing FMCG sector

Tutorials/exercises - 50 pages - Business strategy

Well-established distribution networks, intense competition between the organized and unorganized segments characterize the FMGC sector. It is expected to grow by over 60% by 2010. That will translate into an annual growth of 10% over a 5-year period. It has been estimated that FMCG sector will...

22 Jan 2010

Unilever's strategy: Path to growth

Case study - 15 pages - Business strategy

A company that was founded in 1930 during the merger between Margarine Unie, a Dutch company and Lever Brothers, a British based soap and detergent company. Before the merger both the company were buying raw materials from same suppliers and similar distribution channels. Both the companies were...

29 Sep 2010

A new sunscreen line in Kuwaiti market

Case study - 15 pages - Services marketing

In Western countries, the photo damage created by the sun is a public concern. People are encouraged by governments to heighten of public awareness of the risk linked to sun exposure. The use of sunscreen as one of the ways to protect the skin against its alteration on a short or long term...

28 Sep 2016

Lyme disease: history, causes & transmission, effects & symptoms, diagnosis, treatments, prevention

Essay - 4 pages - Medical studies

Lyme disease begins as an infection caused by black-legged ticks. Usually living in wooded areas such as forests, these ticks can attach themselves to the skin of humans and bite them, infecting them a bacterium called Borrelia burgdorferi (CDC 2008). Several days or weeks after such a...

06 Sep 2013

Popularity of tattoos growing in American culture

Case study - 6 pages - Educational studies

The word "tattoo" stems from the Tahitian word “tatu”, meaning “to mark or color [the skin]” (Webster, 1913). A tattoo is the placement of pigment within the skin to create a picture or design. The process of tattooing is produced by deep puncture wounds in one's...

29 Sep 2010

Marketing plan for Caudalie products in Saudi Arabia

Case study - 55 pages - Services marketing

Caudalie, founded in 1993 by two people: Mathilde Bernard Thomas and Professor Vercauteren, features products made from grape pips (from wine producer: Laffite), which are considered to be highly beneficial for the skin. Two years later, the duo launched their first range of products....

29 Sep 2010

Advertising and communication - published: 29/09/2010

Case study - 10 pages - Management

In this assignment, we analyze the selection and launch a new product. The product that I have to launch is a new deodorant, produced especially for women who have a sensitive skin and after a depilation. This product is sold in some specific shops only. Few brands are producing this...

26 Nov 2010

Small-Pox: Remedies and diagnosis

Course material - 9 pages - Medical studies

Owing to the beneficent discovery of Edward Jenner the full terrors of small-pox as it used to prevail can now hardly be realized. In unvaccinated persons, and those upon whom the operation has been performed imperfectly, the disease may still rage with all its natural violence, but in ordinary...

31 Jul 2007

Common Clinical Sequelae of Aging

Presentation - 98 pages - Medical studies

Increased longevity throughout the world is influencing medical care dramatically as more older individuals develop or survive with various medical conditions. Although some elderly present typically with single-system disease, they often have presentations and responses to treatments...

28 Jul 2014

The popular Culture of Albinism

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

Albinism is a skin condition present at birth and passed on from the parents to the offspring. It is a condition resulting from a significant reduction or absence of pigmentations in the skin, hair, and eyes. Individuals with this condition are fair-skinned and fair-haired most...

18 Jun 2009

Intrinsic asthma

Thesis - 4 pages - Medical studies

It is widely accepted that asthma is a clinical manifestation of atopy. Specially relevant in children, this concept is less obvious in adults where there is the classic distinction between asthma "extrinsic" (allergic) and "intrinsic" (non-allergic). Intrinsic Asthma is deliberately late third,...

29 Sep 2010

Dove advertising campaign

Case study - 18 pages - Services marketing

In the modern days, media is everywhere. Communication is not only essential, it has become a necessity. Media includes the choice of advertising channels, for example, television, radio, newspaper, direct mail, and to be recognized, it is important to stand apart from the others. The creative...

15 Apr 2009

A nursing management perspective of a critical incident report

Thesis - 8 pages - Medical studies

The assignment will discuss a critical incident from a nursing management perspective, being an admission assessment experienced during placement. It is not a care study. There will be an overview of the nurse-managers responsibilities during the admission assessment and attention drawn to...

22 Aug 2012

Is ethno marketing both moral and useful?

Case study - 29 pages - Services marketing

I.1.A What is an ethnic group? The expression “Ethno-marketing” is frequently perceived bad. The term “ethnic” only refers to a racial concept and to skin color for a lot of people. This conception is clearly not neutral in the European market. So, it is essential to...

31 Dec 2010

Female Beauty in Japan: perceptions and evolutions

Thesis - 7 pages - Sociology & social sciences

Japan, is widely known for origami, the art of folding a kimono, ikebana and many such arts that require patience and discipline and seek to "beautify" the environment. However, in this document we will study the Japanese notion of beauty as it is applied to women. What does it mean to be...

15 Jan 2009

Changing mentality: An analysis of Dove's "Campaign for real beauty" (2006)

Essay - 9 pages - Business strategy

The brand Dove is part of the English-Dutch group Unilever. It accounts for 3% of Unilever's turnover. In 1957, Dove created soaps that contained 1/4th moisturizing cream, especially for sensitive skins (50% of women). Since then, Dove has always known how to appear different from its...

18 Sep 2007


Presentation - 28 pages - Medical studies

An acquired, slowly progressive depigmenting condition in small or large areas of the skin due to the disappearance of previously active melanocytes Focal (including segmental) vitiligo: 1 to a few scattered macules, occasionally in a dermatomal distribution Generalized vitiligo: Many...

29 Sep 2010


Case study - 6 pages - Services marketing

Media not only encompasses the choice of advertising medium (television, radio, newspaper, outdoor, direct mail, etc.), but also the creative strategy. The creative strategy determines what you want to say, how you will say it, and who you want to say it to. Dove Beauty is one example of...

13 Apr 2009

A critical analysis of issues in nursing management

Case study - 12 pages - Medical studies

As nurses strive to be recognized as professionals, the expansion and application of evidence in nursing is progressively becoming vital within the nursing discipline (Achterberg et al 2006). Patients have the right to expect the best care that will promote their well-being. This essay...

30 Nov 2009

Aging and malnutrition

Thesis - 7 pages - Medical studies

To enable the greatest number of healthy aging and maintain good quality of life, it is important to emphasize the role of nutrition in the prevention of aging. Aging Population: The number of elderly is steadily increasing for several decades. According to the INSEE predictions for 2008, there...

27 Jan 2011

Study of international communications strategy of Dove

Case study - 8 pages - Management

Dove is a brand of cosmetics and is now part of the Unilever group. The trademark logo of this company is a dove, whose stylized color often varies according to the advertising campaigns. The brand communicates significantly through the media especially establishes a close relationship with some...

29 Sep 2016

An analysis of "As Nature Made Him" by John Colapinto

Book review - 2 pages - Literature

There are many different ways to be uncomfortable in one's own skin. Each individual is never satisfied with their appearance, or some other aspect of their everyday lives, like their jobs. However, there are many cases where people are so unsatisfied in their own skin that they...

30 May 2009

A history of the Black Death and its impact in late medieval Europe

Thesis - 9 pages - Medieval history

The Black Death was one of the deadliest pandemics in human history, peaking in Europe between 1347 C.E. and 1351 C.E, reducing the population of Europe by nearly half, and resulting in widespread socio-economic and other changes. Medieval people referred to this catastrophe as the "Great...

03 Mar 2011

Analysis of L'Occitane

Essay - 3 pages - Services marketing

The website of the company L'Occitane offers extensive information and allows us to go through the products offered with two tabs: "Categories" and "by ingredients". Each of these tabs are futher broken down into body parts (eg. face) that specializes in the area, the skin type...

15 Jan 2009

Saqiyuk - Stories from the lives of three Inuit Women by Nancy Wachowich

Essay - 5 pages - Literature

Saqiyuq is a collection of stories from the lives of three Inuit women: Apphia, Rhoda and Sandra. It consists of biographies and accounts from these three generations. This book enables the reader to see the great evolution of the Inuit lifestyle during the twentieth century. The author, Nancy...

20 Apr 2009

Hair and fiber evidence

Thesis - 4 pages - Criminal law

Most trace evidence found at a crime undergoes forensic analysis for two main purposes: identification and comparison. Often tiny strange particles are found, and testing for identification purposes establishes exactly what the material is. Obviously, this is a vital step in determining if...

20 Jun 2009

Mini-epidemics of infection by Pseudomonas and its outbreak

Thesis - 6 pages - Medical studies

Although outbreaks of infections with Pseudomonas aeruginosa pseu extra-mural have been described, this germ is not pathogenic in the immune competent host. For against, it is a major agent of nosocomial infections, especially in the ICU, where he is responsible for pneumonia, urinary or...

24 Oct 2024

Calgary-Cambridge Model - The Comprehensive Case Study of Mr. P.

Case study - 4 pages - Medical care & personal assistance

Mr. James Parker, a 62-year-old former accountant who is experiencing continuous fatigue, dyspnea and chest pain, comes to a doctor for a consultation. This case study will evaluate his presentation skills following the Calgary-Cambridge model to integrate a patient-centered care. (...)...

27 Jan 2011

Success of the perfume "I analyze adore" of Christian Dior

Case study - 11 pages - Services marketing

"That magic name which includes that of God and Gold”, these are the words of Jean Cocteau on the Dior brand. In this presentation, we will try to decipher the planetary success of a fragrance that many women have adopted with fervor: J'adore Dior. This famous perfume is celebrating its...