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18 Apr 2008

Analyzing Corruption's Cost on Development: Mexico

Essay - 3 pages - Political science

Political corruption trickles down the entire social and economic skeleton of Mexico, or formally, The United Mexican States. The system of corruption is undoubtedly to blame for the state's lack of development- but to what extent? Starting with the state's most authoritative leaders and policy...

13 Jan 2009

The economic power of the Chinese Diaspora

Essay - 6 pages - Economy general

China's economic growth is a much debated issue and is said to change the face of the world and presently world economic patterns are being reshaped. A couple of figures can easily help to understand how deep these changes are. Over the past 10 years, the Chinese economy grew by 10% a year on...

13 Jan 2009

The World Trade Organisation (WTO) and public contracts

Essay - 9 pages - International relations

The World Trade Organization aims at ensuring “harmony, freedom, equity and security” in trading activities. The organization has the institutional means to control the compatibility of national policies to its requirements. From financial to commercial items, all fields of legislation...

15 Jan 2009

Business plan: Personal traveller - tourism in China

Business plan - 26 pages - Business strategy

Personal Traveler is a travel related service company which links with travel agencies in leading European markets in forming a customized package to fit the need of “third-age” foreign travelers in main Chinese cities. The venture will leverage on the sharp increase in tourism expected...

15 Jan 2009

How has the rise of "militant Islam" affected politics in Indonesia?

Essay - 5 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Although nearly 90% of Indonesian population is Muslim, Islam and Islamic issues have not become central subjects of interest permeating Indonesian politics. In the past, Islam in Indonesia has usually been portrayed as moderate, pluralist and tolerant in contrasts to parts of the Middle East ....

16 Jan 2009

The war on talent: Korn/Ferry International in China

Presentation - 16 pages - Human resources

With $452 million in global fee revenue, 474 consultants worldwide, 70 offices globally, and 4.4 million candidates in its database, Korn/Ferry has been successful due to the high quality, process and speed at which its consultants have placed candidates. In 1978, Korn/Ferry International...

05 Mar 2009

Commodities trading in India

Dissertation - 52 pages - Economy general

Commodity Futures trading in India has a long history. The first commodity futures market appeared in 1875. But the new standardized form of trading in the Indian capital market is an attractive package for all the people who earn money through speculation by trading into FUTURES. It is a...

14 Apr 2009

Standard Chartered Bank and human resource management

Thesis - 24 pages - Human resources

Standard Chartered Bank is a British bank headquartered in London with operations in more than seventy countries. It operates a network of over 1,700 branches and outlets (including subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures) and employs 73,000 people. Despite its British base, it has few...

16 Apr 2009

The effectiveness of the training and development program conducted at EXL (I) Pvt Ltd

Dissertation - 43 pages - Business strategy

Indian companies are walking up to the challenges thrown in by the market economy. To survive in this highly competitive scenario, managers are being pressured to improve quality, increase productivity, cut down waste & eliminate inefficiency. The collective effort of the employer and the...

19 Apr 2009

Credit appraisal system at Standard Chartered Bank and the SME credit department

Dissertation - 68 pages - Finance

The ongoing development of contemporary risk management methods and the increased use of innovative financial products such as securitization and credit derivatives have brought about substantial changes in the business environment faced by credit institutions today. Especially in the field of...

23 Apr 2009

Attrition analysis

Thesis - 29 pages - Human resources

The study will analyze different aspects of attrition and managing attrition in different situations. Knowledge and people form the key factors for any company in the IT industry. The success of any IT company depends on how effectively it manages knowledge and its people. Retaining knowledge and...

07 May 2009

Indian retail: Stepping ahead to create a benchmark

Dissertation - 47 pages - Business strategy

India is standing on the verge of having the pleasure to hold 2010 Olympic Games .Its retail business meter shows only about 4% organized retail in India. It means that a whopping 96% market is yet to be captured by entrepreneurs. Retail will grow more. India will be making waves in trends that...

07 May 2009

Analysis and features of Standard Chartered

Thesis - 18 pages - Finance

The world “Bank” has been derived from the Italian world “Banca” meaning a branch or a counter. However, the banks that we are now accustomed to seeing no longer seem to be a reflection of what “Bank” really means. But today's banks are not what banks used to...

07 May 2009

Managing customer relationship and their financial aspects: Standard Chartered India

Case study - 33 pages - Finance

The objective of the project was to study the choice criteria to decide upon a bank for savings account and accordingly prepare the competitive update, i.e. Standard chartered VS other private banks to facilitate sales. The nature of the project involved a comprehensive market survey in which the...

04 Aug 2022

Fintech: Between Synergy and Power Struggle in the Banking and Financial Sector

Dissertation - 38 pages - Business strategy

This thesis examines the future of fintech integration within a complex financial ecosystem. It explores the impact that these have and will have in the future on the market. Through a literature review divided into three research questions combined with a qualitative approach, we will try to...

27 May 2009

Identifying a customer: Bharti Broadband Networks Limited

Case study - 38 pages - Services marketing

Technically, it refers to communication that provides multiple channels of data over a single medium, typically using some form of frequency or wave division multiplexing. In other words, information of all kinds is transmitted on a wide band of radio frequencies on a terrestrial or wireless...

02 Nov 2023

The growing involvement of the European Union in the control of foreign investment in its territory

Essay - 6 pages - European union

This is what the European Commission said on March 25th, 2020 for the Member States concerning foreign direct investment and free movement of capital from third countries, and the protection of Europe's strategic assets. From this quotation, we can see that the European Union (EU) expressed...

28 May 2009

Future of tobacco industry post tobacco ban

Tutorials/exercises - 40 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Americans spend an estimated $51.9 billion on tobacco products in 1997, or just under 1% of their disposable income. Of this amount, $48.7 billion (or 94%) was spent on cigarettes, $2.2 billion on smokeless and smoking tobacco, and $0.9 billion on cigars. Cigarette production in the United...

30 May 2009

Indian IT companies VS MNC's

Tutorials/exercises - 32 pages - Business strategy

Reaching global competitiveness is the number one challenge for corporate India. We now operate in a global regime of relatively free markets and borders , and there is no longer sanctuary for Indian corporate, be they public sector or private sector and we are very far behind. When we look upon...

25 Aug 2009

Bahrain: Tourism and hotels

Thesis - 19 pages - Social, moral & civic education

The hotel industry is one of the oldest commercial endeavors in the world. The first inns were built way back in the 6th century B.C. and were a result of the urge to travel that happened after the invention of the “wheel". Husband-and-wife teams opened the earliest inns by providing...

13 Jul 2010

Power equations in South East Asia

Thesis - 5 pages - International relations

This article deals with the major power equations that have a strong bearing on Southeast Asia's international relations. Although the interactions between the major powers have a significant impact on the region, it must not be assumed that the region is merely a passive onlooker. The South East...

29 Sep 2010


Essay - 4 pages - Economy general

Franchising is not a new concept. North America was among the first countries to successfully develop franchises in 1886 through the famous example of the Coca-Cola company. Franchises grew slowly during the 1950's but helped many firms expand their operations across borders, like Mc...

29 Sep 2010

The Global Portable Media Player Industry

Thesis - 5 pages - Services marketing

A portable media player (PMP) is an electronic device that allows the owner to store, organize and play audio files as well as to view images and videos. The data is usually stored on a hard drive or a flash memory, enabling the storage of all kinds of files as on a USB flash drive. The PMP can...

29 Sep 2010

Objectives and Importance of the WTO to Open and Develop New Commercial Markets

Essay - 15 pages - Economy general

The World Trade Organization (WTO) is an international organization which governs the rules of international trade between countries. Today, new markets are appearing thanks to developing countries, who also want to take part in free trade. Therefore, it is important to know how the WTO will...

19 Jun 2014

Futures contracts in risk management companies can use trading on a US exchange

Case study - 6 pages - Educational studies

A futures contract is an accord between two parties who have agreed to buy or sell a particular commodity of an agreed quantity. The agreement is based on a future transaction in which the commodity will be paid for in future at a time agreeable by both of the parties. This term is common in...

29 Sep 2010

The World Trade Organization (WTO) - successes and failures

Essay - 6 pages - Economy general

In order to make the world trade as free as possible, the World Trade Organization (WTO) relies upon principles. Firstly, the non-discrimination principle ensures that no country benefits more from trade than another country. The WTO wants to promote equality among the members. Moreover, the...

18 Jan 2011

Dell's customer relationship management (CRM) strategy

Thesis - 11 pages - Management

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is one of the most efficient systems which could be implanted in a company for its success. CRM is a process, a data mining, a technology and a philosophy base on the customer which aims to strengthen the relationship between the customers and the company,...

22 Nov 2010

The French luxury industry in China

Thesis - 45 pages - Services marketing

China with a huge population of 1.3 billion opened its market to economic reform following the death of China with a huge population of 1.3 billion opened its market to economic reform following the death of Mao Zedong in 1978 and the subsequent accession to power by Deng Xiaoping. Based on the...

27 Jan 2011

"Nespresso, what else? " - A strategic analysis

Case study - 30 pages - Business strategy

During the 70s, Nestle anticipated a market growth of premium coffee based on the original concept of the inventor of the espresso, Luiggi Bezzera. The principle is simple: offer the finest Italian coffee directly to your home or office. Founded in 1986, Nespresso pioneered the allotted coffee...

07 Jul 2008

Portrayals of traditional and contemporary views on marriage in Postwar Vietnam through modern Vietnamese literature

Essay - 4 pages - Literature

Marriage is a historically worldwide phenomenon. However, different times and cultures hold distinct views towards marriage. What constitutes a traditional or untraditional marriage varies greatly from culture to culture and even from time to time within a particular culture. Examining the...