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27 Oct 2024

Racial Harmony in Singapore: Navigating Diversity and Integration

Case study - 6 pages - Sociology & social sciences

Singapore is unique worldwide in demonstrating how to create a harmonious society out of a multicultural nation. In response to international features of xenophobia and cultural radicalization, Singapore sticks to multiculturalism more than ever (Ostwald & Chew, 2021). Because of...

29 Oct 2024

The Cognitive Processes Involved in Second Language Pragmatic Performance among Chinese ESL Learners in Singapore

Dissertation - 10 pages - Linguistics & languages

The present study tries to identify the cognitive processes accountable for the second language (L2) pragmatic performance by Chinese English as a Second Language (ESL) learners in Singapore. Consequently, this research intends to identify those particular cognitive processes involved in...

29 Feb 2016

Economic analysis of Singapore

Essay - 2 pages - Economy general

A highly developed and free market condition is prevalent in the economy of Singapore. Detailed economic analysis done on the Singapore economy indicated that the open and corruption free market condition with stable prices prevail in the economy of Singapore. Export of...

07 Nov 2014

Singapore Airline Operation Strategy

Case study - 10 pages - Business strategy

Over the years, the airline industry has witnessed a series of alternating booms and recessions, which has significantly affected the performance of world leading airlines. In practice, in the last decade, most airlines have witnessed a discouraging environment plagued with cutthroat...

10 Jan 2011

Economic Growth and Development of Space in Singapore (2004)

Thesis - 5 pages - Economy general

The world in which we live is constantly changing, whether it is the movement of people from place to place, activities or, more virtual capital. These movements are combined with changes in the environment in which they operate. This combination led governments to adapt as things kept changing....

11 Aug 2010

Singapore Airlines: Case analysis

Thesis - 2 pages - Business strategy

In the case of Singapore Airlines (SIA), the top management was confronted with the dilemma of whether investing in customers service innovation or trimming costs in an all-round way when the entire airline industry was compromised by 9/11 attacks. Among a host of service improvement plans...

29 Sep 2010

Luxury class in Singapore Airlines

Case study - 2 pages - Services marketing

Singapore Airlines is a respected travel brand around the world. The company is known for providing quality customer care and service. It spans all the five continents. Recently, Singapore Airlines decided to buy 19 new A380s, the biggest plane flying so far. These planes can carry...

12 May 2002

Information technology industry in Singapore

Presentation - 41 pages - Business strategy

The International Data Corporation's Information Society Index 1999 ranked Singapore as the 4th most dominant information-driven economy and society in the world, after the US, Sweden, and Finland. The World Teleport Association named Singapore the 1999 Intelligent City of the...

07 Jan 2025

Boxgreen's brand strategy and marketing analysis

Case study - 16 pages - Business strategy

Among parents, snacks do not have a good reputation: they are too greasy, too sweet, too salty, and not filling enough to properly satiate. In this crowded segment, Boxgreen proposes a natural and healthy alternative. Boxgreen's products are rich in fibers and formulated without artificial...

05 Jan 2025

Bambu's network of stakeholders

Case study - 3 pages - Startup, entrepreneurship

Bambu is a Singaporean wealth management system created in 2016. It designs customized robo-advisory applications for financial institutions. Its end users are the clients of said institutions. Edward Freeman defines a stakeholder as anyone invested in or affected by the company. Bambu's...

24 Nov 2022

The application of an EIB to address environmental challenges in urban Belgium

Thesis - 96 pages - Finance

Cities face increasing environmental challenges including, but not limited to; air pollution, CO2 emissions, energy, transport and waste management. The success of Social Impact Bonds (SIB) by solving social issues in a public-private partnership has been the driver for the development of the...

05 Dec 2023

Barcelona Traction, Light and Power Company, Limited

Presentation - 7 pages - International law

The Court examined the question: "Can a State provide diplomatic protection to its citizens who hold shares in a company incorporated in a different country when shareholders' interests are impacted by actions against the company?"

28 Mar 2022

Country Report - Indonesia

Case study - 20 pages - International economy

With a population of 273 million and a gross domestic product (GDP) 1 of approximately 1 050 billion, Indonesia is the fifteenth largest economy. Indonesia is currently relying on economic openness and free trade to catch up economically. It is aware that it has fallen behind its neighbors...

05 Jan 2025

Synthesis and recommendations for Boxgreen

Case study - 6 pages - Marketing theories

We believe Boxgreen has plenty of potential not yet realised. There is a considerable market share left for them to grow year over year and become the go-to company for healthy snacks in Singapore.

19 May 2011

Comparative analysis of two HR systems

Thesis - 15 pages - Human resources

Nowadays, each country has its own management style and possesses a culture which influences its decisions and business strategies. Moreover, organizations have to face a business environment that keeps getting more and more complex, where firms need to reply quickly and efficiently to changes in...

27 May 2009

A comparative study of Malaysian Airlines

Tutorials/exercises - 39 pages - Business strategy

Generally, a Market was the place where buyers and sellers gathered to exchange their goods. The concept of market is very important in the marketing. Market is an area for potential exchanges. It is the place where goods are bought and sold. It is an area where a force of supply (seller) and...

19 Nov 2010

HRM systems and organization's performance - Case Siemens

Thesis - 7 pages - Human resources

Rather than playing a basic administrative role, HRM is becoming more and more a strategic partner responsible to increase the organization competitiveness. “Employees are valued assets of the company, that there should be interplay between a strategy for human resources and the main...

16 Jan 2009

The role of trade in the economic development of Eastern Asia

Essay - 5 pages - Economy general

At the end of the last century, Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan and South Korea attained higher rates of economic growth than other developing countries. It could be because of a close correlation between export expansion and economic growth, but are they automatically associated? What is the...

16 Jan 2009

Asian pacific business since 1997: Samsung and South Korea

Essay - 11 pages - Economy general

Everybody knows Samsung, Toyota, Sony, LG or even Hyundai which are very famous brand all over the world. Those very successful companies have similarity. Indeed, all of them come from the Pacific Rim. The Pacific Rim is defined by "far Eastern countries and markets bordering the Pacific Ocean,...

22 Nov 2011

Analysis of a market entry plan for Dyson Limited and its Airblade hand dryer in South Korea

Market study - 9 pages - Services marketing

Dyson is an ambitious and innovative company which makes good profits. The company is already present in many countries as well as in Asia (Japan) and has a good experience of the international market. After a strong analysis of PESTEL environment, task environment and organization's resources...

29 Sep 2010

Asian Pacific Business - Malaysia

Market study - 7 pages - Economy general

The world has seen the most important economic growth since the end of the Second World War in the region of East Asia. This incredible economic phenomenon had emerged more particularly in Japan during the 1950s. This trend has been followed later by what is known as the four dragons: Taiwan,...

29 Apr 2009

Economic history of Hong Kong during the 20th century

Thesis - 8 pages - Economy general

In this essay I will explore the economic history of Hong Kong during the 20th century. Hong Kong, during this period, I will argue, went from an entrepot trading outpost, which nevertheless attracted large British trading companies, to a major independent regional trading center. I will start by...

25 Jan 2010

Students and project work: Problems and recommendations

Thesis - 10 pages - Educational studies

Project work, as defined in the website of the Ministry of Education of Singapore, is considered as one learning experience that can help to provide students with opportunity to apply general knowledge of various fields to real life situation. In such attempt, Hoa Sen University has made...

16 Jun 2009

Foreign exchange markets (12 slides)

Presentation - 4 pages - Finance

Forex market is an over the counter market, through which we can convert one country's currency into another. Participants like market makers, brokers, corporate and individual customers are physically separated from each other. A Forex trader can work from home or office at his chosen hours of...

29 Sep 2010

Jetstar product development report

Case study - 7 pages - Services marketing

In the current scenario, aviation industries have survived global economic challenges through internal restructuring and rebranding (Franke, 2007). The face of the industry is changing as it is restructuring its routes and distribution channels, reducing staffing levels, outsourcing core...

28 Sep 2006

Comparative international accounting systems and practices

Essay - 26 pages - Accounting

There is no doubt that Anglo-Saxon accounting can be distinguished from accounting in continental Europe, Asia, Latin American, and many other parts of the world. It is practiced not only in the United States and United Kingdom, but also to an important extent in countries where, for example, the...

23 Nov 2010

Analysis of Carrefour's failures and success (citing the example of China and Mexico)

Thesis - 12 pages - Business strategy

‘Carrefour', which means ‘Crossroads' in French, is an international hypermarket chain headquartered in Levallois-Perret. A year after its conception in 1959, its first supermarket was opened in Annecy in Haute-Savoie. Today, in the large distribution sector, the Carrefour group is the...

17 Dec 2010

Environmental consequences of universalization: The maritime transport in the United States

Case study - 8 pages - Logistics

While entering a supermarket and by looking at the labels of the various products indicating the source of the manufacturers, we rarely find ‘Made in the USA' labels. A portable DVD costs less than 85 Euros and is manufactured in Singapore; the label of a T-shirt decorated with a...

10 Dec 2023

The Importance of the International Factoring Market

Case study - 2 pages - Business strategy

According to the CFI's latest report, the global factoring market experienced impressive growth in 2022, with notable expansion in all regions of the world. Remarkable performance was seen in North America with growth of 45.7%, followed by India (83.4%) and Singapore (52%).

15 Jan 2009

Barclays versus RBS, Santander and Fortis

Essay - 9 pages - Business strategy

ABN Amro bank comes from the merger between two Dutch banks Algermene Bank Netherlands N.V. and Amsterdam Rotterdam Bank N.V. in 1991. ABN Amro's strategic focus is on consumer and commercial clients in local markets and on corporations and financial institutions in the global market. Currently...