Stem cell research: The immorality of immortality
Tutorials/exercises - 12 pages - Medical studies
Since time immemorial, even before the emergence of scientific proofs, man has probably always believed that we are the highest form of creature existing in this planet, and perhaps even in the entire universe. Apart from the capacity to perform things that other organisms cannot, biologically...
Banning convertion therapy for the transgender youth
Essay - 6 pages - Psychology
Convertion therapy, which can also be expressed as convertion therapy tries to convert lesbians, gay, bisexual as well as transgender persons from same gender sex to heterosexuality by means of prayer as well as other efforts. The basis of reparative therapy is that the gender identity or sexual...
Women and the Great War
Essay - 9 pages - Modern history
World War I, lasting from 1914 to 1918, was a culmination of entangling alliances, new technology and empirical greed. The Great War, as it is sometimes called, brought the whole of Europe into years of stalemate, death and destruction. United States soldiers were spared most of the war, and the...
The Supreme Court: America's judicial body of power
Essay - 9 pages - Constitutional law
This paper analyzes the ways in which the Supreme Court's function has transformed, its current structure, and the issues that presently surround the Court. In order to maintain freedom and prosperity for the American people, the founding fathers explicitly divided up government responsibilities...
The response of the Republican administrations of the 1950s and the Democrat administrations of the 1960s to the domestic problems they faced
Case study - 8 pages - Political science
Burning bras, rebel teenagers, rioting black Americans, burning cities, angry students and happy hippies are only a few amidst a veritable panoply of symbols of an exploding and ebullient young America struggling to find itself throughout the vibrant fifties and sixties, an era of...
The situation of the United States concerning the Kyoto Protocol
Thesis - 17 pages - International relations
Understanding and predicting climate issues have become important because of disturbances caused by human activities and population pressure and economic development. The scientists were the first to draw the attention of policymakers on the risk of climate change linked to emissions of...
The introduction of Islamic banking in France: A research on the potential market for retail Islamic banking
Dissertation - 37 pages - Finance
This study provides an assessment on the current problems and progresses made in France for the introduction of Islamic banking into its economy and contains an evaluation and an analysis of the potential market for Islamic retail banks in France. The research is divided into two distinct...
The American's with Disabilities Act
Case study - 5 pages - Other law subjects
The Americans with Disability Act provides the unique opportunity to enhance self-determination, choice, and greater freedom for all men, women, and children with disabilities in the United States. The most significant movement was the black civil rights movement of the 1950's and 1960's. After...
On our own: American Identity and the New Crisis of Independence
Essay - 11 pages - International relations
In this analysis, I use government documents, presidential statements, and opinion polls to chart how American goals of independence moved in and out of different contexts, and the ways this movement reflected structural as well as domestic conditions. Part one takes a broad look at...
The President's commission on the assassination of President Kennedy and its report
Essay - 5 pages - Modern history
THE ASSASSINATION of John Fitzgerald Kennedy on November 22, 1963, was a cruel and shocking act of violence directed against a man, a family, a nation, and against all mankind. This is the first statement made on page 1 of the Report of the President's Commission on the...
The evolution of the Hermaphrodite in Greek culture
Essay - 10 pages - Ancient history
The nature of the hermaphrodite was a source of conflicting emotions in the Classical World. On one hand, the androgynous being represented a kind of natural deformity and was treated with fear; on the other hand, the hermaphrodite was the embodiment of physical, emotional, and mental harmony....
The United States and the World: Bush's Second Term and Current Trends in the US Foreign Policy Establishment
Course material - 9 pages - Political life and election
After Bush's re-election in November 2004, there were some doubts about the kind of policy he would now follow, after the occupation of Iraq had revealed itself as a much more difficult undertaking than what the Administration had contemplated. Many felt at the time the President would vastly...
Political violence in flux: Changes in today's world
Essay - 10 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Terrorism has fundamentally changed the nature of international relations as a whole. With the emergence of small, non government organizations (or NGOs) that have the capability to inflict massive amounts of damage to life and property, states as a whole now face a strong challenge to their...
Legal and policy issues and campaigning strategy relevant to the 21st congressional district election in Florida
Essay - 16 pages - Other law subjects
This paper will outline the legal and policy issues that are pertinent to your election campaign against incumbent Lincoln Diaz-Balart in the 21st U.S. Congressional District of Florida (herein after the 21st District, the District, or the 21st). We start with a general fact summary of the 21st...
Account for the failure of Clinton's health care reforms
Essay - 4 pages - Political science
In the United States in the early 1990s, both public opinion and political actors agreed that healthcare system did not work properly anymore. The American system is based on employment, i.e. those who work can benefit from a healthcare insurance, but unemployed people and half-time workers...
How Clarins and its "Body Lift" can be a total success in Brazil?
Essay - 27 pages - Business strategy
After three centuries under the rule of Portugal, Brazil became an independent nation in 1822. Exploiting vast natural resources, it is today South America's leading economic power and a regional leader. Meanwhile Brazil continues to develop its interior with an industrial and agricultural...
To what extent might the constitution of the United Kingdom be improved if provisions from the constitutions of other states were incorporated into it?
Thesis - 5 pages - Political science
All modern states have a constitution, albeit each is very different. The main purpose of a constitution is to restrain government, in the sense of ensuring that governments are not arbitrary. Government must be carried out according to established rules. These rules are the constitution. The...
Great expectations: Tom DeLay's redistricting fight and what it means in the Texas 17th
Thesis - 14 pages - Political science
Party politics is about power. It's about who has more and by how wide a margin. In an increasingly polarized political culture, a noticeable swing in power to either party could have far-reaching and sweeping legislative consequences. Modern campaigns are costly strugglesfights for a...
The USA patriot act: The un-American way
Thesis - 5 pages - Journalism
On September 11, 2001, the United States was attacked by a foreign terrorist Muslim group called Al-Queda directed by Osama bin Laden, Khalid Sheikh Mohammad, as well as, others. President George W. Bush appeared on television screens at the Oval office to address the American public after the...
The practice of money laundering and politically exposed people
Tutorials/exercises - 20 pages - Political science
The practice of money laundering has long since been regarded as a criminal offence though it is primarily during recent times that the practice has been undertaken on such a scale as to pose a genuine threat to the international political and financial orders. This is due to its association...
Is the American dream a reality? If so, how far does Barrack Obama symbolize it?
Thesis - 15 pages - Journalism
The American Dream is a term that has been used to encompass the founding ideas that have existed since the birth of the United States. Its definition is broad and has been open to many interpretations, which have adapted and changed over the course of American history. Liberal philosophers such...
America and the First World War
Thesis - 3 pages - Modern history
The First World War was a tragedy that America entered under false pretenses and exited with lasting wounds. America's involvement was encouraged by those who had the least to lose from the war: industrialists, politicians, and journalists. Their efforts were crucial in shifting public opinion...
Power equations in the political system of the United States
Thesis - 5 pages - Political science
Article 28 of the Universal Declaration of the Human Rights (1793) states that- "a group of people always have the right to revise, reform and change the constitution; a generation cannot subject future generations to its laws." This provision implies that the constituent power is always free....
War on terrorism
Thesis - 6 pages - Social, moral & civic education
The wars in Afghanistan and Iraq are different in many ways, however they both are based upon a war on terrorism. Following the attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon on September 11th, 2001, the United States declared a war upon terrorism. Following this declaration,...
Evaluate the Importance of the Supreme Court in the US Political System: In What Ways Is It a Political Actor?
Essay - 5 pages - Constitutional law
The Supreme Court, the highest court in the American judicial system, is one of the three branches of the US national government. In 1803, a mechanism was put in place to ensure that governmental officials and governmental institutions would respect the limitations prescribed in the "Supreme Law...
Will China be the economic power of the 21st century?
Thesis - 15 pages - Economy general
It all began in 1980 after Deng Xiaoping came to power and China had moved gradually from being one of the poorest countries in the world to what is commonly called the "world's factory".Taking advantage of abundant and cheap labor, many companies decided to settle down in this country and...
Knowledge, growth without scale effects, and the product life cycle
Dissertation - 260 pages - Economy general
For several reasons, knowledge cannot be treated like any other commodity. One of these reasons is the nonrivalrous nature of knowledge, which means that one person's use of certain knowledge does not diminish another person's use of the same knowledge (at the same time). This important property...
How healthy is the Healthy Forests Restoration Act of 2003?
Essay - 4 pages - Ecology & environment
Facing increasing concerns about protecting the environment, the government has enacted the Healthy Forests Restoration Act in 2003 to help control wildfires. However, there has been some speculation that "thinning" forests is actually a ruse for timber companies to cut down more trees. In...
The case of the Czech republic and the Slovak republic
Essay - 11 pages - International relations
The Czech and the Slovak nations had a similar history for more than a century, and the attempt to coexist in just one common state definitely failed in autumn 1992, when the Czech Prime Minister Václav Klaus and the leader of the main Slovak party HZDS, Vladimír Meèiar, came to the conclusion...
The Significance of Peter I in the Russian History
Essay - 2 pages - Medieval history
It is acknowledged that under the rule of Peter I Russia have turned itself into a powerful nation. By what is a powerful nation? If we would generalize the knowledge we have about the different powerful states in history, we would probably discover that the powerful state should satisfy to the...